Residence visa

Reading trough the Residence Visa requirements seem fairly simple straight forward or am I missing something ?
         It does not say anything about minimum income or documents required  to have with to Peru except  your Passport valid for at least 6 months. I have heard $1,000 for one (single) or $1,500
for a couple.
         Can anybody confirm if I am correct or wrong ?
         Are there any Americans that have done this recently ? Would really appreciate if someone could give me the info on this that have actually gone trough this.
         Also; what does the whole process cost ?

Thank you very much to anyone that can give me some first hand knowledge.

Hi, Karmsun
from where you heard this?

Have looked for answers so many places I can not recall but my question is : can anybody confirm it is correct or not and where I can go to confirm ?

Thank you,

Are there no one that can educate me on resident visa or retirement visa for Peru. I feel very skeptical to the info I got, If there are anyone with knowledge of the requirements it would be very much appreciated ,

Thank you very much

Until someone can give you a better answer, have you looked at these sites which give an outline of the visa requirements? … port-visa/