
Calmette hospital - advise anyone

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Hi all

My husband has been operated on and is still in Calmette. I'm a bit worried about the conditions there - everyone's lovely but communication is a problem and the hygiene is so/so. Does anyone have any experience of being a patient here? Should I be worried or am I over-reacting ? Someone in Cambodia has strongly advised me to move my husband to another hospital. Any thoughts ?

Thanks for any info but please don't repeat scare stories - I'm scared enough.



Hi Sareth
This happened in Febuary this year; the operation went fine and the surgeons did a good job. We didn't have much choice because it was an emergency operation.
Thank you to all the staff at Calmette. I think that under the circumstances everything went well.
However,for all you expats and travellers: PLEASE take out health insurance - you cannot afford to take the risk.
Bye now.


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This is an english forum, I suggest you write in English so that everyone can understand you.

Thank you,


If this can be of any help to anyone who needs to have hospital care, particularly emergency medical treatment, I strongly suggest the Royal Rattanac Hospital at Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.

I am an expat who is familiar with more efficient and effective hospital care and management, and the first time I brought a patient to Royal Rattanac, I immediately noticed the practice of correct hospital protocol in the admission and management of incoming patients. While I cannot remember our patient being process through a Triad, immediate attention was quickly given. What is exceptionally good is that the doctors can speak English, and are obviously well trained in their particular specializations.

My companions and I brought in a hemophiliac that has been bleeding from an injury in the larynx, and proper life saving procedures were immediately applied when we came in. We were even able to discuss with the attending physician the best available options of treatment under the circumstances. Before going to the Royal Rattanac, we had already went to two other hospitals in Phnom Penh where I was actually horrifed to observe either total lack of diagnostic and life-saving procedures or just obvious medical incompetence. We were fortunate to have someone tell us about the Royal Rattanac at the time when we were getting extremely worried that our hemophiliac patient may go into a shock anytime from loss of blood.

The rooms and premises of the Royal Rattanac Hospital are also very clean and well appointed for comfort and medical care.


Thank you marttin, your information is not only useful to couderc, but to everyone of us foreigners living here. It's good to know of a good hospital, just in case.


i think calmette is one of the better hospitals, although i am sure that foreigners would feel more comfortable at royal rattanak. calmette is the go to hospital for emergency accidents so they have a lot of experience/



You are welcome. I am glad if the information can serve as helpful reference to everyone.


My apologies to all who might have been confused by the word "Triad", which I used along with my description of how my patient was admitted in the Royal Rattanak Hospital in my first posting in this forum. I did not at first noticed the typographical error. That word should have been spelled "Triage". It is a term used to call a process of selection applied in the admission point in hospitals or in any medical facility or service giving medical attention to patients. It is based on the severity of ailment or injury. Simply put, "triage" decides on who first needs a particular medical attention. It is a process that is important in saving lives.


Thank you for you helpfull message.
I was wondering if you, or anyone else that reads this knows the best hospital for 7month babies? My granddaughter has just been operated on and needs after-operation care for 4-5 days.
She is in the Kantha Bopha Hospital, where my son tells me the doctors and nurses were fantastic, but the bacteria in the wards are going to kill her if the operation did not...
Help please


jackieconway wrote:

Thank you for you helpfull message.
I was wondering if you, or anyone else that reads this knows the best hospital for 7month babies? My granddaughter has just been operated on and needs after-operation care for 4-5 days.
She is in the Kantha Bopha Hospital, where my son tells me the doctors and nurses were fantastic, but the bacteria in the wards are going to kill her if the operation did not...
Help please

June 19, 2014

Hello, JackieConway,

If I may suggest, you check out the Royal Rattanak Hospital at Toul Kork. They have a Pediatrics Department there. Their pediatricians are Cambodian physicians who can speak good English. Their medical education were taken from the local university in Phnom Penh but they also have certificates of post-graduate training in France. I cannot really say much about their diagnostic skills and therapeutic procedures, but at least you can discuss with them, in English, the conditions and measures that will need to be met.

It seems, from your post, that the surgery on your 7-month old granddaughter has produced no problems and that what is only needed is proper post-surgery care to enhance the natural process of healing that follows. In my opinion, hygiene and sanitary conditions, and perhaps the post-surgery antibiotic prophylaxes, are really all that are needed to ensure complete recovery. The pediatricians would know the correct dosage of antibiotics for pedia cases and the management of this within the antibiotic regiment. As for hygienic and sanitary practices, I think you have more chances of getting these in the Royal Rattanak Hospital than in most hospitals here in Cambodia.

I know how you feel about these things while here in Cambodia. We will also pray for your baby. After all, God is really the healer. Your granddaughter will be fine.

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