Absolutely Anything Else

        Is the UK still on fire?I thought it would go off in the US first but seems not.Very disturbing how hateful people can get towards each other so quickly.From the videos I have seen of the riots the police are very restrained.I believe we will see some stuff go down in the US either just before or after the upcoming elections.What is with the Gov. of Minn. running for VPNever heard of him before and now out of the blue it may be possible that he could became our US, Leader??All I know about him is he put in ladies tampon machines into the restrooms of little 9 years old boys... WTH is going on?        -@Marilyn Tassy


We sat watching Sky News, waiting for the far-right thugs to be dealt with and locked away; nobody showed; then checked the BBC news, none there either, so then checked NOS, WDR ...... nothing.  The next morning, the clever folks from BBC Verify let us know with the exception of the known perps trying to take advantage of the Southport situation (who had already been arrested), we'd been the victim of internet trolls.

There were some far-right protests, but nothing like what had happened last weekend. But there are warnings this weekend.

    There were some far-right protests, but nothing like what had happened last weekend. But there are warnings this weekend.


LOL - they must have been very small protesters because nobody found them, to quote Reuters "threats of widespread gatherings by far-right anti-immigration groups did not materialise." (link).  The last reported "far-right" protest I can find was on Monday in Plymouth, my wifes colleagues whose husbands are serving policemen have been stood down.

        There were some far-right protests, but nothing like what had happened last weekend. But there are warnings this weekend.        -@SimCityAT

LOL - they must have been very small protesters because nobody found them, to quote Reuters "threats of widespread gatherings by far-right anti-immigration groups did not materialise." (link).  The last reported "far-right" protest I can find was on Monday in Plymouth, my wifes colleagues whose husbands are serving policemen have been stood down.


There were a handful of arrests made. https://news.sky.com/story/starmer-tell … g-13193616

            There were some far-right protests, but nothing like what had happened last weekend. But there are warnings this weekend.        -@SimCityATLOL - they must have been very small protesters because nobody found them, to quote Reuters "threats of widespread gatherings by far-right anti-immigration groups did not materialise." (link).  The last reported "far-right" protest I can find was on Monday in Plymouth, my wifes colleagues whose husbands are serving policemen have been stood down.        -@Cynic

There were a handful of arrests made. https://news.sky.com/story/starmer-tell … g-13193616-@SimCityAT

They were a result of the previous weekend activities, there will be more as the Police examine the phone video footage that has been sourced from social media and the general public; according to Sky last night the only street arrest was actually an anti-racist guy whose bottle of pop exploded from him shaking it and he was only "arrested" to get him out of the crowd to a waiting ambulance.  A useful source for information is the National Police Chiefs Council daily press briefing document (link).

There were a handful of arrests made. https://news.sky.com/story/starmer-tell … g-13193616-@SimCityAT

It's surprising how fast some cases were tracked through the courts despite reports that the judicial and prison system was on its knees.

    There were a handful of arrests made. https://news.sky.com/story/starmer-tell … g-13193616-@SimCityAT

It's surprising how fast some cases were tracked through the courts despite reports that the judicial and prison system was on its knees.


Sentencing of rioters to continue today

Crown courts around the country will be busy sentencing those involved in riots again today.

The last three days have seen those responsible for violent disorder rushed through the courts, with the longest sentence passed down so far being three years.

Today, defendants will be sentenced at Leeds Crown Court for racially aggravated harassment and publishing written material intended to stir up religious hatred.

Cases will also be heard at crown courts in Newcastle, Teesside, Liverpool, Sheffield, and London.

By yesterday afternoon, police said the total number of arrests made in relation to the violence stood at 483. Of those, around 151 charges have been brought so far.

That figure is expected to "continue to rise significantly", according to the head of the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC).

They are transporting some of the accused to courts around the country that have the capacity to deal with these people.

It is a sad state of affairs.

Riots, my friends father

was a fire engineer during the LA riots in the 1960,s.

Trying to put out fires while shots were directed towards him.

We had a curfew during the Rodney King riots in Ca.

My brother lived in Simi at the time. The police stopped all highway traffic coming in to make sure only residents could enter the city.

The trial of the 2 cops charged with beating him took place at the court house in Simi and that was their way of controlling any riots in Simi.

At least so far the police are not shooting out peoples eyes with rubber bullets.

These will end sooner or later and the dust will settle but a few people will of found themselves in legal troubles for the rest of their lives.

We purchased a new notebook for me yesterday.

Nice BUT the keyboard has a French keyboard.

Have to get used to it. A bit easier to use then the HU keyboard was for me.

IDK what will come next if this dies on me? Perhaps it will be in Russian or Persian?

Could not beat the price though.

Well UK was lost in a very distant past - did not expected much.

But still based on several footage it is strange how distant crowds are, like they are not together at all.

In many there are complete random window/ car widow crushing. What does the crowd do? Nada.

When we have our revolution from 2006 - 2011 to get rid of the atlantist viceroyalty we did take care of any idiots on the spot, like beat up the guys who feel strong with a bus stop instead of the Blues, or did any random vandalism.

Actually some was hired to do so, to present a worse picture from the events than it was. Just like other agents who are tried to infiltrate.

    Well UK was lost in a very distant past - did not expected much.
But still based on several footage it is strange how distant crowds are, like they are not together at all.
In many there are complete random window/ car widow crushing. What does the crowd do? Nada.

When we have our revolution from 2006 - 2011 to get rid of the atlantist viceroyalty we did take care of any idiots on the spot, like beat up the guys who feel strong with a bus stop instead of the Blues, or did any random vandalism.
Actually some was hired to do so, to present a worse picture from the events than it was. Just like other agents who are tried to infiltrate.


I know, the Hungarians could teach allot about having a Revolution.

1848, 1956 and yes the uprising in 2006.

My husband witnessed the events on Oct. 23 1956 as a 9 year old.

He and his 10 year old brother watched for hours on end and almost got on a truck that was headed to the armery.

Thankfully his brother got hungry and they ran ho,e instead!

I know, the Hungarians could teach allot about having a Revolution.
1848, 1956 and yes the uprising in 2006.
My husband witnessed the events on Oct. 23 1956 as a 9 year old.
He and his 10 year old brother watched for hours on end and almost got on a truck that was headed to the armoury.
Thankfully his brother got hungry and they ran home instead!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I was thinking which momentus events I witnessed, at least live on TV:

Moon landing

Fall of the Berlin wall

9/11 attacks

Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

I saw the assassination of JFK on tv.

Harvey Oswald, Bobby Kennedy, Martian Luther King

Moon landing.

Fall of Berlin

9/11 attack

Princess Di and Queen Liz funerals

The Space shuttle Challenger go down

Way too much drama.

I even recall as a toddler my mom talking about those,Poor Hungarians in 1956 and her saying how wild Elvis was on tv with all his hip shaking.

I could barely speak but I remember.

That is how mind control works; they give you trauma at an early age.

I must be losing my marbles. Yesterday we went to Balaton.Went to a strand we never went to before.

Water was perfect.

We met 2 ladies walking to the strand after we got off the train over.

They both were in their 80,s and one had a home near the lake.

They were so tan a Hawaiian would be jealous!

They walked us over to the strand; all downhill from the station and about half a mile away.

Thankfully they had a shuttle back to the station because tramping uphill in the heat would of been murder.

We walked in with them for free as they were locals.

Nice of them; one grabbed my husbands hand as they entered like he was her BF. Cute, I told him he has no worries about the ladies if I am gone! So sweet; he said he kept his hand in a fist while she had her fingers covering his. So darling of him to do that even though I had no worries.

The thing is he usually swims and returns after a very short while.

After I swam he decided to check out the strand by himself.

He was gone for more then 90 mins and I started to worry about him. Thought he might of gotten lost or injured; he had walked off with just his swimsuit on.

I went to the  gate and told them an elderly man was lost and gave his name.

They called him on the PA system.

He returned in a few mins.

He had been far out swimming but had gotten carried away checking the place out and chatting with the 2 ladies we met earlier.

I told the staff he had returned so they would not bother any longer.

Later, when I thought it over, I was a silly elderly lady who freaked out over nothing.

Guess that is life, one can see things different ways.

    I saw the assassination of JFK on tv.
Harvey Oswald, Bobby Kennedy, Martian Luther King
Moon landing.
Fall of Berlin
9/11 attack
Princess Di and Queen Liz funerals
The Space shuttle Challenger go down
Way too much drama.
I even recall as a toddler my mom talking about those,Poor Hungarians in 1956 and her saying how wild Elvis was on tv with all his hip shaking.
I could barely speak but I remember.
That is how mind control works; they give you trauma at an early age.
I must be losing my marbles. Yesterday we went to Balaton.Went to a strand we never went to before.
Water was perfect.
We met 2 ladies walking to the strand after we got off the train over.
They both were in their 80,s and one had a home near the lake.
They were so tan a Hawaiian would be jealous!
They walked us over to the strand; all downhill from the station and about half a mile away.
Thankfully they had a shuttle back to the station because tramping uphill in the heat would of been murder.
We walked in with them for free as they were locals.
Nice of them; one grabbed my husbands hand as they entered like he was her BF. Cute, I told him he has no worries about the ladies if I am gone! So sweet; he said he kept his hand in a fist while she had her fingers covering his. So darling of him to do that even though I had no worries.
The thing is he usually swims and returns after a very short while.
After I swam he decided to check out the strand by himself.
He was gone for more then 90 mins and I started to worry about him. Thought he might of gotten lost or injured; he had walked off with just his swimsuit on.
I went to the  gate and told them an elderly man was lost and gave his name.
They called him on the PA system.
He returned in a few mins.
He had been far out swimming but had gotten carried away checking the place out and chatting with the 2 ladies we met earlier.
I told the staff he had returned so they would not bother any longer.
Later, when I thought it over, I was a silly elderly lady who freaked out over nothing.
Guess that is life, one can see things different ways.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

That's a good list of important events.  I was too young to appreciate the shooting of Kennedy or death of MLK or even the Cuban missile crisis.  But yes, space shuttle Challenger, I remember that too.  Shocking events.  Strangely (being British), Lady Diana's death I remember as we heard it on the radio as we returned to the UK from a holiday in France but I didn't watch her funeral.  I was not a follower of hers.  The Queen was entirely of a different order for me.  She'd been Queen all my life.

We've finished our stint in Balaton and we are now in England.  We've left our kids to fend for themselves.  Our older one is taking it very seriously supervising the younger one, cooking dinner etc.   It's apparently so warm in Hungary, even the dog and cat are being kept inside!  I'm finding it quite amusing hearing stories of the kids coping on their own.  Having to go to the shops, put the trash out, watering the garden, feeding the pets etc.   Maybe they'll appreciate the background work we are doing and start doing it for us instead of using us as domestic staff.   

Over here in the UK, we're clearing my Dad's place out.  But we're not staying long, we'll come back at the weekend.  Clearing out a lifetime of collecting and stuff my Dad thought was valuable is taking forever.  We'll have to leave the rest to my siblings to get it done.   I'm finding it quite tough to be tough throwing his stuff out.   Mrs F is trying to keep me under control so we don't end up with a load of expensively transported junk in HU which we will throw away there.  It's quite dangerous doing domestic clearances - I fell over something on the floor and landed on my thumb and it's now swollen up! Now I can hardly type and I cannot hold even a cup.  It's getting better.  Looks like the muscles and tendons are sprained.

It is very emotional and hard to toss away a lifetime of belongings a loved one had; IDK, my mother knew how hard it could be so she sold her home and gave everyone the chance to take whatever they wanted.

I took a few old books that had belonged to our grandfather and a coffee set the girls from work had given my mother when she got married to my father. Not much else, I had my own home full enough.

After mom passed, my sister took a few things . She collected them to give to the homeless.

Mom was a snappy dresser when she was single but over the years with 6 children, she dressed simple and practical.

She never spent allot on herself and when she did purchase new clothing for herself, she always acted like she should not of thought of herself. Very humble person.

Mom always had dept. store handbags. Not one to buy herself ones that cost hundreds of bucks.

Well my sister was going to toss out moms old bag but took the time to look close inside the zipper pocket. Found herself a crisp hundred$ bill!

Mom had a habit of hiding money; even large amounts inside the walls of her home.

Think the older generation did that often.

I know when we gave things away at my MILs home in Erd a moving man asked if he could have an old jar that was hidden behind her husbands bed. My husband was too busy to think about it much and told the guy he could have it;

Later on reflection ,my husband thought the old guy probably hid cash in that old jar.

Make sure you look for any hidden treasure before throwing anything away!

Sorry about the thumb. Ice may help.

The kids will be fine watching themselves.

    Sorry about the thumb. Ice may help.
The kids will be fine watching themselves.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Well, yes, they will be OK.  But it's a learning curve. I will be very amused to see if it changes their attitudes and engagement.

Of course the older one was out late partying last night and now is ignoring her domestic and supervisory duties. 

The neighbour called because the dog and cat were upset at not getting breakfast.


My sisters were in charge for long weekends when our parents went to Mexico or Las Vegas.

One sis was 14 and the other was 16.

They followed most of the rules, no boys or friends over.

We were not allowed to  go on the st;, ride bikes or anything that might be dangerous.

My bro was 5 and I was 9.

I took care of him ; they feed us but that was about it.

I made sure he washed up, brushed his teeth and I played with him. Read him books; played fort with him out in our back yard, etc.

My sisters spent their time reading teen mags, blasting the Beatles or Stones on the record player or were  chatting for hours on the phone with their friends.

I loved taking care of my bro for thee most part. I started being his little mama when I was 7 and he was 3. Mom was divorced and worked nights. I made sure he was clean and got to bed on time. Did his prayers with him too. Just continued to care for him even after mom remarried.

Not sure why I was so mature at that time because as a teenager I was a mess!

My bro was always so easy going and easy to watch. Miss him allot.

IN 1986 we visited Hungary for 6 weeks.

My youngest bro was a teenager with a car. He was 16 or so.We paid him to come to our home; about a 30 min. drive for him. He was to mow our front lawn once a week. It grew fast in the warm Ca. weather and we liked to keep the yard neat .

Well, good thing we did not give him the house keys!

Heard back from a few neighbors that it was Pool Party Central every weekend!

One neighbor boy and his granny came daily to collect our mail, my sons little friend.

His granny told us that they picked up beer cans all over the place all the time!

Our lawn was sort of mowed when we came home but not a professional looking job for sure!

I watched the raising of the Mary Rose when I was school in 1982, it was shown in the school hall for anyone that was interested, so we all pretty much cut classs for the day.

    I watched the raising of the Mary Rose when I was school in 1982, it was shown in the school hall for anyone that was interested, so we all pretty much cut classs for the day.


I had to look up what this film, documentary was about.

Looks like one I might be interested in seeing.

Cutting class in school, yes I was an expert in that!

The trick was to show up for first period so the office counted you as there!

The rest of the days classes they hardly bothered to count heads.

Sort of bummed ATM, my SIL wrote to tell us that my bro is back in the hospital from rehab.

They think he is not progressing fast enough and they suspect he may have another infection in his body.

Gosh,not out of the woods yet.

I thought he was doing well and getting stronger.

I am just repeating myself, sorry, absolutely else is a discard for me. Taxes. change of regulations, neighbours, properties can be interesting, but weather and absolutly else not for me.

    I am just repeating myself, sorry, absolutely else is a discard for me. Taxes. change of regulations, neighbours, properties can be interesting, but weather and absolutly else not for me.


Sorry, but you've lost me.

    I am just repeating myself, sorry, absolutely else is a discard for me. Taxes. change of regulations, neighbours, properties can be interesting, but weather and absolutly else not for me.


You are free to ask a question and not wait for others to come up with something interesting to say.

I do not discard anything that is shared here.

Everyone has a right to express them selves if they wish to.

I have learned allot for people on here and am grateful for them all.

Was considering tackling the crowds and going to the lake today. Pouring rain,thunder and some wind right now.

Sort of glad we did not go after all.

There is always a next time.

Might head up to the Taban late on Sunday to hear some live music.

Not really my thing these days but my husband enjoys going.

Maybe I will pick up a bottle of wine and bring with us; might make the music more entertaining?

He once spend " whole days at a concert in Ca. The US festival.

I was invited to go but decided it was not for me and went to work instead. I used to like concerts but 3 days without a shower and no sleep, no way!

3 hours for me tomorrow will be enough for awhile, if I hold out that long!

My SIL wrote to tell me it is better that my brother was moved from rehab to a hospital.

They were not doing much to help him in rehab and he even fell out of the bed there!

Not sure they will find he has another infection or not but at least he is back where they can keep on top of things.

His medical insurance wanted him to leave rehab as it is. They only pay for so many days.

Such a scam in the US with medical insurance.

Guess after so many days in rehab, you are either kicked out or they need to find something else wrong with you and restart charging under a new billing code; Criminal!!

My SIL wrote to tell me it is better that my brother was moved from rehab to a hospital.
They were not doing much to help him in rehab and he even fell out of the bed there!
Not sure they will find he has another infection or not but at least he is back where they can keep on top of things.
His medical insurance wanted him to leave rehab as it is. They only pay for so many days.
Such a scam in the US with medical insurance.
Guess after so many days in rehab, you are either kicked out or they need to find something else wrong with you and restart charging under a new billing code; Criminal!!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I was wondering how your bro is doing now?  It sounded like he was kind of getting back to "normal" in his mind so it's a bit sad he's gone back to hospital. Fingers crossed he's OK. 

Mrs F's mother is in hospital but due for release.   Today is a public holiday for civil servants and also tomorrow (of course) so probably she'll stay there for a bit.  She was found talking nonsense and behaving strangely.  Like kids, it's hard to diagnose people with dementia or who are otherwise non-responsive.  Staring blankly into space,  often in the dark and imagining all sorts.   She was telling the hospital staff she needed to go to the market and she should leave to get some vegetables. 

The hospital put her on a drip to combat dehydration and infection and it seems to have improved her a lot and her kidneys are working better - they thought she might need dialysis.  I've seen a photo of her in the bed and she looks like she has a really swollen up face, possibly from steroids.   This might be one of those death from a thousand cuts type scenarios where a bit goes wrong here, another bit there and they all sort of combine over time to nibble away at people's existence.  Maybe she won't make it past next year.

    I am just repeating myself, sorry, absolutely else is a discard for me. Taxes. change of regulations, neighbours, properties can be interesting, but Today's Weather and Absolutely Anything Else not for me.


Are you complaining about the quality of our discussions?

Why don't you post something interesting for us then?

This is what German speakers call a Stammtisch.  Go with the flow.

    I am just repeating myself, sorry, absolutely else is a discard for me. Taxes. change of regulations, neighbours, properties can be interesting, but weather and absolutly else not for me.


I have started a film thread. Do you like films?

        I am just repeating myself, sorry, absolutely else is a discard for me. Taxes. change of regulations, neighbours, properties can be interesting, but Today's Weather and Absolutely Anything Else not for me.        -@cdw057

Are you complaining about the quality of our discussions?

Why don't you post something interesting for us then?

This is what German speakers call a Stammtisch.  Go with the flow.


Beating a dead horse. I have been saying the same thing for ages, ask something interesting and perhaps someone has an interesting answer.

We are not paid entertainers after all.

Of course not everyone is flip or easy going and likes to chat with people.

As they call it in Hawaii, Talk Story.

    My SIL wrote to tell me it is better that my brother was moved from rehab to a hospital.They were not doing much to help him in rehab and he even fell out of the bed there!Not sure they will find he has another infection or not but at least he is back where they can keep on top of things.His medical insurance wanted him to leave rehab as it is. They only pay for so many days.Such a scam in the US with medical insurance.Guess after so many days in rehab, you are either kicked out or they need to find something else wrong with you and restart charging under a new billing code; Criminal!!        -@Marilyn Tassy

I was wondering how your bro is doing now?  It sounded like he was kind of getting back to "normal" in his mind so it's a bit sad he's gone back to hospital. Fingers crossed he's OK. 

Mrs F's mother is in hospital but due for release.   Today is a public holiday for civil servants and also tomorrow (of course) so probably she'll stay there for a bit.  She was found talking nonsense and behaving strangely.  Like kids, it's hard to diagnose people with dementia or who are otherwise non-responsive.  Staring blankly into space,  often in the dark and imagining all sorts.   She was telling the hospital staff she needed to go to the market and she should leave to get some vegetables. 

The hospital put her on a drip to combat dehydration and infection and it seems to have improved her a lot and her kidneys are working better - they thought she might need dialysis.  I've seen a photo of her in the bed and she looks like she has a really swollen up face, possibly from steroids.   This might be one of those death from a thousand cuts type scenarios where a bit goes wrong here, another bit there and they all sort of combine over time to nibble away at people's existence.  Maybe she won't make it past next year.


Seems the Fluffetts were able to hold down the fort after all. That,s good.

Still have not found the proper apostrophe and quotation marks on this new French keyboard...

Sorry about the MIL. It is sad to see someone going down and not being able to do much to help them.

My SIL has been a bit hush hush lately about my brothers issues.

Of course after he was given that meth in the ICU she is keeping his exact location a secret.

Just protecting him for his ex and his son.

2 days ago he was to get a night time biopsy on his spine! A Spinal Tap??

The suspect he may have a infection in his spine, sort of very serious if so.

6 weeks of antibiotics; 3 weeks of a drip and 3 weeks of pills or even spinal surgery!!!!

Poor thing, he is really going through it.

I hope he pulls through it all. I would like to visit him at least one more time in person.

My husband tells me to get any image of him out of my head because he is going to be different from now on.

I find that hard to believe, inside we never change.

I am your MIL has no clue what is happening to her and that is a mercy.

Another family drama is about to unfold.

My half sister is a bit out of her lovin mind.

Our mother really dropped the ball with her. Spoiled and living in her own world.

She should be committed with some of the things she does.

Long  story but she was tossed out from where she was living. She was staying with her husbands cousins family after she lost her home. Her husband died about years ago but since then she has let her life fall apart.

In a dream world of her own.

Well, my eldest sister in Minn. has taken her in.

The family drama never stops!

Her husband died about 2 years ago.

I am sure you MIL is not aware of what is happening to her.

French keyboard is my new excuse for bad communication skills.

Beating a dead horse. I have been saying the same thing for ages, ask something interesting and perhaps someone has an interesting answer.We are not paid entertainers after all.Of course not everyone is flip or easy going and likes to chat with people.As they call it in Hawaii, Talk Story.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Yup, that's it.

My thinking originally was that it was in the folksy style of Readers Digest or just people passing the time of day at a bus stop. 

Nothing heavy and hopefully with a sense of humour!

Regulations, taxes and real estate are not that much fun!

Here's something stupid - we've been given a present of a robot vacuum cleaner.  It's quite bonkers.  The dog isn't keen and the cat is just baffled. We're all watching it and now it's got a name - Naomi.  We're even referring to it as "she".

Seems the Fluffetts were able to hold down the fort after all. That,s good.Still have not found the proper apostrophe and quotation marks on this new French keyboard...Sorry about the MIL. It is sad to see someone going down and not being able to do much to help them.My SIL has been a bit hush hush lately about my brothers issues.Of course after he was given that meth in the ICU she is keeping his exact location a secret.Just protecting him for his ex and his son.2 days ago he was to get a night time biopsy on his spine! A Spinal Tap??The suspect he may have a infection in his spine, sort of very serious if so.6 weeks of antibiotics; 3 weeks of a drip and 3 weeks of pills or even spinal surgery!!!!Poor thing, he is really going through it.I hope he pulls through it all. I would like to visit him at least one more time in person.My husband tells me to get any image of him out of my head because he is going to be different from now on.I find that hard to believe, inside we never change.I am your MIL has no clue what is happening to her and that is a mercy.Another family drama is about to unfold.My half sister is a bit out of her lovin mind.Our mother really dropped the ball with her. Spoiled and living in her own world.She should be committed with some of the things she does.Long  story but she was tossed out from where she was living. She was staying with her husbands cousins family after she lost her home. Her husband died about years ago but since then she has let her life fall apart.In a dream world of her own.Well, my eldest sister in Minn. has taken her in.The family drama never stops!        -@Marilyn Tassy

The Fluffyettes did manage to survive.  I saw they had to go to the shop to buy dog food.  And they had takeaway pizza.  They also moved some of the furniture around!  It's confused Naomi the vacuum cleaner.

Mrs F has gone to collect her mother from the hospital.   She's going to be taken home and there's no-one there.  Just sits in the room either on the bed or at a table staring blankly into space.  She cannot even watch TV as she cannot follow the stories and cannot operate the remote control.  It's just a nothing existence and declining fast.  It is what it is.  Once the MIL has gone, there are no more family old people directly within our "control". The aftermath will be difficult.

Your older sister was kind to take in your half-sister.   It seems a human thing to do.  Maybe your half-sister was used to her hubby doing everything and didn't pay any attention to keeping on top of stuff once her hubby had gone.   

My sister might be in the same position.  Her hubby did it all and was the "leader" and now he's in decline with Parkinson's and dementia, she'll have to step up.  They've got plenty of money so they will never lose their home.   They might have to downsize but it'd take a month of Sundays to spend the cash.  I told their kids (my nephew in particular) to put his Dad in a home.  Looks like they won't do that yet.

I wonder if your bro's amputation has changed something in his spine?  Like affected the bone alignment.  Infection sounds bad.  Hope it's not that damn sepsis.   If they do a Spinal Tap, perhaps they'll know more.  Then they can turn the treatment up to 11.

Oh and also, it's the National Day today.  Congrats to Hungary maybe.

I was thinking there would be an airshow.

Apparently there was a military parade between 0900-1000h but I don't think anyone knew.

I only saw something was going on by looking at FlightRadar24.  Planes were circulating over Csepel and then going up the Duna towards Parliament.

Must be fireworks tonight but we're not prepared to be squashed with others down by the river.  Going to stay in and watch a trashy movie.

    Seems the Fluffetts were able to hold down the fort after all. That,s good.Still have not found the proper apostrophe and quotation marks on this new French keyboard...Sorry about the MIL. It is sad to see someone going down and not being able to do much to help them.My SIL has been a bit hush hush lately about my brothers issues.Of course after he was given that meth in the ICU she is keeping his exact location a secret.Just protecting him for his ex and his son.2 days ago he was to get a night time biopsy on his spine! A Spinal Tap??The suspect he may have a infection in his spine, sort of very serious if so.6 weeks of antibiotics; 3 weeks of a drip and 3 weeks of pills or even spinal surgery!!!!Poor thing, he is really going through it.I hope he pulls through it all. I would like to visit him at least one more time in person.My husband tells me to get any image of him out of my head because he is going to be different from now on.I find that hard to believe, inside we never change.I am your MIL has no clue what is happening to her and that is a mercy.Another family drama is about to unfold.My half sister is a bit out of her lovin mind.Our mother really dropped the ball with her. Spoiled and living in her own world.She should be committed with some of the things she does.Long  story but she was tossed out from where she was living. She was staying with her husbands cousins family after she lost her home. Her husband died about years ago but since then she has let her life fall apart.In a dream world of her own.Well, my eldest sister in Minn. has taken her in.The family drama never stops!        -@Marilyn Tassy

The Fluffyettes did manage to survive.  I saw they had to go to the shop to buy dog food.  And they had takeaway pizza.  They also moved some of the furniture around!  It's confused Naomi the vacuum cleaner.
  • Mrs F has gone to collect her mother from the hospital.   She's going to be taken home and there's no-one there.  Just sits in the room either on the bed or at a table staring blankly into space.  She cannot even watch TV as she cannot follow the stories and cannot operate the remote control.  It's just a nothing existence and declining fast.  It is what it is.  Once the MIL has gone, there are no more family old people directly within our "control". The aftermath will be difficult.

    Your older sister was kind to take in your half-sister.   It seems a human thing to do.  Maybe your half-sister was used to her hubby doing everything and didn't pay any attention to keeping on top of stuff once her hubby had gone.   

    My sister might be in the same position.  Her hubby did it all and was the "leader" and now he's in decline with Parkinson's and dementia, she'll have to step up.  They've got plenty of money so they will never lose their home.   They might have to downsize but it'd take a month of Sundays to spend the cash.  I told their kids (my nephew in particular) to put his Dad in a home.  Looks like they won't do that yet.

    I wonder if your bro's amputation has changed something in his spine?  Like affected the bone alignment.  Infection sounds bad.  Hope it's not that damn sepsis.   If they do a Spinal Tap, perhaps they'll know more.  Then they can turn the treatment up to 11.


We also are staying in today.

Thought about going to the Taban Sunday evening to hear music but I was not in the mood for a crowd. never are.

Too hot to hang outside unless one is at the

water. too crowded today to even consider it.

I dislike holidays, all of them; except my BD. only because my husband pretty much lets me buy whatever my hearts desire is, within reason that is.

We saw on the local news that they closed the beach at Balaton in one area. found bacterial that made 3 people ill.

Crazy, of course they will not close the beaches elsewhere on a day like this. Big money making day for vendors.

Hope it is not true, suppose to be closed for a week until they do more testing on the water.

Yes, it might be that the sepsis is back with my bro. Hate to hear the stats on sepsis but they say about 50% of the time it can come back within 3 months!

I honestly do not know how much more his body can take. Breaks my heart, think that is one reason I am so out of it this summer. Do not really care much to do anything.

Nothing yet from my SIL. Not sure if I should be upset with her or not for not being very forthcoming with the family about his health.

He wrote me last week and was very upbeat and positive. Like to think on that instead of him ill again.

I really feel for my eldest sister. She never had children and now at age 76 she gets to raise a 58 year old woman!

Our half sister is not very sharp, or rather she is dishonest and sneaky.

Not cut from the same cloth as the rest of us in the fam are.

She has an excuse for everything that goes wrong except to admit it is her fault for being lazy and letting things slide too long.

Her house payment was only $200. per month!

She just refused to get a job and sold things to get by until there was not anything left to sell!

Not like a normal person would react to a change in their lives. Just hopping someone saves her and comes to her rescue. In another world for sure.

I was about to send her money but changed my mind;I drop in the bucket , she needs more then a few hundred bucks.

My other SIL had been supporting her for awhile by giving her money. Suppose to have been a secret but you know how secrets go... Nice of her but I suspect she stopped sending money and now after all these years my sis has woken up to the fact that no one will support her for ever.

We are not telling my ill brother, he has enough to deal with. He is her full blood brother and takes it seriously, always sent her money and gave her advice which she never followed.

My husband calls her a born, Blonde, even though she has dark hair!

My eldest sister has been living alone for the last 27 years and is 19 years  older. Not going to be easy on her to deal with a born space case.

She keeps telling me that my husband and I are welcome at her home anytime, think she may be trying to dump our younger sister off on us! My husband would set her straight right away if she did not give him a heart attack first!

Sort of glad we have a continent and an ocean between us at the moment!

This is a story which will cause some ructions in Brussels:

Hungary law could make Ukrainian refugees homeless

BTW, we just had a person ringing the doorbell asking for money.  She was relatively well dressed and said she'd been evicted.  She wasn't Ukrainian as far as we could tell.  But she looked exhausted.  We gave her 1000 HUF.  I can imagine the low one has to get to in order to ring doorbells for change.  Terrible situation.

    This is a story which will cause some ructions in Brussels:

Hungary law could make Ukrainian refugees homeless

BTW, we just had a person ringing the doorbell asking for money.  She was relatively well dressed and said she'd been evicted.  She wasn't Ukrainian as far as we could tell.  But she looked exhausted.  We gave her 1000 HUF.  I can imagine the low one has to get to in order to ring doorbells for change.  Terrible situation.


WOW, that is horrible if she was really brought down that low.

Hope it is not a sign of the times coming!

No one believes it but I feel we are already in a depression.

Not us personally but are needs are simple and we never spend what we do not have in hand.

Years ago when my parents would spend long weekends in Mexico, my step father got angry with my mother for giving money away.

Women with children strapped on their backs would come over to her and beg. My mom gave to everyone.

My step father told her to look up on the hill. There were huge villas up there. He told her that some people living in those villas spent their time begging on the sts. under a disguise of being poor.*That is how they could afford those villas.

IDK, he grew up super poor during the depression, had a big heart to a point but also was no ones fool.

He dug in trash cans looking for food as a child and never wasted a dime unless he thought it was for a good purpose.

I read the report of Ukrainians losing their subsidized housing.

IDK, after all this time you would think they would of found work or moved on.

Other countries are better pickings then Hungary for freebies.

I am always sitting on the fence. Can relate to both sides.

I do know unless a person has mental or physical issues they should be able to care for themselves, even if they must lower their standards.

My half sister, wrote to let me know she has finally hit the highway to Minn.

He was thrown out from where she was ling with a 15 min: notice.

So she says... Word is they wanted her out months ago.

Some people ; such as she; tend to blame everyone for their troubles except themselves.

Of course she is my half sister and I wish her only the best BUT I also know her.

It is always some one else,s fault, never hers.

She has no money to speak of but told me she was stopping to get a motel room!

It is barely a 10 hour drive to Minn.

They have safe rest areas on the way there.

I am a bit OK now about not sending her money, she wastes like a princess.

All the best to my  eldest sister for taking her in. I just pray it does not do her in!

My brother spoke with the eldest last night. He is back in hospital and he does have sepsis in his back!

He is in good spirits though.

IDK how exactly they are treating him for this latest nightmare.

Now if I could throw money on his health, it would be a worthy cause.

Thinking it over, Mr. Fluffy, I wonder if this woman will be coming back for more?

I hope that she will not be a repeat customer.

I remembered stories my mother told of hobos knocking on their door during the depression.

Single men would come knocking to ask if there were any small jobs they could do for a meal.

Her granny and aunts never asked for anyone to do jobs but always packed them a meal.

Later they noticed a mark on the walkway in front of their home.

It was a sign to other hobos that this house was safe to ask for a meal and they would not be turned away.

They never washed the mark off even though they knew others would be coming to their home asking for food.

IDK, sometimes a kind heart can work against you.

Once you give they never stop asking.

Hope it is not a sign on the times.

Years ago I was limping along on crutches behind my husband post knee surgery.

Had to move to heal.

A young woman came up to my husband , thinking he was alone.

She wanted to exchange a favor for money as she said she was a poor collage student.

He told her in no certain terms to bug off.

It is so uncomfprtable to say no but then again we can not do the job a gov. should be doing.

    Thinking it over, Mr. Fluffy, I wonder if this woman will be coming back for more?
I hope that she will not be a repeat customer.
I remembered stories my mother told of hobos knocking on their door during the depression.
Single men would come knocking to ask if there were any small jobs they could do for a meal.
Her granny and aunts never asked for anyone to do jobs but always packed them a meal.
Later they noticed a mark on the walkway in front of their home.
It was a sign to other hobos that this house was safe to ask for a meal and they would not be turned away.
They never washed the mark off even though they knew others would be coming to their home asking for food.
IDK, sometimes a kind heart can work against you.
Once you give they never stop asking.
Hope it is not a sign on the times.
Years ago I was limping along on crutches behind my husband post knee surgery.
Had to move to heal.
A young woman came up to my husband , thinking he was alone.
She wanted to exchange a favor for money as she said she was a poor collage student.
He told her in no certain terms to bug off.
It is so uncomfprtable to say no but then again we can not do the job a gov. should be doing.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

We did think we might become marked.  Externally we look like we're middle class suburbanites and possibly an easy touch.  I find it very difficult to turn down people like that down.

I feel I made a mistake some years ago not helping someone in a Middle Eastern war zone and there could have been a possibility some really serious problem befell them. I don't know what happened. I've been racked by guilt since then. But I was asked to help someone else from a civil war zone and I did help and now they are safe in the UK.

I am sure our visitor asking for money wasn't up to no good. It just looked like hard times. I hope she manages to work it out and if it was us, someone would help us.

I know,it is hard to say no when you can help and not notice any hardship yourself for helping.

I told my husband about your visitor. He said they target nicer neighborhoods.

Guess in our hood, they know better then to come knocking!

No, it is harder to get into a building of flats and go around ringing doors.

I was a run away at 17 with my 21 year old friend.

She had been working and had her own flat but her boss did all the workers in.

A new start up co. Paid them the first month or so then asked them to wait a bit to be paid which everyone stupidly agrred to. All the workers came one morning to find the place closed and the bosses long gone.

My friend was my sisters buddy first. She let this 21 year old move in with us since she could not keep her flat.

There are many reasons someone falls on hard times.

Well, my sister talked my mom into letting me live with her and her family for the last year of school.

I was sort of tricked into it by her and her husband. Big promises of going to Hollywood High etc.

Turned out they were ready to split and my sister needed a babysitter for my niece.

I sat her all summer break and when the school year started again, our 21 year old friend had her bad luck so my sister had another live in babysitter.

Lucky break for my sis but not for our friend.

I was mad, turned out my sisters house was about one st. out of the Hollywood High district. I had to go to another school, one where they filmed the movie, The Blackboard Jungle.It was hard core Low Rider. Me a semi punk girl going to a mostly Hispanic tough as nails school; I did 2 weeks and quit school.

Refused to tell my mom and go home to our safe little small town.

Just started hanging out with my baby niece and our friend.

Sister got back with her husband and left us in the cold.

I went back home to mom but after tasting freedom for 6 months I had a blow out fight with my mother and left in the early morning hours by climbing out my window.Got rides to Hollywood and knocked on our 21 years old friend mother door.

My friend asked what took me so long and that was it. Official teenage runaway.

My mom called the police but they told her since I would be 18 in 6 months that  it was best to leave me alone.

In other words, they could not be bothered!

A week after I turned 18 I called my mom up and my parents set me up with my own small apt. In a quieter city away from all the crazy Hollywood stuff.

Got a job and never looked back.

This is why I have a hard time with moochers.

During those 6 months I think one time we asked for spare change but it was so embarrassing to me that I never did that again, got 25 cents though!

We shoplifted food or ate at my friends moms home when she was not home. Did our laundry there and watched tv. I know her mother had to of known she had daytime visitors but she never did anything to stop us.

Looking back now, for 21 my friend was a bit childlike.

We lived in a hotel a small room with one of her old co workers from the scam business. He just happened to be a nice gay man from the mid wet. He looked like Mick Jagger but was a country boy at heart. We helped him learn to dress and in time he got himself a BF.

We knew people around town that let us into dance clubs for free even though I was underage.

There was a club called, The Starwood which was are main hang out.

Seems like I am doing an episode of true confessions here!

Actually been waiting for days for a home delivery and a bit tired of it.

That long holiday must of backed up orders but they are not very good at e mailing when to expect the delivery.

I feel a bit like a hostage!

I now feel a bit bad about my crazy teenage days. I feel bad about shoplifting.

Was pretty good at it actually...Got everything from smokes to bottles of Southern Comfort.

I have repented!!