Absolutely Anything Else

    Its only a game, but how many yellow cards have been given out throughout the Euros........I'm not a big football fan, I prefer Rugby 🏉 much more.        -@SimCityAT

Yes,  I know what you mean but I've become half-converted.

I played Rugby at school but I used to work with a South American guy and he was a massive football fan.

I spent quite a bit of time with him and he converted me to having some interest in it, particularly the international games.

I did think back to a time when I used go sometimes with my BIL to see Brighton and Hove Albion when I was about 12.  I had a scarf but I didn't really persist with it.

I spend a lot of time travelling to other places and usually I find football is a subject that can be discussed at all levels, from a waiter to a real big wig.  It's almost a great leveller. I started to think of it as a kind of homework.  Being able to discuss it at the pub was really useful.   

The only place I found almost no interest was the Middle East.  Usually you see kids having a lazy kickabout where anyone can join in - even a passing foreigner.  But I don't remember see any of that in places like the UAE or Syria.  One can probably imagine the difference between those places where the favelas in Brazil where football is a way out of poverty, starting with the street kids kickabout.

It doesn't always work, like in the Pacific, they are all watching Australian Rules football which is kind of odd.  Not least for their dress code - outlandishly tight budgie smuggler shorts.  And a brutal game.    Some places they like baseball (aka rounders) but not really universal.

I saw one Euro game where 10 yellow cards were handed out.   I was amazed but that's what it's like at that level.  At least no-one got sent off.  I think they get fined if they get sent off.

Yes, my hubby has been staying up watching these football games just about every evening.

To me, they are all the same, just different  colored  uniforms...

More fantastic news,

My brother was moved Sunday out of a normal hospital to a rehab center.

He is very positive about his recovery.

Hmm, I may of mentioned this a few days ago?

He is even chatting about his wife and himself taking a trip in their new RV when he is able to drive again with his new bionic leg.

ATM, he still can not grab anything with his hands, lift his arms or even sit up but I believe it is all possible if he does not allow himself to fall into a funk and give up.

Such a huge test of human will for him, not many people have to experience such a thing, thankfully. At least knowing he is willing and trying to get well has given me a bit of peace of mind.

IDK, I seem to get more upset about how others are doing then when I am ill myself.

When I was in hospital here in HU less then 3 years ago from an allergy to chemo meds, I was not worried at all if I lived or died, more upset to know people were upset for me .

I wonder if that is normal or not?

My brother was moved Sunday out of a normal hospital to a rehab center.
He is very positive about his recovery.
Hmm, I may of mentioned this a few days ago?
He is even chatting about his wife and himself taking a trip in their new RV when he is able to drive again with his new bionic leg.
ATM, he still can not grab anything with his hands, lift his arms or even sit up but I believe it is all possible if he does not allow himself to fall into a funk and give up.
Such a huge test of human will for him, not many people have to experience such a thing, thankfully. At least knowing he is willing and trying to get well has given me a bit of peace of mind.
IDK, I seem to get more upset about how others are doing then when I am ill myself.
When I was in hospital here in HU less then 3 years ago from an allergy to chemo meds, I was not worried at all if I lived or died, more upset to know people were upset for me .
I wonder if that is normal or not?

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Really good news that your bro is looking forward to a future.   It looked touch and go there - it could have gone either way.  But now that dodgy leg is off, perhaps that's sorted it once and for all.  All the recurrent problems will stop now. 

I was staying at my bro's place once and suddenly  became delirious.  had some kind of virus.  I thought I was going to die. In fact, I didn't care one way or the other then, it was truly dreadful and I just wanted it to be over. I was sweating buckets and couldn't get warm, horrible dreams like a bad trip, soaked bedsheets and no-one really paying enough attention. I was even thinking of phoning for an ambulance myself as I was horribly weak.    Once the fever broke, I was quickly back to normal.  The only thing next was Mrs F got it!  I had to look after her and I really paid attention as I knew what it was like.    Within a day of Mrs F's fever breaking, we were back to normal except we felt like we'd been beaten up.  And we had to drive the 2000km back to here.

I had no idea that a fever could lead to a person losing all the limbs due to sepsis. My bro got off easy with just losing one leg.

A simple UTI infection can turn to sepsis.

I guess any high fever should be taken as an emergency.

As a 17 year old, my female friend and I lived in a hotel in Hollywood for about 6 months.

A gay man rented the place but was never there once he got himself a BF.

Well we two gals got really ill for days, had no food at all in the place and only water to drink for 3 or 4 days.

It was bad, dizzy could hardly walk the few feet into the WC to get sick.

Only phone was in the lobby and we were in no shape to get to it.

My friends mom had a house just 2 blocks away but we could not even think straight enough to ring her.

I do not trust doctors much, they have their skills but often they just do not seem to care enough to go the extra mile.

I pray the rehab where my bro is now is keeping close watch on his leg healing up etc.

His wife is a bit closed mouthed about allot of it.

I hate to get into their business but overstepping.

My cousin in NM however has been pushing my SIL, almost acting more like his sister then a cousin.

She was even planning on just showing up in Ca, in August without warning.

My SIL is not telling anyone where he is right now. One reason is because of this pushy cousin and my youngest sister always triggering my bro.

I understand he needs total peace right now and to but all his energy into healing.

We sent him a card and many people are letting him know he is on their minds but no way would I actually enjoy seeing my bro in his present state.

I am sure he does not wish anyone really to see him right now either.

Looks like they shaved off his nice beard and cut his hair. I suppose it makes things easier for the health care workers and is cleaner all around.

His hair was well past his shoulders, oh well it grows again.

What I have learned from all of this is if anyone has a high fever, is not able to hold a conversation etc. it is time to call the doctors ,like them or not.

I pray the rehab where my bro is now is keeping close watch on his leg healing up etc.
His wife is a bit closed mouthed about allot of it.
I hate to get into their business but overstepping.
My cousin in NM however has been pushing my SIL, almost acting more like his sister then a cousin.
She was even planning on just showing up in Ca, in August without warning.
My SIL is not telling anyone where he is right now. One reason is because of this pushy cousin and my youngest sister always triggering my bro.
I understand he needs total peace right now and to but all his energy into healing.
We sent him a card and many people are letting him know he is on their minds but no way would I actually enjoy seeing my bro in his present state.
I am sure he does not wish anyone really to see him right now either.
Looks like they shaved off his nice beard and cut his hair. I suppose it makes things easier for the health care workers and is cleaner all around.

His hair was well past his shoulders, oh well it grows again.
What I have learned from all of this is if anyone has a high fever, is not able to hold a conversation etc. it is time to call the doctors ,like them or not.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Sounds like your SIL has it all under control.  And from what you say, she's doing the right thing, keeping him isolated so he can recuperate.  It will take him weeks and of course, he will say when he wants visitors. 

I can understand them shaving off his beard and cutting his hair.  They can see what is going on underneath now with no fuzz in the way.  Easier for them to manage too - don't have to wash his hair or beard.

I know people will worry about calling an ambulance in the USA and thinking about the costs.  Not an issue here, better to be safe than sorry. for sure.

I am always surprised how "simple" things like an UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) can make people incoherent.  My MIL has recurrent bouts and it's just incredible how it can knock people's minds off track.  OK, she has other problems but eliminating at least one potential cause can bring fast improvements.

At 23.30h, exit poll showing landslide for Labour in UK election.  Almost a massacre.  Even the PM might lose his seat.  Incredible!



I gave up watching, as it was obviously a win for Labour.   I am pleased to see the Tory old guard decimated.   If only we could have that change here.

    I pray the rehab where my bro is now is keeping close watch on his leg healing up etc.His wife is a bit closed mouthed about allot of it.I hate to get into their business but overstepping.My cousin in NM however has been pushing my SIL, almost acting more like his sister then a cousin.She was even planning on just showing up in Ca, in August without warning.My SIL is not telling anyone where he is right now. One reason is because of this pushy cousin and my youngest sister always triggering my bro.I understand he needs total peace right now and to but all his energy into healing.We sent him a card and many people are letting him know he is on their minds but no way would I actually enjoy seeing my bro in his present state.I am sure he does not wish anyone really to see him right now either.Looks like they shaved off his nice beard and cut his hair. I suppose it makes things easier for the health care workers and is cleaner all around.His hair was well past his shoulders, oh well it grows again.What I have learned from all of this is if anyone has a high fever, is not able to hold a conversation etc. it is time to call the doctors ,like them or not.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Sounds like your SIL has it all under control.  And from what you say, she's doing the right thing, keeping him isolated so he can recuperate.  It will take him weeks and of course, he will say when he wants visitors. 

I can understand them shaving off his beard and cutting his hair.  They can see what is going on underneath now with no fuzz in the way.  Easier for them to manage too - don't have to wash his hair or beard.

I know people will worry about calling an ambulance in the USA and thinking about the costs.  Not an issue here, better to be safe than sorry. for sure.

I am always surprised how "simple" things like an UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) can make people incoherent.  My MIL has recurrent bouts and it's just incredible how it can knock people's minds off track.  OK, she has other problems but eliminating at least one potential cause can bring fast improvements.


Yes, my SIL is either super controlling right now or really watching his back.

My cousin tends to over step and no one can tell her to slow down.

She did to her credit, move her ill mom into her home for years, took care of all her needs as she was bed ridden. She even had a walk in bath tub put in her home for the early days when my aunt was still able to walk.

She took care of her ill father too until he could not longer wash himself. She drew the line with getting that personal with cleaning up her father so had him put in a home.

She organized my brothers funeral in NM, well letting his ashes go on her land.

The weird thing is I had a surgery when I was 40 and it was in NM. She and my aunt lived about 2 miles away from me and they never visited me in the hospital or after at home in recovery.

Oh well, guess I know where I stand on the totem pole.

Yes, my SIL is either super controlling right now or really watching his back.
My cousin tends to over step and no one can tell her to slow down.
She did to her credit, move her ill mom into her home for years, took care of all her needs as she was bed ridden. She even had a walk in bath tub put in her home for the early days when my aunt was still able to walk.
She took care of her ill father too until he could not longer wash himself. She drew the line with getting that personal with cleaning up her father so had him put in a home.
She organized my brothers funeral in NM, well letting his ashes go on her land.
The weird thing is I had a surgery when I was 40 and it was in NM. She and my aunt lived about 2 miles away from me and they never visited me in the hospital or after at home in recovery.
Oh well, guess I know where I stand on the totem pole.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

Not visiting you is surely just rude?!

Definitely there's a pecking order in families.

    Yes, my SIL is either super controlling right now or really watching his back.My cousin tends to over step and no one can tell her to slow down.She did to her credit, move her ill mom into her home for years, took care of all her needs as she was bed ridden. She even had a walk in bath tub put in her home for the early days when my aunt was still able to walk.She took care of her ill father too until he could not longer wash himself. She drew the line with getting that personal with cleaning up her father so had him put in a home.She organized my brothers funeral in NM, well letting his ashes go on her land.The weird thing is I had a surgery when I was 40 and it was in NM. She and my aunt lived about 2 miles away from me and they never visited me in the hospital or after at home in recovery.Oh well, guess I know where I stand on the totem pole.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Not visiting you is surely just rude?!

Definitely there's a pecking order in families.

I do tend to keep health concerns to myself until they have passed but yes, I was a bit put out that they did not visit me.

Perhaps living so close by it scared them that I might ask for help? IDK.

My mom was tough, buried her husband just 2 weeks before she had major surgery. Left hospital and even though I asked if she wanted me to stay over, she refused. She had 2 young children at home as well.

I would load up my young son and visit her a few times per week but she drove herself to all medical appointments, treatments and even went through chemo by herself.

Her sister came from Conn. after a couple of weeks and stayed for a short time but otherwise, she was on her own.

My husband and I did collect my younger siblings on weekends and left them stay over at our home to give mom a break.

My 3 other siblings were busy with their own lives and never chipped in to help our mother.

Well ,y bro was in the military so he had a good excuse. He actually left service about 6 months early to be close to mom although she really did not need any help.


I was doing stuff in the garden and a brick dropped off a work bench I was using and dropped smack on to my phone.   It's completely smashed in - the screen is heavily damaged.  Looks like I have to get a new one pronto.

I'm suddenly phoneless and I'm thinking I've got withdrawal symptoms. It's very unusual to be without a phone.  I feel a bit helpless without it.  It's cold turkey.

I am wondering if this is what teenagers feel like when they haven't looked at their phone in the past 5 minutes.

I do tend to keep health concerns to myself until they have passed but yes, I was a bit put out that they did not visit me.
Perhaps living so close by it scared them that I might ask for help? IDK.
My mom was tough, buried her husband just 2 weeks before she had major surgery. Left hospital and even though I asked if she wanted me to stay over, she refused. She had 2 young children at home as well.
I would load up my young son and visit her a few times per week but she drove herself to all medical appointments, treatments and even went through chemo by herself.
Her sister came from Conn. after a couple of weeks and stayed for a short time but otherwise, she was on her own.
My husband and I did collect my younger siblings on weekends and left them stay over at our home to give mom a break.

My 3 other siblings were busy with their own lives and never chipped in to help our mother.
Well ,y bro was in the military so he had a good excuse. He actually left service about 6 months early to be close to mom although she really did not need any help.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

They could have asked one of your other relatives if it was OK to visit. 

You did what you could to relieve your Mum's pressures. 

Maybe she didn't want help because to do so would admit she was sick and things were not normal.

My brother even went to work with a terminal tumour in his head.  It was a waste of time.  In reality, work didn't matter anymore. Neither did domestic stuff.   Only his relations and time mattered.  People mattered.  Small victories became important. 

It was that old adage, no-one on their death bed wished they spent more time in the office.   

But what I learnt is his coping skill was to have "normality" and for things to seem to be as they were before.  He went in for a couple of weeks or so but it was just too much for him and them. Brain tumours change who you are and how you deal with people.  Perhaps all tumours change who you are.

In the end, they told him to stay at home and deal with his health issues.  They still paid him of course but he was going to die, it was absolutely guaranteed. He had to get his affairs in order.  He managed to do that stuff for the most part.  He was always an organiser to the very end.   

    I do tend to keep health concerns to myself until they have passed but yes, I was a bit put out that they did not visit me.Perhaps living so close by it scared them that I might ask for help? IDK.My mom was tough, buried her husband just 2 weeks before she had major surgery. Left hospital and even though I asked if she wanted me to stay over, she refused. She had 2 young children at home as well.I would load up my young son and visit her a few times per week but she drove herself to all medical appointments, treatments and even went through chemo by herself.Her sister came from Conn. after a couple of weeks and stayed for a short time but otherwise, she was on her own.My husband and I did collect my younger siblings on weekends and left them stay over at our home to give mom a break.My 3 other siblings were busy with their own lives and never chipped in to help our mother.Well ,y bro was in the military so he had a good excuse. He actually left service about 6 months early to be close to mom although she really did not need any help.-@fluffy2560        -@Marilyn Tassy

They could have asked one of your other relatives if it was OK to visit. 

You did what you could to relieve your Mum's pressures. 

Maybe she didn't want help because to do so would admit she was sick and things were not normal.

My brother even went to work with a terminal tumour in his head.  It was a waste of time.  In reality, work didn't matter anymore. Neither did domestic stuff.   Only his relations and time mattered.  People mattered.  Small victories became important. 

It was that old adage, no-one on their death bed wished they spent more time in the office.   

But what I learnt is his coping skill was to have "normality" and for things to seem to be as they were before.  He went in for a couple of weeks or so but it was just too much for him and them. Brain tumours change who you are and how you deal with people.  Perhaps all tumours change who you are.

In the end, they told him to stay at home and deal with his health issues.  They still paid him of course but he was going to die, it was absolutely guaranteed. He had to get his affairs in order.  He managed to do that stuff for the most part.  He was always an organiser to the very end.   


My mother was a tough bird, she was an adult at age 14, working full time and supporting her granny and younger sister.

I think being seen as anything but strong would of done mom in.

My 2 older sisters were on the selfish side, I guess we all can be that way at times but I felt I was needed by helping with the younger children and I had the time and energy to do it .Mom lived pretty close by and that is what daughters are for, to help when needed, at least that is how I see things.

I am a bit old school with traditional roles. I was in a good place, I did not need to work outside the home and had lots of time on my hands.

For a second we even thought if my brother needs help later, if his wife can not handle being married to a amputee, then we could move back to the states and get a big place all together.

Put that out of our minds quickly though...We are too old to have anyone depend on us at all.

Best if he is strong on his own if needed.

I know, my brother, Mike was working just 2 days before he died of sepsis due to his cancer treatments.

Some people need the distraction. He was going to retire but ran out of time.

His wife told me they were planning on a river cruise on the Danube from Germany and coming to visit us here in Hungary. That would of been sweet, nice to know he was considering it at least.

My bro was not super wealthy  but they did really well and could fly for free anywhere in the world.

He never visited Europe in his life, only was overseas while in the military.

What a shame he never took the time to enjoy some travel, always fixed airplanes for other people to take adventures while he was happy at home with his wife and dogs.

My old school mate and friend ,Teri also had a brain cancer that took her at age 63. 6 years ago she and my AZ buddy all met up in Vegas . It was so nice to see her but we knew she was not going to be around much longer and it was really hard to be in an upbeat mood during the visit. A few glasses of red wine and we all were laughing like the old days.

She also had a personality change, got inwards and more quiet. My AZ friend said she got even more inwards after that visit. She started to dress like her BF and asked him what to do with everything. Before that she was a free spirited person. Maybe it is a blessing that some people do not fully understand they are going down?

Well, seems we are going to be baking this week. Time to head out to the spas and enjoy the next 6 weeks or so before fall arrives once again.