How to make friends in Egypt
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We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Egypt
Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Egypt??
Thanks in advance for your participation

Hi everybody,
Most Egyptians are friendly & talkative by nature so it's really frequent that you have a long chat with a taxi driver that's taking you somewhere, or a conversation with somebody that you met randomly on the street.
THe biggest problem here in Cairo is the traffic.
Most of the happenings are in the evenings/weekends at the same time and traffic is TERRIBLE.
You need 2-2,5 hrs for 20km because it's chaos over there.
That's why it's easier to stay at home & relax...
We know few people and mainly visit each others (easier to agree the time when the traffic in not at it's worst).
We do go out every now and then but sitting in a car for 2-2,5hrs to have a drink/dinner...ooooh too much!
What do you think?
Same experiences?
you are so right about going out in Cairo. I've been here nearly three years and I only go outside Maadi to work or visit my horse. Its just not worth it any other way. and I get lost all the time and by the time you're out its time to go home!
I work full time and its really hard to make friends here. I've kind of given up which is sad.
nice to know its not just me who struggles with soclialising her though - I was in Dubai before and it was really easy.
moveable feast
Hi moveable feast!
We were in Abu Dhabi...many years ago.
It was easier than here but you needed to be a member in club or always go international hotels - I guess life over there has changed a lot, like in Dubai...
It's so sad that traffic makes life here so difficult. But what can we do - nothing!
Walk whenever it's possible! :-)(sigh!)
Did you bring your horse from Dubai here?
Take care!
hey thanks for the response.
no I bought my horses here, they're both rescue horses. like my rescue dog and my gazillion rescue cats.
they're a joy but a huge responsibility. also now I have to learn to ride.....
what do you do here?
I'm a local Egyptian and I'm facing the same problems here, specially the traffic, maybe its because i lived most of my life in lower gulf, Muscat and Dubai, after moving to Egypt i found it very difficult to make new friends here, searching the internet for socializing activities I found only activities for westerners where most of the time I don't feel very welcomed, i don't know? is it that Egyptians don't socialize and make new friends or is it just that their activities data are not available online, I think that Egyptians are more friendly to expats and tourists than they are to their own nationals.
hi there
I am a half halfer and visitng Egypt right now. The issue with friens is that we all have freinds here that we grew up with, i come nad go and the same people are stil lmy friends. It sounds silly but you won't make new friends till you have a friend. One does not go up to strangers here and ask them to be yor friend.
Traffic is mad, but if you live in Maadi then go to the places in Maadi, or ask at the CSA in Maadi for info. Join andArt class or a Gym or aomething and you will find friends.
Good luck.
Movable FEast contact she also has a million pets and will teach you to ride.
ohhhhhhhh apologies re spelling i forgot to read before i hit send!
Anyone in 6th October? I am getting a bit lonely here as everything seems to go on in Maadi.............

Hi all, have only just moved to Gaza living with a lovely Egyptian family and am desperate to know where I can go for a decent drink - would also be nice to have a companion to go with.
Any takers???
hello . any one british ? i like british so much
I am alone, Is there anybody to have a friendship in this long feast holiday from 26-29 nov.?

The topic is "How to make friends in Egypt" but it seems everyone is talking about the traffic! Yes, the traffic is terrible. The solution is to be smart with your timing. Locals and experienced residents know when and where the traffic jams occur, so you just need to avoid these.
Now, on meeting people, i am not really sure. It seems like it depends on where you are from and where the other person is from too. I've noticed that a lot of Egyptians avoid Arab tourists and try to hang out around Westerners (cuz Arabs suck and foreigners are cool). And a lot of Westerners avoid Egyptians cuz they're afraid they are going to rip them off or something!
Everyone needs to chill and take it easy.
Something else that complicates everything here is the social constraints and religiosity. Keep that in mind.
Where to meet people? Hotels, bars, open casual restaurants, gyms and health clubs, etc. Many options but the secret is the openness.
One last point i would like to make for now, is for female tourists to be a bit skeptic of Arab youngsters. Some of them are a bit desperate and do not know how to deal with girls. Just another thing to keep in mind.
yummybrummy wrote:Hi all, have only just moved to Gaza living with a lovely Egyptian family and am desperate to know where I can go for a decent drink - would also be nice to have a companion to go with.
Any takers???
Is the offer still open? :p
I read on your profile that you are teaching here in Egypt. Are you still residing here? I wouldn't mind going out and discussing tutoring.
Oh, and where to buy the wine, you have a few options. I would say the best are "Drinkies" and the "Custom Free Market" or whatever they call it.
Hermes wrote:Hi people. I'm new to Cairo. Nice to meet you all!
Welcome! Have you done any photography in Egypt? I'd recommend "Al Azhar Park". You are guaranteed nice photos there
valmik001 wrote:Hello,
I am alone, Is there anybody to have a friendship in this long feast holiday from 26-29 nov.?
Like reading and eating ha? I would say, fetch a book from "Al Diwan" bookstore. Then have a delicious pizza at Maison Thomas next door in Al Zamalek.
bagpus wrote:Anyone in 6th October? I am getting a bit lonely here as everything seems to go on in Maadi.............
Yup, 6th October is boring. I think it blends down to: cinema, gym, coffee shops, supermarkets, and the such. They have good ice cream at Hyper 1 on the second floor. The cinema at Dream park is fine. Dandy mall Alexandria road is nice. A new restaurant called "Boosters" opened at Dandy on the second floor. Its worth a try.
Hi all iv'e been in egypt for 5 months now. i'm new teacher at one of the British schools, I too am finding it very hard to meet other foreigners besides work friends,
Oh I am from the Caribbean, and would like to know if there are any other People from the Caribbean here as well.
Where or how for that matter do you know when the British Embassy hosts social gatherings?
One way would be to hit a good pub in Zamalek next saturday Btw, are there any of those? The only ones I know of are pub 28 and Harrys and they suck!
I am English but came here from the Caribbean. What a culture shock for you. Try the BCA club in Mohandiseen or Heliopolis, at least it is a place females can go without being hassled.
BLOGitse wrote:THe biggest problem here in Cairo is the traffic.
Most of the happenings are in the evenings/weekends at the same time and traffic is TERRIBLE.
You need 2-2,5 hrs for 20km because it's chaos over there.
That's why it's easier to stay at home & relax...
We know few people and mainly visit each others (easier to agree the time when the traffic in not at it's worst).
We do go out every now and then but sitting in a car for 2-2,5hrs to have a drink/dinner...ooooh too much!
What do you think?
Same experiences?
I have understood that " TRAFFIC DON T ALLOW US TO MAKE FRIENDS"???
The problem was not how to be in touch with your friends and to keep alive a friendship, but to say maybe how could you get them!
Really, how did you get them? Or you come here with them from abroad?
YS wrote:The topic is "How to make friends in Egypt" but it seems everyone is talking about the traffic! Yes, the traffic is terrible. The solution is to be smart with your timing. Locals and experienced residents know when and where the traffic jams occur, so you just need to avoid these.
Now, on meeting people, i am not really sure. It seems like it depends on where you are from and where the other person is from too. I've noticed that a lot of Egyptians avoid Arab tourists and try to hang out around Westerners (cuz Arabs suck and foreigners are cool). And a lot of Westerners avoid Egyptians cuz they're afraid they are going to rip them off or something!
Everyone needs to chill and take it easy.
Something else that complicates everything here is the social constraints and religiosity. Keep that in mind.
Where to meet people? Hotels, bars, open casual restaurants, gyms and health clubs, etc. Many options but the secret is the openness.
One last point i would like to make for now, is for female tourists to be a bit skeptic of Arab youngsters. Some of them are a bit desperate and do not know how to deal with girls. Just another thing to keep in mind.
i think this point of view has summarized what all people think of here, locals and expats, and i tend to agree with it 100%
Things we better never look for because it always come to us sooner or later, friendship is one of them just go out buddy and will meet new fresh faces and no doubt you will find some who could be friends.
as mirage said, most of them are friendly just don't rush it..
have fun :-)
YS wrote:One last point i would like to make for now, is for female tourists to be a bit skeptic of Arab youngsters. Some of them are a bit desperate and do not know how to deal with girls. Just another thing to keep in mind.
lol... 100% agree with you!!
I seem to have developed different groups of friends related to my different interests. My Egyptian friends have little interest in spending the weekend out in the desert so most of my camping friends are expats. I also volunteered to work with a small clinic doing repairs and met a lot of locals, several who have become life long friends. One of my co-workers wife was bored to tears so started giving sewing and knitting lessons. She said she not only taught a lot but learned a lot as well, especially from the Egyptian women. Turns out that Cairo is a gold mine for material and yarn. As far as driving is concerned, it's all about timing. If you're new to the area then get a map and go out Friday and Saturday mornings as soon as it's light and drive around. Learn the ring road and then explore from there because if you get lost you're going to pretty much end up at the Corniche or ring road. Next time you'll know the street you were previously lost on. Cairo is beautiful and peaceful in the early mornings and this is a fun way to learn your way around. Contact your embassy and get the phone number for their security people in case you have a problem such as an accident, then enter that number into your mobile phone. I had a city bus take the mirror off my car at a security checkpoint so called the embassy to ask them what I should do. They had two of their Egyptian employees there within minutes and they took care of everything. If traffic is bad when I need to go somewhere I just use a taxi.
Hi there, am looking to move to Cairo soon-looking for best place to meet ex pats in Cairo for socilising and introducing financial solutions. Are you able to help me?
I am also looking for an apartment with bathroom/furnishing and English speaking TV-can you advise?
Hello people,
I'm facing the same problem but in only knowing new friends, my friends are very limited and so small in numbers since I keep traveling a lot so I had this problem, so I'm looking forward to meet & know new friends.
I live in El Maadi, Cairo, nobody looks forward for me to go out of that area cuz I don't know much about Egypt streets and going out of that region.
(I come to Egypt for educational purposes only but then I leave to Dubai & Abudhabi).
I came here because I have this issue with me, I have a real problem about going to someone and say "hi"...
Anyone looks forward to know me, look forward to PM me and then we will see...
Hi there!anyone in Nasr City, or I'm all alone here???
As for me, another disaster in Cairo is public transport. Every time you want to go anywhere you have to catch a taxi..And speak to them arabic and show them the way in Nasr, thoughi'm not strong enough neither in Arabic nor in airo streets))
When I first came to Egypt our Egyptian admin specialist made a copy of the map of where I lived and marked where my house was, then wrote the address in Arabic. 99% of the time I could just show that to the taxi driver and it did the trick, though there were a few times the driver didn't read well and I had to find a different taxi - maybe three times in 10 years. You can get free maps wherever they give away the Yellow Book phone books (like at Books & Books in Degla Maadi on road 199). Usually that does it but having your address in Arabic is helpful too, though I think the X on the map is what means the most to the driver. Like they say, one picture is worth a thousand words!
an advice from egyptian
never ask about direction cause most of the people they just give you the wrong direction ..the best one to ask the delivery boy riding motorcycle
adam20o4 wrote:an advice from egyptian
never ask about direction cause most of the people they just give you the wrong direction ..the best one to ask the delivery boy riding motorcycle
haha, True!
Hi guys,
I too find too hard to make new friends here in Egypt. Specially if your social circle are expats then after some time they all leave (normally), because most expats stay for a period of one to three years, so you find yourself renewing friends from time to time if you stay here.
Im already 8 years living in Cairo and it is always hard for me to make new friends because of the way how I prefer to spend my time which is different to most Egyptians. I normally like taking a trip somewhere during the weekend, or going out to have a drink and talk (I dont get drunk, just drink a little socially with friends) at Mojo, Bulls Eye, After Eight, Morocco, etc, have a karaoke night, and like to dance.
Most egyptians do not drink nor like to travel to their own cool places nor like their own pharaonic cultural heritage or know very little about it so most of the time you find yourself knowing more than them about their old amazing culture.
Anyways, I will be joining the British Council Association tomorrow to try to make some new friends. Ive been out-of-the-scene for more than a year now so If you want to join me Ill b there.
And contact me if you would like to meet a cool friend ;-)
C yah!

I think its really easy to make friends in Egypt , if you don't have any specific requirements
Being selective on the other hand thats a hard one
Everybody has his likes& dislikes , some people just instantly hit it off , others just don't
Most Egyptians don't know about the cool places in their own country
People who have families are constrained time wise due to their obligations (family, work, ..etc) so they rarely meetup with their old friends so this category isn't available as friends
Whereas most Egyptians don't drink thats a fact , But haven't you ever had a friend who just doesn't drink ?
, I don't even think thats a criteria when you're looking for a friend ( I have friends who drink while I don't it was never an issue)
Welcome to!
Hope that by registring to you'll make lots of friends!
Why don't you guys start organizing meetups? by for example organizing excursions or the like?
Welcome one and all.
Although I have lived here in Egypt for 20 years now, I can relate to all of you not being able to find friends to hang out with. When I arrived I knew no one!
Egyptians are very very friendly and hospitable people in general. They will talk to you about anything and everything!
Traffic is a drag and it can frustrate you, but if you want to get to know people you have to suck it up and take a leap of faith. You have to go out to meet people!
My first year in Cairo, I hardly ever went out, because I didn't know where to go, but since I started going out my network of friends and acquaintences has grown.
-Summer holidays on the beach is where I got to know most of my friends and contacts.
- Colleagues at work
- Taking salsa classes
- Joining Weekend Trips on facebook.
One way we could solve this mini dilema for the newcommers and vetran residence is by organizing a social mixer at a popular place in Cairo that everyone will find and be able to get to. From there you can meet people who live/work in your area, exchange a phone numbers and e-mail addresses just to get the ball rolling.
Anyone interested?
That is a great Idea IrishAlexandrian, count me in on that. Additionally if it goes more then 1 time (1 time every month-2 weeks) then it could be better that people can start knowing each other much better, also a good chance for the newcomers I guess.
Hi again,
Well... dont have any special requirements for making friends, but what draws me to them is their philosophy of life, the way how they see life and how they fight to create a place in this world for them. That is what makes every person unique and that uniqueness builds relationships.
I dont consider that friends should drink for being a friend either, but many egyptians I know wont even accept to come to a place where you can drink and they dont, allowing everybody to feel free to their choices... they just wont accept it, creating a barrier.
I dont always drink either and sometimes go to smoke shisha or just chill around in a cafe, but yeah, probably because of my culture, I like more going out for a dance night, drink some and grow a relationship with friends... and just to be honest there is something magical about going out for a drink that made some people to open up themselves and show you that uniqueness of character that makes you like them. My best friends were made in a bottle of whisky and my most romantic nights had some alcohol in the mix... but yeah... you dont need alcohol for that... but if you try it a little, it just makes all that experience more magical..
@FeeAcer, IrishAlexandrian:
I support your ideas of making a meetup for all forum members to get to to know each other. There is a good place in Imperial Boat Zamalek called Mojo that seem to be the best hotspot for this ramadan on friday nights... just checked it out yesterday..
I propose that we meet there next friday... I can make the reservations if you guys confirm. What do you think? Like the idea? C'mon move your a**es and lets make some friends
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