An "Crazy World?"
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The one thing about these people is "they hate", each other as much as they "hate" every one else
Fred wrote:One woman attacks the other seemingly because the dress code doesn't fit her narrow mind.
I sometimes in such cases ask them why they are dressing like this. Didn't get a good reply yet to my statement "If god didn't want men to look at women, he wouldn't have made them beautiful."
But one very pretty young student in Tunisia told me she wears the veil so the boys bother her less. Great answer and also in line with the Quran (which states that women can wear a veil to protect them from evil men).
For the record: I don't believe in any of the gods.
Belief is a personal thing, as is type of dress but that doesn't mean I have to like full coverings.
As a note, they aren't actually religious in nature, more cultural as evidenced by only a few Muslim countries using them.
My dislike of them doesn't mean I would even consider ripping them off anyone.
beppi wrote:Alascana wrote:No Open Borders if you want to help invite the addict and terrorist, refuge to your home.
I like open borders and I frequently invite refugees to my home (they are generally nice and interesting people). Am I doing something wrong?
The Elite Agenda is in full bloom. Europe is a mess coming to place near me soon !
Overnighters are great as a one man said "Houseguest are like Fish after a few days they Stink".
Keep those borders open and may I suggest do not vet anyone, maybe there's munitions or drugs in those backpacks. Just saying/smh
And no innoculations, I am all for it and all over it.
3rd World living is good for the mind and body, and yes I have compassion for my fellow human, yet trust is not part of the compassion.
I love the USA policy and Russia's and Brazils, No Documents keep it moving for one cannot stay without proper documents. That's my Rant.
Nothing Wrong to Each there Own!!!
Zero Population is real!
I disagree with all the nonsense Alscana wrote above.
(And the USA is among the countries with the highest number of undocumented immigrants - otherwise there won't be the unholy discussion obout a border wall to Mexico!)
I suspect a good solution to the lack of immunisation is scrapping a couple of missiles and using the cash to give every kid in the world a set of jabs.
Yes, I know that's wild because people just need killing but I'm an old softy at heart.
However, before borders can be dumped you have to dump greed and stupidity - ah, I see a problem.
beppi wrote:I disagree with all the nonsense Alscana wrote above.
(And the USA is among the countries with the highest number of undocumented immigrants - otherwise there won't be the unholy discussion obout a border wall to Mexico!)
And I disagree with your ignorance and on the brighter side of things it's just a conversation I mean take that bunch out of your head and get a grip on reality, you need to think about austerity and Deutsche Bank.
it makes life intersting to agree and disagree and Europe is still a mess thanks to Germany!!
Have a Wunnerful weekend.
The wall is good we're going to install Solar Panels and Radar that should teach them and please take care of your own Rat Killing in your backyard. And put people to work, look at Germanys unemployment and the Banksters what a hot mess that is. Not all people are bad, just some worst than others and your gurl Merkel is a piece of work. Liberal Agendas Kill!
And Europe has the highest number of unvetted people, yup if I had no documents Germany would deport me, just saying.
Perhaps we're getting a little too deep, and a little too insulting.
I suppose the big trouble with politics is insults tend to replace logical argument - ho hum, my last post was accurate.
Hello everyone,
I agree with Fred here, this topic is heading in the wrong direction.
For the time being, i am not removing any post, as it is on the open discussion category however, please report any post which you think shouldn't be here and please get back to the initial topic.
All the best,
I dunno how great modern science is when it comes to judicial systems... in the US one guy just got out of 15 years of prison for armed robbery when they found a look-alike and retried him. (He had an alibi but no one believed him because of eye-witnesses. Turns out a guy who looked exactly like him lived in the same neighborhood). He lost 15 years of his life over that mistake.
kojidae wrote:I dunno how great modern science is when it comes to judicial systems... in the US one guy just got out of 15 years of prison for armed robbery when they found a look-alike and retried him. (He had an alibi but no one believed him because of eye-witnesses. Turns out a guy who looked exactly like him lived in the same neighborhood). He lost 15 years of his life over that mistake.
The system will just throw money at and call it a day.
Justice is blind so I have heard, if justice took off the blindfolds the look alike would have been locked up. Just saying.
Hence the title 'an crazy world'
Building walls has never worked - Hadrian's, the great Wall, Berlin and the dmz between Korea's have all failed to do what is needed by a few against the many.
Open discussion and less fear and hate to those who have different ideas or opinions and the world is a better place to live in. My God is bigger than your God and an eye for an eye is all very well but I am not sure how relevant it is for the 21st century anymore.
Doing nothing, "has never worked", doing more than something, "Has" always work,
The first thing to do it to "gid" of the one's that do nothing
So why are you dumping your apparent frustrations out on beppi? Ìs it becaùse he's the most readily available b**ching post you còuld find? That's not nice
It could be. Why not start a thread on that topic? It will make for an interesting adult debate, that shouldn't offend the sensibities of even the most "temperamental" of subscribers on the forum.
Adult debate is fine, but name calling and general insults will get the thread closed down - and that would be a good thing if it heads that way.
My opinions are clear but I will refrain from telling anyone who disagrees they are retarded or anything else.
I actually love the idea of open borders and freedom to move anywhere but it's hopelessly impractical at the moment and for the foreseeable future.
Let's be honest - one side of the world has massive obesity problems throws away enough food to feed the whole world but people are starving in the other half - the solution the fools have come up with is GM in order to produce more food ... Drrrrrr
One half sees poverty as not having a decent TV and satellite ...
others live next to an open sewer
To my favourite topic - the faceless millions.
As readers of my demi blog will have seen, there is massive poverty in this country, and excellent shopping malls as good as anything in the western world.
The point being, even individual countries can't solve internal problems so international agreement to stop the same is impossible.
Faceless and no one cares.
I hold a very dim view of drug use at best (Shock to readers there), this mostly being because I see users as mindless fools and dealers as total B*ds.
Want crazy? … -Marijuana
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has arrested Lion Air pilot Rahul Sharma (30) for smoking hashish at the Lombok International Airport on Wednesday, June 21.
The Indian pilot was then tested for urine, which came out positive for marijuana.
Rahul was then taken to BNN's head office in East Jakarta. BNN chief Budi Waseso said that, during questioning, Rahul admitted that he had been smoking hashish for about three months.
A pilot for flips sake - what a total and utter moron!
What a wonderfully evocative photo of Fred's. His comment is spot on, that no country has been able to solve all its own problems. Here's a link to a very moving poem, written by an American and prompted by a painting by a Frenchman a hundred-odd years ago. Read it and weep, and look again at Fred's photo and weep.
Ours is not a "crazy" world, I think: just a woefully imperfect one.
Fred wrote:spanishpete wrote:My god Fred
Yes, I suppose I am.
Now we have the solution for the other thread, where Fred asks for a new title!!!
beppi wrote:Fred wrote:spanishpete wrote:My god Fred
Yes, I suppose I am.
Now we have the solution for the other thread, where Fred asks for a new title!!!
Shhh, most of the posters can't see that.
However, "The almighty Fred" sounds perfectly reasonable.
Actually, I've decided the world is fine but people are stupid.
We have those seeking to force people to join Islam by making everyone hate Islam.
We have the more extreme right trying to make everyone hate everything that isn't the same as them.
We have the extreme left trying to make everyone hate anyone who isn't as stupid as they are.
We have politically correct twits ruining good comedy.
We have massively fat people throwing food away because it's getting close to the sell by date but people starving because they don't have food and/or some pointless moron starts a war.
Then, just to top the lot, we have jello.
Alascana wrote:Rice,beans,charque (jerked beef) & Farina here!
I forgot "Tapioca " my bad/lol
and Jello ruins the sheets and attracts ants! Rotflbo
Fred wrote:spanishpete wrote:Jello, is that for some type of sex
Superglue is better.
With Powdered Sugar, now that's a Sticky Situation.
addendum : i was quoting Fred, and Spanish Pete got in the Jello/kkkk/lol
Well I see that this topic hit a diversion and has now swerved between a kinky food and sex discussion between Spanglish fly I mean Pete, Super Fred, and the Fredette's
I am seeing a new TV pilot of a "Come dine on me!!"
I am going to lye down in a dark room until it is safe to come out...............CRAZY WORLD, just gone insane!
stepool1970 wrote:Well I see that this topic hit a diversion and has now swerved between a kinky food and sex discussion between Spanglish fly I mean Pete, Super Fred, and the Fredette's
I am seeing a new TV pilot of a "Come dine on me!!"
I am going to lye down in a dark room until it is safe to come out...............CRAZY WORLD, just gone insane!
News @ 11 and BTW it's Open Season on this thread. It's anything goes other than politics and religion as one must hed to seperation of state and politics and
Also as we look at the title of this topic "Crazy World" it rings with every subject.
It will never be safe to come out as some will find fault for one not to remain where one might be in life.
I miss Football and Baseball, settled for Cricket (lol) and the band played on as the ship began to list and the Captain said crew members and himself first and the heck with the passengers ( where did that come from)/lol
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