Filipino here in UAE with old lung scar already got job offer


I did my medical test on Tuesday and the same day I received a message to visit block 7, Al Muhaisnah for further follow up. I went there yesterday and the doctor told me that there is no need of further test and my PRO can collect the report on Sunday. They also stamped this on my medical appointment letter. But today I received the exactly same message again that I received on Tuesday to visit block 7, Muhaisnah within two working days. Happened the same with anybody? What does it mean actually?


Try to talk and tell your PRO about it. You can also call 045023916 thats the no. Of muhaisnah center.

Hi there,

You seem to be quite knowledgeable regarding this, so I'm asking

- I have lung scars due to double pneumonia from when I was 17
- I'm looking to move to the UAE from Kuwait. I've seen that you've advised getting a medical check while on a visit visa while in the UAE.
- Where in Dubai can I get such a test done?
- If not acceptable to them, will I be banned from even entering the UAE for visit?
- If I get a work offer, do the medical and unfortunately, do not make it, will I be banned from ever visiting the UAE?

Really appreciate any advice you could give.

Thank you very much.

You can get a check done at any hospital or clinic for X-ray as well as the Quant test.  While on visit visa, if the test shows an issue, you don't get any ban as you are not a resident.

Usually bans due to medical test fail are permanent.  And yes, if they deport you with eye scan after it, then you can't even visit UAE.

Thank you very much

Hi Guys..First of All Don't worry About your Medical test in UAE.
Now i tell my story..In End You'll get Some Courage..This is Happened Three Years Before..In 2017 i got a offer From one of the saudi company (Through Consultancy  which is in chennai,India).They said to me to go for GAMCA medical test..I appeared result i received was "UNFIT".Bcuz of Scar in the lungs.I totally shatterd.After some years i came to uae and search for jobs..and i got one..Then they processed my Employement visa and i appeared for Medical Test..result i received was "FIT".So Dont Bother about your medical test in uae..Compared to Gamca..Uae has more Relaxation in Medical Process.

Hi! It's me again. I was just worried. I am planning to change my job. On my previous medical from my current job, i undergone the sputum test for 3 days and the skin test and the result was fit to work. However, i am worried that if i will renew or change a new and will do a medical test again. Will it be possible that i will get an unfit result ?

It should be fine as you are on an existing visa.  The issue is for new visas i.e. people who are coming to the UAE.

Thank you for the reply. I heard that sometimes when youbare renewing a visa or when you change companies and you did not leave uae, they don't require xray anymore. I do hope that is the case for me if ever.

They do x-ray always on visa switch.

Hi i'm italian and i have 22 year old
Today I had my first medical exam and x-rays
An hour later, they wrote to me to go to block 7
I go, they measure my weight, they let me into a room and they tell me that there are problems with my x-rays
They ask me if I have had covid? NEVER
Did I Have Tuberculosis? Never
If I cough? Never
They send me for a sputum test and other blood tests.
I am really scared, I opened my company here and I don't know what to do, never had anything in my life.
My medical history is clean and I have had all the mandatory vaccines in Italy.
Italy has very few cases of tuberculosis
What could it be?
What are the possibilities now?
Help me guys please I'm really scared

Wait and see what the follow up results.  No use of panicking now.

hi i need to do more sputum tests as there was national holiday.
These days I went for an xray chest and I have the X-ray and the report, the report says that I'm fine, everything is normal.
Why then are they convinced that I have had tuberculosis?
What if the private radiography found nothing?
Also does anyone know what room 6 block 7 is?
Does anything change if I am the owner of the company? And not just an employee?
Thank you so much

Probably because the last X-ray wasn't clear or showed something that made them want to do further investigation.  Private reports don't count for anything - for visa medical, it is only the Government approved center report that matters.  Nothing changes whether you are an owner or an employee.

XTang wrote:

Probably because the last X-ray wasn't clear or showed something that made them want to do further investigation.  Private reports don't count for anything - for visa medical, it is only the Government approved center report that matters.  Nothing changes whether you are an owner or an employee.

Ok thanks so much, but if they do only 3 sputum test plus another blood test
What they think? Tb active or past?
They told me after these 3 sputum I can go to take my result after 3/4 days
Tb can view in blood test?
Thanks really for the help

They are testing for both active and past.  Practically speaking, right now, they are only looking for past as current TB would show in X-ray.  TB doesn't show in blood unless they do the Quantiferon Gold test.

XTang wrote:

They are testing for both active and past.  Practically speaking, right now, they are only looking for past as current TB would show in X-ray.  TB doesn't show in blood unless they do the Quantiferon Gold test.

Perfect, and thanks for the help.
Today I do my last sputum, after this I go in room 6 block 7 and they told me I need only to wait result via email in 3 days.
Change anything for me if I'm Italian and come from Italy?
I read all post and 99% of people was deported and banned.
I really need help my friend, I can do something?
I don't want to be banned forever...
Thanks a lot

Nationality doesn't matter for deportation and ban.  Unfortunately, you can't do anything except wait for the outcome.  The only other option is drastic i.e. just leave and give up on the job before they can do anything - you lose the job but avoid the ban.

But also, keep in mind that a lot of people go through this and are fine - the ones that you read about are the ones who are worried and do research and then post on forums.  The ones who go with the flow, don't bother to come here and post :).

I hope it will go well for you.  Please do post back with updates for the benefit of other people.

XTang wrote:

Nationality doesn't matter for deportation and ban.  Unfortunately, you can't do anything except wait for the outcome.  The only other option is drastic i.e. just leave and give up on the job before they can do anything - you lose the job but avoid the ban.

But also, keep in mind that a lot of people go through this and are fine - the ones that you read about are the ones who are worried and do research and then post on forums.  The ones who go with the flow, don't bother to come here and post :).

I hope it will go well for you.  Please do post back with updates for the benefit of other people.

Absolutely, I want to give my update.
Thank you all, you have been very useful, today my fit result arrived.
I hope everyone else will be fine, and take my update as a good omen.

Great news.  Happy to hear that all went well for you.

hello xtang ,I have question regarding hepatitis b, is insurance clerk position working in medical center will fall in 6 categories?

Visa transfer within Dubai (status change from one residence visa to another) does not require x-ray during medical test. You also won't require x-ray while renewing visa within Dubai (except occupational workers).
Above is based On my personal experience and from what I have observed. Also, above is valid for medical test with DHA only and not with MOH fitness centers.
I have been going through this forum since last 2 years..wanted to finally contribute.

Hi Xtang. Hope you are doing well.

What if you had two residence visa before, and then you have a visit visa right now. What will happen if they found out lung scar during your application for a residence visa? Will, they still deport you and consider “new applicant” or will they consider you as renewal and will give you a temporary residence visa of 1 year?

If you have been without a residence visa for 6 months or more, they will consider you as new applicant.   Not sure how the covid pandemic would have affected it as a lot of people lost jobs and were without visas.

Oh thank you. I was just being paranoid yesterday like what if I have a lung scar, but luckily I don't have. I received the result today and everything is okay. Thank you.

I am in the same situation. Ive been working in the same company for  the past 14years. Last November 2016 i was diagnosed with Ptb here in Dubai. After my diagnosis my doctor told me to report to Rashid hospital since you can only buy the tb medicine in government hospitals. I went there and the doctor told me that i need to isolate myself for 2 to 3 weeks either in their facility or if i have my own place then i can do isolation there. I did home isolation since i have my own place that time. The doctor told me that if i have my private health insurance then i can go there for check up no need to visit rashid hospital. I finished my 6months medicine and my doctor told me that im cured. For 4yrs i was able to renew my visa twice without problem since they dont require xray but last week i did my renewal and they require me to do xray at al refaa medical center in bur dubai. I know that they will see my lung scar because i did xray 3 months ago for routine checkup. Im so worried now that i need to go all through this test again just to renew my visa. Im still waiting for my medical test result. I have prepared all the papers needed like medical cert from my doctor, findings and even the copy of prescription and receipt from rashid hospital. I hope that there will be not much question about my visa renewal thing. Is there someone who have the same experience? Please share.

Hi guys,

I just wanted to ask is there anyone here renewed their visa after getting conditional 1yr visa. Is it always the same procedure everytime you will renew, like visit government hospital and sputum test. Please someone answer.

Hi Guys,

Anyone can advise on "thin fibrotic strand in left lower lobe" in my CT finding? I know it is something shall not relate to TB until and unless fully diagnosis and I am bit sure that I never had it in past or any symptoms at present. But from the forum I came to know that, they will make medically UNFIT even though, there is small issue in the x-ray and probably they won't suggest further screening. Honestly, I do not wants to take that risk.

If I could gather some information on view of doctorate panel in UAE regarding above issue, I can make some strong decision.

Thank you...

I  can't see the final update for these 2 similar cases of Filipino with old tb scar. Would they get visa stamped or they were both deported?

Kindly update

Sir, is the scar from previous TB decease case or normal scar in lungs. Pls advise

I just wanted to give my update. Yes i got my physically FIT result and got my visa renewed for 2yrs after the retest.

Hello sir,
Referring to your your scar was due to old TB.
Kindly reply.

Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me. I been diagnosed PTB last 2016 and am here in dubai for tourist visa and planning to find a job. Is there anyone here can advise me if the person has lung scar cant be have a working visa?
Please please advise me.

Read this entire thread. All that you are asking has been discussed before.

Hi Xtang,

I already read the thread since day 1. But just curious if the have some new rules in uae. I been abu dhabi last 2011 to 2014 and I need to go back home to get married and now am planing to work here again. Am not quit sure if I can apply here since I been exit uae for so long. I tried to read the rules in but its all in arabic.

I hope you can clarify something.

Thank you and regards,

No change.

@ish its a gamble since its been a while since you left the country, especially for work visa,.

as per UAE rules, new comers will have a hard time getting work visa if found with TB scar,.

but maybe  since you were already in the country before,. you will be an exemption,. but hard to say,...

best of luck


Hi there! I hope you're doing well.

I dont know how I got here, but how did your test went? Did they accept your application?

@Lawrence02 any update after cancellation? I am in the same situation now. I need some advice.