Looking for a job

hi plssss anyone can help me to got a job and working permit here??????????tnnnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

what is your qualification & Experience?

Welcome on Expat-Blog patricia33,

May be you can tell us more about your qualification & experience as Valmik pointed out above.

Else, you can try your luck by inserting an advert on the job section of Malaysia Classifieds page.


No matter what you can do or what you will do, always remember the American singer who says: "Dont worry - Be happy". Always... :cool:

You need to get a contract written by a company:
Work hours
As usual and stamped in taxation department.
Then take it to Immigration and they will advice if anything else is require.
And a letter from a director of the company written in Bahasa Malaysia inviting you to work.

This two thing is most important to get a work permit.
It was in my case anyway.

Good Luck