
Brexit worried about having to leave this beautiful country

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I'm British and I'm a traveller,  I Wwoof around Austria,  working in permaculture projects,  I stay in a project anywhere from 1 to 3 months at a time.
Altogether I've been in Austria for approximately 3½ years, in between winter trips to Asia.
Since Brexit I've been worried about the possibility of my having to leave this beautiful country.
Initially I didn't do anything about making myself known to Austrian officialdom as I thought EU citizens had free movement around the EU area.
Then last November someone told me I had to fill in a Meldezettel (Austrian registration certificate)      so I did this at the local office near where I was staying at the time and they sent me a certificate.
3 months later I moved to my next project and went to the local office and filled out another Meldezettel,  (this time filled in with the registration certificate number, which was on the certificate I was given)
So they got back to me a few days later,   they told me, if you live in Austria from over 3 months you have to fill out something called a Anmeldebescheinigung (Registration certificate)  certificate for more permanent residency.   One of the requirements is:
Proof of sufficient resources (for example, salary confirmation)
(Nachweis über ausreichende Existenzmittel (z.B. Lohn- oder Gehaltsbestätigung))

So I don't work a paid job,   I live with my hosts, (often families) we share food and live communally.
Naturally this is a lifestyle choice.

When speaking to the local Bezirkshauptmannschaft büro (District management office)   they told me that "sufficient resources" meant €11,000 in my bank account!
I don't have this.

The long and short of it is,  I'm trying to put myself on a more firmer footing in Austria as I have made a life here and don't want to return to the United Kingdom.

I'm learning the German language but I'm not any good at it.
I want to get a paid job but I think without a certain level of German I've got next to no chance of securing a position.    I think my best bet would be something in the summer catering industry in the mountains.

Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do to sort this out,   any tips or advice would be extremely helpful
kind regards Prem


Hi Prem!
One way round your dilemma would be to declare yourself unemployed at the local AMS office- employment agency. They can arrange for you to have a crash course in German at a local school or college. Be aware that your health card will only give you minimal health cover. Ifyou are stuck on top of a mountain with a twisted ankle, the helicopter ride to the hospital could cost up to €10,000! AMS will health insure you too, after they have gained proof from Brexitland whether you have health insurance in the UK and were employed/paid taxes there. You will need your National Insurance and tax numbers.
We too are deeply concerned about Brexit, and it looks increasingly likely the next 2 years will have a deathly silence with NO negotiations and Kim Jong May crashing the UK into the WTO buffers, leaving 2-3 million Brits in Europe stranded with no health insurance and needing a visa- simply awful!
We sincerely hope this will not be the case, and Chairman May will hammer out a deal, putting the British Bulls--t dialogue to bed. I fear a landslide for a Tory victory is upon us, all blinded by lies, and not caring two winks about the future generations or the NHS. At least the Austrian bureaucrats were honest with you regards permanent residency. Normally they would let you encounter the pitfalls yourself with a wry smile. Watching TV will also help. A part time job as a native speaker at a local school might also be on the cards. Good luck!

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