
An "Crazy World?"

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Last night in London a man or men decided to drive at Muslims coming out of a mosque, one elderly man died, apparently this man had already collapsed as he left the mosque and people had rushed to his aid administering CPR. (On a BBC report the Police are uncertain if the man who died was killed by being ran over by a van or actually died prior to this when he collapsed!?) Crazy   

The report stated the van driver was shouting anti Islamic slants......

2 Weeks ago a van ran through a barrage of pedestrians and 3 men of Islamic faith ran down people in bars and restaurants in London they also stabbed and killed people before being shot by the Metropolitan Police, one man who tackled these men with just his bare hands ended up with 80 stitches to various parts of his body, and head and is now recovering.............. Crazy   

So the above crime was a revenge killing I guess or is that too cynical to assume and it was just coincidence!!!

The crazy world we live, the bible says an eye for an eye but contradicts itself..........

Today a man walked past my window I was very good friends with his eldest brother when we were children, this eldest brother died aged 24 vomiting on drugs, the man (younger brother) lost the plot and became psychotic and now rambles and mumbles his way through life, he lives in a bubble and no doubt does not see people killing people on the news, and on the street maybe that's a blessing, the crazy world we live in, is indeed crazy because this man in his bubble is actually deemed crazy to most that do not know him,  was taking the drugs crazy, selling the drugs crazy, losing his life so young crazy, every action has a reaction and that takes me back to the start of this post and new topic!! (What a sad crazy World we live in!)
Thank you for your time, X

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There's nothing new under the sun  :cool:

Ms Denn

Yes the world is crazy... wondering what the future waits for the new generation!


The exact same, flawed species behavior patterns, guaranteed! :cool:


So nothing changes, we follow serial patterns?
It is all very bleak, we just carry on with our lives and shut it out until it swallows us all up?
Obviously there is a choice, to offer you to "do or to don't", but then do people actually want to change the pattern or allowed to by their peers? Is it a hereditary we do not want to dishonour our family our tradition, are we worried that change is showing weakness.
In a very simplistic view, and this is not a p~ss take.... You see a road do you go straight ahead a route that you know or do you venture left or right a different road with a different destination?


Despite evolved advances in technological development, human growth and development remains deeply mired within Neanderthal mentality. Just the historical facts.


The world is only carzy if you focus on the 2% who make it such.
Why don't the other 98% of friendly, peaceful people define our world?
Well, it depends on what YOU decide to see and allow to define your world!

But at least we learn from the above:
- Cars can be deadly weapons (and harm the environment).
- Drugs can dangerously affect lifes.
- Fanatic beliefs (of political, racial, religious or other hateful nature) cause serious problems to our world.
It is time to seriously defuse all three of them!


I watched a vid of drug addicts in Manchester a few days ago, the really disturbing thing being how nobody so much as looked at them.
Addicts are so common, they aren't worth a second glance.

Sick world.



It's because they are dead and dead, to quote" Addicts will Kill Themselves". It's sad that people have given up hope. It's happening in the USA. I use to live in Ohio and the fentanal and Herion has the addicts dropping like flys. To each there own and I pity those with addictions. Life is Choice Driven so the addicts have chosen to kill themselves.


Fred wrote:

I watched a vid of drug addicts in Manchester a few days ago, the really disturbing thing being how nobody so much as looked at them.
Addicts are so common, they aren't worth a second glance.

Sick world. … -newscred2
Americas's Epidemic,  North,Central,South. There dropping like flys.


Problem here regarding the drug use, if there is demand then there is always a person happy to sell this sh*t.
The point I made about the ramblings of a person I know was brought on from the shock of finding his elder brother dead from drug induced vomit. He does not resemble the footage of this Manchester documentary he is no addict, he is know on prescription drugs to nullify the grief and pain he carries from the loss of his sibling.
The documentary is very sad, it is something that should be watched if only to educate and highlight the desperate lives or existence some people go through!
(they are all somebody's son, daughter, sibling's etc...)


its a way of life, and be honest, its a way they should "end thier life's", the sooner the better, because, thats were they want to,


Drugs are bad news, creating massive profits for the dealers but massive pain and suffering for everyone else.
The next on my list of people the world would be better off without is extremists of all flavours, all requiring their oxygen supply be terminated regardless of who they are, what they claim to love and who they hurt.
That silly bugger in London who attacked the people coming out of a mosque is just as stupid as the people he claims to hate.
We see the latest from Iraq where they great supposed Muslims (AKA ISIS idiots) have just destroyed an ancient mosque - ruddy great Muslims they are - NOT.
Seriously, that bunch of pointless morons, those who support them, arm them, buy cheap oil from them, or even look upon them with anything but contempt all deserve the same fate, and that also includes removing their right to breath the same air as reasonable people.


Oh, and while I'm on it, the majority of politicians should be removed from office, especially anyone who votes to start a war.
I'll go further, any politician who votes for a war should be forced to serve on the front line, and be first into battle.


Fred: While I agree with the spirit of everything you said, I am afraid such angry rants will not change anything - in fact they sound suspiciously like those you hate ...


I agree,          But Fred be careful "your" will get this fórum closed down, due to talking about politics and religion   LOL


beppi wrote:

Fred: While I agree with the spirit of everything you said, I am afraid such angry rants will not change anything - in fact they sound suspiciously like those you hate ...

I advocate being nice to everyone --- until they aren't nice back.
Doesn't much matter if they're drug dealing murders, right wing murders, left wing murders, religious murders or those who assist them, they all waste perfectly good oxygen.


It's a fine line between "They are murderers and should be dead" and "Let's go and murder them." I don't like!


Up the Liberals
and up the workers


beppi wrote:

It's a fine line between "They are murderers and should be dead" and "Let's go and murder them." I don't like!

Not advocating murder, just mandatory death sentences when convicted.


Fred wrote:
beppi wrote:

It's a fine line between "They are murderers and should be dead" and "Let's go and murder them." I don't like!

Not advocating murder, just mandatory death sentences when convicted.

But what happens if there faund the innocent later on


spanishpete wrote:

Up the Liberals
and up the workers

The people's flag is deepest red, in memory of the all the dead bodies it's left behind.
To comment on the liberals would require defining if it's the US or UK liberals you're discussing.
I dislike both for different reasons.
Come to think of it, I don't like the vast majority of politicians.

As for the last US election, one was in possession of one, the other devoid of one, but both are one.


spanishpete wrote:
Fred wrote:
beppi wrote:

It's a fine line between "They are murderers and should be dead" and "Let's go and murder them." I don't like!

Not advocating murder, just mandatory death sentences when convicted.

But what happens if there faund the innocent later on

They either had drugs or they didn't.
They either because terrorists or they didn't.

Modern science is pretty good at working out what went off so the errors of old are no longer a valid argument.


So there should bring the Death penalty back in the UK


Death penalty should only apply to those who think death is appropriate as penalty.
Not me.


Terrorists think so, as we've seen all too often.
Drug dealers don't seem to care much about who they kill or in what numbers as long as they make profit.

The two groups above seem to have little interest in human rights laws.

mahmad mahmoud

its long story, so you have to be careful.
it's completely political,
and it's no solution .
killing people easy now everywhere.

have a good time

mahmad mahmoud

hi'there, drug dealer (philipinnes president) needed

it just flight with him.

Thanks a lot.


Fred wrote:

Terrorists think so, as we've seen all too often.
Drug dealers don't seem to care much about who they kill or in what numbers as long as they make profit.

The two groups above seem to have little interest in human rights laws.

Coming to town,city,state, country near us all soon.


mahmad mahmoud wrote:

hi'there, drug dealer (philipinnes president) needed

it just flight with him.

Thanks a lot.

This is not a Political Matter and I like Du30. Have a nice night.


mahmad mahmoud wrote:

hi'there, drug dealer (philipinnes president) needed

it just flight with him.

Thanks a lot.

No trials so a step too far for my tastes.

I think the subject of drugs is not understood by most. There's a pretty horrible video of spice addicts in Manchester, the scary part being how shoppers didn't even give them a second glance.
Moving that that crap to a place where the drug dealers haven't got a hold opens your eyes to what a mess they make of a place.


Perhaps the realisation of 24hour media and camera phones taking videos of everything just shows what has been here all along but it used to out of the spotlight as not everyone has access to the information.
Interestingly enough though with all these camera phones being used, ghosts, UFOs, the yeti and Smurfs have yet to be recorded or proved or any intervention from an all overseeing deity is equally lacking but we have learned to make pictures with dog or rabbit ears being added. Amazing.


Ner, whilst rabbit eared drug addicts might add a level of amusement the rise of drug dealers is easy to see, especially for old buggers like me who watched it happen from the 70s onward.
Weed was mostly grown by lads in their greenhouses and supplied, commonly for free, to mates but that's very different now.
Hard drugs were around but kept quiet and out of the way, not any more.


spanishpete wrote:

So there should bring the Death penalty back in the UK

It's Necessary, it would solve a lot of society's problems.
Why should society pay to keep a convicted murderer alive provided it is not the smoking weapon theory, why should society keep a terrorist alive  when the person has residue on there clothing.  And as I look at Europe what a fine mess that is. No Open Borders if you want to help invite the addict and terrorist, refuge to your home and supply there drugs, there clothing and house and feed them basically pay all there expenses from one's pocket and I bet that the penalty will come to mind every frickn minute of evryday. An Eye for a Eye.
I think J Edgar Hoover said
The Marijuana smokers no problem
The Coke users will steal,lie and cheat
The  Herion Addict will kill themselves so don't focus on them.
or something to that nature of thought, it's not a exact quote yet it's close enough to be understood.
That's my randy rant
it also helps the Zero Population proponents.


I would prefer the bad guys just to stop ... but they won't because they don't care who they kill as long as they make money or destroy for whatever reason.


Alascana wrote:

No Open Borders if you want to help invite the addict and terrorist, refuge to your home.

I like open borders and I frequently invite refugees to my home (they are generally nice and interesting people). Am I doing something wrong?


beppi wrote:
Alascana wrote:

No Open Borders if you want to help invite the addict and terrorist, refuge to your home.

I like open borders and I frequently invite refugees to my home (they are generally nice and interesting people). Am I doing something wrong?

No, you're doing good.
The more love, help and understanding in the world, the less room left for hate.
Can't agree on the open borders at the moment but it would be a great idea for a hopefully brighter world of the future.


beppi, you are not doing anything wrong. You're only behaving like a "thinking" human being, and a global citizen. Good show, and we applaud your efforts. :top:


I hate linking to the daily fail but in this case ... … wv_rm=als1

One woman attacks the other seemingly because the dress code doesn't fit her narrow mind.

Crap old world.

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