
Absolutely Anything Else

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Vance is more of a crackpot than Trump is.

As for flight's, I don't think I'll be flying to America anytime soon.

Marilyn Tassy

Vance is more of a crackpot than Trump is.
As for flight's, I don't think I'll be flying to America anytime soon. - @SimCityAT

  Yes, I am American and I do not want to travel there either!

Was seriously thinking of a short trip over to see family but once again life got in the way.

I really wanted to be a flight attendant when I was 30. Now even thinking of flying get my BP up and I have low BP.


I watched Vance,s speech last night.He seemed to really get under their skin.I know the UK, France, Germany and a few others had an emergency follow up meeting the next day in Paris.I never really paid much mind to politics but this is starting to be somewhat interesting.As a US citizen, if it saves the US tax payers money that they can use for their own country then let the chips fall where they may.Sort of disgusts me to think my 77 year old sister is slugging away at work when so any freeloaders are sitting around playing video games on tax payers money.That Delta fight that landed upside down is really something. What a fright to be hanging by your seat belt.I would be interested in viewing any footage of the landing.My eldest sister is really having a tile with our half sister. I feel she really needs to be locked up for everyones good; At least till she wakes up to reality, if possible;6 months now and has not even looked for a job!The eldest made her a resume and found job leads for her but she never bothered with any of it!They have nearly come to blows a few times too!The younger one sleeps till noon or 1 pm. Takes hours to fix herself food and shower and then is ready to start her day!She has done some furniture moving and switching things about without permission for the elder sister; Tossing things out, hiding things, taking over cabinets and generally being a pain;My SIL just wrote me, I knew she was helping the younger sister for awhile but did not wish any credit for it so I never mentioned it.Now she tells me she sent her money for over a year and gave her a solid action plan to save her house etc;She never took the advice, only the cash!There is just so much family can do for someone who is not willing to do for themselves.I adviced the elder one to call elder abuse or get a restraining order out if needed.Terrible situation.Many of the elder things are missing, I suspect that are in a pawn shop! Large items too like a guitar and power washers.The elder one really concerns me, she had a hip replacement a couple years ago and ankle surgery with a bone graft. The younger one went nuts and ran towards her like she was going to punch her in the face! My eldest was a black belt in 5 forms of Karate and still has the moves. She kicked out but did not make contact.She must have allot of patience because I would of already thrown her , her dog and her things out and changed the locks. I wonder if it is illegal to throw someone out in the winter? - @Marilyn Tassy

Vance's speech was absolutely idiotic.  No-one liked it and why would anyone?  Any applause was polite and possibly from his own posse.  We find it very difficult to accept a lecture on free speech on a continent that experienced violent fascism and war.  And of course, in Trumpist style, he was completely wrong on so many counts in his so called facts.  It made me think he'd brought a speech for domestic US politics with no understanding of where he actually was.  In Europe. In Munich.  A centre of Nazism.

I dread the news in the morning. it's got worse overnight as usual. 

Now Trump's current position is demanding payback on aid to Ukraine by obtaining economic power over the country.  So Russian dictatorship would be replaced by American hegemony.  I cannot see anyone agreeing to that.  A scenario in my mind is that throughout Emperor  Trump's reign - say 5 years:

  1. There will be a gradual removal all US forces in Europe and elsewhere will return to the USA.  They will lose their jobs (there are over 100K US forces in Europe).   Other bases may close due to Trump's nonsense plan in Israel
  2. NATO will split and the US will no longer be involved. 
  3. Trump and Israel will attack Iran.  No-one in Europe will provide support without a quid pro quo.
  4. China will invade Taiwan. No-one in Europe will care much.   Only regional forces bounding the Pacific will take notice.   
  5. Ukraine will fight on while Europe scrambles to put their economies more on a war footing and boost military production in Europe.  US will lose billions in arms sales as Europe becomes more self-sufficient.  Some collaborations with the US will continue.
  6. A clash with Russia could occur as early as 2028 but more likely 2030.  Probably in the Baltics.  Europe might occupy Kaliningrad.

I don't know who is sitting around using US taxpayer dollars playing video games.  Who Dat? 

BTW, Musk is after your tax records. It makes no sense.  He doesn't need to check people's tax records.  If he really wants to make a difference he needs to look at the tax laws. I doubt he's got the patience for it.   It's very dry reading and has lots of vested interests.  That's why he needs people who know how it works now if he wants to slim it down.  Tax is complex. Places like NZ did tax reform projects and they are still at it, 12 years later.

There's a bit of hope that new SCOTUS hearings will slap Trump down.  But with the bias there, not that hopeful.   They will be very busy in the coming weeks.  Let's just see if loyalty to Trump is more important than the rule of law.

There's video of the plane crash in Toronto.  My Canada based daughter sent a link from local TV but it's easily found on YT and more detail there. Amazing footage.

Sounds like your two sisters need to be separated.  If it came to it, it'd be a matter of survival. 

I wouldn't have my teeth pulled out.  My dentist told me he needs 4 anchor points per jaw for reconstruction work.  That'd be implants with immovable dentures fixed on top.  It's look pretty natural and last a lifetime if done correctly.  Worth  a thought.



Did you know the DOGE website has been hacked several times. You really think they would have used the government servers where there is protection. It's only using the .gov domain. It was also made using Wordpress.


@fluffy2560Did you know the DOGE website has been hacked several times. You really think they would have used the government servers where there is protection. It's only using the .gov domain. It was also made using Wordpress. - @SimCityAT

No, I didn't know that but I am not surprised. 

I've worked on multiple government projects that have a "presence" on the Internet and I have warned many on multiple occasions they need to be extremely vigilant, have back up plans for operations and data etc, even insurance for rapid response.  I also said attacks could be via malicious state actors or criminal gangs.  Most of them haven't got a scooby doo (UK slang for clue).  I am not sure any of them really care.  It seems to be someone else's problem.

If DOGE is set up like that, we need to add a number of letters, making it DODGIE - Department for Oxymoronic Dangerous Government Implausibllity of Efficiency.    I couldn't think of a word beginning with Y to end it on a Y instead of an IE. Maybe YooHoo.

Everyone who has been in government knows government efficiency is an oxymoron. 

DOGE-land must be a bit like Brexit-land, sunlit uplands and unicorns that look like My Little Pony.


Video from ground of Toronto plane crash:

Don't watch it if it this kind of thing upsets you!

BTW, Musk is trying to get into the IRS and SSA.   We'll see if his "kids" / disciples screw up and disable tax refunds and SS payments on some random basis.  I hear Musk has appointed some guy called Shedd (two D's Shedd) to look into the SSA or IRS data.  I wonder if Mr Shedd is considering getting another D.

Not going to affect me as I'm not due to actually collect on a pension until this time next year. And it's not from the USA

Marilyn Tassy

If they mess things up with SS we may all be in a breadline of find ourselves back to the old grind stone!

We are not overly worried, in fact what is the point of worrying over things we have no control of; Best to stock up on supplies and be ready to take anything on head first.

IDK for years my husband has said he is afraid of nothing, live or die, work does not even scare him.

He would be the first to get a job in Hungary if it ever came down to that. They can always use a few street sweepers! Just joking on that one!

My friend in AZ has gone crazy about being against trump and Vance; I really do not know why she upsets herself so much; She is not well, in a wheelchair retired with a decent SS income, has her husband and a brand new condo , new as he is fixing every detail inside even painting the inside of clean closets!

I never knew anyone who painted inside a closet unless it was super dirty. IDK, is that a thing?

My husband jokes in his way about my friends husband keeping busy so he does not hear my friend talking to him and complaining!


The latest as of yesterday is my eldest sister now says 2 large tool boxes are missing!  I now really think the younger one is pawning her things behind her back! She sells her blood plasma and I know she is around allot of low lifes in that plasma center.Sad, my stepfather had her made out like his little princess...He would really be upset to see her now!

I know if my eldest sister should kick it the younger one would sell off her things but to do it when she is still alive really gets me hot and mad.

My SIL told me she was supporting her for a full year even paid to fix up her deceased husband truck, worth at least a good $7,000. What id she do, she just gave it away to her husbands cousin? I do not understand that.

No respect for other peoples efforts or funds.

No Trump does not have to make America great again he needs to open up mental hospitals again!!


If they mess things up with SS we may all be in a breadline of find ourselves back to the old grind stone!We are not overly worried, in fact what is the point of worrying over things we have no control of; Best to stock up on supplies and be ready to take anything on head first.IDK for years my husband has said he is afraid of nothing, live or die, work does not even scare him.He would be the first to get a job in Hungary if it ever came down to that. They can always use a few street sweepers! Just joking on that one! My friend in AZ has gone crazy about being against trump and Vance; I really do not know why she upsets herself so much; She is not well, in a wheelchair retired with a decent SS income, has her husband and a brand new condo , new as he is fixing every detail inside even painting the inside of clean closets!I never knew anyone who painted inside a closet unless it was super dirty. IDK, is that a thing?My husband jokes in his way about my friends husband keeping busy so he does not hear my friend talking to him and complaining!Mean! The latest as of yesterday is my eldest sister now says 2 large tool boxes are missing! I now really think the younger one is pawning her things behind her back! She sells her blood plasma and I know she is around allot of low lifes in that plasma center.Sad, my stepfather had her made out like his little princess...He would really be upset to see her now!I know if my eldest sister should kick it the younger one would sell off her things but to do it when she is still alive really gets me hot and mad.My SIL told me she was supporting her for a full year even paid to fix up her deceased husband truck, worth at least a good $7,000. What id she do, she just gave it away to her husbands cousin? I do not understand that.No respect for other peoples efforts or funds.No Trump does not have to make America great again he needs to open up mental hospitals again!! - @Marilyn Tassy

There will be a massive backlash against Musk and Trump if they manage to destroy the IRS refunds and SSA payments.  I've seen some interviews where people regret voting for Donny. 

Obviously not what they were expecting.   I can understand people being upset.  You can always vote.  In fact, you should then you can do something about it.  Same for your AZ friend.

Myself,  I am still not over the disaster called Brexit.  Not that I voted for it.  I didn't vote at all as I wasn't legally allowed to do that.   I didn't have a voice but the law has changed in the UK and I could have a voice now.   For me, most of the things to get upset up about are International, not local and I have no serious vote locally - only a vote at the village level.  Brexit removed my voting rights at the EU level.  I am disenfranchised.

I guess your hubby lived through tumultuous times, what with leaving Hungary and going to the USA and being part of an immigrant struggle.  I hear from my daughter in Ontario, that's a very difficult to get going there.   Job changes look frequent, hours long and cost of living is high.  But she's young and mobile, educated and determined.   Perhaps very much the life of an ordinary immigrant.

Maybe your sister should get an invisible UV pen to secretly mark her possessions with her name and phone number.  A quick tour around the local pawn shops will determine where the stuff has gone.  Or perhaps a look on Ebay/CraigsList etc   A cheap UV light will show up that it's the right stuff.  If that's the case,  your other sis is destined for a holiday at the local jail. It sounds like your older sister is being taken advantage of.

Marilyn Tassy

My older sister is being taken advantage of; My SIL was too.

She lost my brother just after my sister lost her husband. think she herself was in an emotional state and thought helping would be what my brother would of wanted her to do. Out of respect for him she was used.

My deceased sister used to say our brother was cheap, no he was not; he was just not a fool and only helped those in real need. He was willing to help the half sister when she asked him for money but when he asked her how much, how long and where it was going she could not give him an answer so no money; She is a bottomless pit!

He generously gave $2,000 for our cousins funeral although the US military would of paid for it. He sent the money just to help out with extras. He was not even close to our cousin but to his sister and our aunt.

My eldest sister has become a super Christain and thinks God is testing her like Job.

No, Job was not even tested this hard!

I warned the eldest but sometimes people brush me off because I am a joker at times or they just think I am flip.

I am used to it, being the 3rd child and a girl everyone thinks I am not a serious player, the joke is on them however.

My AZ friend does vote, takes ever vax before it is even a thing; She is now  obsessed with the bird flu. Ready for her shot!

Sometimes I wish I had wings like a bird, to fly away from all the insanity!

Marking her items is a good idea but running around to every pawn shop is not easy. The younger one goes into the city to sell her plasma, way too hard to check every shop out in person.

The younger one has a history of stealing from her teen days; Even got caught in a shop once and mom had to talk with the manager to not press charges.

When she was 18 the older one paid for her ticket and had her live with her and her then 2nd husband in their home; Once my sister had a house party and all the guests placed their coats and bags in a room; Everyone had been robbed while they were in the next room having their party:

Man, I never got too close with the younger one because she goes against everything I stand for, robbing friends is on the worst of the worst list to me.

She will never change.


There will be a massive backlash against Musk and Trump if they manage to destroy the IRS refunds and SSA payments. I've seen some interviews where people regret voting for Donny.
- @fluffy2560

Whilst I believe Trump will end up in a mess after he damages his country very badly, there are still plenty of pro-Trump activists posting as well.

I choose to believe neither lot as both are biased.


There will be a massive backlash against Musk and Trump if they manage to destroy the IRS refunds and SSA payments. I've seen some interviews where people regret voting for Donny.
- @fluffy2560
Whilst I believe Trump will end up in a mess after he damages his country very badly, there are still plenty of pro-Trump activists posting as well.
I choose to believe neither lot as both are biased. - @Fred

He's already in a mess.  I only hope the checks and balances work to keep him from imploding the place.  We'll see what the courts do over the coming weeks.


My older sister is being taken advantage of; My SIL was too. She lost my brother just after my sister lost her husband. think she herself was in an emotional state and thought helping would be what my brother would of wanted her to do. Out of respect for him she was used.My deceased sister used to say our brother was cheap, no he was not; he was just not a fool and only helped those in real need. He was willing to help the half sister when she asked him for money but when he asked her how much, how long and where it was going she could not give him an answer so no money; She is a bottomless pit!He generously gave $2,000 for our cousins funeral although the US military would of paid for it. He sent the money just to help out with extras. He was not even close to our cousin but to his sister and our aunt.My eldest sister has become a super Christain and thinks God is testing her like Job.No, Job was not even tested this hard!I warned the eldest but sometimes people brush me off because I am a joker at times or they just think I am flip.I am used to it, being the 3rd child and a girl everyone thinks I am not a serious player, the joke is on them however.My AZ friend does vote, takes ever vax before it is even a thing; She is now obsessed with the bird flu. Ready for her shot!Sometimes I wish I had wings like a bird, to fly away from all the insanity!Marking her items is a good idea but running around to every pawn shop is not easy. The younger one goes into the city to sell her plasma, way too hard to check every shop out in person.The younger one has a history of stealing from her teen days; Even got caught in a shop once and mom had to talk with the manager to not press charges.When she was 18 the older one paid for her ticket and had her live with her and her then 2nd husband in their home; Once my sister had a house party and all the guests placed their coats and bags in a room; Everyone had been robbed while they were in the next room having their party:Man, I never got too close with the younger one because she goes against everything I stand for, robbing friends is on the worst of the worst list to me.She will never change. - @Marilyn Tassy

Maybe a stint in lock up with change her ways.  Once a con though, how can you ever get that off your record in the USA?  In my own country, convictions become "spent" when the time is served and they need not be mentioned in say, job applications.  But they still come up in background checks for some jobs like working with vulnerable people or say, being security guards, joining the police (!!) etc.

Maybe your sis can make up a flyer and sent it to each pawn shop, saying if the suspect comes in, to check the item of UV markings and if found to call her number to warn of stolen items being sold.  I'm afraid I wouldn't take this abuse, I'd call the cops. It's perhaps a Christian thing to do, to get her on a path of rehabilitation.  But if it's a minor crime, she'll get probation and that could fall back on your sister who sound like she's too lenient.  It's a matter of survival unfortunately. 

BTW, I read the USA has ordered 15,000 tonnes of liquid eggs from Turkey to replace loss of egg production.  That's a lot of egg.  But why liquid?  Why not powdered?  It'd last longer.

Avian flu is going to increase a lot.  It'll be everywhere by the middle of the year.  We'll see how bird brained Trump and Musk deal with that given the Fed agencies are being decimated.  Idiots.


He's already in a mess. I only hope the checks and balances work to keep him from imploding the place. We'll see what the courts do over the coming weeks. - @fluffy2560

The courts will probably ruleagainst him, but I believe he will simply ignore them.

After all, what can they actually do to him?

Once the courts are out of the way, or at least impotent, he can do as he likes.

However, the US electorate voted him in, so I'm merely an observer. As for expats in the US, I'm very happy I'm not in their ranks.

The rest of us have to hope his efforts don't damage the world economy too badly. I do see a rapid weakening of the USD, and that's very likely to smash the US economy in a 'great depression' sort of way.

That might well mess up US expats who rely on US pensions.


He's already in a mess. I only hope the checks and balances work to keep him from imploding the place. We'll see what the courts do over the coming weeks. - @fluffy2560
The courts will probably ruleagainst him, but I believe he will simply ignore them.
After all, what can they actually do to him?
Once the courts are out of the way, or at least impotent, he can do as he likes.
However, the US electorate voted him in, so I'm merely an observer. As for expats in the US, I'm very happy I'm not in their ranks.
The rest of us have to hope his efforts don't damage the world economy too badly. I do see a rapid weakening of the USD, and that's very likely to smash the US economy in a 'great depression' sort of way.
That might well mess up US expats who rely on US pensions. - @Fred

Yes, I'm already avoiding the USD in any transactions to avoid them being anywhere near my transactions.  Best to steer well clear of that and use another currency like Euro or Australian Dollar.  I used to take USD to some countries but now I'll be exclusively taking Euro.

And indeed, he can ignore the courts but he cannot operate in defiance against them as eventually Congress will have to impeach him.  He's not completely immune.  He'd view that as a distraction and an insult.  At least his majority is wafer thin. He only "serves" (mainly himself and Musk) ultimately at their and electorate's pleasure.   

What is surprising me is that the usual "independent" Republicans are not speaking up.   No Republican who might be hold the balance of power is speaking up - mainly the one in Alaska and the other one in Maine    What's up with them?

The budget is going to be a serious test of his power come mid-March.  He's not going to win everything.

I don't feel so much an observer.  We're right next to Ukraine with our own Trump wannabe spouting his usual BS.  I don't get it because who would actually want a potentially belligerent and aggressive Russian state at their border?

Marilyn Tassy

Time will tell, our savings might take a beating if a serious SS issue happens but I do not expect to outlive my savings.

I can not risk worrying about such matters that are out of my control.

Just have to be aware of what is going on around ourselves.

Our SS is such a joke that I hope we would be on the bottom of the list of any major cuts.

I think they would go after those couples with the max benefit. Not even sure what that is these days, Used to be a max of $3,500 a person, so 2 people with a great income would get $7,000 as a couple per month Not too shabby.

I know my friend in Vegas, Mona was in her 30s when she married a man with cancer in his 70s; Werid, yes but she was a strange one herself.

He wanted to make sure she got his SS after he died.She never quit working and often worked 2 jobs at once dealing in Vegas. She passed away but was astranged from her 4 surviving adult children. One she was in contact with but he was not in great shape either, stuck in a wheelchair from some sort of accident in FL.

Man, thinking on it I have known some people with the most way out issues!

I wonder where all her savings went? I know she was loaded because she never spent a penny if she did not have to;

She is the lady who had been tied to a chair by her first husband and witnessed him killing their 3 year old son. Then he hit her on the head with a claw hammer and left her for dead. Her other children were t    ken away from jer; She changed her name and moved to Vegas. She did write a book on this which was used in the US at womens studies classes in a few unis.

She told me once a retired policeman sat at her blackjack table and they got to chatting . Just the 2 of them on the table. Turned out he was one of the first police to find her with her brains spilled out and her son dead. Happened on the east coast of the US. Small world for sure. Mona was nice but everyone could tell she was not really there mentally. Not sure how she landed dealing jobs but she knew all the bosses in Vegas and everyone loved her for some reason.I worked with her   few times and as far as dealing a clean game, she was one of the best.

Super off topic, been a long day.

Was nice outdoors but a bit chilly.

My friend up in Sweden wrote me today, seems they are now serious about deporting her back to the US.

Super sad since her health is not great ATM. Only in her mid 40s too.

Some people have real issues and some just make their own lives harder then they need to be.

I believe we are just in the early stages of a major change in the world.

Marilyn Tassy

My spelling is once again a mess; Today the format on my e mail was changed; Dislike it, have to change it back to the old format. No edit here and a new format on yahoo, what the heck??


Trump has been in power 31 days and already cost the taxpayer $10.7 million from playing golf.

He is actually losing his mind with his last rant on social media, he needs to be sectioned.


Trump has been in power 31 days and already cost the taxpayer $10.7 million from playing golf. He is actually losing his mind with his last rant on social media, he needs to be sectioned. - @SimCityAT

I think that's one of the reasons he wanted discussions in Saudi.  They are trying to big themselves up through sport and golf is one of their targets.  That and football. And this is in the aftermath after murdering people in  the Saudi Embassy in Turkey.   MBS wants back in on the world stage and Trump's happy to help by rolling over if you tickle his ample tummy.

I don't pay attention to Trump except through legit news sites. I do not frequent social media (without irony being here).   I am not in FB, X or any of those things.  He's definitely a few nuts short of a fruitcake.   He's now calling Zelensky a dictator.  How ludicrous is that!?  It's martial law and there are no elections during a state of war! Do me a favour!

Getting into a shouting match with Trump isn't going to help Ukraine as he's spoiling for an excuse to pull out.  Trump is now claiming he's the only solution and how wonderful he is at negotiations.    Now he claims millions have been killed.  That's way off the right numbers.  He needs taking to hospital pronto.  Maybe it's getting all too much for him and we might need to feel sorry for him as he needs to take his medication.

I read a kind of oddball discussion about Trump's mental state might be due to dementia. It was regarding how people with dementia stand upright. They apparently all lean forward.  There were various pictures of Trump showing how he leans forward and how it's not likely to be related to the lifts in his shoes. I'd never heard this before. It's called dementia posturing.  There are some interesting pictures about it if you Google.



Time will tell, our savings might take a beating if a serious SS issue happens but I do not expect to outlive my savings.
I can not risk worrying about such matters that are out of my control.
Just have to be aware of what is going on around ourselves.
Our SS is such a joke that I hope we would be on the bottom of the list of any major cuts.
I think they would go after those couples with the max benefit. Not even sure what that is these days, Used to be a max of $3,500 a person, so 2 people with a great income would get $7,000 as a couple per month Not too shabby.
I know my friend in Vegas, Mona was in her 30s when she married a man with cancer in his 70s; Werid, yes but she was a strange one herself.
He wanted to make sure she got his SS after he died.She never quit working and often worked 2 jobs at once dealing in Vegas. She passed away but was estranged from her 4 surviving adult children. One she was in contact with but he was not in great shape either, stuck in a wheelchair from some sort of accident in FL.
Man, thinking on it I have known some people with the most way out issues!
I wonder where all her savings went? I know she was loaded because she never spent a penny if she did not have to;
She is the lady who had been tied to a chair by her first husband and witnessed him killing their 3 year old son. Then he hit her on the head with a claw hammer and left her for dead. Her other children were t  ken away from jer; She changed her name and moved to Vegas. She did write a book on this which was used in the US at womens studies classes in a few unis.
She told me once a retired policeman sat at her blackjack table and they got to chatting . Just the 2 of them on the table. Turned out he was one of the first police to find her with her brains spilled out and her son dead. Happened on the east coast of the US. Small world for sure. Mona was nice but everyone could tell she was not really there mentally. Not sure how she landed dealing jobs but she knew all the bosses in Vegas and everyone loved her for some reason.I worked with her few times and as far as dealing a clean game, she was one of the best.
Super off topic, been a long day.
Was nice outdoors but a bit chilly.
My friend up in Sweden wrote me today, seems they are now serious about deporting her back to the US.
Super sad since her health is not great ATM. Only in her mid 40s too.
Some people have real issues and some just make their own lives harder then they need to be.
I believe we are just in the early stages of a major change in the world. - @Marilyn Tassy

$7K a month is pretty good for 2 people.  That's a nice amount.  More than many people earn. You certainly know some people with interesting lives. I didn't want to say colourful as that reduces the severity of having a head bashed in and kids murdered.  What is wrong with people?  Turns my stomach over to hear about that kind of violence against kids, never mind adults.

You could write your representative to complain about any fears of change in the SSA etc will have on your pension entitlements.  I'm not a US citizen, but if I was,  I'd be on it like a shot. I wouldn't let them walk all over me. They work for us.  I think about my own pension. I paid into that thing for nigh on 40 years and I don't want some political scumbag to try and take it away from me because of some ideological BS.

The person in Sweden is unlikely to be deported.  She's entitled to a family life under the Human Rights Act and legislation across the EU.  Sweden will have certainly signed up to that legislation.  She needs to pull the trigger on that claim asap before they get too far ahead.   And get some decent representation to argue her corner.  I am sure she can get free help from an NGO etc. 

BTW, one of my friends said Europe should ally with Russia, China, Canada and the rest of the world to attack the USA in response to Trump.  He was joking (I think).  It could be an unbeatable idea. Maybe.

Marilyn Tassy

I personally do not know any couple with a $7,000 income just from SS but they are out there;

My cousin and his wife may be in that group but of course I will never know.

He has a PHD in education and his wife from Thailand worked for years in the Conn; schools, think in the offices.

My brother and his wife were set for a nice retirement since they both had solid airline jobs for over 30 years each with profit sharing etc; Worked overtime which was more then double pay at an hourly rate. Too bad he did not live long enough to collect a dime.

I told my machinist husband 40 years ago to not work for Hungarians in job shops even if they paid good,he was better off joining the machinist union and working directly for a major airline.

I also read about passive investments; One is investing in storage units; Just as an investor do not have to own the business; I am sure that is a good investment, we pay $300. per month, have done so for decades, my Vegas friend has a large unit and my brother pays $500; per month for one unit in Ca!

Lots of fools out there who store their old junk, like we do.

I swear I am dumping those units as soon as I can

Interesting about those with dementia having a lean to their stance. IDK in Trumps case it could be eating too many donuts, he could stand to lose a few kilos.Starting to look allot like OV around the middle!

My friend up in Sweden has actually been contacted by the police who have discussed where they are deporting her; She can chose what state,I think she should go to Hawaii if possible.The police are suppose to contact her today for more details, they are dead serious; She has a lawyer who messed it up, trying to find other lawyers ATM and contacting the newspapers; It is crazy how they are now turning again everyone.

I wish her the best, she did enter Sweden with expired papers so not w it is catching up to her.

She is in poor health ATM and she is under doctors care. The police were so rough they told her it does not matter and they do not care if she passes away the day she is out.

IDK, sounds rather bad.

Marilyn Tassy

Now it is catching up with her and everyone who did not go through the proper channels to enter the EU.

Marilyn Tassy

So I know my old co worker/friend in Vegas has passed, she had some cancer in her hip and other issues. After what she went through during her lifetime she was not overly forthcoming with her problems.

Kept most of them to herself.

She did however tell me over and over and over again about the clawhammer and murder of her 3 year old son.

She self published a small book on her life. She signed and gave me a copy but afteer reading it I was more confused then ever.

She mentioned everything she had told me about her past except the murder of her child and her being injured so badly.

I know she planned on writing a second book but never did.

Her book was written she said under an alas,with a ghost writer. She had changed her name before i met her, still afraid of her family on the east coast.

The book is sold on Amazon called, Dominance under the authors name of Ann Nugent.

Weird she shared so much with me but I still do not know her real birth name for sure.

She later married a man a good 40 years older then her who was dying from cancer. He met her years before when she used to walk to work; Later he bought her a surprise Alfa sports car to go to work in.Then they married. He had no children and wanted his SS to go to someone who could use it after he passed.

Again, I met her in Las Vegas, so many people living there from all over the world with back stories.


@Marilyn Tassy

So your friend in Sweden is being deported because basically she overstayed her visa?


I personally do not know any couple with a $7,000 income just from SS but they are out there;
My cousin and his wife may be in that group but of course I will never know.
He has a PHD in education and his wife from Thailand worked for years in the Conn; schools, think in the offices.
My brother and his wife were set for a nice retirement since they both had solid airline jobs for over 30 years each with profit sharing etc; Worked overtime which was more then double pay at an hourly rate. Too bad he did not live long enough to collect a dime.
I told my machinist husband 40 years ago to not work for Hungarians in job shops even if they paid good,he was better off joining the machinist union and working directly for a major airline.
I also read about passive investments; One is investing in storage units; Just as an investor do not have to own the business; I am sure that is a good investment, we pay $300. per month, have done so for decades, my Vegas friend has a large unit and my brother pays $500; per month for one unit in Ca!
Lots of fools out there who store their old junk, like we do.
I swear I am dumping those units as soon as I can
Interesting about those with dementia having a lean to their stance. IDK in Trumps case it could be eating too many donuts, he could stand to lose a few kilos.Starting to look allot like OV around the middle!

My friend up in Sweden has actually been contacted by the police who have discussed where they are deporting her; She can chose what state,I think she should go to Hawaii if possible.The police are suppose to contact her today for more details, they are dead serious; She has a lawyer who messed it up, trying to find other lawyers ATM and contacting the newspapers; It is crazy how they are now turning again everyone.
I wish her the best, she did enter Sweden with expired papers so now it is catching up to her.
She is in poor health ATM and she is under doctors care. The police were so rough they told her it does not matter and they do not care if she passes away the day she is out.
IDK, sounds rather bad. - @Marilyn Tassy

Yes, the orange blob does like his McDs.  It's good, it'll mess up his arteries and hopefully we'll be rid of him.   His ranting yesterday really has brought world condemnation.  How Trump thinks he can try and beat Zelenskyy in media terms is just nuts.  Zelenskyy is wiping the floor with him. You can see the hysteria in Trump's responses.  Zelenskyy wasn't only an actor, he has a very successful media and production business.  Trump meanwhile is a failed property developer, convicted felon and an in debt civil action offender who has one success, being on the TV.  It's the only thing he's done which (apparently) hasn't been a complete failure.  The guy called himself King even.  WTF?  If Trump had any friends in Europe, they must be thinking twice. 

The dementia thing is a weird stance.  Trump certainly looked odd in those photos - his feet are flat but he's leaning forward.  I discussed it with Mrs F and she says her mother had this dementia posture.  My BIL has Parkinson's and dementia and he also has it.  Didn't notice this before. I just thought it was older age with changes in the spine like the discs becoming compressed.  My parents didn't have dementia but they were smaller as they aged.  Possibly a couple of inches shorter even.

I think your Swedish connection needs to contact a human rights organisation. Quickly.  As I said, there's a right to a family  and for her to be with her husband. If she's in fear of her life (for some reason, say gangs are after her), then they could seek an emergency injunction to stop the deportation.  Ideally she should not be at her home, go somewhere else, stay with a friend, or even possibly a church to seek "sanctuary" and use burner phones.  If they cannot find her, they cannot deport her.   They will however follow people around and could possibly find her but it might be enough of a delay to get an order buying some time.   Maybe she can apply for asylum over threats from drug gangs etc   Maybe get into a hospital - won't look good dragging someone out of their bed.   Worth a try.

We had our stuff in storage and it was ridiculous.  We were paying more than it would cost to rent an apartment.  So we now store our stuff in Mrs F's grandfather's house where a lot of cousins (also owners) store their junk.  And it costs nothing to store it there.  I keep saying to Mrs F we need to get it all sorted out.  For some reason or another, it never gets sorted out.   It's stuff you might need but actually never really need.  We have quite a lot of building materials as well.  I think we could sell some of that.   We don't really need any of it. 

Marilyn Tassy

@Marilyn Tassy
So your friend in Sweden is being deported because basically she overstayed her visa? - @SimCityAT

Yes, that is pretty much it.

She had some huge life changing events happen during covid here in Hungary and just ran off to Sweden as her permit to stay in HU had expired and there was no hope to qualify to renew it.

She basically should of left the EU ASAP but instead entered Sweden and got married.

If she had left the EU and reentered legally she may of been able to avoid all of this.

IDK, her mental state was not good at the time, she lost a loved one and was not thinking clearly.

It is a rather sad tale, she and her husband are in love and it is a shame to tear them apart now after about 4 years.

I suppose he could come to the US but doubt they can afford it right now.



The latest from Trump....



Marilyn Tassy

IDK why but people seem to be attracted to me for sharing their hard life issues.

I do not judge and I do understand how things can turn and get out of control for people.

Our neighbor had been calling my husband ever since her mother died and asking him to help calm down her mind.

He did this for a few yeas but the last time she called, he was not in the mood and told her so.

I felt badly for her, we have run into her a few times in the building since then but she never called again.

$She never married and we never heard of or so anyone dating her. She is 71 or so.

Her mother was her life and now she seems to have no life.

I really do not know my  book writing friends real name, only the one she used for work. She must of legally changed it because you need a serious background check to work as a games dealer; Drug tests, hair tests, FBI and local police checks, fingerprints etc; Even credit reports.

When she gave me the copy of her book, I had no idea who Ann Nugent was.

Never knew her ghost writer either; Only knew her as Ramona, Mona.

She was damaged for sure but was one of the best dealers in Vegas. It was like her brain injury allowed her to laser focus on the game. She also helped so many people find dealing jobs; She knew all the big casino managers in town. For some reason people took to her like a stray pup.


@fluffy2560The latest from Trump....480563761_10162190699982279_668583138766193614_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=aa7b47&_nc_ohc=n_15mrhI738Q7kNvgG9BLke&_nc_oc=Adi-nGk6ZPdDOJ0f6vnjH4SCRUhSRlIhOrrC0ymNviNo8aEo0H3SOW52paaqC2kqi3s&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie2-1.fna&_nc_gid=AE-Z6CNhI29syYiu0qU6AbM&oh=00_AYCPzyoWYr99NdnzcBOTRhorc563mjXIoYIVk39widU5Yw&oe=67BCFDCB - @SimCityAT

That's the fella.  It's not the King I would want to expect.

I was thinking Elvis - the King - returning to save us from a Little Less Trump Conversation*.

If only Trump would leave the building. Permanently.

*What a fantastic track from the King. One of my all time fave Elvis grooves.


IDK why but people seem to be attracted to me for sharing their hard life issues.
I do not judge and I do understand how things can turn and get out of control for people.
Our neighbor had been calling my husband ever since her mother died and asking him to help calm down her mind.
He did this for a few yeas but the last time she called, he was not in the mood and told her so.
I felt badly for her, we have run into her a few times in the building since then but she never called again.
$She never married and we never heard of or so anyone dating her. She is 71 or so.
Her mother was her life and now she seems to have no life.
I really do not know my book writing friends real name, only the one she used for work. She must of legally changed it because you need a serious background check to work as a games dealer; Drug tests, hair tests, FBI and local police checks, fingerprints etc; Even credit reports.
When she gave me the copy of her book, I had no idea who Ann Nugent was.
Never knew her ghost writer either; Only knew her as Ramona, Mona.
She was damaged for sure but was one of the best dealers in Vegas. It was like her brain injury allowed her to laser focus on the game. She also helped so many people find dealing jobs; She knew all the big casino managers in town. For some reason people took to her like a stray pup. - @Marilyn Tassy

Mrs Fluffy has a personality which lends herself to people sharing. Maybe you and her are a type.   Mrs F is an excellent listener and is very discreet.  She doesn't gossip, she knows when to have ears open but mouth closed but will intervene if it seems to be going off the rails. I don't mean any of that nastily.  She would have made an excellent Catholic priest (apart from the religion and gender exclusion). She'd have been a top notch confessor. Everyone wants to tell her things.    It's one of the reasons perhaps why it works for us.  She's actually a brake on my more extreme reactions. I do get very animated over certain subjects and she's like a quick spliff or fire hose.  Damps it all down nicely.

Ann Nugent sounds like a pretty good alias.  I can understand her wanting to escape her past.  Everyone has cringeworthy episodes but hers sound really up there on a different scale. I guess it's one way to get away. Change your name and put right to the back deepest recesses of one's mind.  Take on a new persona.   Maybe her savant nature at casino work was a direct result of brain injury.  I'm thinking of Rain Man type stuff.  People who develop different skills due to noggin trauma..

Marilyn Tassy

That is exactly the right words, a savant.

When I met ,Mona, she was a part time fill in at our casino;

She had a full time casino job in another casino but was also a partner in a dealing agency.

She and a former dealer opened up a agency to give dealers extra work on the days off . Sometimes casinos had special events going on and needed temp dealers so they could open up more games for the events.

They also found full time regular dealing jobs for people if they wanted to move up to better casinos.

Vegas is a town where it pays to know people and she knew everyone and so did her partner.

He was the so called, brains in the company and she had the sweet personality.

She worked an even at my casino for a week or so and we got to chatting.

She was older then even I was, at least by a good 10 to 15 years.

She was one of the first group of females breaking into dealing in Vegas. Even her fellow male dealers gave her a hard time at first. They used to only have male dealers and the guys did not welcome women in that trade.

Guess with her history of abuse, a few rude names and bad cat calls did not even phase her.

She was a pioneer.

Marilyn Tassy

An agency, man it gets to be a challenge at times to use proper grammar.

Been too many years ago when I had English class.


An agency, man it gets to be a challenge at times to use proper grammar. Been too many years ago when I had English class. - @Marilyn Tassy

Don't worry.  I write stuff, then read it back and it sounds OK but.....I found if leave it a couple of days, go back to it and I then I can wonder on how unintelligible my scribblings are. 

In my actual work, I write a lot of documents and reports and I learnt always to leave it a couple of days. I really need proof readers to go over the stuff so I sometimes give it to other people to read.

I did get asked - as a native English speaker - to proof read a scientific paper on chemistry.  Absolutely no chance of making head nor tail of it.  The subject matter was so obscure.  I rapidly gave it back and said, just speaking English isn't enough.


That is exactly the right words, a savant.
When I met ,Mona, she was a part time fill in at our casino;
She had a full time casino job in another casino but was also a partner in a dealing agency.
She and a former dealer opened up a agency to give dealers extra work on the days off . Sometimes casinos had special events going on and needed temp dealers so they could open up more games for the events.
They also found full time regular dealing jobs for people if they wanted to move up to better casinos.
Vegas is a town where it pays to know people and she knew everyone and so did her partner.
He was the so called, brains in the company and she had the sweet personality.
She worked an even at my casino for a week or so and we got to chatting.
She was older then even I was, at least by a good 10 to 15 years.
She was one of the first group of females breaking into dealing in Vegas. Even her fellow male dealers gave her a hard time at first. They used to only have male dealers and the guys did not welcome women in that trade.
Guess with her history of abuse, a few rude names and bad cat calls did not even phase her.
She was a pioneer. - @Marilyn Tassy

Mona sounds like she needs a movie making about her.   That's a life lived there on the edge.  Obviously Hollywood needs to give it an ending where savant meets evil casino and savant wins!  Obviously there has to be an uplift at the end where a tough life comes good (mostly) and everyone lives happily ever after except the bad guys.   How could it end any other way?

Rain Main was a bit like that but it wasn't the entire movie.  It was a small bit where Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman win at cards or something.

We used to jest with you about writing a book of Vegas casino anecdotes but really, these stories are treasures you should write down and share them!  You could just speak them and the machine will write it all down for you!

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