An "Crazy World?"
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You give UP, luck you
i thought of this joke, and thought i would sent to to you
Why do Northerners prefer mushy peas?
Because they can't keep the round ones on their knives.
spanishpete wrote:You give UP, luck you
i thought of this joke, and thought i would sent to to you
Why do Northerners prefer mushy peas?
Because they can't keep the round ones on their knives.
Mushy peas....................
A normal person, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST can see they are Mushy peas...............
Add an MP Peter Mandleson who assumed in a "Chip shop he was getting guacamole with his battered haddock & chips!!! NUMPTY!!!
Hi there Stepool
How's it going,
and there! i was 'thinking' you had, given up,
its warm here today, 30c and mid winter, and Im digging, mind you it was 30c here yesterday and i was mixing and laying 1 cubit of concrete, mad fool that i am,
Well I do hope you don't fall in your wet mix!
I too had a long shift hence little time on here.
For now anyway.
Long shift!
I had a long night/day I work 3 nights a week but the hours are around 18+ I get around 3 hours sleep but today was flat out without any sleep so kind of wrecked! I run a one man logistics chain in the South west of England, delivering to fast food outlet, but had a blow out on my back tyre last night in Cornwall, obviously it was pitch black on an A road, and raining!! 3 Hours I had to wait for the recovery driver to get me back on the road so I worked straight through I only use a 3.5 ton van to avoid any tachograph restrictions but maybe weight restrictions made my back tyre pop! It happens from time to time.
Just posted this on another thread ............
My life is unusual.
Normal people go for a walk and have chance meetings with old friends or Joe from just down the road, not me.
Yesterday's walk saw me meeting the ambassador of Myanmar, a bunch of asylum seekers from Afghanistan and a crazy dude being shifted by the cops because he was in the way of Obama's motorcade.
I try to live in the normal world but it just won't let me in.
Meanwhile in my normal world I have decided to wash our new puppy this morning for her first time............... Greetings from Normal street
Wash the 'puppy', If your any good at it I have 4 large dog's that need doing, 3 dont mind being washed, but one your need to "nail" him down to wash him,,,,, the aira i concreted during the week, one part was for washing the dog's down,
There relly need to be washed once a mouth
@Fred nice Obummer and refugees talking about a twofer, he's been on the run from the US, he's mostly been traveling places that have no extradition back to the US(????) Imagine that.
@Spanish Pete so that means you get a bath as each dog shakes upon finishing there bath.
Power Outage here last night so no festa (hooray) or distorted loud music(triple hooray), the wife had just finished the pasta having it in the dark was romantic, I had barbecued earlier and then the mosquitoes came out. And now the lady across the street is singing and she can't sing bless her heart. Watched two guy unload 1000 bricks by hand. Boy am I tired.
Yeah new dog new routine, the last dog passed away a few years ago rather suddenly and to be honest it took me a few years to even think about a new one but we have and to be fair I love having a routine again although this dogs tiny compared to our last one again though it is nice to have a more manageable sized pet. (less size the poop the better I kind of think?)
Saw your post and had to reply... I lost my 19-1/2 year old fur-baby 2 years ago. It definitely takes a while but I too took the plunge again and got a new baby in March. I missed having fur-love around. (She's a lapdog and I so agree with the poop comment too. LOL)
TraMichele wrote:Saw your post and had to reply... I lost my 19-1/2 year old fur-baby 2 years ago. It definitely takes a while but I too took the plunge again and got a new baby in March. I missed having fur-love around.
(She's a lapdog and I so agree with the poop comment too. LOL)
i have 3 boomerings, The "git's" keep getting out, And to be honest. I wish they did not come back, But they do, there names are Lorry, conquer, and Laylar, 3 dogs, any one waht 3 dogs
If I was your dog I'd escape too ha-ha you are locked away in a dark room on your profile picture with one pooch pinned down to your lap (I hope!?) Anyhow my old dog he was awesome, big brave and handsome, lazy, slobbery, snoring, farting, making a mess, my new dog well she is awesome, bouncy, crazy, lazy, smaller but smellier?! (don't know how that works??)
And I am glad to share my normal life with her.
Dog life is the way!! Move over cat lovers!!!!
TraMichele wrote:Saw your post and had to reply... I lost my 19-1/2 year old fur-baby 2 years ago. It definitely takes a while but I too took the plunge again and got a new baby in March. I missed having fur-love around.
(She's a lapdog and I so agree with the poop comment too. LOL)
19.5 YEARS that is a ripe old commitment (age!!) I bet it was quite a wrench to adjust to after those years together.
I had a wife and marriage that lasted hmm maybe half that duration I do not miss her though......
But I glad that you have decided on another dog, ignore that Spanish Pete offering his dogs away he's like a James Bond bad guy "Gold finger" with his bald head and pet on his knee no doubt plotting something evil!!
I used to live in an other part of Brazil, In the state of RIO but not the city. A place 'called' Iguaba Grande, (look it up) much much smaller that the place i live in now, we were there 2 1/2 years, and while i was there i got involved doing some building work for the dog,s home, my god there had some great dogs, quite poorly in the begging, but with a little food and some TLC soon pick up, some Brazilians treat there dogs like shit, and just discard the dogs like rubbish, but all the dogs ive seen are really nice, and just want to be loved
spanishpete wrote:I used to live in an other part of Brazil, In the state of RIO but not the city. A place 'called' Iguaba Grande, (look it up) much much smaller that the place i live in now, we were there 2 1/2 years, and while i was there i got involved doing some building work for the dog,s home, my god there had some great dogs, quite poorly in the begging, but with a little food and some TLC soon pick up, some Brazilians treat there dogs like shit, and just discard the dogs like rubbish, but all the dogs ive seen are really nice, and just want to be loved
Agree about how animals are treated by some here in Belem, I see people who have a dog just to say "I have a dog". And they have the big and little dogs on a harness type leash and I get a laugh watching the dog walk and drag there master (lmao) I have had maybe a total of 20+ dogs in my lifetime, the number comes from breeding AKC animals the breeds were Rottweilers and Boxers so the litters went to good homes, as a breeder I would interview the people interested in my dogs and even go to there home to see if they could handle the breed and how much they knew about raising a dog for Boxers think there people and Rottys need a strong hand and master. I kennel trained all my dogs for dogs like there quiet and there own little place for the necessary Time Out. I miss having one around, yet finding someone to care for the dog is like searching for a needle in a haystack and the way the wife and I are planning to travel it's impossible to own one at the moment. I am looking at Brazilian Boxers and the Cane Corso as well as the Dogo Argentina, don't mind the poop for what's a little poop when a guard dog is necessary especially here in Brazil and yes I do train for protection and attack. It's a privilege to own a animal and not a right. I feed the street dog here his name is the "Police Dawg" as that is what we call him for he polices the whole street he stands about 13 inches and commands respect for his territory and will fight at the drop of a bone (lol) he really belongs to the wife's brother who lives next door and he has two homes and drives taxi for a living so we take care of the dog in his absence which is every frickn day (lol).
Coming to a City,State,County, Provence,Country near you soon. Expecting 2-3 million here in Brazil the refugees, asylum seekers, migrants. It is "An Crazy World"
Yup, just as I pictured it. Crazzzy Frickn World
It will all end in tears,, And we all know 'how' well the westen nationals, can destroy each as well as others
Comming to you all "very" soon be where
Asylum and refugees.
They tend to exist either because an extremist government decides to hate any given group of people or because idiot governments decide to bomb a load of people, others because idiot extremists decide to bomb a load of people.
All of the above idiots tend to assume they're so right, everyone else must be wrong so it's fine to kill them regardless of anything.
The Taliban, ISIS and other such sets of twits bomb Muslims and destroy mosques to save Islam - Drrrr
Russia, the US and a bunch of other countries are killing by the thousands in Syria at the moment but the whole refugee mess is being blamed on refugees, not the mass killings the various countries are engaged in in the hope of getting or keeping their mates in power. Yes, I know much of the destruction is cause by local killers but they're armed and trained by the various governments so I see very little blame being deflected by that minor point.
Yes, the Syrian government is a mess but not half as big a mess as the various foreign powers have created by supporting their favoured set of nutters.
Not anti American, anti Russian or any any of the European countries, just anti idiotic politicians regardless of their political bent or country of origin.
The 'crazy' is astounding until you realise how much cash is being made out of all the death and misery.
Fred wrote:Asylum and refugees.
Not anti American, anti Russian or any any of the European countries, just anti idiotic politicians regardless of their political bent or country of origin. The 'crazy' is astounding until you realise how much cash is being made out of all the death and misery.
Spot on, Fred. Money is at the root of it all. Back when I was publishing a personal blog, I wrote a short something on this topic. Not Pulitzer Prize material, at all, but it's not a bad summary of the activity behind the mass invasion of refugees in Europe, for those interested. … scale.html
@Fred i am in total agreement, the points you make are on target and valid!
I saw a TV commercial back in the 1970s as I date myself.
Where they showed 2 leaders of there respective countries In a open field and the two Boxed it out as I would love to see a few good matches the first match Merkel vs Obummer the winner moves on to face Putin in a cage match, and the final would be Du30 and that little guy in N.Korea and we will let the guy from China officiate. That's my take on it and the Middle East it s Grudge Free For All Winner takes all(sticks, bricks,shoes are all allowed).
final Matis vs What's Left or Right/lol
Addendum : No Nukes Allowed, just elbows and biting and knutkicks are 2 points given to the kicker
An"Crazzzy World"
Warnings to All Participants "Azzholes Protect Yourself At All Times" this is a Pay Perview Event.
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