Freelance project for Spanish

Hi Hello ,

It is good to chat with you :)

I am from Taipei, my name is ying, I am Taiwanese.

We are Konnected-Dynamics, an international marketing agency located in Taipei,  we are searching for Spanish in(or will move to) Taipei or Taiwan that is happy to take some freelance projects on translating English to Spanish, it got pay for the work, the content is the user manual of tech product that requires intermediate level technical language, are you interested in this project? : ) 

Anyway, anything you want to know about Taipei, Taiwan, no problem to message me, I am happy to share with you :)

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Hi ying loi!

are you still looking for translator?
I'm native Spanish and I'm more than willing to do it if you still need someone!
looking forward to hearing from you! thanks!
