Living in Haiti

You are living in Haiti, or you used to live in Haiti.

Share your experience!

How would you describe life in Haiti?

Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job?

Is it complicated to make friends in Haiti?

What would you recommend to people who would like to live in Haiti?

Thanks in advance for your participation

For me, the hardest in my life in Haiti has been making friends.

When I came back, 2 years ago, most of the people I knew, they had left the country, we all can understand why. As a matter of fact, no one understood why I had decided to come back while everybody was leaving!

So, i told myself i would meet other people, but 2 years later, although i'm quite an outgoing person, the only new people I know are friends of my only friend left here.

Don't get me wrong, haitian people are very nice and friendly,(well most of them!!!), but many factors make it hard to make new relationships:

1) everyone's afraid of everyone, and we can all understand why: you never know who is a zenglendo... even people in your own family can be zenglendos and you'll never know it... that is until you see them on tv if they ever get arrested.

2) not many activities available: still because of the insecurity, there are not many safe activites possible and to make new friends, you need hobbies and activities.

3) financial difficulties: the few activities possible involve spending money, such as going to restaurants, gyms and sports clubs, etc.. Although you might have the money needed for it, how many other people do? which reduces to only a few the amount of people you'll be meeting from which you'll have to deduct snobs, zenglendos, people who don't share your values and principles, etc...

To make new friends and keep them, you need security and money, none of which Haiti can provide. So, I wish you a better luck than myself!

P.S. 1- I actually did meet one great person on hi5. But watch out, I was lucky!

2- Please visit my blog and let me know what you think:

I thinking about moving to Haiti I want to know anyone who has made a move to Haiti and whats it like for you.

Hello Gretha and welcome to! :)
Maybe you should browse the forum's discussions to learn more about the country?