Is Mystery Shopping Ligit in Malta???

Has anyone ever worked as a Mystery Shopper in Malta? I know it's a good business in the U.S. but I dont know if it's a ligitament company here. By the job application and sounds almost too good to be true...which probably means it's a scam.... but it doesnt ask for money or bank details...Maybe someone here has advice or info about it ???

My wife signed up with the company that have advertised on this forum and it seemed to be legit. Nothing much has come of it though - I think they wanted her to have a meal at McDonalds or something like that. I'll ask her and let you know her thoughts.


I have done lots of work for mystery shopping in the UK for various companies, but I havent done any work in Malta. Is the company advertising for shoppers called International Service Check"?
If so, I just found this..... company name on it the email...guess that's a big red flag!! I found the job advert at and sent them an email to find out more about a work at home position...They sent me an email back with an application for Mystery shopping. Since they arent asking for Bank info or money...I may just send in the app to see what happens...I can't imagine getting many assignments from them though....there's only a limited amount of McDonalds here and what other stores in Malta could they possibly be interested it??

I'm very interested to know what your wife has to say about it too Tim.

mgrima68 wrote:

I'm very interested to know what your wife has to say about it too Tim.

I'll let you know when I hear back from her - she's out doing her own kind of mystery shopping in Minnesota at the moment (well, it's a mystery to me anyway!).

LOL...Im sure she's having a blast...too bad she's not getting paid for it.

I'll post more info from my wife when she's back from the US at the weekend, but in a brief conversation we had about this topic she used the word "hounded"...probably not what you wanted to hear :-(


Oh no...I just sent in my details:/

Oops! Sorry ...hopefully it'll be a different experience for you.


More details from my wife...

Yes it was International Service Check.
They never asked for money or anything like that, but she didn't get very far in the process.
She filled in the application form on-line and very soon got told about a mystery shopping gig at McDonald's they wanted her to do, but she had to go through an online qualification process first that would take 30 mins or so. She didn't have time to do it and for a couple of weeks she got called by what sounded like an Indian woman up to 4 times a day. In the end they gave up calling.

Good luck!