Finding a job in Chicago

Hello, my name is Kate and I recently moved from Germany to Chicago in the States. My husband has a good job here and I decided to join him in this adventure. I quit my job which I loved back in Germany. I was working in an Online Marketing Agency and also in Business Planning (M&As).

Unfortunately it is not easy to find a job here as I thought it would be. In Germany I have a very good CV but it seems that employers in the US are looking for something different. I don't know weather its because English is not my mother language or I just did not learn to show off with my skills enough.

I would also be ready to change profession and create something very different during my time here but I would need some more guidance on the possibilities. I researched a lot about Non-Profits as the salary is not the major issue but to become part of this new place called home now.

I have written some thoughts about this on my brand new blog:

So my questions are: How do you manage to find a new job? Do you have the same experiences like me (applying all the time  but never hearing back)? Do you know how or where to find people who could need a hand? I am also volunteering at a shelter at the moment but would have much more time to do something :-(

Any advise is welcome! Thanks a lot!

I turned the job search into a career.

One thing I noticed are obvious typos and/or incorrect word spell check did not recognize as syntax errors in the post here and in your blog. Makes a big difference in a CV (I do not know your qualifications so let's call it CV) and a recruiter's research prior to contacting a potential candidate.

Home is a hop and a skip from Munich.