An "Crazy World?"
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We all know what your doing in that darken room, and its not sleeping,
Anyway "dont" make a mess, or your mum will know that you been upto
Its a Crazy world so Ive been told
spanishpete wrote:We all know what your doing in that darken room, and its not sleeping,
Anyway "dont" make a mess, or your mum will know that you been upto
Its a Crazy world so Ive been told
Not quite sure my Mother is too concerned I left home 31 years ago......
Thanks for your concern tho' most heart felt.
Cricket is fine is you can't sleep but watching paint dry is more entertaining.
Football is played by pampered, commonly brain dead 'heroes' who get paid ridiculous amounts of money but fall over and cry like little girls if they get the slightest bump.
People pay crazy money to watch this very silly activity .. that's pretty crazy but fighting with other fans about your gang of overpaid girls is even sillier.
No football player would last more than 5 minutes on a rugby pitch before he went home crying to his mummy.
Well it's your view you prefer Rugby but it has no comparison to football and each player and style are totally different, some players are too over payed as are the agents and the demand from various leagues around the world. I like football, I help out with the training of football to an junior team, which my son plays and has played over 5 years it is a grass roots scheme, unpaid and relying on sponsorship and events to raise money, he's not really tried rugby although our local rugby league side train the kids at school in an after school club, more a tag style though he is only 9.
Fred wrote:No football player would last more than 5 minutes on a rugby pitch before he went home crying to his mummy.
Fred. I'm just wondering whether - and hoping that - you are civilised and indeed sophisticated enough to prefer the League game over the Union. Please tell. My boarding school (many decades ago, in Brisbane, Australia) played Union, but League was always the favourite with us boys; and I have just in the past year or so discovered League broadcasts from England and Australia on Sky Sports, carried by one of the US channels.
Gordon I would prefer League over union when I was at school both Rugby and football was compulsory I played League and have family who had played for Widnes RL, St. Helens and Wigan, not sure if you are aware of these UK Northwest teams?
stepool1970 wrote:Gordon I would prefer League over union when I was at school both Rugby and football was compulsory I played League and have family who had played for Widnes RL, St. Helens and Wigan, not sure if you are aware of these UK Northwest teams?
Yes indeed I am. The TV channel that I watch covers all the Super League and other competitions, as well as the Australian NRL. Having been deprived of the game for so long I have no favourites in either country, although as a matter of principle I almost always cheer for the underdogs.
I spent some formative years in Toowoomba, Queensland, which at the time was the very heart of RL in the State. It's interesting to see how much the game has changed in the past decades. There are plusses and minuses, and it's still a fine game to watch. I regret that there is less back-line passing than there used to be, but that's life!
Well my home town is Widnes, but I am about 5 miles from Liverpool and the appeal of a round ball rather than oval always ruled my heart and head. I am not 100% whenever I have watched union what is happening all possession play, I think I am a bit less sophisticated in my preference, league is a winner over union for me. But football wins over rugby in my personal view, as a kid it was easier to kick a football that rolled, memories of being clattered on a cold muddy rugby pitch are long behind me!
stepool1970 wrote:Well it's your view you prefer Rugby but it has no comparison to football and each player and style are totally different, some players are too over payed as are the agents and the demand from various leagues around the world. I like football, I help out with the training of football to an junior team, which my son plays and has played over 5 years it is a grass roots scheme, unpaid and relying on sponsorship and events to raise money, he's not really tried rugby although our local rugby league side train the kids at school in an after school club, more a tag style though he is only 9.
The only style football has got. Is in the hair stile's. But Rugby, is a real man's game
Coming from a bloke who's got no hair that's ironic ha-ha!! Men play football mate don't worry about that.
My God, or should i say My Fried, you lots from the grim North,
no wonder you lot all moved out,
I went to the North once, no wonder its so grim, weathers was so crap
My fried? or My Fred so you visited the North of England once so you'll prefer Rugby League well done.
Fred wrote:I was born near Barnsley. That should answer your question nicely.
Welcome, my brother! Google tells me the Barnsley Broncos went out of business pretty quickly. What went wrong?
One of the greatest sporting events I've watched live, was what they call "The Second Battle of Brisbane" - the Rugby League test match in 1958 between Great Britain and Australia. Here's a report from fifty years later. … 41171.html
The following extract gives a hint of the sheer bloody-mindedness of the GB captain, whose arm was broken three minutes into the game and who never left the field, as far as I can recall: Photographs of the match capture the extraordinary nature of his courage. With his right arm hanging uselessly by his side, he is tackling and handling the ball with his left, and packing into scrums on his left-hand side to try to protect his fracture. (No substitutes were allowed, in those days, and all the scrums were fiercely contested.)
As Max Boyce used to say proudly: "And I was there!"
I don't mind Eastern European countries? Mind you I had a nice time in Barcelona in march this year it's amazing really how us northern lads can accommodate most cultures. Mi amigo.
Ah local dialect, well I can understand it, it amuses me how over counties and area's dialect changes, I can only assume is this common in most countries??
My father was sent as a child to Nelson, near Colne Lancashire to stay with an Aunt and Uncle as a child evacuee, sadly he has long passed but I recall him telling me of some dish that was served up regular to him " Stew an hard "? Not sure really what it was needless to say he never fed his own children it ha-ha! Anyhow I'm off to bed nice to chat/type....
Night night.
stepool1970 wrote:I don't mind Eastern European countries? Mind you I had a nice time in Barcelona in march this year it's amazing really how us northern lads can accommodate most cultures. Mi amigo.
i bet you were really heading for Benidorm,
Never been there Spanner Pete, been nearby to a place called Rojales? I think that was the spelling "mi espanol no es muy bueno" although I am more advanced than una cereza por favor where else can you recommend? I stayed in stiges in a harbour in Barcelona, another football city eh??
Damn I should have checked out the hair styles!?
stepool1970 wrote:Never been there Spanner Pete, been nearby to a place called Rojales? I think that was the spelling "mi espanol no es muy bueno" although I am more advanced than una cereza por favor where else can you recommend? I stayed in stiges in a harbour in Barcelona, another football city eh??
Damn I should have checked out the hair styles!?
Benidorm, is where all the football "loving Norther's" go LOL
spanishpete wrote:Benidorm, is where all the football "loving Norther's" go
I hate football and I hate parties, especially political ones.
Not bad for a bloke that did 20 odd years as a DJ but you'd have to kill me and drag my dead body there if you wanted me to go to that dump.
Fred wrote:spanishpete wrote:Benidorm, is where all the football "loving Norther's" go
I hate football and I hate parties, especially political ones.
Not bad for a bloke that did 20 odd years as a DJ but you'd have to kill me and drag my dead body there if you wanted me to go to that dump.
So you worked at DJ Sports,, what was it like, some say the Money was crap
No, the sort of disco where we used vinyl records at first, moved through CD tech and finally ended up with a laptop.
P.A.R.T....Y? because I got to.
Edit - and I made more money for two evening at weekends than I could doing a full time job.
DJ sports ha-ha!! Seem's the " northerners talk with forked tongue !!"
So a miserable DJ on the wheels of steel.
I once hired a children's entertainer for my son's birthday called Zippy junior turned out they sent Zippy senior he kinda disliked kids, although the mums and dads thought it was hilarious!!
Iknow the feeling about dislike of kids, i could not eat a whole one
i used to roady for a DJ back in the middle 70's, it was good fun, And for after's "loads of bird's"
I love music and used to liston to Radio Caroline, and still of on the internet Iam a bit of na old rocker, and if i could grow my hair long
NAILED IT .. or the Guardian did for me.
I knew it, all politicians are aliens. … abductions
Just to prove I'm crazy, I read the Guardian and that's utter crap most of the time.
Actually, I'm even worse because I read the Daily Fail (Talk about fake news), selected stories from the Israeli press (Talk about fake news), the US press (Talk about fake news), the Soviet... oops, Russian press (Talk about fake news), Al Jazzy (Talk about fake news) and the BBC.
I add a few Indonesian newspapers as well.
PS -Does anyone know why my wife wants a divorce?
Fred wrote:NAILED IT .. or the Guardian did for me.
I knew it, all politicians are aliens. … abductions
Just to prove I'm crazy, I read the Guardian and that's utter crap most of the time.
Actually, I'm even worse because I read the Daily Fail (Talk about fake news), selected stories from the Israeli press (Talk about fake news), the US press (Talk about fake news), the Soviet... oops, Russian press (Talk about fake news), Al Jazzy (Talk about fake news) and the BBC.
I add a few Indonesian newspapers as well.
PS -Does anyone know why my wife wants a divorce?
What Fred you dont read the Daily Star, or the sport,,,, shame on you
A Divorce. poor man, Well you will be a poor man when she get's your stuff,
she might be divorceing you!, due to 'the' crap News papers you read.
My self Im a Daily Mail,,,,,,,,, now theres a real News paper
She can take what she wants as long as my Cameras, computers, projectors, audio systems, phones, and massive collection of colourful french ticklers stay with me.
Fred wrote:She can take what she wants as long as my Cameras, computers, projectors, audio systems, phones, and massive collection of colourful french ticklers stay with me.
That's the way to go Fred
Fred 7 letters for you"Alimony"
And here is your Guardian (Fake News)
Maduro is not happy about the pending divorce: action as they say in Court.
The Guardian: Venezuela: police helicopter attacks supreme court with grenades.
See what you started/ crazy wofl, laugh it off/lol
spanishpete wrote:no wonder you look so warn out
.................................And this from SpanishPete (uncle festor) a man barely luke warm in your picture, Ha-ha 1 nil to the North!! (and Eastern Europe!)
stepool1970 wrote:spanishpete wrote:no wonder you look so warn out
.................................And this from SpanishPete (uncle festor) a man barely luke warm in your picture,Ha-ha 1 nil to the North!! (and Eastern Europe!)
very good but when it comes to 'photos' your a "look-like" of wolis from wolis and gromit
thats that 10 points to guy from the happy south
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