Recent arrival

Hi I'm a Canadian who recently moved to  Qawra after spending 5 1/2 years working in Costa Rica. I'd like to connect with other expats ..preferably on Saturdays and Sundays. Please pm me .Thanks

interested in Beer ???

Costa Rica, I hesitated to live there before Malta. But the Maltese are so polite, intelligent, honest and the country so developed, with many future projects that I couldn't wait. I've forgotten that here what I like is you can bike so easily on safe roads and find many organic products, it's hard to find better

You safely ride bike on the roads in Malta?????

:thanks:   You are more brave than I am.


john2011 wrote:

Costa Rica, I hesitated to live there before Malta. But the Maltese are so polite, intelligent, honest and the country so developed, with many future projects that I couldn't wait. I've forgotten that here what I like is you can bike so easily on safe roads and find many organic products, it's hard to find better

It's either you're being sarcastic or I live in a different Malta than

I think he's talking about this place...,_Montana

Thanks for all the feedback but I think we strayed away from the original topic. As I asked originally..are there any expats who would like  to connect? I'm not a bar person so I'd be looking at the outdoors on weekends etc Thanks