Enzyte Bob wrote:
Fred wrote:

In this case, "Post under review" means enforcing forum rules about contact details.

Welcome back Heavy Handed Fred

So how does post under review mean anything other than the post being reviewed?

Clearly it is not under review but censored.

So why not have given the real reason you deleted it Fred?

Oh look another one that couldn't be bothered to read the rules when they joined up!!

Hey Spence.. this is either directed at you or to me...  not sure- I can't figure it out to whom however...neither one of us told a lie or an untruth or an inaccurate statement....   go figure so stated terminological inexactitude.  If one is to use consequential verbiage, it should be govern'd.  Sorry if I offended one's being.

The forum has a clear rule about contact details. If you post them and they are seen by any team member they will be removed.
No debate, no trolling, just removed.

> Avoid posting personal details, such as your phone number, email address or Skype contact, on a public forum. The team will remove these details for your safety

Ok  ty

Thankyou Fred,
A thousand pardons, I'll try to stick to the rules next time😉

That's a really interesting turn of event. As a long-time lurker who finally took the step to sign up recently, I'm surprised by this, but hey... such is online life these days!
Wow cool, i learned somethings.
I were for myself wondering, if i have disobeyed any rules as i recently put an add out here for a Unit to rent. It got approved and went online, but after me rearranging the pictures, to have the flat in the frontpage and not the pool, it got removed. Maybe i have broken some rules too :-)

Hello Bierwurst,

It's weird.

Maybe the expiration date was not chosen correctly.

Could you please send me the pictures you used in your ad?

You can contact me at the following address:


Cheryl team

I came here because of real estate Facebook groups that made by local scammers for local scammers. No discussion allowed so you can't a feeling for the market at all.

If you allow ads, please allow discussion of the ad. Especially on real estate and vehicles this can help the buyer and if the seller is not fraud he has nothing to fear.

Ads are not allowed on the open forums, but they are allowed HERE

You can report any ads you feel are a scam

I agree with you....

About a "next one" comming soon in Manila, I am more interrested in :visas, accomodation, budget money,...

Cheers   Philippe

@Info Rebond Hello,

Feel free to read the following :

Accommodation in Manila

Visas for the Philippines



What time zone is the forum clock set on?

It is now 01.03 GMT

The post's forum time will allow you to work it out

Edit. GMT + 8

    It is now 01.03 GMT
The post's forum time will allow you to work it out
Edit. GMT + 8


Yes, I can do math too but that doesn't answer where the time zone exists. Which country or which part of which country is it set for?


hello, I believe the clock is set to Greenwich Mean Time Zone.



jozica said. . . .  Yes, I can do math too but that doesn't answer where the time zone exists. Which country or which part of which country is it set for?


GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) UK and other countries.

(1) Just so you understand don't confuse with Greenwich Pizza in the Philippines.

(2) Just so you understand Mean does indicate Nasty Time.

hello, I believe the clock is set to Greenwich Mean Time Zone.



Hong Kong time.

For me time matter little these days, simply enjoy.

Cheers, Steve.

(2) Just so you understand Mean does indicate Nasty Time.

    -@Enzyte Bob

I see you haven't been to Yorkshire. It's always mean time for us. Scrooge would have thought we were mean.


singapore also 8 hours

Bhavna said to jozicahello I believe the clock is set to Greenwich Mean Time Zone.      **************************************

Fred said. . . . Hong Kong time.


Bhavna is correct.     


So it's straight-up GMT London time


GMT + 8?

Still 1 or 2 hrs off but Brussels is right on

Just wanted to note that its always after 5 pm somewhere in the world.....

No we return you to the regularly scheduled program.


    jozica said. . . .  Yes, I can do math too but that doesn't answer where the time zone exists. Which country or which part of which country is it set for?
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) UK and other countries.
(1) Just so you understand don't confuse with Greenwich Pizza in the Philippines.
(2) Just so you understand Mean does indicate Nasty Time.

Haha 😂 Nasty Pizza Time

    -@Enzyte Bob

It is 17.04 in Jakarta (GMT +7)

The post shows as posted at 18.04.

Edit - Does it show the same time for other members?

Fred here in PH shows 18:12 now but when you posted probably the same, 18:04 as it was several minutes before I read.

Does it really matter guys?

Cheers, Steve.

I've set my time to be the correct time to where I am.

    (2) Just so you understand Mean does indicate Nasty Time.    -@Enzyte Bob

I see you haven't been to Yorkshire. It's always mean time for us. Scrooge would have thought we were mean.


Are you a Yorkshire man also Fred. I live just outside Bradford.

         Does anybody really know what time it is?  Does anybody really care?

        (2) Just so you understand Mean does indicate Nasty Time.    -@Enzyte BobI see you haven't been to Yorkshire. It's always mean time for us. Scrooge would have thought we were mean.        -@Fred

Are you a Yorkshire man also Fred. I live just outside Bradford.



             Does anybody really know what time it is?  Does anybody really care?        -@mugteck

Someone asked.

I was curious

I'm not a cat so the second was probably safe

    I've set my time to be the correct time to where I am.         -@SimCityAT

So did I, but it still shows wrong

However, this is an Internet forum, not an airport

A long time ago on this forum I suggest the times should be local time in the Philippines.

It was shot down by the management.

    A long time ago on this forum I suggest the times should be local time in the Philippines.
It was shot down by the management.

    -@Enzyte Bob

That's because it should be local time in Indonesia 1f923.svg

             Does anybody really know what time it is?  Does anybody really care?        -@mugteck

Someone asked.
I was curious
I'm not a cat so the second was probably safe


Just a question Chicago asked over 50 years ago.  Sorry I did not give the source.

    A long time ago on this forum I suggest the times should be local time in the Philippines.
It was shot down by the management.

    -@Enzyte Bob

Or adjustable to your local time. Some forums allow you to select your time zone

When it's 1pm 2024 in GMT, it's 9pm 1924, in the Philippines.

    When it's 1pm 2024 in GMT, it's 9pm 1924, in the Philippines.

    -@Enzyte Bob
