Surfing the Gulf

Hey...does ANYONE out there know of ANYONE (or place) that MIGHT sell a longboard (surfboard)?  For years I was a bodyboarder when I was still at home in California.  I always wanted to "stand up" instead of being down there on my belly....  I was at the beach today and.....lo and behold, there were glassy 2 to 4 foot sets rolling in.  Even if I only get to surf 5 or 6 times a year, I've REALLY been bitten by the bug all over again.  I suppose I could take a trip to France and buy a longboard there and bring it back with me as baggage (and also have to learn some serious ding repair) but, if ANYONE has any info for local equipment, I'd be most appreciative. It'll be AWESOME not to have to pull on a full 3 to 4mm wetsuit just to paddle out.  To quote Mr. Spicolli...."All I need are some tasty waves bro"...  or something like that............... Peace.


hi Allen!

Hope you get a response soon.

Have a great day!