Absolutely Anything Else

Mad Max days are coming!!

Power hungry evil people seem to have more say then a logical, loving person does.

They are serious haters of humanity.

I am not a fan of AI leading us but my husband always says AI would do a better job of solving the worlds problems then a human can.

Money and power is their true love, not humanity.

AI I argue can be programmed by a power hungry money loving fool so AI is not fool proof either.

Weather has taking a turn. last week we were swimming in the lake and this week it looks like there could be flooding in places.

All good, having a bake day today. have not baked in ages, banana nut bread and I will try my hand at a cheesecake too.

Was just going to buy a cheesecake at Lidl but the shelf was empty.

Good news, I pray, my bro said they may spring him and let him go home in perhaps as soon as 6 more weeks!!!

He needs a MRI to check how his spinal sepsis is etc; first.

he is real proof of miracles!

His wife has had a new  walk in ( hop in) shower installed for him with a folding seat built in.

I am glad she has been doing these plans and getting ready for him to go home someday soon.

I am really looking forward to the day he goes home.

    Mad Max days are coming!!Power hungry evil people seem to have more say then a logical, loving person does.They are serious haters of humanity.I am not a fan of AI leading us but my husband always says AI would do a better job of solving the worlds problems then a human can.Money and power is their true love, not humanity.AI I argue can be programmed by a power hungry money loving fool so AI is not fool proof either.Weather has taking a turn. last week we were swimming in the lake and this week it looks like there could be flooding in places.All good, having a bake day today. have not baked in ages, banana nut bread and I will try my hand at a cheesecake too.Was just going to buy a cheesecake at Lidl but the shelf was empty.Good news, I pray, my bro said they may spring him and let him go home in perhaps as soon as 6 more weeks!!!He needs a MRI to check how his spinal sepsis is etc; first.he is real proof of miracles!His wife has had a new  walk in ( hop in) shower installed for him with a folding seat built in.I am glad she has been doing these plans and getting ready for him to go home someday soon.I am really looking forward to the day he goes home.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, the weather isn't seasonal really.   It's been raining all day and I had plans to work in the garden.  Mrs F says it'll be better mid-week.   I was going to plaster a wall with a special acrylic finish.

I made cinnamon and raisin bread the other day. It came out quite well. I was going make it with sourdough yeast but it takes a good day to bring it back to life.   Add some flour to perk it up and wait 24h with it in a warm place.

It's really good your bro is going to be leaving possibly and going home.   Sounds like his wife is really on the job with the shower.   

I wanted to install a walk-in shower with seat like that at my MiL's house but it didn't happen.  I have no idea why they didn't do it.   After my MIL got stuck in the bath for 2 days, you'd think they'd take action.  I told them to install cameras so we could see her remotely but nope, nothing.  Even here at Fluffy Towers, I've installed rails on the steps and grab rails in the bathrooms.  I notice I use the handrail going up and downstairs more than I did.  I guess it comes with the territory of age.   

Mrs F got called to her mother's house and her Mum was on the floor in the hallway in front of her stairs.  She cannot get up so went to sleep there.  She didn't know where she was or how she got there.    It's just ridiculous.  I found (only just now) she's in the final stages of kidney failure. 

I don't know how long this sort of thing is going to go on.  It's absolutely bonkers.

She's got about 3 cats.  We don't know what will happen to them. I suppose we'll have to try and give them away so they are looked after.  I suppose if they don't get fed, they'll leave anyway. 

Rather stupidly one of them has a black and white head and a rather obvious black moustache and looks like Hitler.  That one might be hard to palm off on someone even though it's a novelty.

Dogs and Cats for lunch...no..no...no

See the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BrCvZmSnKA (harmless)

"I made cinnamon and raisin bread the other day.”

I've always thought you could divide the world into cinnamon and non-cinnamon countries. Or at least cinnamon lovers and non-lovers.

I was raised in a house where cinnamon went into just about everything. And where there was always a loaf of at least store-bought cinnamon bread around. Sometimes with raisins, even.

    "I made cinnamon and raisin bread the other day.”
I've always thought you could divide the world into cinnamon and non-cinnamon countries. Or at least cinnamon lovers and non-lovers.

I was raised in a house where cinnamon went into just about everything. And where there was always a loaf of at least store-bought cinnamon bread around. Sometimes with raisins, even.


Made me think of moms bread pudding loaded with cinnamon.

No matter how hard I try, mine never tastes as good as her did.

We put cinnamon on our oatmeal.

If you make a tea with cinnamon, honey and a bit of fresh ginger, it helps with arthritis pain ans swelling. Out of the blue a few years ago my wrist swelled up and was on fire,drank that tea 2 to 3 times a day for about 2 weeks, it cleared up and never happened again.

    Dogs and Cats for lunch...no..no...no
See the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BrCvZmSnKA (harmless)


Funny, at least any procedes are suppose to be going to a animal shelter.

    Mad Max days are coming!!Power hungry evil people seem to have more say then a logical, loving person does.They are serious haters of humanity.I am not a fan of AI leading us but my husband always says AI would do a better job of solving the worlds problems then a human can.Money and power is their true love, not humanity.AI I argue can be programmed by a power hungry money loving fool so AI is not fool proof either.Weather has taking a turn. last week we were swimming in the lake and this week it looks like there could be flooding in places.All good, having a bake day today. have not baked in ages, banana nut bread and I will try my hand at a cheesecake too.Was just going to buy a cheesecake at Lidl but the shelf was empty.Good news, I pray, my bro said they may spring him and let him go home in perhaps as soon as 6 more weeks!!!He needs a MRI to check how his spinal sepsis is etc; first.he is real proof of miracles!His wife has had a new  walk in ( hop in) shower installed for him with a folding seat built in.I am glad she has been doing these plans and getting ready for him to go home someday soon.I am really looking forward to the day he goes home.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, the weather isn't seasonal really.   It's been raining all day and I had plans to work in the garden.  Mrs F says it'll be better mid-week.   I was going to plaster a wall with a special acrylic finish.

I made cinnamon and raisin bread the other day. It came out quite well. I was going make it with sourdough yeast but it takes a good day to bring it back to life.   Add some flour to perk it up and wait 24h with it in a warm place.

It's really good your bro is going to be leaving possibly and going home.   Sounds like his wife is really on the job with the shower.   

I wanted to install a walk-in shower with seat like that at my MiL's house but it didn't happen.  I have no idea why they didn't do it.   After my MIL got stuck in the bath for 2 days, you'd think they'd take action.  I told them to install cameras so we could see her remotely but nope, nothing.  Even here at Fluffy Towers, I've installed rails on the steps and grab rails in the bathrooms.  I notice I use the handrail going up and downstairs more than I did.  I guess it comes with the territory of age.   

Mrs F got called to her mother's house and her Mum was on the floor in the hallway in front of her stairs.  She cannot get up so went to sleep there.  She didn't know where she was or how she got there.    It's just ridiculous.  I found (only just now) she's in the final stages of kidney failure. 

I don't know how long this sort of thing is going to go on.  It's absolutely bonkers.

She's got about 3 cats.  We don't know what will happen to them. I suppose we'll have to try and give them away so they are looked after.  I suppose if they don't get fed, they'll leave anyway. 

Rather stupidly one of them has a black and white head and a rather obvious black moustache and looks like Hitler.  That one might be hard to palm off on someone even though it's a novelty.


Oh my, not sounding very good at your MILs.

Kidney disease. My bro was on kidney dialysis machines for the stint in the ICU. No idea what perm damage he may ave now.

Terrible to hear she is so bad off and alone.

It is best I suppose to not get involved and get into deep rooted family issues. No idea why no one has addressed her serious health issues but I have learned to not get too involved unless asked.

Even with my bro, my SIL likes to be in control of things. I took my time and slowly gave my humble opinion on things; No idea if anyone took some of my advice or not.

One thing I suggested, which I now know even caring doctors advice is to bring in homemade fresh foods from home to anyone n hospital if possible.

I suggested she bring in at least fresh fruits, nuts and salads.

I had my husband bring me a few things for my 5 day stint in hospital here. I seriously could not eat and everything tasted like metal but I tried to get enough protein by having him bring me some hard boiled eggs. Not my fave food but easy to store and make.

Sadly he under cooked them so they went into the trash.

Not even compairing your MIL to my dog but he suffered from kidney diease towards the end. He had some blood in his urine. The vet said his time was getting close and they could not really do anything because he had other old age issues plus cancer going on.

Now I am mad at myself, I feed him commercial dog food. Best brands on the market from a pet shop but still not fresh.

For about 6 months when he had skin issues in Hawaii, I did cook fresh food for him.

Made a huge soup pot full about every 4 days. Smelled up the entire place but he loved it.

Lots of organ meats with brown rice, fresh grated carrots, think a bit of cabbage, not much, seaweed and vitamins added like E.

Oh my, not sounding very good at your MILs.
Kidney disease. My bro was on kidney dialysis machines for the stint in the ICU. No idea what perm damage he may ave now.
Terrible to hear she is so bad off and alone.
It is best I suppose to not get involved and get into deep rooted family issues. No idea why no one has addressed her serious health issues but I have learned to not get too involved unless asked.
Even with my bro, my SIL likes to be in control of things. I took my time and slowly gave my humble opinion on things; No idea if anyone took some of my advice or not.
One thing I suggested, which I now know even caring doctors advice is to bring in homemade fresh foods from home to anyone n hospital if possible.
I suggested she bring in at least fresh fruits, nuts and salads.
I had my husband bring me a few things for my 5 day stint in hospital here. I seriously could not eat and everything tasted like metal but I tried to get enough protein by having him bring me some hard boiled eggs. Not my fave food but easy to store and make.
Sadly he under cooked them so they went into the trash.

Not even compairing your MIL to my dog but he suffered from kidney diease towards the end. He had some blood in his urine. The vet said his time was getting close and they could not really do anything because he had other old age issues plus cancer going on.
Now I am mad at myself, I feed him commercial dog food. Best brands on the market from a pet shop but still not fresh.
For about 6 months when he had skin issues in Hawaii, I did cook fresh food for him.
Made a huge soup pot full about every 4 days. Smelled up the entire place but he loved it.
Lots of organ meats with brown rice, fresh grated carrots, think a bit of cabbage, not much, seaweed and vitamins added like E.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Things are getting worse at the MIL's place. 

She's reached a point where her government pension will no longer cover the costs of living at her house.   It will cost even more to be in a care home.  Mrs F says if she goes into a government run home, she'll die in 2 months.  In other words, the neglect will be substantial and final.  Kidney disease has resulted in a large amount of water retention and she looks like she's been puffed up like the Michelin man.

It's hard to say if her QoL (Quality of Life) is significant.  Even the carer is now saying it's almost pointless keeping her going. Her mind has gone, her body is failing, she spends most of the time laying on the bed in some kind of half-baked coma.  I'm not concerned about comparing my MIL to a dog or animal in the last stages of life.  You wouldn't do what they are doing to her to an animal.

One thing Mrs F's family is known for is indecision.  And is this a doozy to try out about that trait.  It's literally life and death.

They know my opinion and that's to put her in the home.  If she lasts 2 months, then perhaps it'll be a good a 2 months with people around and not 2 months in an empty house, alone, with few visitors and with winter impending, a cold place.

Mrs F is of course dashing about doing stuff for her.  When the end comes, there's no rush any more.  But then we've got the funeral and wake, paperwork and trying to work out what to do with the decrepit house.  But there's no rush.

There is no easy answer as it sounds like it is going downhill;

Poor thing.

I have to agree with you, 2 months in care is better then being alone in the cold and dark.

We all must check out one day and she deserves to be as comfortable as possible.

I knew in the back of my mind that my mother was not doing well.

She moved 5àà miles away so no one could see how bad she really was. Her husband was sworn to keep his mouth shut, no problem for him, he was in the bar most of the time by then.

My mother knew she was very ill;she had yellow skin tone even before she moved away.

I called her at least 3 to 4 times a week and she always told me her doctors said she was fine.

Turns out we heard in the ICU from her doctor, mom had stopped seeing him many months before she went down for the count.

My husband is lovely, when mom and her husband moved up north, he insisted taking time off of work to drive them the 500 miles. Their plan was to build a small home on the Russian river where he owned some land. They purchased a used RV for the move as a temp place to live.

Mom never had plans on building a house after all. She bought used to save money to give us when she passed.

My husband had a sad feeling when he left them to return home.

Mom had sold almost everything of value, paid off all her debts and purchased a chasiers check made out in the names of her 6 children. She gave her husband enough money to live on after she passed plus he had his own SS and VA money.

She always thought of others before herself, sad because he ending should of been nicer.

She went into a coma over the new year holidays. I happened to be in Las Vegas with my husband and his friends for 24 hours. I spoke with mom before I left and when I got home, my brother called to tell me she had fallen into a coma.

The medical staff said it seemed she had been laying there for a full 2 days!

Her husband did not have a clear enough mind to call for help sooner!!!!

All just drama, my brother and sister were hunting for him when we all went up north to see mom in the ICU.

Runs to the police for eleder abuse etc; Small town, his father knew everyone and no one took our claims seriously. In the end, my step dad was not a bad guy;just not all there with drinking.

Our mom passed away 11 days after she was found.

5 of us either drove or flew to her and stayed for a few days. The call came she only had a few hours left, 4 of my siblings flew up to see her off. I could not take it and could not bring myself to see her that way.

I knew I would crack up if I was there; I had said my good byes 11 days before hand. She knew we were there even with all the tubs down her throat. She squeezed my hand softly and had a tear running down her face.

No, your MIL should be put in a home ASAP, just for your wives peace of mind.

She will feel terrible when her mom passes and start blaming herself for not doing more for her comfort.

At least in a home they can monitor her and give pain meds if they are needed. She will be warm and not walking around falling and perhaps breaking bones.

Some people pass easy and some do not. Try to make it as easy as possible; 2 months in safety is better then 4 or 5 months of worry.

Money will not matter in the end.

Mom moved 500 miles away,this French keyboard, look away for a second and I am typing like a loon!

Man, remembering my mothers sad case has brought up some old emotions.

Not my place of business to give advice but I know Mrs. Fluffy will feel better if and when the time comes to say good bye.

If the family plans on being there when she takes her last gasps of air, then the best way to know about the timing is if she was in care.

It is hard no matter what but I honestly think later knowing you did all that could be done will help with healing emotionally.

I should of gone back when we knew mom only had a few hours left.

We children all decided together to take her off life support.

My 2 brothers and 2 of my sister were there with her when they removed the machines.

My youngest sis, the half sister was resisting Psalms 23. When she finished, mom let out her last breath.

I know they would have to get me a hospital bed if I was there, I would of passed out cold.

The little money left us was worthless. It felt like blood money. I used my share to pay off some of our credit cards with. Did not feel good spending a penny on having fun or buying myself something.

Believe me, I can spend but it just felt not right to enjoy that money.

I hope the family can settle on a solution and not have second doubts.

Maybe your wife has to lay down the law to her brother if he is stopping everyone moving forward? IDK, it was easy for the 6 of us to decide to let mom go because we knew there was no hope of getting better and seeing her suffering was the worst.

I will keep you guys in my thoughts and hope everyone finds peace.

I had a decent conversation with them about the MIL.

Turns out the reason no-one is moving on the MIL is they know it's a death sentence.  It's that bad in the government or private care homes that people have died of starvation and dehydration - so I'm told.

And they do not want to live with the responsibility of having started something that finishes their Mum off.

So their fears and lack of responsibility means her suffering.  That's my view of it.  After all, they didn't cause her illness so it's not their fault. But I guess they are more involved than I am. I take a different view and that's to actually step up and take responsibility because it IS their responsibility. There's no two ways about it.

It all got a bit difficult discussing it so I'm taking a step back.

I was looking at the "numbers" on the blood test and she's just inside Stage 4 - severe loss of kidney function.  Stage 5 is the end or close to failure.

She's not going to die today or tomorrow but maybe months or weeks like this but it's dragging out the inevitable.

I guess we'll know when she's found slumped on the floor in a coma or having passed.

Although they don't admit it, I thought dehydration -- withholding all fluids -- is a common technique in Western hospice care to end a life within a week.

    Although they don't admit it, I thought dehydration -- withholding all fluids -- is a common technique in Western hospice care to end a life within a week.


People who are dying generally refuse food but not necessarily some water or ice chips for a dry mouth. 

It's normal because it's harder work on the body to shutdown if it's trying to process incoming materials as well. 

It's part of the death process.

It's one of the rules of 3 plus or minus.  Rule of thumb is death follows when it's 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, 3 minutes without air.

Oh my, this is really a sad thing.

I have been a bit upset over hearing all this and I am an outsider.

I am just very sympathetic having gone through similar experiences with my mom and step father.

Sadly it something most us of must face one day.

No easy answers.

    Oh my, this is really a sad thing.
I have been a bit upset over hearing all this and I am an outsider.
I am just very sympathetic having gone through similar experiences with my mom and step father.
Sadly it something most us of must face one day.
No easy answers.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

It's not worth getting upset over it.  It is what it is.

It's a concern but I feel distant and mechanical regarding the MIL.  As I see her decline, I know what's coming.  I've lost both my parents in the past 5 years - my Mum in 2019 and my Dad last year in 2023.  She's not quite that far gone but she's pretty out of it most of the time.

Luckily I do not have to make any of the decisions in this case. It's not my responsibility either so I can be an armchair general with ideas but not much else. I'm not required to be on the critical path.

I did see Mrs F's cousin take charge. The cousin's Dad was left seemingly helpless and in shock after his wife died.  So the cousin went directly there and took charge, took him back to his place and kept him away from his home. When he was collected, he never went back.  In the end the cousin made him sell his house and move very much closer to live a different life independently but nearby. So there are people who can step up to take control but there aren't that many of them it seems.  The cousin is one of those kinds of people.

We'll have to just let nature take its course and see what happens.

I guess I am too much of an empath at times.

I can very easily step into someone elses shoes and feel their troubles.

One reason I like to fly solo most of the time.

I know it is frustrating to go through feeling helpless and knowing there is not allot one can do to change things.

Sooner of later, it will all be in the past, just hope everything goes smoothly and with peace.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my brother, Michael passing. Can not believe it has already been 2 years.

On  a lighter note, sort of funny in a sick way.

I mentioned before hox cra, cra our half sister can be, or rather is.

She upset my family when she popped over in Hawaii univited; My then teenage son loved getting her going. She would fight with a teen age boy over the tv remote; A weeks vacation for her and she needed tv ?Ok, so she again came uninvited to Ca; for a week to stay with our youngest brother and his wife.

They all came together to Vegas later for a reunion.

She overstepped herself by rearranging my SILs kitchen cabinets; Put all her spices in different cabinets and mixed things up; She even, this is the kicker, removed photos off their walls and put her own photos up!!!!!

My SIL was so mad that she checked herself into a hotel for a week before the Vegas trip!

It was that or murder!

So my eldest sister who has taken in the youngest sister is bending over backwards to help her;

paying her phone bill, setting up the computer for her to apply for jobs; Allowing her dog to poop indoors on mats etc.

Well the eldest bought a trolly for the bathroom so the youngest could put her things away.

Not good enough for her, she took out the eldest things from her own bathroom and put hers in place instead!

The eldest said she thinks the place is hers; When the eldest mentioned she is thinking of moving to an apt; to be able to quit working, the youngest said she wants to come along, no way!

Oh yes, she has rearranged her kitchen too!No news on swapping out photos , yet!

    I guess I am too much of an empath at times.
I can very easily step into someone elses shoes and feel their troubles.
One reason I like to fly solo most of the time.
I know it is frustrating to go through feeling helpless and knowing there is not allot one can do to change things.
Sooner of later, it will all be in the past, just hope everything goes smoothly and with peace.
Today is the 2nd anniversary of my brother, Michael passing. Can not believe it has already been 2 years.
On  a lighter note, sort of funny in a sick way.
I mentioned before hox cra, cra our half sister can be, or rather is.
She upset my family when she popped over in Hawaii univited; My then teenage son loved getting her going. She would fight with a teen age boy over the tv remote; A weeks vacation for her and she needed tv ?Ok, so she again came uninvited to Ca; for a week to stay with our youngest brother and his wife.
They all came together to Vegas later for a reunion.
She overstepped herself by rearranging my SILs kitchen cabinets; Put all her spices in different cabinets and mixed things up; She even, this is the kicker, removed photos off their walls and put her own photos up!!!!!
My SIL was so mad that she checked herself into a hotel for a week before the Vegas trip!
It was that or murder!
So my eldest sister who has taken in the youngest sister is bending over backwards to help her;
paying her phone bill, setting up the computer for her to apply for jobs; Allowing her dog to poop indoors on mats etc.
Well the eldest bought a trolly for the bathroom so the youngest could put her things away.
Not good enough for her, she took out the eldest things from her own bathroom and put hers in place instead!
The eldest said she thinks the place is hers; When the eldest mentioned she is thinking of moving to an apt; to be able to quit working, the youngest said she wants to come along, no way!
Oh yes, she has rearranged her kitchen too!No news on swapping out photos , yet!
    -@Marilyn Tassy

One would have to be pretty hard or a sociopath (or psychopath - forget which) to not have sympathy with other people's problems and their lives.   

That said, some (supposedly) autistic type people aren't able to empathise. I was reading this morning about Elon Musk laughingly saying on X that no-one had tried to kill Kamala Harris or Tim Walz yet.   I don't know if he's autistic or has Aspberger's but talk about crass.  Luckily the dude has some advisers who told him to take down the post as inciting violence. But then he waffled on about how his "joke" was badly received.   Perhaps we need to go back to that saying like, "better to keep silent than open your mouth and confirm your stupidity".   People don't like Trump but they wouldn't try to kill him.   Or Orban for that matter.   There's some discussion on Reddit about the alleged wannabe shooter - he's some kind of fantasist.  But what's he going to be charged with? Possession of a gun?  He didn't fire any shots.  He could have said he was there by coincidence.

I cannot believe your sis has started decorating.  Is she a bit strange ?  I mean people don't do what she's  doing!    We have had visitors here who went and checked in all our drawers!  We were surprised because suddenly they were showing us stuff we'd forgotten about.  I thought it was a bit weird.

I dislike it so much when people go through other peoples things.

When I was 18 for awhile I had my own cleaning business; Just me but it was my idea and I ran adds in the paper for work.

I had several regulars in nice areas of Glendale and Burbank;

One very elderly couple I did a big discount on since they only needed me part time and they lived a couple blocks away from me; Sometimes you need to do charity when you can tell it is needed.They paid me but normally I would not take so few hours mid day and give up a bigger job.

I had one family in a very nice home in Glendale who trusted me enough after just my fisrt day in their home to leave me alone all day while I worked. The lady of the home went to play golf etc; while they kids were in school.

One day I was putting soe items in a closet in the master bedroom. Not really normal for them to have me open closets or draws but they asked me to put something away.

I got very mad when I opened up the closet.  Had a bunch of shelves and a stack of money sky high just sitting there;

I tossed the items inside , closed the door and was mad; So mad that I quit working there.

Was I being set up or tested?

Now days I would of asked them directly WTH that was about but at age 18 I kept things to myself more.

Funny thing is I decided to get a real job in a food service and give up my house cleaning business; Now those cleaning businesses make a ton with hiring people .

My BFF, Lisa needed a quick job just as I was giving mine up; I refered her to a grumpy old women who was a real pain but did pay. For many years our private joke was about me having her clean up, Hazel,s house.

Lisa was super bright, skipped grades in school but drifted a bit after she left school; Never wanted to go to college like some of her siblings did.

She in the end was well off; She stuck with housecleaning and worked for 30 odd years for some families in very nice homes. She did rather well with just a mop and broom. The all loved her ad paid her very well.

Yes, I just do not want my eldest sister to blow a fuse and stroke out. The younger one is 19 years younger, a huge difference in age.