Making (female) friends here in Kuwait?

😀😀😀surely yes
Even I am keen in making only female friends

Of course yes 😀😀😀😀

Yes can u tell me more about you and where u from

Yes I'm a female and looks to meets female too
Tell more about you where you from

Hi, definately female. I had the same issue...hence the message on the thread. Are you in Salmiya?


My name is Helen and I'm in salmiya for a month visiting my husband. Would love to see if we can get maybe a few females together for a coffee or something. I'm from Canada and of Portuguese decent.

Hey all,
I got married and moved here from Dubai and I find it so hard to make friends and I'm very social, have you girls managed to meet up? How has this forum helped? I would love a girls time out. Please update me. :)

Hi yes
But not met anyone tI'll  now

Hi dear
Pls what's app
We can catch up

I live in salmiya

Hello All:

I was speaking to someone else on this thread and we were thinking about  a meetup? What do you ladies think about that? Females only of course.

It would be a great opportunity for some of us to meet and get to know one another.


Looks like a few of us on this thread are in Salmiya so maybe someone can suggest a place to meet and a date and time.

The more that attend the merrier :)


Helen, that sounds great.. I'm in for sure. Hopefully more people join us :)

I'm a female too living in kuwait and looking for some new friends if youre interested message me

Let's figure out a place
U guys can suggest
May be weekend

That would be perfect! A weekend works for me also. Okay we will pick a place and hopefully you can make it.

Would love to meet some new people here :)


Hello ladies,

The plan is to arrange a meet up after Dec 10th for anyone who is interested in meeting up and getting to know one another. More details to follow once we figure out a time and place.

Looking forward to it :)


I'm looking for some female friends, too. I'll be happy to join.

Hello ladies. Myself and someone else has arranged a meet up this Wednesday December 12th at 6:00pm at the Starbucks at the Boulevard Mall in Salmiya. FEMALES ONLY!!!

As we know it can be quite challenging and difficult making new friends when your new to a country. This is an opportunity for us to hopefully start new friendships and get to know one another. Please attend if your able too :)

If anyone wants to message me privately requesting my number they can, in case they arrive and are not sure where we are sitting.

In the event that there is not enough seating at the Starbucks there are many other places at the Boulevard Mall that we can sit at so please try to be there for 6:00. 

Hoping to see some of you there :)


Hello girls :)
I just moved recently to Kuwait and I wanted to ask if you are still here ? I don't know anyone yet so it would be fun to have tea or coffee anytime :) I'm originally from Austria :)

Hi, yes we are meeting tomorrow at Starbucks at the Boulevard Mall in Salmiya at 6:00 pm for a tea/coffee. Please join us if you can.

Hope you can make it :)


Dear Girls,

How was the meetup? Unfortunately, I didn't see any of these messages til now. Helen, do you have a WhatsApp number that I can perhaps contact?

Thank you!

Hello girls :)
I was unfortunately way to late when I saw these messages but if you ever plan something like this again I would appreciate sooo much to be a part of it :)
Thank you
Wish you a wonderful day
Hope to see you soon :)

I missed the get together... would have loved tl attend it as I am almost at that starbucks everyday.
Please let me know if you're planning a second meet up.
Looking forward to knowing you

Hi ladies,
Helen and I will plan a meet up pribably after New years. Please message us if you are interested.

Hi Everyone,

I just moved to Kuwait from the US with my husband and would love to make some new friends. I would be interested in a meetup as well!


Hey yes! WhatsApp me! It's ***

Moderated by Priscilla 5 years ago
Reason : do not post your personal contact details on the forum please, thank you

Yes I am sti here.

Hey alll,
If you guys do make a plan pls let me know, i would likee to join but got relatives from abroad but i will try!


Send me Ur number private msg

Hi Everyone,

Are we able to manage a female meet up??


Hi everyone, I am moving to Kuwait at the end of the month and would love to make some female friends :)

Hello there. Welcome to Kuwait... I hope you enjoy your stay here.
I do love to be your friend, so Message me if you're interested

Hello Ladies!

My name is Lei and been here in Kuwait for more than a year.
Would love to meet new people as well and make friends with you girls ^^,
I'm also new to this expat community so I hope we can have a coffee, weather is getting better too which is great for it!
Let me know if we should arrange a meetup and if anyone is interested to plan for it, perhaps this March?



I am a Canadian who got married in kuwait, been here awhile ... if there are any get togethers soon give me a shoutout ... would love to go out and meet up and make friends


Hello there!!!
I'm jazz a new Yorker living here in Kuwait ,married  with 2 dogs and a cat we rescued it by our beach here in salmiya... I'm hosting a Poetry Galla at WAJHA Arts  on 10/ 30 at around 7 pm please do join  ...we are inviting anyone who wants and love to recite poetry or just come in and  hangout plus it's free admission...if you are interested plz send me a mesg in my private email for further can Google Wajha arts  in salmiya...they offer classes for painting , sculpting,  piano ,  and other musical instruments and every month they host the Spanish Dewania Arabic for word for gatherings..anyhow..hope we could meet up at the poetry lounge at Wajha arts!
Cheers, Jazz


Hi there contact me and we can meet.

Let's meet then 😄

Smana wrote:

😀😀😀surely yes
Even I am keen in making only female friends

hellllllllo girls
anyone here

Hopefully Covid 19 will leave us alone soon 🙉🙈🐵 and we can have a girls day out
