
Foreigner Marriage in Malaysia


Hi I am a British citizen and my fiance is Somalian live in China we are coming to Malaysia and we will like to get married there we need help with the paper work


Contact the British High Commission in KL and the Somalia Embassy if there is one or another offering support for those nationals. Need single status certificate from respective country. Can apply for marriage license after being in Malaysia for 7 days but can't marry until earliest 21 days later but lisense is valid for 6 months. There is a lot of red tape getting various paperwork authenticated and approved. Additional time required after marriage to get the Marriage Certificate issued and need to be in Malaysia to apply for it.


Hi everyone,

I badly need your help.
I am working here in Malaysia KL with an permanent employment pass same with my fiance and his a taiwanese. People are saying that if we are a worker here in Malaysia We cannot get married even if we have a permanent employment pass.
I need your advise guys.
We want to get married by May and still clue less if we can or cannot do it in Malaysia.
Coz the process in Philippines is not our best option.

Please help us.


JhanI wrote:

Hi everyone,

I badly need your help.
I am working here in Malaysia KL with an permanent employment pass same with my fiance and his a taiwanese. People are saying that if we are a worker here in Malaysia We cannot get married even if we have a permanent employment pass.
I need your advise guys.
We want to get married by May and still clue less if we can or cannot do it in Malaysia.
Coz the process in Philippines is not our best option.

Please help us.

Just wonder when ”permanent employment pass” was introduced?


It's not considered Temporary as long as it's not VP pass so its a some what Permanent EP.

But do you know the answer to my question sir maam?

We badly need your help

Aung saw moen

Hi I am from Myanmar and my girlfriend is local Chinese malaysian. I want to get marry with her and being in long distance relationship about 3 years almost. So I just want to ask that
#with what visa I can go to Malaysia and get marriage register with her?
#what documents I need to show there?
And after marriage registration, will I have any problem there to face and come back to my own country?

Aung saw moen

Hi I am from Myanmar and my girlfriend is from Malaysian Chinese. We are in 3years long distance relationship and want to get married next year.
So I want to ask that
#With what visa I can come and marry her?
#What documents I need to bring up and show there at office?
#will I have any problem after getting married and come to my own country again?
#How long I need to wait for my permanent citizenship there?


You can get married in Malaysia if resident. No need to be a citizen.


how about both foreigners working in Malaysia, can they get married?

Aung saw moen

Hi I m from Myanmar and my girlfriend is from Malaysia, she is Chinese Malaysian. We are being togather for long 3yrs and want to get marry next year.
So questions remain
#what visa I should apply to go Malaysia and get register?
#what documents I need to bring up and show at office ?
#how long it will take time to get citizenship for me?
#after getting registered will there be any problem afterwards. If have what kind of problem I will have to face?

Aung saw moen

So I can get marry in Malaysia?
And if so what documents I need to bring there during registration?


According to JPN, the 21 day wait time can be EXEMPTED as stated on their website below;

Can the 21-day period to publish the application form, notice of marriage and written declaration (JPN.KC02) be EXEMPTED for marriages to be solemnised at the National Registration Department?
YES. Parties intending to marry may apply for a special licence under Section 21 (1) of Act 164, where the application maybe made for a marriage licence without marriage notification and marriage declaration (JPN.KC01C) from the marriage registration authority in the state concerned. Payment for this special licence on approval is RM100.00 (one hundred ringgit). … 964dc-4f9f


AmaniLim wrote:

Hi there. I have pm you. Tq.

Hello, I have just joined this forum and I have similar questions. I have PM'ed you also.

Thank you!


@Randy63 no .. you need to be there atleast 7 days before you can submit all you requirements… after that you both have single cert with you from your cpuntry authenticated by your embassys… once you have all requirements.. bring  all those to JPN KL.. the you will go to foriegn ministry.  then back to JPN and all.. and back again to foriegn ministry…. better check with your embassys in malaysia.. for requirements