Does anyone know how to find a birth certificate in Montevideo?

I was born in 1955 in Montevideo. I am trying to find my birth certificate, which my parents have lost. Ihave contacted both the embassy in Montevideo and the Embassy in Washington. No response. Where do I start? Who would have copies on file from that long ago? thanks for any help you can give me.

Hi Vivron, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I'm sure you will find your birth certificate and i hope other members will be able to advice you. :)

I wish good luck

Hi Vivron
I can help you with that if you want to send me an email to with what you need

All the best

Hi Mikael!

If you have useful information that can contribute to this post please post them on the forum so that others can benefit from it!


Hi guys
There are 2 offices in Montevideo that issue birth certificate for people born in Montevideo:

1) Address: Uruguay 933

Teléfono.: 2900 50 85
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes de 10:15 a 15: 30 horas.

2) IMM (City hall on 18 de Julio Street)

If you do not have people in Montevideo who can do it for you, there are companies who will do it on your behalf and send it anywhere in the world for a small fee
