Absolutely Anything Else

IDK about CBD oil.
Tommy Chong has his own brand for sale, find that funny.
We bought some CBD oil here in HU a couple years ago. Think my husband back or leg was hurting at the time.
Even bought CBD tea, still have it actually on the shelf.
Did not do a thing for him.
My handicapped friend in AZ uses CBD oil, smokes a few joints per day and eat those gummy things.
She is always in pain no matter what.
She told me about the time she fell out of the shower and waited a couple hours for her husband to come home; She was on the ground but able to find a joint and lite it up while waiting.
I know when my husband was recovering from his  broken arm surgery with bone graph taken from his own hip, he did not take one pain pill or smoke anything. He said it actually makes the pain worst because all you can think about is your injury.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Cheech and Chong were always in bother for smoking pot.  If you believe those movies.  But I've seen Chong playing different serious roles in a few movies so I suppose his association with ganga hasn't done him any harm at all.  Lucky chap.

My BIL is supposedly trying CBD oil for his Parkinson's but from what I've seen of him, it'll make no difference.  He looks screwed anyway but as far as I know he's not in pain.

Just to make this really nice sunny day slightly depressing.....

.....my MIL is now displaying signs of Parkinson's.   She's developed a shake, very slow movements and rigidity  now.  Very typical from my observations of my BIL. 

The odd thing is my MIL behaving like she's vacant.  Literally nothing is going on.  She says she's not thinking at all.   People generally have an internal monologue going on.  I think our cat and dog are thinking harder than that. 

Plus now, she's finding hard to drink and eat.  Finally now, those involved directly in her care are saying this is not a good state to be in. 

My opinion has been for months that she's now almost impossible to look after.  She has to go to the home where she can be monitored and cared for 24x7.   It'll probably kill her with 3 months but she's going to die anyway.  We can be thankful she's not (we think) in pain.

So stressful to go through these end of life issues with loved ones.

I do remember my friends mother passing because she could no longer eat or swallow.

They may give her a feeding tube if she goes into a care home.

They do say however that it is best to withhold foods and drink from a person in their last days. It is painful for their digestion to work when other organs are shutting down.

Poor lady, at least she knows her children are there and she seems to understand she is not well.

Seems like mentally she may have one foot in another dimension, might not be all that bad for her. Hard to witness though.

I wish I could say something positive , just make her  as comfortable as possible.

I was reminded yesterday that my half sister is part of a large class action law suit against Philips.

Her husband died 3 years ago or there abouts.

He used a defective C Pap machine made by Philips.

I looked into it a bit and so far their are 59,000 plaintiffs in the suit.

Since her husband developed lung cancer while using the machine, she may stand to collect a pretty penny.

She may no longer be homeless but the owner of a nice piece of property someday.

Just crazy how thing happen.

At least she has a NY law firm handling it for her, her husband started the suit before he passed.

My step fathers daughter became a multi million air from a law suit.

Her husband was a lineman for the electric co. in N. Ca. One of his co workers lite him up by turning on the power too soon.

My evil, Hungarian/American step mom got a large law suit as well after my father who had some dementia was hit in his car by a city bus.

She waited days before taking him to the hospital where they found internal bleeding, in the end his heart gave out.

I say evil step mom because she kept some of our fathers personal items for her own son when everyone knew he meant them to go to his only son from his marriage to my mother.

Then she had the nerve to call my mother up while she was on holiday in Hawaii and brag about how much fun she was having spending the money she got.

Money is the root of all evil, really it is.

I watched a bunch of news on Diddy, daddy diddy. What sort of person goes around calling themselves daddy?

Many names are going to come out.

The entire thing is so disgusting it turns my stomach.

My crazy deceased older sister was a real LA Women in the day.

Cute, smart, knew where to go and knew everyone.

Just the most wild person I ever knew, just happened to be related to her otherwise we lived in different worlds.

We often were taken for being twins, not sure I liked that at all since she was 5 years older!

She would tell me tid bits of her adventures but kept allot of it back.

She once went on about the house in Laurel Canyon where Jimi Hendrix was renting or leasing what was referred to as, The Pink Castle.

She said the house part lasted 3 days and was wild but she did not dare to go up the staircase to the rooms upstairs!

Jimi daddy?? IDK,too insane to think about??

I am starting to really wonder about these so called music mongols and movie stars.

    So stressful to go through these end of life issues with loved ones.
I do remember my friends mother passing because she could no longer eat or swallow.
They may give her a feeding tube if she goes into a care home.
They do say however that it is best to withhold foods and drink from a person in their last days. It is painful for their digestion to work when other organs are shutting down.
Poor lady, at least she knows her children are there and she seems to understand she is not well.
Seems like mentally she may have one foot in another dimension, might not be all that bad for her. Hard to witness though.
I wish I could say something positive , just make her  as comfortable as possible.
I was reminded yesterday that my half sister is part of a large class action law suit against Philips.
Her husband died 3 years ago or there abouts.
He used a defective C Pap machine made by Philips.
I looked into it a bit and so far their are 59,000 plaintiffs in the suit.
Since her husband developed lung cancer while using the machine, she may stand to collect a pretty penny.
She may no longer be homeless but the owner of a nice piece of property someday.
Just crazy how thing happen.
At least she has a NY law firm handling it for her, her husband started the suit before he passed.

My step fathers daughter became a multi million air from a law suit.
Her husband was a lineman for the electric co. in N. Ca. One of his co workers lite him up by turning on the power too soon.

My evil, Hungarian/American step mom got a large law suit as well after my father who had some dementia was hit in his car by a city bus.
She waited days before taking him to the hospital where they found internal bleeding, in the end his heart gave out.
I say evil step mom because she kept some of our fathers personal items for her own son when everyone knew he meant them to go to his only son from his marriage to my mother.
Then she had the nerve to call my mother up while she was on holiday in Hawaii and brag about how much fun she was having spending the money she got.
Money is the root of all evil, really it is.

I watched a bunch of news on Diddy, daddy diddy. What sort of person goes around calling themselves daddy?
Many names are going to come out.
The entire thing is so disgusting it turns my stomach.
My crazy deceased older sister was a real LA Women in the day.
Cute, smart, knew where to go and knew everyone.
Just the most wild person I ever knew, just happened to be related to her otherwise we lived in different worlds.
We often were taken for being twins, not sure I liked that at all since she was 5 years older!
She would tell me tid bits of her adventures but kept allot of it back.
She once went on about the house in Laurel Canyon where Jimi Hendrix was renting or leasing what was referred to as, The Pink Castle.
She said the house part lasted 3 days and was wild but she did not dare to go up the staircase to the rooms upstairs!
Jimi daddy?? IDK,too insane to think about??

I am starting to really wonder about these so called music mongols and movie stars.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

The MIL is not so bad that she cannot eat but it takes 5m to get one spoon in her mouth.  It's all looking a bit hopeless.   Mrs F thinks the care home staff won't have the patience and she'll end up dying of malnutrition and dehydration.   But if Mrs F goes once or twice a week and the brother does the same to check, then at least some monitoring will be going on covering almost all the week.  Well, enough of that.  It is what it is and Mrs F is managing it.  We've all got to get on with other things these days.

We (British) of a certain age laugh about someone called P Diddy.   There was an enormously successful UK comedian called Ken Dodd from Liverpool and he had a peculiar set of ugly sidekick puppets called the Diddymen.  They were like trolls or gnomes.  So everytime I hear Diddy I think of those puppets. 


OMG! Now I will invision these bucktoothed puppets when I hear about good ol Diddy Daddy!

I do hope Diddy spells the beans on his party goers. If he does not get Epsteined that is.

Just got home from a long day of running around on the trams, bus etc.

Probably was able to do more then if we drove because of the traffic but still...

Went into oncology today to get an appointment for a upcoming test. Just routine stuff now, blood test too.

Dislike seeing all those ill people in one place, sort of emotionally too much.

A couple heard me speaking and started a conversation asking where I am from etc; The man said the medical system is better in the US; IDK, all depends, I told him it was not so bad in Hungary.

Today my oncologist blew my mind by calling my number first, no long wait to see him and no old ladies trying to push in ahead of me.

I call that a victory!

I do hope all is well with your MIL; My SIL had her heart thing done yesterday and said she feels like a truck ran her over.

    OMG! Now I will invision these bucktoothed puppets when I hear about good ol Diddy Daddy!I do hope Diddy spells the beans on his party goers. If he does not get Epsteined that is. Just got home from a long day of running around on the trams, bus etc.Probably was able to do more then if we drove because of the traffic but still... Went into oncology today to get an appointment for a upcoming test. Just routine stuff now, blood test too.Dislike seeing all those ill people in one place, sort of emotionally too much.A couple heard me speaking and started a conversation asking where I am from etc; The man said the medical system is better in the US; IDK, all depends, I told him it was not so bad in Hungary.Today my oncologist blew my mind by calling my number first, no long wait to see him and no old ladies trying to push in ahead of me.I call that a victory!I do hope all is well with your MIL; My SIL had her heart thing done yesterday and said she feels like a truck ran her over.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, good old Ken Dodd.  Apparently he could do stand up for absolutely hours.  I mean like all day.  He'd go non-stop.   He was also up on tax evasion and the most interesting thing is that he won the court case brought by the tax authorities.  He always played a daft person but he was really savvy.   

Good job you didn't have to queue up for a long time. I don't think the medical system in the US is better than Hungary.  It's more likely to be technically better but it'll bankrupt you so that'll make people worse.   In the UK, you'll get an excellent level of care in an emergency but it might be slow coming for more routine stuff.  But eventually you'll be seen.   On the other hand, it won't cost you anything at all.   The care in HU isn't that bad from what I've seen of it but it's been hammered through lack of funding, less sophisticated equipment and conservative treatment.   We all know where that money has gone.  Palace outside of Budapest anyone?


No MIL news. Just more of the same. I don't expect any changes.  It seems like we end up in a kind of stable position where it's routine for quite a while and suddenly there will be a change in some way. 

What, no football field on the property? Guess that is his next project.

Our wifi was done last night. Shut off at 7 pm and at 9:30 it was still off.

Gave up and got a good nights sleep instead of waiting.

Strange how dependent  most of us have become on the internet.

No one write letters these days and no one wants to wait months for a reply.

Last night we went old school and talked to each other, husband picked up his guitar. I almost picked up a book but after the long run around day was not into it.

If the systems go down, people are going to go nuts in a matter of a few days, most people anyways.

Banks, stores ,  transportation,everything depends on the internet. They created a monster.

Had a long chat with my SIL the other day.

They want to send my bro home on Oct.1.

Not great timing as his leg is still not ready!

Kasier health care in the US is the worst .

It was offered to my SIL through her work as a school teacher.

His shoulder rotator cuff was torn when he fell back in May and so far they have not addressed it.

He can use his walker but can not go for long since his shoulder is so painful.

I am not too happy about it.

On one hand he needs to go home but I know once his leg is ready, he will need allot of PT to learn to walk again.

In house PT several times per day would be best.

Grateful he is still with us but this seems a bit cruel to me.

    Had a long chat with my SIL the other day.
They want to send my bro home on Oct.1.
Not great timing as his leg is still not ready!
Kasier health care in the US is the worst .
It was offered to my SIL through her work as a school teacher.
His shoulder rotator cuff was torn when he fell back in May and so far they have not addressed it.
He can use his walker but can not go for long since his shoulder is so painful.
I am not too happy about it.
On one hand he needs to go home but I know once his leg is ready, he will need allot of PT to learn to walk again.
In house PT several times per day would be best.
Grateful he is still with us but this seems a bit cruel to me.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

He's got a will to live so everyone should be grateful for that.   Not that it's a great choice but surely he'd rather have one leg than be dead.  It's surprising what people can get used to. It sounds like overall, he's doing OK. Human beings are very tough when they need to be.  I expect he'll be golfing, swimming and and walking around just fine.  They just need to get his leg sorted and a good prosthetic sorted out.   People do amazing things and he's still pretty young.

In my own news, my BIL who has Parkinson's has reached a stage where he cannot stand for long without falling over.  And his speech has deteriorated.   He also has dementia.  So it's all bad but he's still alive.  I told my sister he needs to be in a home.  He's there most of the time.  My sister said they couldn't even get out the door of the home without him getting injured.  They've got money, it's not going to kill them financially, they have plenty of assets.  And unfortunately, there's a foreseeable limit to his needs.  His lifespan is probably not more than 3 years now.   My MIL is quite bad but not in the same way as my BIL.

Yesterday, I was also looking at my brothers and sister (we were all together in a restaurant) and I can see they've all got essential tremor.  I know I have it and it's been apparent for maybe 2 years.  I discussed at some length with my younger brother and it surprised me that he didn't know we have what is called intention tremor.  I showed him how it works and he said I was faking it!  WTF?  He tried testing himself and realised I was right.  There's no problem just sitting or watching TV.  The tremor only becomes apparent when you try to do something like pick up a cup or glass or try to do some fiddly thing like say, putting a tiny screw in a small hole or repair something small etc.    Then it's really difficult to stop it.  It's getting to the point where I might have to help with repairing small things.   I can do bigger stuff but small stuff has become a bit of a struggle.   My bros are not as far gone yet.   But it's a brain problem. It's not Parkinson's or some other thing - it's generally harmless but annoying.   Remarkable how this applies to us all so it must be genetic.   My mother had it and it seems we've all got it as well.  I don't remember my Dad having it so it must be inherited from my Mum.

    What, no football field on the property? Guess that is his next project.
Our wifi was done last night. Shut off at 7 pm and at 9:30 it was still off.
Gave up and got a good nights sleep instead of waiting.
Strange how dependent  most of us have become on the internet.
No one write letters these days and no one wants to wait months for a reply.
Last night we went old school and talked to each other, husband picked up his guitar. I almost picked up a book but after the long run around day was not into it.
If the systems go down, people are going to go nuts in a matter of a few days, most people anyways.
Banks, stores ,  transportation,everything depends on the internet. They created a monster.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

He's already for a football field next to his childhood home.  Pusztas Arena or something.  It's not that far away from my village.  I've flown over it a few times.  It's an outlandishly large stadium for such a small village. Allegedly, built on land owned by Orban's wife and the palace is owned by his father or Orban's sidekick and is supposed to be a farm or storage area for farming.  Apparently the Orban palace is in the style of some Austro-Hungarian palace.  It could be that if there's a reckoning when his life in politics is over,  the state may consider taking it as could well be considered as unexplained wealth.  Make a good official government visitors location.  Kamala can come to stay when she's President (haha) or Trump will be playing golf at the first Trump links in Hungary. Yeah, right. 

I've also heard rumours here and there that there are billions in the UAE in a Hungarian owned proxy bank so maybe that's the bolt hole when the chips are down.  Apparently Orban's daughter ran away to Spain prior to the election last time.  People read all sorts into these things. 

I've no idea of the truth of any of this and I'm worn out looking at it!

Be grateful you're not with PR Telekom's Internet.  We're sick of it failing over the weekends.  It grinds to a halt on Sunday nights usually which says something about what is going on in Hungary.  Nada/Zilch/Nothing!  Everyone is surfing for something to do!  We've installed Telekom fibre now and it seems to be better.  Couldn't be worst than PR Telekom.

It is very strange when you meet up with family after a long period of time.

Seeing their grey hairs or other signs of aging is freaky.

I remember when the 3 of us older sisters were together, we would have heads turning at our trio.

Now not much head turning , I do get long stares and looks from women around my age and older dudes.

I could live without those, really I could!

All of my siblings have gotten too heavy. I am as slim as ever.

In family photos I look like the string bean while they look more like baked potatoes!

Colon cancer is huge in the family, from my fathers side.

Lost my granny, an uncle, an aunt and her daughter and recently my brother.

One of my cousins who is aged 78 gets an exam every years since he was a teenager, that,s how afraid he is of getting it.

My son is due to get tested in Japan, I have been on him for a couple years to do it.

I think a bit of genetic tweaking would be nice if they could solve these inherited illnesses.

Those tremors could stem from a few issues.

Too much caffeine, stress or certain medications.

My friend in AZ has some sort of nerve disorder which just got worst and worst over the past 35 odd years.

Sometimes they can not pin point the cause of these things. They thought she had MS but it is something else, no one really knows.

Do not think the worst like Parkinsons or anything too serious.

Maybe take more time to meditate walking the dog is a good way to distress.

For me it is swimming but yoga stretches are great too.

Checked my mail this morning only to find some sad news from my German friend in Vegas.

Her long time BF of nearly 30 years passed away this morning in her arms at home with all their dogs close by.

IDK, he may of been in his late 70s as I know he was around 20 years older then she is.

Just not expected at all, seemed in perfect health was fit for his age and exercised everyday. One would have to live a clean lifestyle with Susi as a mate.

So cute they way the met, both were entertainers on a cruise ship.

She was the little dancer for the stage shows on board and he the drummer in the ships band.

She posted a U tube video of him from years ago playing and singing for the country band, David Sloan and the Rogues.

I did see her BF perform once in Vegas in a large showroom at the Sun Coast hotel/casino.

Very talented and and very sad.

Just goes to show, make the most of everyday and tell those you love that you love them while you still can.

    Checked my mail this morning only to find some sad news from my German friend in Vegas.
Her long time BF of nearly 30 years passed away this morning in her arms at home with all their dogs close by.
IDK, he may of been in his late 70s as I know he was around 20 years older then she is.
Just not expected at all, seemed in perfect health was fit for his age and exercised everyday. One would have to live a clean lifestyle with Susi as a mate.
So cute they way the met, both were entertainers on a cruise ship.
She was the little dancer for the stage shows on board and he the drummer in the ships band.
She posted a U tube video of him from years ago playing and singing for the country band, David Sloan and the Rogues.
I did see her BF perform once in Vegas in a large showroom at the Sun Coast hotel/casino.
Very talented and and very sad.
Just goes to show, make the most of everyday and tell those you love that you love them while you still can.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

Sorry to hear that.  What exactly happened to him? Heart? Stroke? 

It's such a shame that all the talent and experience and knowledge is lost when people pass.  That's terrible.  We can only try and create a legacy for our kids.  That's IF they are interested.   My bro is absolutely disinterested in the family tree or any history.  I find that incredible.

I keep telling Mrs F to keep on top of her health.  Looking after the Mum is causing a lot of stress.  And none of us are spring chickens.  Mrs F's blood pressure is up. I checked it.  It's not outrageous. I've told her to try and relax.

Apparently her Mum refuses to drink sometimes. Literally clamping her mouth shut and refusing to open.   No idea why.   If she doesn't drink, that'll be the end of her.   

My BIL has a diagnosis of a broken pelvis from his last fall.  What do the Docs do with that? He's got Parkinson's, dementia and a dodgy heart.  It's not clear he'll survive all that.

In other news, I ordered some stuff for repairs from Amazon.com in the USA and due to come via DPD.  Says it's delivered but nothing here. I also ordered some technical bits from AliExpress via Fedex. Again, says it's delivered but not here.  Some person in District 13 has it and Fedex refuse to tell me who.  I said, call the person to check their delivery and they said No as they "have no capacity".  WTF?  That's a couple of bad reviews from me.   What is going on that packages are now being lost in HU?  Now it looks like I have to start again and it's a 2 week wait for replacements.

I'm taking the day off. I'm going to do some gardening as it's so sunny. It'll rain for a week after today.  Have to get it all sorted before it all gets soggy and unworkable.

Not sure right now what happened to her BF but she said something about his kidneys shutting down.

She is a total health freak and never drinks any booze.

I am sure he lived the same sort of lifestyle, riding bikes having his GF be a fitness instructor and ex professional ballet, tap dance, ball room performer.

Susi was a child TV star in Germany in the 1960s early 70s; She and her bro had a circus act too.

Her mom in Munich still has her dance studio and teaches in her 80s.

Just one of the very talented people I ran into in Vegas.

She and Jeff never had children, hope she does not now regret that.

I feel sick for her, was busy running around the city today but now that I am relaxing at home, she has popped up in my mind.

Money wise she will be fine, emotionally, IDK.

I really admire her, hardly spoke English when she came to the US legally, taught exercise, did many side jobs and bought out a lady who had a business.

She even bought a home in Hawaii but the traveling back and forth to Vegas for her work got to be too much.

She now owns and operates The Las Vegas Arts and Crafts shows, as well as a animal rescue. She is often on the local Vegas news showing off pets that need homes.

I doubt she would of had any time for her own children.

Sorry about the MIL situation. Not drinking is not good.

We order vitamins and they send the order out to a 3rd party for pick up.

Sometimes they contact us when the order is ready and other times we have to bug them.

I picked up the results of my last blood test, and overall things are looking good.

Going in for a CT test tomorrow, no biggie, does not hurt , more boring then anything.

last time we went to a new place for the test and for the first time ever, they gave me a huge amount of water to drink , told me to drink it all within one hour in 15 min. increments. I kept asking my husband if he was thirsty or not, tried to pawn it off on him!

Drinking that much water so fast was painful.


It's such a shame that all the talent and experience and knowledge is lost when people pass.  That's terrible.  We can only try and create a legacy for our kids.  That's IF they are interested.

I don't think my daughter is looking forwards to clearing out all my junk. However I know she will become fiercely  sentimental.

I don't think my daughter is looking forwards to clearing out all my junk. However I know she will become fiercely  sentimental.


Tell me about it!   

We cleared out the last of my Mum and Dad's stuff from their apartment last week.  We were on a timetable as new owners were coming in.  The fatal thing is to start reminiscing about particular items.  Time is lost.  Essentially, everything needs to be swept into boxes and taken away to be sorted out leisurely elsewhere.   In the end, we had to hire people to take stuff to the dump.  It's such a shame.  Some of it was nearly new.  But we couldn't even give it away in time.

We've got a job on here in Hungary.  Mrs F's mother will go eventually and she's got a large 4 bedroom house stuffed with a horror show of junk including a baby grand piano.  How that is going to come out of there, no-one knows!  It'll need maybe 6 people to shift it and put it in a skip (HU: kontener).  I think Mrs F will have to hire people to do it.

It's such a shame that all the talent and experience and knowledge is lost when people pass.  That's terrible.  We can only try and create a legacy for our kids.  That's IF they are interested.
I don't think my daughter is looking forwards to clearing out all my junk. However I know she will become fiercely  sentimental.


There comes a stage in most peoples lives where you either just carry on as if you are immortal, or you do something so that those left behind aren't left with a mess to sort out at a time when they'd rather not have to.  We just had a garage and loft clear out and filled one huge skip in the process; the house, furnishings and general admin/wills are sorted and paid for, now we can get on with the rest of our lives, it's a good feeling to have put all that behind us.

        @fluffy2560It's such a shame that all the talent and experience and knowledge is lost when people pass.  That's terrible.  We can only try and create a legacy for our kids.  That's IF they are interested. I don't think my daughter is looking forwards to clearing out all my junk. However I know she will become fiercely  sentimental.        -@annsThere comes a stage in most peoples lives where you either just carry on as if you are immortal, or you do something so that those left behind aren't left with a mess to sort out at a time when they'd rather not have to.  We just had a garage and loft clear out and filled one huge skip in the process; the house, furnishings and general admin/wills are sorted and paid for, now we can get on with the rest of our lives, it's a good feeling to have put all that behind us.        -@Cynic

You're right, getting on is what needs to happen.  But it's in the atmosphere of sadness that the links with one's parent(s) are being closed.  I found it quite sad but it has to be done. 

I have all their historical documents here with me in HU including my mother's diaries - she wrote a lot down! It makes interesting reading.  One can easily get bogged down in it.

It's taken over a year since my Dad's demise to finish up and we're still not there as we have some Will actions to do and a small tax issue to resolve.   By the time it's really over,  it'll be nigh on 16 months to sort out.   

What is quite interesting is how those involved automatically took on roles - like one my siblings became treasurer, another took on paperwork and supply lines, another did the funeral arrangements and I was a bought in services organiser.

As for the MIL's house, no-one knows what to do with it.  Fix it up? Or sell it on?  I'm taking the position of being supportive but not interfering.  Mrs F's family owns a number of houses but they are all dilapidated.  No-one has the money to fix them up or the ownership is so diluted, no-one wants to put any cash in because there are too many share owners involved. It's not working well as the houses are turning into ruins.   

    Sorry about the MIL situation. Not drinking is not good.
We order vitamins and they send the order out to a 3rd party for pick up.
Sometimes they contact us when the order is ready and other times we have to bug them.
I picked up the results of my last blood test, and overall things are looking good.
Going in for a CT test tomorrow, no biggie, does not hurt , more boring then anything.
last time we went to a new place for the test and for the first time ever, they gave me a huge amount of water to drink , told me to drink it all within one hour in 15 min. increments. I kept asking my husband if he was thirsty or not, tried to pawn it off on him!
Drinking that much water so fast was painful.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I hope the scan goes well.  Thinking of you.

    Not sure right now what happened to her BF but she said something about his kidneys shutting down.
She is a total health freak and never drinks any booze.
I am sure he lived the same sort of lifestyle, riding bikes having his GF be a fitness instructor and ex professional ballet, tap dance, ball room performer.
Susi was a child TV star in Germany in the 1960s early 70s; She and her bro had a circus act too.
Her mom in Munich still has her dance studio and teaches in her 80s.
Just one of the very talented people I ran into in Vegas.
She and Jeff never had children, hope she does not now regret that.
I feel sick for her, was busy running around the city today but now that I am relaxing at home, she has popped up in my mind.
Money wise she will be fine, emotionally, IDK.
I really admire her, hardly spoke English when she came to the US legally, taught exercise, did many side jobs and bought out a lady who had a business.
She even bought a home in Hawaii but the traveling back and forth to Vegas for her work got to be too much.
She now owns and operates The Las Vegas Arts and Crafts shows, as well as a animal rescue. She is often on the local Vegas news showing off pets that need homes.
I doubt she would of had any time for her own children.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

KIdney failure.  Same as my MIL.  That must have been going on for some time.  It's not noticeable at the beginning but one sure notices it when in later stages.  Medication doesn't really help. They tell through blood tests.   Without dialysis, it's certain death and quickly.  Kidney failure gives 3 days to the end if no dialysis or a kidney transplant.   Shame.

One of my bros doesn't have any kids.  They've got a dog and they inherited that.  I am sure he would have been a good parent.  His Mrs was an only child so maybe that's got something to do with it or medical maybe.   Never really asked what stopped them.   

My friends BF was only 12 years her senior, for some reason I thought it was more.

Guess he was only 71 or 72.

Her FB page is flooded with photos and memories. Sad, think no one even likes thinking about being in her shoes right now.

My mom gave away everything of any value that she had before she moved away; All her furniture, brand nex fridge. She also made arrangements to have her ashes buried in our hometown next to her 2nd husband , her true love. She paid for it all, picked the spot out etc.

Not too much left for us to do when she passed. She even withdrew all her money and had a cashiers check sitting on her table in the names of her 6 children, all equal shares of what she had.

Her way of taking control of her children as she always did in her life.

She even paid off all her credit card debits as well.

Legally if she did not pay them off in the US they could not collect for us. She was just a super honest straight forward person. Her belief system was to never borrow and never owe.

Self reliant in everything she did.

I am torn between going to the US and clearing out my storage units or taking a fantastic holiday somewhere.

Well will see, I may be more like my mother then my father. he would just leave things in a mess while mom would have taken care of business.

I sometimes see a silly but realistic meme where an old man shows his son a garage full of junk and tells his son, someday son, this will all be yours!

    My friends BF was only 12 years her senior, for some reason I thought it was more.Guess he was only 71 or 72.Her FB page is flooded with photos and memories. Sad, think no one even likes thinking about being in her shoes right now.My mom gave away everything of any value that she had before she moved away; All her furniture, brand nex fridge. She also made arrangements to have her ashes buried in our hometown next to her 2nd husband , her true love. She paid for it all, picked the spot out etc.Not too much left for us to do when she passed. She even withdrew all her money and had a cashiers check sitting on her table in the names of her 6 children, all equal shares of what she had.Her way of taking control of her children as she always did in her life.She even paid off all her credit card debits as well.Legally if she did not pay them off in the US they could not collect for us. She was just a super honest straight forward person. Her belief system was to never borrow and never owe.Self reliant in everything she did.I am torn between going to the US and clearing out my storage units or taking a fantastic holiday somewhere.Well will see, I may be more like my mother then my father. he would just leave things in a mess while mom would have taken care of business.I sometimes see a silly but realistic meme where an old man shows his son a garage full of junk and tells his son, someday son, this will all be yours!        -@Marilyn Tassy

71 or 72 is no age these days.  Shame about it.

Your Mum must have had considerable presence of mind and determination to sort out her affairs like that.  Good for her.

If you clear out the storage lockers or at least consolidate, perhaps it'll reduce costs.   But you'd have to be ruthless to clear it all out and get rid of absolutely anything not essential.  That's so difficult to do.

We don't have a storage locker, we're storing a load of stuff in Mrs Fluffy's grandparents house.  Eventually we should sort through it and maybe move it over to her mother's place.  I am not looking forward to it.  There's saleable stuff like building materials, furniture, electronics and so on.

The latest MIL thing is they are buying a 2nd hand hospital bed to put in her house. It's an electric one which goes up and down and you can change the shape - raise legs and raise head etc.  It has sides which you can fix to stop the patient falling out.   The up and down is helpful so that the carer or helper does not hurt their back.  The seller has provided an air matress which jiggles the patient about a bit to stop bed sores. 

It's come to that now.  She cannot get out of this hospital bed whereas before she was regularly falling out a short distance to the floor and cannot get up or turn over. So ends up sleeping there and it needs two to lift her.  As I keep saying, there's no Quality of Life. If she lives 6 months I'll be surprised.

Great idea to get that bed.

My brother rented one for his wife when she had a knee replacement.

Now, IDK they may get matching hospital beds!

Yes, poor Susi, posted that she can not sleep etc;

It is so hard to deal with such a major loss.

She knows half the people in Vegas so at least she has allot of support; People bringing her food and flowers etc.

Those storage units really get under our skin; The raise the rent every year and it is starting to be allot of money;

Our son has a huge classic video game collection in 6 boxes

He thinks it is his fortune to resale them; Wish he took it more seriously and would meet up with us and ship his things to Japan if he wants to keep them.

I am paying rent for him too!

Hard to think about it, my cousins daughter knows many people in Vegas who may or may not be willing to help out two old folks with moving things to a charity. For sure we should reduce to just one unit;

Too old to be moving boxes back and forth all day long. I can see myself sitting in my nice chair and giving orders though!

My mother was a serious alcoholic towards her last days, she knew she was dying and just said forget it and let herself drink.

I was surprised she got it together enough to get rid of everything and organize her funeral and her money.

My mom was a scrapper from a young age and said you must take care of your own business because it is not anyone else,s problem. She lived that way all her life? Refused any gov. assistance to support her 4 children because she never wanted the gov; involved in her affairs. Did it all herself, working night shift in a factory, getting retrained etc. Worked along men and did a mans job. She somehow messed up though with the youngest girl, my half sister. IDK why she had different rules and was so overly spoiled, did not do her any favors treating her like glass. Now the rest of us have to worry about her.

Yesterday we walked in the rain, took public transportation to run some errands.

On the bus ride home it was a bit crowded so I sat up front and my husband was standing towards the middle of the bus.

I got off at the front door, and he the middle door of the bus.

He was standing in the middle of a group of men, 8 of them, alll appeared to be from perhaps India;

4 were just wearing plastic flip flop shoes, probably newbies here in Hungary.

Not the sort of weather to not have shoes on.

When the bus stopped it was a bit hard and one guy bumped into my husbands side.

They all got off at our stop.

Got home and my husband realized he pocket had been picked.

Classic move on the crimmies part. Distraction and the old bump into you move!

Just a pair of cheap reading glasses were in that pocket but still...

I was under the impression the vetted these people before giving them a visa.

Oh well; lesson learned, do not stand near odd balls on transportation, wait for another bus if needed.

    Yesterday we walked in the rain, took public transportation to run some errands.On the bus ride home it was a bit crowded so I sat up front and my husband was standing towards the middle of the bus.I got off at the front door, and he the middle door of the bus.He was standing in the middle of a group of men, 8 of them, alll appeared to be from perhaps India;4 were just wearing plastic flip flop shoes, probably newbies here in Hungary.Not the sort of weather to not have shoes on.When the bus stopped it was a bit hard and one guy bumped into my husbands side.They all got off at our stop.Got home and my husband realized he pocket had been picked.Classic move on the crimmies part. Distraction and the old bump into you move!Just a pair of cheap reading glasses were in that pocket but still...I was under the impression the vetted these people before giving them a visa.Oh well; lesson learned, do not stand near odd balls on transportation, wait for another bus if needed.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I noticed Asian people wearing flip flop plastic shoes in all weathers.  I don't know why they aren't wearing proper footwear.  I mean, the streets are dirty and wet.  Not nice for your feet.  But I believe quite a few Australian people go barefoot.  I think it's dangerous.

Anyone can lie to get a visa.  And if they are forged documents or no proper paper trail or inspectors with more than one brain cell no-one is going to know.

Perhaps your hubby's glasses are now helping some criminal see better but unfortunately unlikely to make them see the error of their ways.   What a nuisance!

I've been pickpocketed in Budapest.  It really does mess up your day. Sorry about it.

I'm being hassled by the Customs. I bought stuff on Amazon.com (replacement wheels for an suitcase/bag) under their global service which means it gets delivered here tax/duty paid.   So the first package was damaged by GLS or someone and we don't know what happened to it.  Amazon sent a replacement and completed the airway bill and documentation and sent it by DHL.   They attached a commercial invoice which has everything on it.  I didn't pay anything at all for the replacement. No shipping, no money, 0 HUF.  It's not a gift.

So I get a DHL e-mail asking me a bunch of dumbass questions about these goods.  The stupid thing is that everything is on the commercial invoice and on the air way bill.  Like, can't you read?

There should be nothing to pay whatsoever.  Moreover they (DHL) told me the goods will arrive on Monday.   So which is it?  Fill in a form to say there's nothing to pay, despite it saying it's delivery duty/tax paid (DDP) or be threatened with  paying some stupid fee to DHL but you're going to deliver it anyway.  WTF is going on with these people?    Once again DHL shows it's the one which sucks the most.  Best avoided.

Have to go to OBI.  It's a useless shop but it's the only place to get stuff at the weekends.

I do not even like the word customs.

Idiots with too much power.

Super hassle with them when we shipped our 12 boxes to HU from NV.

Our son has an issue so bad in Japan that he almost just chucked the place for good; It was finally settled without him even paying an extra penny;

So silly, he shipped his boxes there and did it in a rush; Never do things in a rush when having to deal with official.

He shipped an item a CD he had purchased in Japan.

It was OK for import to the US but not good for bringing back into Japan.

We bought some funky wheels for a shopping bag at Pratiker. Still have not tried to put them on yet.

We bought several nice new looking suitcases in Vegas second hand. We gave the nicest ones to our son for his trip to Japan.

I bought myself a nice set for only $30; on senior half price day, $15.!!

Sort of a wild design though, hearts bright blue and purple with black and white pattern. At least they are easy to pick out at the airport.

Today my husband turns 77! Having our own party today;. Bought several slices of cake instead of one cake.

Time to open up the bubbly and let the party begin. Probably will get partied out by early evening!

    I do not even like the word customs.Idiots with too much power.Super hassle with them when we shipped our 12 boxes to HU from NV.Our son has an issue so bad in Japan that he almost just chucked the place for good; It was finally settled without him even paying an extra penny; So silly, he shipped his boxes there and did it in a rush; Never do things in a rush when having to deal with official.He shipped an item a CD he had purchased in Japan.It was OK for import to the US but not good for bringing back into Japan.We bought some funky wheels for a shopping bag at Pratiker. Still have not tried to put them on yet.We bought several nice new looking suitcases in Vegas second hand. We gave the nicest ones to our son for his trip to Japan.I bought myself a nice set for only $30; on senior half price day, $15.!!Sort of a wild design though, hearts bright blue and purple with black and white pattern. At least they are easy to pick out at the airport.Today my husband turns 77! Having our own party today;. Bought several slices of cake instead of one cake.Time to open up the bubbly and let the party begin. Probably will get partied out by early evening!        -@Marilyn Tassy

I hear you. 

Customs are a PITA.  It's not like my $29 suitcase wheels are going to make any difference to the economy of Hungary.  Utter waste of everyone's time.  My "suitcase" is a Motorcross kit bag made by Oigo.  This brand is owned by a major golfing brand (forget which).   One can still buy these Oigo bags to the same design.  Mine is over 10 years old but the rubber/plastic wheels disintegrated as it gets quite a lot of use.   It's such a pricey bag to buy new. I didn't want to pay the current prices and throw a perfectly good back away.  I thought I'd just buy new wheels to replace them.  There's a kit for it which is what I bought and now Customs/DHL are hassling me about it. Pffff...absolute nonsense.

It was mobbed in Obi.  I only wanted some electrical bits and pieces for home stuff. Nothing specail  They are expensive compared even with specialty electrical shops. Sometimes it's a real price difference.  But those shops are not open at the weekend.

Mrs F is over with her mother.  The electric hospital bed is installed.  To rent one costs 20K HUF a month but we just bought this secondhand one.  Mostly we can rise it up and down so to deal with her it needs a way to get it up higher so the carer doesn't hurt their back.   It's old but it still works.  It was a massive effort to get that bed down from a 2nd floor apartment, on to a truck and over to the MIL's house.  It took the BIL, his friend, Mrs F, me and our teenage son and it was extremely diffcult.  I think everyone has a damaged back now - I had one anyway.   No way we will do that kind of thing again.  We'd have to hire people.

I haven't seen the MIL for a couple of months and I am stunned how much she has deteriorated.  She's almost non-verbal and can hardly speak, cannot stand or walk, cannot feed herself or drink and is utterly helpless.  She seems to be in some kind of permanent rigid position.  I think this is a really somehow looking like the end of the road.  But no idea how long it's going to take.  It's got to be less than 6 months but I'm thinking much less now. 

I've got e-mails for work to do and I don't want to open them until Monday.  It'll be all bad news in those e-mails and it's too much hassle and these days I want my weekends back. I am seriously thinking of jacking in work and just cruising down to retirement.

Congrats on the birthday!  I hope plenty of good things will be going on at Tassy Towers.