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Nemodot wrote:

Coco how can someone do that without a Visa?

Anyway easy to bribe a judge in Malaysia. It is normal practice and quite cheap to do. So no chance of winning.

Likely true! But will they be sympathetic to an Iranian business guy who is outright cheating the public? Money is money, i guess.


Prob a Malaysian behind this who uses Iranians.


Probably an Iranian who got off the plane and looked around for a gig, met a cop, had a drink, cop doesnt make much money but is connected in the system, hatched a plan, the Iranian gets the bookings and the cop runs the interference.


Unknown1111 wrote:

How to report in police sir I am here in philippines?

PNP Anti Cybercrime Group. Or email/call PH embassy in Malaysia.


Please advise if you have any idea about the below

Attn: Saeed Youssif

We refer to your forwarded application for job engagement with relations to Aaron engineering Group   

With staff reference number   CEH/MYR/ vol. 388.On the above subject matter, Our management hereby   

congratulates you on your successful emergence based on detailed recruitment   

by our official recruitment consultants at Linkedin. 

Further details are as follows:   




US 10,000 (Ten thousand dollars Only) monthly/take-home (After tax),   

Dollars or Euros equivalent depending on home country and currency preference. 


Sabah , Malaysia.   

You will be expected to resume site by 15th Oct 2019 


Upon your acceptance of this offer, the following must be provided for immediate application 

with the Malaysian Immigration department. 

(1)  Your international passport copy. 

(2)  2 Passport Photograph.   

(3)  Medical report.   

CONTRACT DURATION:48 months (Liable for upward review depending on your commitment and expertise) 

DURATION OF WORK PERIODS:Three months work, one month leave.   


The first 6 (six) months salary shall be paid in advance before consultants embark on journey to assume duty. 

This is to enable You settle all domestic needs before travel. As such no excuses will be entertained on 

assumption of duty relating to default. Expatriate shall also be liable to pay 10% of salary as withholding 

tax to the relevant authority in Malaysia. 

Upon receipt of detailed copy of your international passport, medical fitness report and passport photograph as 

required, you shall be issued Six months salary in advance to ensure glitch preparations of your travel documents 
before the resumption date. However, your resumption date is very close, You are however advised to make 

possible arrangements so as to meet – up with the given resumption date(s). 

Herewith attached is Our letter of agreement. Do endeavor to sign and return by email today along with the above 

mentioned documents.   

Welcome Onboard ! 


Rafael E Corchado,   

(Head Of Human Resource)   

Phone:  +(60) 1128072457
Whatsapp: +601161696240
Fax:   +(60)-44-774-2592


SCAM. run for your lofe.


Obvious scam. No one offers 10,000 usd per month for a receptionist, with salary paid 6 months in advance. Next they will ask for payment for something .....


The 2457 number is a mobile that doesn't show up anywhere
The 6240 number is here

A site with all the registrant's details hidden

The last number doesn't show up anywhere

The salary is extreme
The start date is just enough time for you to get there, thus likely to be an attempt to make you rush without checking
The 6 months in advance is too good to be true

"International passport" Seen that on way too many scams out of Nigeria not to get all sus about it

Tax at 10% sound wrong

Whilst I can't prove it's a scam, I'm pretty sure it is.
As someone mentioned above, I'm guessing they will 'require' a visa fee or some other excuse to ask you for a payment.


Total scam. Wasnt this obvious to you without needing to post it in here? Where are you getting these things from?


That sort of rubbish usually comes from random emails so is aimed at idiots too stupid to realise it's a scam.
Sadly, there are way too many people out there that swallow the rubbish and send cash.

This is great news for scammers.


There is a psychological term to explain this but it evades me right now. It relates to believing in something because its pointed at you. YOU got an email saying YOU won the Nigerian Lottery, so it MUST be true; YOU got a phone call saying a YOUR relative is locked in jail in Siberia, so it MUST be true; YOU got an email about a job, so it MUST be true. If these things were not true, YOU would not have received them, someone ELSE would have.

Likewise, this is combined with a terribly sinking feeling that YOU are always being left out of the worlds happenings and prizes and its YOUR turn now---ISNT IT?

These are powerful emotions and once they grip you its extremely hard to let go. YES, I prayed for an employment letter and it took all my strength to admit its a scam. I cried, i was sad, it made me even more lonely than i always was! Oh, cant it be true for once? OMG, its not true....again. I am angry! I will get revenge on this horrible god who did this to me! Im going to turn the tables and force that letter to be true! Im going to send my passport and bank details and god will see my effort and give me that job I so richly deserve!!!

And all of that happened without even ONE LINE of that letter being true. Every single line is brimming with SCAM. Its overflowing and oozing out onto the floor and still it cant be seen. Why? Thats the worst part of this, its because scam victims have created hellish habits of being scammed: "Ok ok ok, last time, yeah they got me, i was dumb, i should have known better, but *THIS* time its true!!"

I used to pity people. I dont anymore. Sigh


You just explained Brexit as well lol


Nemodot wrote:

You just explained Brexit as well lol

Oh is it!

To be honest, i did my best to follow Brexit from the beginning but became confused when both sides seemed to be giving the same arguments to support their positions, calling each other same foul names and i gave up!


cvco wrote:

I used to pity people. I dont anymore. Sigh

I got told I was a heartless something for saying that a few months ago.

These things are all a version of the same rubbish, but people will post on this or some other thread with the same wonderful offer, then ask if it's a scam without even bothering to see what they don't want to see.

As for the condition that you were looking for, it's a twin, one called greed, the other idiocy. Pop the two together and you have really rich Nigerian princes.


As a note, politicians employ exactly the same crap to get their way. Brexit is a fine example of total bull being used by both sides, the US government also treating everyone as if they're morons only this morning. Their especially crap story about the drone strikes in Saudi only working if you believe the Saudis have no defences set up towards Iran, and the US navy in the area is made up of blind people that don't know how to use radar.

Presidents, politicians, and nigerian princes, they're all the same and all worthy of the same contempt, that derision also applying, if to a lesser degree, to those who put greed before common sense and allow themselves to get scammed.

I'm a cynic, but only because I've seen far too many nasty people and fools.


Fred wrote:
cvco wrote:

I used to pity people. I dont anymore. Sigh

I got told I was a heartless something for saying that a few months ago.

These things are all a version of the same rubbish, but people will post on this or some other thread with the same wonderful offer, then ask if it's a scam without even bothering to see what they don't want to see.

As for the condition that you were looking for, it's a twin, one called greed, the other idiocy. Pop the two together and you have really rich Nigerian princes.

I agree with you, well said. And if it seems callous to appear heartless, it stems from people never learning from their mistakes. My heart is as big as the moon for the person with a legit problem, that wasnt an obvious scam, that they first tried all ways to mitigate the damage from, etc. Should I pity idiocy, greed, stupidity and self-fixable ignorance? I regret I havent yet reached that station in life.

Why I might also seem heartless is because the people who come through forums and out there on the street seem to live by the notion that stupidity is a god-given permanent right and therefore see no reason to change, instead throwing the permanent ills on their life on everyone else. That really sounds heartless but consider my Malaysian friend who i told 100000X to NOT, i say NOT deal with that Nigerian on the sending of cash and diamonds and laptops to her. Instead, she comes crying AGAIN that its up to *ME* to get her lost money back and bring him to justice, with NO changes inside her whatsoever.  Ugh....why are we even having this chat?


Fred wrote:

As a note, politicians employ exactly the same crap to get their way. Brexit is a fine example of total bull being used by both sides, the US government also treating everyone as if they're morons only this morning. Their especially crap story about the drone strikes in Saudi only working if you believe the Saudis have no defences set up towards Iran, and the US navy in the area is made up of blind people that don't know how to use radar.

Presidents, politicians, and nigerian princes, they're all the same and all worthy of the same contempt, that derision also applying, if to a lesser degree, to those who put greed before common sense and allow themselves to get scammed.

I'm a cynic, but only because I've seen far too many nasty people and fools.

I dont know who has gotten droned today but we have to recall that US made a deal with Saudi via Kissinger decades ago. In exchange for a steady supply of oil and USD as the trading medium (petrodollar) US agreed to take responsibility for Saudi's defense, something that has cost us hugely over time. To the extent that Saudi has also militarized itself, I dont know.


HI All Does any 1 having any good & Correct solution

Kindly Share me

What is the solution to come out the blacklist passport its already 2 years completed i need any solution to take out the blacklist passport for Malaysia to re-Enter in Malaysia  . Coz my passport got ban for 5 years illigal stay due to Employer not applied for the work premit & not paid the correct salary on time Now am in India . Need to re enter Malaysia again so  need idea & Solution which can work out Request u all

Thanks & Regards
Mustaq Malaysia


I am curious about something, how did they find out you were working, was your place raided?

As I know, the worker is just as much responsible for doing things correctly as the employer is. If you knew you didnt have a permit, then you were breaking the law so on what basis should the government cancel your blacklist?


cvco wrote:

I am curious about something, how did they find out you were working, was your place raided?

As I know, the worker is just as much responsible for doing things correctly as the employer is. If you knew you didnt have a permit, then you were breaking the law so on what basis should the government cancel your blacklist?

I only went to immigration office to take exit pass coz my employer not paid salry not gave wp r visa he taken my passport to stamp visa at last when i asked him to show the applied visa papers he refuse to show then i came to know he did it farad to me i ask to give my passport back he gave went to  immigration got exit pass got 5 year ban also .....even he not paid salary at the time to leave KL .......


Sorry you got scammed but you have a 5 year ban. 3 more years to wait to be potentiality scammed again!


Ok, when he refused to give your passport back why didnt you go to the  police and make a report against him? That is the kind of question the government will ask you. Nobody is blaming you for getting a job but after that, you saw things were wrong and you didnt act. That is what the government will blame you for and just because the boss was some kind of corrupt scammer doesnt let you off of the problem. Right now, maybe you are lucky you got out without a fine and shouldnt stir the case. That said, please email to Immigration and explain the case and see what they say.


Does anyone know or heard of QADKAM (

They help with getting a DP10 Business Visa. Are they are a legit company?

Any input, feedback, or insight into QADKAM is highly appreciated. Thanks!


tanveers wrote:

Does anyone know or heard of QADKAM (

They help with getting a DP10 Business Visa. Are they are a legit company?

Any input, feedback, or insight into QADKAM is highly appreciated. Thanks! … es_i168872

I can't say if they're legitimate or not, but I can post another link ask you to compare telephone numbers … es_i168872

It would strike me I wouldn't want to use a "Get fake followers" company if I were making a major life change, but it's your choice.


Looks like a bunch of liars as they say guaranteed work permit and can get PR after 3 years.

This is just nonsense!


Thanks for the feedback. To me, it seems a bit suspicious as well, since it's "too good to be true."


OMG, after so many rental scam posted on Roomz website, now the job scammer!!




Just received same thing for an Account Executive !

They are all over Linkdin - … tab/about/



The site is quite new and the pictures on it are all stock photos, the computer set up being a stolen photo from CERN.

Their HR coordinator works here. They stole a random photo


Thats just messed up !
Regardless, Thanks to all for the heads up..
Glad I ran through you guys and the points here.

Reported their Linkedin page.

Hope others get to check this out first.



Seems like everything is a scam these days. What is ROOMZ?


Ok my advice when seeking a visa not connected to employment already obtained is to look for Chartered Accountants online as they do visa work regularly as part of establishing companies for foreigners who will then need visas. Also, relocation companies do the work for foreigners who are considering a move to Malaysia and want a temporary business pass. There are qualifications to meet for any visa but those are legit, normal companies. Personally, I would avoid all email solicitations and glamorous adverts.


I got the same along with the letter of agreement  :D

Attn: Applicant,

We refer to your forwarded application for job engagement with relations to Aaron engineering Group With staff reference number CEH/MYR/ vol. 388.On the above subject matter, Our management hereby congratulates you on your successful emergence based on detailed recruitment by our official recruitment consultants at LinkedIn.

Further details are as follows:


US 10,000 (Ten thousand dollars Only) monthly/take-home (After tax), Dollars or Euros equivalent depending on home country and currency preference.

Sabah , Malaysia.
You will be expected to resume site by 30th Jan 2020


Upon your acceptance of this offer, the following must be provided for immediate application with the Malaysian Immigration department.

(1) Your international passport copy.
(2) 2 Passport Photograph.
(3) Medical report.

CONTRACT DURATION:48 months (Liable for upward review depending on your commitment and expertise)

DURATION OF WORK PERIODS:Three months work, one month leave.

The first 6 (six) months salary shall be paid in advance before consultants embark on journey to assume duty. This is to enable You settle all domestic needs before travel. As such no excuses will be entertained on assumption of duty relating to default. Expatriate shall also be liable to pay 10% of salary as withholding tax to the relevant authority in Malaysia.

Upon receipt of detailed copy of your international passport, medical fitness report and passport photograph as required, you shall be issued Six months salary in advance to ensure glitch preparations of your travel documents before the resumption date. However, your resumption date is very close, You are however advised to make possible arrangements so as to meet – up with the given resumption date(s). Herewith attached is Our letter of agreement. Do endeavor to sign and return by email today along with the above mentioned documents.

Welcome Onboard !


Rafael E Corchado,
(Head Of Human Resource)
Phone: +(60) 1128072457
Whatsapp: +(60) 1128072457
Fax: +(60)-44-774-2592

Область прикрепленных файлов


Crikey 10,000 usd pm with 6 months paid up front....  for a secretary. And loads of holidays.

Who would believe this nonsense? Obviously some do.


Nemodot wrote:

Crikey 10,000 usd pm with 6 months paid up front....  for a secretary. And loads of holidays.

Who would believe this nonsense? Obviously some do.

Sad as it is, greed often beats common sense - That's why scammers keep scamming.

I thought about setting up a pro site with 3 goals.

For a hundred US, I'll teach people how to avoid scams.

For a grand US, I'll teach scammers how to get around my advice to potential victims.

For 2 thousand US, I'll get you a red hot job with a fantastic salary and only two days per week at work.

Please send your bank details to scammingdog@unbelievablejoboffer.con

I'll give you an address to send your passport to.

Also, I have a great line in cheap real passports, a service ideal for terrorists and people who ran away from Saudi without paying their bills and want to go back for more work and theft.

All gullible idiots and greedy fools are welcome to contact me.


Crikey is right! See, I never get those emails so im deprived the chance to laugh at them. So THATS why people respond--outrageous salaries. RM40,000 per month, no less, and in a 3rd world country, and all is legit, all is good, lets go!

In the US, I remember in the days before email that similar adverts would appear in newspapers and they were often for strangely titled positions like Holiday Director, in exotic places like Istanbul so that the applicant couldnt simply walk-in or call a local company to apply or even confirm there was a job. I will take that to mean that scam jobs in Malaysia are not offered locally but appear as adverts in places far away from Malaysia for the same reason. A person, financially broke, unhappy and with a bit of wanderlust in them WILL reply and wont even bat an eye when told: "Now, you understand we are just the agent, not the employer, so the $1000 fee you pay is for our help in securing the position for you." Such adverts in US went in all directions including, "For $500, you get a list of 200 high paying jobs around the world you can obtain right now! Order the list and pack your bags!"  Not only that, when oil was discovered in Alaska which created a legit job boom with gigantic amounts of salary (wasnt it USD3000 per week? I think so) all sorts of "agent" scammers piled on by saying only THEY had the connections to secure those jobs, so you MUST pay them.

As far as im concerned, its a pretty good scam which has won the test of time. I mean, we are going back at least 50 years and its still working strongly. Maybe I'll come up with a good scam like this to supplement retirement income later on. Cant lose! Or maybe, as its suggested,  i'll come up with a short course in which people pay me a fee to perfect their scams, or maybe pay me to edit their bizarre emails so that they make sense to victims! And here I thought some aspects of my retirement may be in jeopardy! No longer! Mates, we can make a team and dominate the industry and the world, and i can finally get to spend most of my time tanning my backside on a quiet desert island! Im in!


I am approach my a consultancy named plus teambase(cto group). They said i have to come in tourist visa to malasia for a job in Singapore. First medical test will happen in malasia, them I will pay them 9800 rm then some trianing, then fly to singapore, another medical there, then another training, then joining office. Contract for 5 years in job. Consultancy will keep my good contacts conduct certificate for 5 years.
Their total service charge is 19000 rm.
I am not sure what to do here. Please help


What to do? Throw it away and dont look at advertisements like that anymore. If you are interested in working in Malaysia or anywhere else, identify companies in which your skills can be used and apply to them directly whether or not they are advertising a position.  If a company is interested in you, they will take care of the visa requirements and if they use a particular agent to handle that work they will tell you. Avoid agents who promise jobs, thats the easiest way to stay out of a scam.


As CVCO said, an obvious scam.

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