What is this plant in my garden......

and more importantly, can I eat it....:P:P  Looks like a mango but is a climber and not a tree. 

OK, I GIVE UP   can anybody help me put the images in this message. 

Many thanks.

If you click on the blue "[img]tag" link just below the message entry box it tells you the syntax to use...this is the example they use:


...and if you can see the image above this text...then it works!


I know I'm an idiot but, ...  I clicked the image tag, it asked for the URL, I pasted the photobucket thingy but that was all that showed up, no piccy,  just code... 

Not sure what I am doing wrong here... although I am a numpty.


http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn15 … ant002.jpghttp://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn15 … ant001.jpg

click on link to see pic.  Sorry chaps,  this is the best I can do...DOH



...there you go.


Thanks friend,  I don't suppose you also know what the plant is??? 


Jasmine fruit?

Brilliant, thats exactly what it is..  Sadly, I don't think I can eat it... sad face..

Ooops, I thought it was mango :/...