Looking for a house/condo/apartment in Hoi An or Da Nang


My partner and I just arrived in Hoi An for a few days.
We are looking for a house/apartment/condo that has 2 rooms, fully furnished , with bathroom, with kitchen and with stable good internet around Hoi An or Danang for another 5 weeks.

Does anyone have recommendations or suggestions? It would be a great help for us.

Thank you!


Perhaps you could start by posting in the appropriate section, HOUSING at the top of this page.

Adverts in that section are free of charge and tend to get a lot more views as they don't disappear down the thread list.

Estate agents or anyone else dealing in property are not allowed to post on the open forums but are free to contact you by PM in reply to your advert.

Oh I see but Thanks for telling me. I will do just that.
