How it is to live in Timisoara ?

Hi all!

I am Anouk, a 25 year old from The Netherlands. I just got a job offer in Timisoara for at least 1,5 years. Starting in January 2017. But I still have some doubts and hope you guys can help me out.

I'm wondering how it is to live in Timisoara. Are the people friendly? Is it easy to make friends there? Is there a lot to do in this city? Is it easy to find an apartment there? For how long have you been living in Timisoara? Why do (or don't) you like living in Timisoara?

Looking forward to hearing from you (and who knows we will meet up in Romania later).

Merry Christmas!

Kind regards,
Anouk Klein

Hi Anouk,

I am an Italian guy who is also probably going to be working in Timisoara from next year (don't know yet the exact date of beginning).

I have already been there, though I don't consider myself an expert of the city. Unfortunately I don't speak Romanian but having Italian as mothertongue makes me understand Romanian quite easily, since both languages share a Latin origin. 

Having said that I can't wait to go to Timi, I like this city as I find it young and vibrant with lots of cafes, restaurants, discos and it's relatively cheap compared to Italy. Let's keep in contact, we might meet each other in Timi one day ;)



Ciao A.!

I saw your message on the forum. Thanks for that :)

So you have been in Timi before. Did you like it there? I just accepted the job there, so no turning back for me haha! But you got a job there too? At which company?

Yes, Romanian is different from Dutch. But I learned Italian during the past summer, so I hope my Italian will help me a little... And I would like to learn Romanian, since I will be living there for a while.

Hope we can meet in Timi soon! Would love to stay in touch.

Ciao Anouk,

I'm happy to hear that you accepted the job, you'll have a great time in Timi (at least I wish you to!). Yes, I'll have a job there. The Italian company I work for has a subsidiary there and I'm supposed to work in Timisoara; I just don't know when I'll start but it should be decided within the next weeks.

Yes Italian should help you quite a lot with the Romanian. Latin would help you a little bit more as more than 80% of Romanian words derive from Latin; in fact to me Romanian sounds like quite an archaic language because it looks a lot like Latin but this is also the reason I understand almost everything (if I read a text; if I hear spoken Romanian that's another story unfortunately).

I will send you a PM so we can speak a little bit more about the details of our upcoming experience in Timi!

A presto!

Hi Anouk,

I am another Dutch person living in Romania. If you are going to work in timisoara it will be most likely for Accenture ? If it isn't for a major corporation it might change things.

Anyhow, I haven't lived there myself but from another Dutchie whom lived there for a year and a half it became quite small quite quickly, and he eventually made the move to Bucharest. This is a very similar story for our other compatriots that started out in the 'smaller' cities (such as Iasi, Timisoara, Brasov) in Romania; they liked or loved the country but eventually made the trek to Bucharest since not only is it a large city where one can find pretty much anything, it also makes sense financially since rents are often not so different from the smaller cities while the wages can be. So even if you have already started, it is very much recommended to keep looking for opportunities, even if to just renegotiate with your current employer.

If want anymore info (wages for dutch speakers, corporations here and so on) just pm me.

edit: Of course, you can also PM me for any other information regarding romania and so on you might need :)

Hello Anouk!

Welcome to Timisora! We came here with my family after Christmas. Now 1 month has gone and it would be nice to chat with someone who speaks English. If you are interested seen it would be nice. There are no Finnish women maybe here in Timisora..


Just seen this thread. I live in Timisoara and I think it's a pretty cool place! I'd be happy to meet up with any of you - just send me a message.

Hi all,

yes it would be cool to know someone of you. I've been staying here for almost 2 weeks; a lot of work, a lot of time looking for the house, but I had almost zero time to know new people.

Also for you Finnish family, I am a man and maybe you prefer to talk with a woman, but I love Finland, I've been there many many times and I'd really love to know some Finnish people here.

Hello everyone!

Nice to hear there are some people who would like to meet.. Maybe if we get a nice group and get together like have a dinner or something.. Unfortunately I have some personal matters to attend to in Finland next week but in March I'm back and I would love to meet new friends. Hope we can see soon!😀

Of course, I am always available if someone wants to meet. I have kind of some troubles building personal relationships with locals here because of the (lots of) work and because of my managing role that makes difficult to become friends with the staff here. So knowing some other expat would be very cool.

Hello - I realize you are probably already in Timisoara at this point.  I lived in Timisoara for a year to study Romanian language and culture as a requirement for my organization as I would be here long term (going on 10 years now).  There is a great language/culture center for foreigners - if you are interested let me know (at least there was 10 years ago - don't know now but if interested I can look into it).   I now live in Bucuresti and by comparison Timisoara was much slower paced and relaxed compared to the capital city.  I really enjoyed my time there and found there was many things to enjoy and see as I learned the language and culture.