Raising kids in England

Hello everyone,

How is raising kids in England different from raising kids in your home country?

What are the activities that your kids seem to enjoy the most in England?

Do you feel that the country is "family-friendly"?

Do you recommend England as a good place to raise kids? Why or why not?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


just believe in yourself then whole universe is our home. we can raise our children anywhere. we have given that power. :)


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Raised ours in the UK with no problems at all.  As long as parents remember who's responsible for raising their kids, it shouldn't be a problem anywhere.

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First, you need to ask yourself, what do you mean good to your children?

Better education? Safety living environment? Clear drinking water?

Then you need to know your citizen status, decide if this country is family-friendly or not, because they have different policies for different families.

To be honest, after Brexit, I don't believe raising kids in England is a good idea. because, as long as parents are not British Passport holders, doesn't matter which visa type you are holding, you are at risk of losing your legal stay.

You need to consider the influence will on your children if one day they have to leave their friends, teachers, and everything familiar simply because the politicians of this country want to lower down the number of migrants.

In my opinion, as a foreigner, especially non-eu family.

Either you are extremely rich, so money can buy everything, include legal stay. ( You can apply for a Tier 1 (Investor) visa if:
you want to invest £2,000,000 or more in the UK)
Then you can send your kids to the best private school.

Or you have nothing to lose, for example, come to this country as a refugee. Then I guess what this country can offer must be better than your hometown.

Then, do not choose the UK, if you are middle class in your hometown, your income can't give your child a better life here, but there will be multiple problems waiting for you to solve, eating up your saving, and very likely, will bring you and your kids a very unstable life. It's not worth to lose your not so bad life in your hometown.

Usually, there are lots of generalizations that people make regarding raising kids in Europe or North America, and it can be easy to believe these perceptions, therefore, one have to be careful- on picking views or judgment made by others- without extensive researches or studies on the issue.
In certain areas or certain issues –yes- raising kids in certain party of the world is too cost, particularly- raising children at of age of 7 to 20 years.
  Also, some parents –particularly those from Asian- Arab- African ethnic background who are living in the western hemisphere countries, or from Living in a different culture from the one they were used to or in their original home country, their children may occasionally feel have no identity and not sure of their cultural background.     I personally, believe that if the two parents of the kids are strong enough, in terms of their parental responsibilities, including right guidance on raising kids, moral/ethical and general standards, than their children can easily grow up with right faith & family values, etc.

Raising kids in England is as good as raising children like any other place in the world, in my opinion