
Hi everyone.

I'm curious to find out how accessible the larger cities on Panama are. I've been in a wheelchair since cord was severed in an accident so accessibility is very important and I've been reading about some interesting SCI surgeries being performed in Panama. Any ideas,comments,etc?

Billstefansic wrote:

Hi everyone.

I'm curious to find out how accessible the larger cities on Panama are. I've been in a wheelchair since cord was severed in an accident so accessibility is very important and I've been reading about some interesting SCI surgeries being performed in Panama. Any ideas,comments,etc?

I cannot contribute anything on medical care in Panama City other than the fact that there is a Johns Hopkins affiliated hospital in the Punta Pacifica district of Panama City.  I have to believe that Johns Hopkins would not lend its name and affiliation to a hospital that did not observe the highest standards.  Whether and to what extent this covers your area of care is unknown, but I'd definitely start my research there.  There is some "medical tourism" in Panama, but it's mainly for cosmetic surgeries to my knowledge.

As far as living in Panama City, the city is generally nothing but a huge trip hazard.  Sidewalks have obstructions and holes.  I've walked at night and but for the grace of God did not end up washed out to the Panama bay through an open sewer (the cover had no doubt been stolen for scrap metal). Few sidewalks have wheelchair ramps that I've seen.  A friend of mine in El Cangrejo mentioned the massive amounts being spent for street improvements, which no doubt will bring them up to some sort of current standard and although I cannot comment on access to the subway due to lack of familiarity, I do feel those would have been built to accommodate wheel chairs.

Good luck!

Yes, what Sawman said, for sure. But here in David I see handicapped parking in almost all parking lots, even small ones. Maybe it is the same in Panama City, so if you could arrange for a van you might be OK. The sidewalks also suck in David though. I know some people who have hand powered bicycles and they ride in the streets. You could do that too but it might be more excitement than you want in many areas.