
Getting Harrassed by the Locals in Sosua...




I think he means doing the horizontal mambo! :D

the tinker40

No matter what word is used, it still is a verb.  An enjoyable one at that!

Caribbean wantabe

Have not been to Sosua, but experienced this in the city of Samana.  Wouldn't go back for that reason.


I don't know of anywhere that gives gigilo lessons.

the tinker40

Be a Pimp instead, it's easier on your back.


Ok,  lets steer away from this conversation please.


Pimp what it is a pimp? What it is Esteer?


I use cake instead use a verb! Mr. COLONEL


eriko30003 wrote:

A question for the ladies in this forum, how to be harassed by women from the  USA, Canada, Uk, there is a lot of o women from those countries coming here, I saw them when I visited Sosua when women get crazies for the men more black than me.  How they do that. Not only the older ones also the younger ones get crazies for them. Also,  they get paid, no money no cake. How you get a pretty lady and highly educated, pay for you and also pay for caking with you. That is the question? also, I need help with the grammar.

Let me get this straight, so you're looking for in simple terms a foreign sugar mama? Somebody to pay you and as you put it "cake" you?

First I don't think this is the right forum to ask in. Maybe you need a foreign dating site? Second, you are mistaken. The women I met that were with Dominican guys were usually older. Women who can actually afford it. And If you mean the younger ones, trust me they are dating- they are infatuated because of the cultural difference. As they say opposites attract. There is no money involved. It just doesn't make sense for too many reasons.

Just because we are foreign do not assume we are rich. Especially the young girls who are fresh out of high school and most likely have a menial retail/ serving job or the college girls who have a huge school debt to pay off.

In my opinion, don't play with a girl's heart. You want a sugar mama? Try with an older woman If you don't mind and be honest to her about your intention. Maybe she doesn't mind. But If you are going with a younger girl, mean it and love her. Do not expect money to be involved.


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