Govt. Schools and English update

My friend who enrolled her 2 kids (13 and 5) into the Govt. Schools in Mosta last September after assurance that they would be taught in English (apart from Maltese and Religion) has decided to move her kids to Govt. schools that have a higher non-Maltese population (Msida?) as the reailty was that they were NOT being taught in English enough and the 13 year old was even excused the History exam as it was entirely in Maltese!

I thought this might be helpful info for those with school-age kids.


I had the same problem Tim. We put my son into the Gov. system when he was 12. They told me they would speak to him in English too, but they didn't. My son literally self taught himself for 4 years. Good thing he's a bright kid because there was no way I could help him with high school maths.

I regret not keeping my kids in San Andrea but we just couldnt afford it anymore. We thought San Andrea sounded affordable when we first came was comparable to what we were paying in the states for private education...But the wages here just werent enough to make the payments.

Sorry to hear that - it is certainly understandable.
