Hello , I need a professional real estate agent that knows the country well , I am looking for conservation land for an agroturism project , it needs to be a big extension of land preferably primary forest , water and in high altitude.

Have you been to Iceland? It's not a country full of forest, and what few forests there are contain very short trees and aren't very big areas of land. Furthermore, it's not a country where you can buy the high altitude areas (the highest of which is only around 2000meters) because they are already parks/conservation land.

Hello , thank you for your answer , I was making research about it , a little hard because of the language. My understanding was there were forests growing in many parts for several years now , it seems wrong ?? The altitude i need is from 1500m and up. I guess I need to make more research about forest lands in Iceland.
Thank you !

There are forests but they're definitely not what most people think of when they imagine a forest.

And they also tend to be low lying because on the whole Iceland isn't a lot of arable/forest land at higher altitudes. Most of the mountains are volcanic and have glaciers on top.