Finding some foreigners to play football in HANOI City

Hi all you Guys !
My football team is preparing to join in HIFL (Hanoi International Football League) in Hanoi on next month. It's one match every week, only on Saturday afternoon.
This is a tournament for foreigners living and working in Hanoi, so my team want to invite some foreigners to join.
If someone like football and possible to play, pls let me know !
Respect !

Hi Rio Nguyen,

Could you please drop an advert in the Hanoi classifieds under the sport partners section so that interested members may directly contact you ?

Thank you in advance,

Hi Bhavna !
Well noted with thanks very much !

Hi rio Nguyen,

Are u still looking for players? I will arrive shortly in Hanoi and stay there for 2 month for a traineeship. I'd love to get a local grip by playing footbal in a mixed vietnamese - international team!
Please contact me, im happy for any chance to play/ get a contact!

Hey there,

I am interested. How could I join you?



hey whats up are you still looking for any players ?

Greetings.  I am new to Hanoi - and looking to learn about casual football teams who might want an enthusiastic player who enjoys the sport as well as the camaraderie.  As a Spanish speaker - also interested in Spanish speaking teams. Looking forward, Jose

hi am philip from Ghana ...just got to hanoi to be with my girlfriend and son.....i looking forward to join any football team....thank you

hello, football lovers in Hanoi

To connect football lovers with a chance to engage in the sport regardless of skill level or country of origin,  this is loud welcome to all who are interested in this great sport.

actually my 2 friends and I am trying to hold a fc in Hanoi through but it's not easy to gather people and I am struggling with putting messages to them who seem like wanna join with us (some set their private messages you know) and arraging time, place, etc.



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I'm interested in playing if your group is still active.

Thank you,

@Rio nguyen

I am a Ghanaian and a very good footballer. I would like to play football. I will arrive first week in December. I will be glad to play football

Anyone interested in playing still, please contact me?

@Rio nguyen

I want to play and join your team

    @Rio nguyenI m want to join your team        -@Chukwuebuka Victor

Hello. The member you are replying to, Rio nguyen, has not been active on the forum for over 5 years. It is doubtful that you will receive a response from them.

I suggest you read post #2 in this thread and post your own "Sport partners" ad in our Hanoi Classifieds section. Hopefully other members will reply to your post there.