Screen printing in Berlin?

I've been looking for months for a really good screen priting course and finally I've found it so I wanted to share it with all the other struggling creatives out there like me.

It's run by an amazing printer from London at her studio/gallery in Kreuzberg called 'Mother Drucker'. I'm two weeks into the course and already it's got my mind buzzing all week on what to produce next. So for anyone who's interested check out their link for the next one. - Mother Drucker Screen Printing Course.

Thank you for the tip.
I've been searching for a good place to practice screen printing again, I'll check it out soon.:)
Have fun printing!

No problem at all, I'm on my last week and about to produce a 4 colour print. It's been so much fun, and finally i feel like I can print independently and get good results. I've also found some good supply shops if you need any more info?

Yes, supply shops would be great...thank you

This is a good online shop,
it's got everything you need. The course I've been doing starts again on the 16th April if you're interested?

Thank you for the information. In the Netherland I worked as a screen print teacher for kids, so that's why I was interested in finding a place here, where I could continue printing for myself.
I will check it out and see if I can also print outside of a course. Thanks again and have fun with the course :)