Filipino here in UAE with old lung scar already got job offer

okey Pawan thank you so much, what is the frequency of drinking milk?

just want to share my experience

last year , I arrived in Dubai under tourist visa. I have applied for a job as accountant.fortunately, I was hired after two weeks. I went at SUNAPOR for my medical test. after 1 week I received a text message from the DHA that I had to do the test again. I didn't have any idea why I had to do it again since they didn't tell me the reason.

so I went there for several test and the doctor asked me about TB because he found a spot on my lungs that makes me confused.

I told her that I've never been confined because of the TB. and before I came in Dubai, I underwent for a TB test in the Philippines and received negative result.

one week after, my PRO collected the results and it was UNFIT. I cried in front of them. I told them the truth that I don't have a TB ,I showed my medical results from the Philippines. to convince my PRO, I did medical test again in a private clinic and the result was negative.

so we appealed to the DHA to do the test again but in a different government hospital. After 3 days , I got the FIT TO WORK result.


For those who want to work in UAE,please do a medical test in your home country and bring the result with you.If a person fails the medical fitness test due to a past disease, he or she may submit all medical records to the Health Ministry to satisfy them that the individual has been cured of the malady. One has to carry all medical records duly notarised and legalised from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in one's home country and the UAE Embassy there. Subsequently, these records need to be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE

1 month before your flight in UAE, please drink at least two glasses of full fat milk. it may cover the tb scars ,if you had.
1 week before your medical test, please eat boiled sweet potatoes.

the last and most important, always pray.

Hi... could you please confirm which type
Of documents do we need to show in uae medical

The document tip is correct ie authenticated reports plus private medicals from clinics in UAE. Also do a quantifieron gold tb test to back it up.

The bit on milk and potatoes is incorrect. Lung scars never go away and there is no scientific basis for this tip.

But gold test will show that it was there. What's the solution or chances that if we get the papers that shows now I'm not suffering from the disease. Will it be acceptable, can a ban be lifted?Replies from others will also be much appreciated

If gold test is positive, forget about it. No chance until law is revised for new visas.

Can anyone else also provide some inputs apart from XTang

Thanks for the reply. Can anyone else also provide some inputs apart from XTang

please see my inbox...thabk you

Hi, can you help me?I have also a scar on my both lungs that been treated 5 years ago..How can i get a visit visa?does my scar will give problem when getting a visit visa?

There is no medical requirement for visit visa.

hi! what happened to your retest?

Hi is there any updated. For who have old lung scar in there medical in uae

Hello everyone,

I need some enlightenment, my husband just finished his medical for employment visa, but then the Center called him back for sputum exam, the first result was negative, and the second result will be out after 45days, what would be the worst case scenario that could happen on this case? Will they not issue a “fit to work” even the sputum culture result is negative? Thank you all

Worst case = UNFIT and deportation with permanent ban.

And yes, they can still issue that despite negative result.  The negative sputum result is only confirming that he doesn't have ACTIVE TB.  It doesn't rule out cases of past TB.  If there is lung scarring, he is a "new" visa applicant and they assess him as a case of past TB; there is a high likelihood they will mark him as UNFIT.

I would suggest to immediately do a Quantiferon Gold TB test at your expense - from a UAE hospital.  If that is negative, it means that he has never had TB.   That way, you can try and convince them using this result if it doesn't go in your favor and BEFORE deportation orders / UNFIT certificate has been issued.  Some people have had luck with doing it this way.

Do you know how much is the Quantiferon Gold TB test??

Cost is different in different hospitals but it is an expensive test.  Call the hospitals and ask.  On a side note, when facing potential deportation and ban, I would not be worried about the cost for something which can potentially help!!

In which UaE hospital you pertaining to? Because currently I am here in al ain, he also have a history of it when he's still young

And is it possible for me to get him a spouse visa after having an unfit to work result in his medical employment?

Practically, no. Spouse visa is also subject to medical.

You can appeal on humanitarian grounds but there is low chance of success and many others are in the same families separated due to this.

And any accredited hospital in uae.

Do you know someone who have the same case of my husband but still issued “a fit to work certificate”?

I've read an article in khaleej times that I can issue a spouse visa even if he have scar, is it really tru? And if it's true is it possible to cancel the employment visa that they issued even without releasing the final result if his medical?

Yes we have discussed that article before a few times - use the search button in the forum.  However, in practice, it is not a clear done deal.  I know a lot of people who got rejected despite what it says in the article.   

The authorities will request the cancellation of his permit after the final medical result i.e. the re-test result. But the employer can request for cancellation before that.

You can definitely try your luck - see what happens.   The other thing you need to be aware of is that for women to sponsor husbands in the UAE; it is not easy.  You must have the relevant profession on your visa with a certain salary requirement.

XTang wrote:

Worst case = UNFIT and deportation with permanent ban.

And yes, they can still issue that despite negative result.  The negative sputum result is only confirming that he doesn't have ACTIVE TB.  It doesn't rule out cases of past TB.  If there is lung scarring, he is a "new" visa applicant and they assess him as a case of past TB; there is a high likelihood they will mark him as UNFIT.

I would suggest to immediately do a Quantiferon Gold TB test at your expense - from a UAE hospital.  If that is negative, it means that he has never had TB.   That way, you can try and convince them using this result if it doesn't go in your favor and BEFORE deportation orders / UNFIT certificate has been issued.  Some people have had luck with doing it this way.

My mom is already in Dubai and she's planning to sponsor me so I could work in Dubai, my only problem is that, I had TB 16 years ago and when I did an X-ray last December 2018, I got a positive result on 2 different x-rays on 2 different clinics.

After I consulted with a pulmonologist 1 month after, I got negative result on another 2 xrays plus negative result on 2 sputum tests.

Doctor said my lungs are fine but wondered somehow that the tests were negative where he said he could see something on my lungs, though he said he cant say if it's PTB or not.

Do you think I should get Gold TB Test to be sure?

To make sure, yes.  But the test won't help you with the residence visa in case it turns out to be positive.

Hi everyone, I just want to give you an update regarding to my concern here last January, So last January my husband took his medical, and they found a lung scar, the seha called him back and did sputum exam, we waited for 45 days for the result, and just yesterday, they called the pro of our company where my husband works, and informed us that his medical is ok, they took the result from seha clinic, and immediately process the resident visa of my husband, and I just checked the system now, and finally his resident visa is on active 😊😍 this post is for everyone who have the same case with my husband, I hope it will give you an encouragement to still pursue your dreams in working here in UAE and to always put trust in our Almighty God 🙏🏻 Let Go and let GOD 😊 Godbless you all here and thank you for sharing your thoughts on my concern before 😊

XTang wrote:

I would suggest to immediately do a Quantiferon Gold TB test at your expense - from a UAE hospital.  If that is negative, it means that he has never had TB.   That way, you can try and convince them using this result if it doesn't go in your favor and BEFORE deportation orders / UNFIT certificate has been issued.  Some people have had luck with doing it this way.

Hi Xtang,
I just joined this forum and have read some of your posts. Thank you for taking effort in sharing your insights and answering questions.

I have few queries and would be grateful if you could advise -

1. I am expected to travel to Dubai shortly and found out that I have something called "pleural thickness" that may be attributed to past TB but could happen due to other reasons as well. In my case, I assume it may have happened due to lung inflections when I was a child as I don't recall any episode of active TB  -> Have you heard of any cases where "Pleural thickness" or "blunting of Costophrenic Angle" was in question and if so, whether it was considered to be similar to TB Scars ?

2. You mentioned getting Quantiferon Gold test done. To my understanding the test is banned by WHO and is not a good indicator of the latent infection.  -> Any comments on how getting Quantiferon should help? And where should one get it from (home country viz India  or Dubai)

3. Is it helpful to get a medical certificate (or any other documentary support) from a competent authority in India that says that I am free of any Tuberculosis - past or present.

4. Are you aware of any specific centers that are better suited for getting testing . I believe there are some VIP centers ? Are those likely to be more considerate or at least give a hearing in case an issue is found?

Fellow boarders -> Please feel free to answer / chip in with your experiences or knowledge.

Many thanks  for your kind advise,

1) Yep have heard of pleural thickness.  That is one of the things that is looked at.  Honestly, it is difficult to say how it will be taken.  I know people with PT who were categorised under TB and visa rejected.  Some sailed through.  Each case is unique
2) Quantiferon, you should do from the UAE.  The reason for this is that in some cases when you have border line issues, the test result can be used to argue that you never had TB to begin with.  Some people have had success doing just that
3) Get it.  But it won't help unless you get it attested from the UAE Embassy in home country and even then, the success rate for reports from outside the GCC is low
4) VIP medical centre in knowledge village.  The thing is that the governing body is the MOH which actually does the decisions so the choice of centre doesn't really help.  And these are not really VIP in the true sense. You will see a crowd there too.  All VIP means is that you will get the results on the same day

Any update for this post? Are you fit to work now?

Hello please advise

Many thanks for your advice @Xtang,
I consulted a local GAMCA center and they advised me to refrain from applying and that's I intend to avoid going for residence visa.

Quite a disappointment but I guess it's better than having a "deported" mark on one's passport.

Hi im just updating you. What happened to you after a year??/ because im also at same as your situation. I just want a piece of your advice if im going to pursue my application???

Hello 👋🏻

I had an old scar (accdg to my doctor its a small scar) when I had TB last 2014. And last February, I went here in Dubai. Got a job after a week. I underwent Medical Fitness in Al Quoz Mall last Sunday and my company paid for URGENT 48hrs medical test. So I just received the results earlier today. And it's FIT!

What I did?

- I confirmed this with my physician, it is NOT TRUE that drinking milk will help you hide your scar but I still drink FULL CREAM MILK (High fat) everyday since I arrived in Dubai. And the same day that I took the medical test, right before I go there - I drink another full cream milk. I do this day or/and night.

- No cigarette smoking.

- Practice deep breathing exercise before the test. What my physician told me is “As you take the xray, Inhale very deeply. Very deep like you've never done before. When you inhale deep, the lungs expand so much that it became so clear and the scar won't tend to show that much.” And that's what exactly I did. I think this is TRUE and will be helpful.

- Lastly, PRAY. Pray your heart out. Seek prayers. This I believed helped me the most. Pray not for the scar to disappear but pray for strength and peace of mind. Pray and let His will be done. Just trust Him. ❤️🙏🏽

God bless.

Hey ya'll

My sister got banned in 2017 and she bumped into this article and is considering to pursue the option.

It might help someone else to so please have alook and try it if you have someone in uae to help you

All the best!!! … o-tb-scars

Yes, it applies to two things only i.e. family members and people with scars who were marked UNFIT but the scars were not related to TB.

It does not apply to:

1) New work visa applicants
2) People whose scars are due to TB and who don't fall into the category of family members i.e. spouse, children and parents

Thanx for that info.

How can I help her though because the scar is not tb related?

Im only a waitress, i dont know how to go about it. Am i in a good position to stand in for her as family and submit her documents to DHA,  should I ask her to communicate to her former PRO or who can be approached to this for her so that she can have her ban lifted.

From what ive gathered it might only take 2weeks at most if they come to a decision of lifting her ban.

You need to get all the recent tests and reports that prove that her scar is not TB related.  And then submit these to DHA or have the PRO do it.  If they accept it, the ban can be lifted.  But keep in mind that if the scar is due to TB (even old TB contracted in childhood) and even if she doesn't have TB now or is cured; she will be treated as a new visa applicant and will continue to be banned.  In this case, the only option is if she has a husband in UAE who wants to sponsor her as dependent - no other way.

I found this thread after a lot (a lot!) of googling, and I think it's the right place to ask for views on a rather personal matter.

I had an offer from an international financial institution based in Dubai, which I'm thinking to accept. My wife will move with me from London and does not intend to work for at least a couple of years.

I understand we'll both need to go through a medical examination to get a visa. About 10 years ago, my partner had TB, albeit I'm unsure how visible the inevitable lung scars are. I've read the majority of posts here, so I hope somebody had some (in)direct experience with some of my questions:
1) my prospective employer mentioned there will be medical visits: will they be done in London or Dubai? If only Dubai, why did some people in the forum do them in London?
2a) I read there's a chance they won't notice scars, or turn a blind eye as we're both British. I find that hard to believe. Is that even a remote possibility?
2b) If the above is plausible, shall we blatantly lie when asked the question? I guess one could have had TB, cured with antibiotics without necessarily have known it was TB (rather than pneumonia)
3) Many people wrote that it would be good to have a QuantiFERON-TB Gold test done before the medical visit in Dubai, but I don't get why. Wouldn't it just prove that my partner had TB in the past and no longer has it?
4)In the likely event that they see the scars, how does the second x-ray and sputum test work? Will my partner really have to spend 3 days in a hospital to avoid being deported?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

1) Medical tests will be done in both London and the UAE after arrival
2a) No chance of that
2b) Lie or truth doesn't matter.  If there is a scar, they will know anyway.  TB scars are quite distinctive on the X-ray
3) I was the original poster who advised people to do this BUT ONLY IF they are sure that they never had TB and the scars are due to something else.  If you have had TB, even in the past, the test will be positive and is useless
4) Deportation has nothing to do with spending time in hospital.  It happens regardless of that

Now the good thing is that you will sponsor your wife.  They have relaxed the criteria for direct relatives which requires special approval from MOH.  I would advise you to disclose your wife's status to your employers so that they can arrange for this specific process to be followed with MOH for her.   Be aware that while she can get a dependent visa, there is no chance for her to get a work visa at this stage.

Thanks a lot XTang! Some straight talking no non-sense advice is exactly what I need

XTang wrote:

1) Medical tests will be done in both London and the UAE after arrival

Sorry, could you please elaborate? Why would they be done in London? What if I was from a smaller city in the UK which mightn't have the facility?

XTang wrote:

2b) Lie or truth doesn't matter.  If there is a scar, they will know anyway.  TB scars are quite distinctive on the X-ray

I've read a bit on this topic and I think it really depends on the scar. In fact, I even heard of medical tests coming back "fit" as their x-ray wasn't so conclusive. Do you think that the reports I read of people "getting away with it" are fakes?

XTang wrote:

4) Deportation has nothing to do with spending time in hospital.  It happens regardless of that

I get that, but I was under the impression that more in depth tests were needed to prevent instant deportation. How will it actually work in practice?

XTang wrote:

Now the good thing is that you will sponsor your wife.  They have relaxed the criteria for direct relatives which requires special approval from MOH.

Is there a website I can take a look at with the criteria listed?

XTang wrote:

I would advise you to disclose your wife's status to your employers so that they can arrange for this specific process to be followed with MOH for her.

My evil side tells me to play it dumb - after all it's not like I need to know this particular aspect of the process. Do they normally ask for medical fitness as part of the offer acceptance process?

XTang wrote:

Be aware that while she can get a dependent visa, there is no chance for her to get a work visa at this stage.

"at this stage" meaning she could potentially get it in the future? How often will we be retested for medical fitness?

Would it be worth trying to get a similar scan done here in the UK and see how it comes out? So we can determine how "visible" the scar is?

Thank you sooooo much!