about to marry a jordanian man...
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Hi im an american from michigan I just travel to jordan to marry my husband I need to know from anyone experience what is the best way to bring my husband to usa or can I live in jordan and file papers from there to bring him here while I wait with him need to know the best from anyone experience
It's simple, after you are married you should approach the US Embassy in Amman and apply for the necessary visa.
At the embassy they will guide you on the process.
Alternatively, you can arrange a fiance visa for him to come to you to USA and you may get married there.
Congrats and my best wishes.
Hello all,
Welcome to Expat.com maibabygee
As kylejo already suggest, I also recommend to check on the US Embassy website.
All the best,
Expat.com Team
dont marry jordanian man ! ever ! i married 1 in australia then he return to jordan and married again ! now its a lots of truble to get divorce
bigguy wrote:marriage here in Jordan or anywhere has its ups and downs, here ladies get married to give birth to a child or two or three regardless of love or future life.
Guys however Muslims or Christians have the same habits which is a community based not religion based.
And no women do not loose their rights if they merry a Muslim, where di you hear that ?
Ohhh, my God , what a rights have women in Jordan? did she have right to go by her self anywhere? can she decide by her self without asking ? dont be silly plz
Do you know him well personally or just from internet ? found out first about culture , try to know him well before ! I married one and now i have a lots of problems ,
Yes women have rights and Christian community in Jordan is different from Muslim Community.
However, if you're talking about traveling abroad without the knowledge of the husband then I really can't understand how or why she would want to do that? They are partners not flat mates.
You are talking based on your personal experience and I don't deny that it happens in Jordan but I disagree with your generalization. It's like the generalization about western women with regard to relationships by Muslim radicals?!?!
marta1001 wrote:Ohhh, my God , what a rights have women in Jordan? did she have right to go by her self anywhere? can she decide by her self without asking ? dont be silly plz
I can.
I feel your pain and you are hurt but it doesn't mean that every Jordanian men are the same.
Please don't generalize!
Primadonna wrote:marta1001 wrote:Ohhh, my God , what a rights have women in Jordan? did she have right to go by her self anywhere? can she decide by her self without asking ? dont be silly plz
I can.
I feel your pain and you are hurt but it doesn't mean that every Jordanian men are the same.
Please don't generalize!
Good you can , i dont say that just cuz i am hurt. I say that cuz i have lots of friends there and see haw is look life on daily bases
I'm married to a Jordanian, he is the best. We have been married for over 30 years. I have every right as a woman that I would have anywhere. I have a new car, I go where ever I want, I do what I want to the house as far as decor. Our home looks like any home in America.
Not every guy is controlling. Not every American guy is not controlling. You have to go by the individual personality. Most everyone I know in West Amman live "normal" and we are women who live a normal typical life with Jordanian husbands. If you marry low income then you will be controlled.
vwbug wrote:I'm married to a Jordanian, he is the best. We have been married for over 30 years. I have every right as a woman that I would have anywhere. I have a new car, I go where ever I want, I do what I want to the house as far as decor. Our home looks like any home in America.
Not every guy is controlling. Not every American guy is not controlling. You have to go by the individual personality. Most everyone I know in West Amman live "normal" and we are women who live a normal typical life with Jordanian husbands. If you marry low income then you will be controlled.
Sorry , but what low income have to do with culture or traditions?
What I meant by low income equals lack of education, travel, experience, closed minded and being cultured. Most low income people have no idea about the world and in most cases take a very narrow view of life. It's hard to be very independent when uneducated men in the family think women have half the brain power of men. Just saying.....
And by the way, culture and tradition was not the subject. Marrying an Arab/Jordanian was the subject.
If a foreign woman is marrying a poor Jordanian she will have a difficult time. It's way too different and too difficult. In most traditional/low income families we foreigners are never really accepted simply because low income families have no experience with foreigners. They have not traveled, have not experienced the world. Plus there isn't enough money to travel back "home" often and it usually just doesn't work.
It's always, don't say this, don't wear that, don't go there...... etc. in many ways the family just gets in the way especially if you are unfortunate enough to have yo live everyone in the same building. Then you have the whole damn family in your face telling you what to do.
vwbug wrote:And by the way, culture and tradition was not the subject. Marrying an Arab/Jordanian was the subject.
If a foreign woman is marrying a poor Jordanian she will have a difficult time. It's way too different and too difficult. In most traditional/low income families we foreigners are never really accepted simply because low income families have no experience with foreigners. They have not traveled, have not experienced the world. Plus there isn't enough money to travel back "home" often and it usually just doesn't work.
It's always, don't say this, don't wear that, don't go there...... etc. in many ways the family just gets in the way especially if you are unfortunate enough to have yo live everyone in the same building. Then you have the whole damn family in your face telling you what to do.
Well, i am not agree with you . My husband is well educated from not poor family and he is famous soccer player . He was living with me in Australia and i experience that kind of problem ! Also i know many family's who they not poor and all wifes are always must lessen husband or even cant seat in same room if some man is coming to their house. Im not saying they all same but almost all .Unfortunately i dont meet any one women who can be there really independent.
Well that is amazing because I know so many who live very independent lives, have their own car, many friends and do and go as they please.
Anyway, before anyone marries from another country they need to go and live there for awhile.
hi evey body
hi Krisrani i read your comments ; me too im married to jordanian man and i ll move to amman next month , i hope like and adapt to jordan life; the important thing is the person who live with you ;
Hello all
Kindly note that some posts have been removed from the topic.
im swiss women moved here from few years i find it great to live in this cultur, but im afrais im not allowed to say more good things about islam or arabic men otherwise they well block my replay
it depend always on the women ,if she want to bring with her her western way of living and all its illusions and conflects and manupolations she had in the west then it well be hard for her,but any way it is not allowed for me here to write nice things or neutral things about islam or arabic cultur, i was warned from the moderator if i continue writing good things about islam i will be removed from this site,be carfull from many names here they have thier own agenda here and they well mislead you,many here are untiislam or free masons
[moderated: very offensive and direspectful comment to our team]
I've been here for about two years and all these time I never saw a post which contains anti Islam propaganda or negative issues about the Arabic culture. The only thing what I read was the personal experiences from women, sadly enough.
These experiences does not mean that all Arabic men are the same and treat their women like this.
On the other hand you spread negative things when people have different experiences then you have or have different opinions then you. From what I saw of your most posts is that you don't respect others opinion and experiences.
That's a whole different thing.
Like in your previous post you're saying that your post will be not moderated when you spread media lies and attack Islam. This is so not true and its only exists in your mind.
The team are doing a great job and remove many useless, unnecessary or insulting post to keep this forum clean and enjoyable for every member of this blog, including you.
You have the right to express your feelings but when you get personal or you talk in a offensive way, you're cross the line and your post will be moderated.
If you have difficulties to understand this or you don't want to follow these rules, which you can all read about in the sticky topic Jordan Forum Code of conduct on the main page of this forum, then you are at the wrong place.
Shall we back on topic as the title of this thread is "about to marry a Jordanian" ?
krisrani wrote:[moderated: very offensive and disrespectful comment]
Krisrani ,the best way to eliminate conflict is to not say anything about religion and this i understand anyway it not mean i like same about you ...i read all your comments and once you have 39years and then 29 etc. same about your stay in jordan 4,3 2 years .....what is your real reason to come to this side? btw you said you are swiss women ! haw come your english is so bad???
krisrani wrote:[moderated: very offensive and disrespectful comment]
Don't be so ridiculous.
If you think what you say is correct then please back it up with information. Otherwise do not post all.
Hi krisrani,
I have moderated your last post.
Please remind that threads about religion (and politics) are not very welcome here. I also invite you to read our code of conduct and terms and conditions.
Now, let's concentrate on the initial topic please
Thank you,
Admin - Expat.com team
Sorry to hear your jordanian husband did that! What a creep!
I am an American who came to Jordan to marry. I have been here a year and a half and my advice to anyone thinking of making the same move I did is to just bring him to the USA. The houses here are what I call a shed in USA. They are all brick no insulation. Most house do no have all house heat and a/c. You will sweat to death in the summer and freeze your ass off in the winter. Forget meat/chicken that is a special occasion event for these people. Due to the influx of Syrans everything is higher in price these days while jobs are going lower in salary. If i could rewind time I would have brought him to USA even though I would have had to wait longer to marry. This is a rough life here nothing I could of expected when I jumped off that plane all optimistic.
Hi, I'm also an American. Have been in and out of Jordan since 1984. We have a 27 yr old son. Our son married a blonde American, she couldn't hack it too well there.
What saves me is having expat friends, groups for foreign women and close friends who are always going out for a coffee or a bite to eat.
We also have a nice group of women who meet at a restaurant every Monday morning for a 2 hour chat. We have formed a sewing group for those who are crafty and those who just like to sit and talk. It's the people you surround yourself with not the country.
If you need help meeting other friends like yourself just message me.
krisrani wrote:it depend always on the women ,if she want to bring with her her western way of living and all its illusions and conflects and manupolations she had in the west then it well be hard for her,but any way it is not allowed for me here to write nice things or neutral things about islam or arabic cultur, i was warned from the moderator if i continue writing good things about islam i will be removed from this site,be carfull from many names here they have thier own agenda here and they well mislead you,many here are untiislam or free masons
We all know you are not the person you are claiming to be and are instead a male member of Krisrani's household. We know her situation well. Stop pretending to be someone you are not.
I recommend contacting your congressman in Michigan and ask them. The embassy here is pretty useless, for anything other than renewing passports.
peacelovelight wrote:Marhaba,
It's quite a coincidence that I find your question in my inbox today. For the past week, I have wanted to write about ..................
Good luck with whatever you decide....
I'm sorry for what you've been through all these years, but I'm as a Jordanian see that I must comment on this even though your comment has been posted in 2011 which is ages ago, well what I'd like to say that you were unfortunate enough that your husband is a standard Jordanian with the very same thoughts as the Jordanians who come from villages, who (pray 5 times a day) and lock you inside the house and never let you wear what you want even in the US, trust me I know many of this kind all over the place but as a man I have to say that not all of us are the same...it depends what kind of a family the man is raised with, I myself is free and open minded just like my family and even more, we all wear whatever we want, none of us pray (I myself a 100% atheist), I had an English girlfriend and I never thought of keeping her from wearing a bathing-suit or swimming, what she wear and who she talk to is up to her unless she overdo the exposed dressing style or actually flirt with other men which I'm sure even an American man would not accept something like that and the woman also have the right not to accept the man's behavior if he go around flirting or wearing something that is too much...I believe this is fine, as for going out, a lot of Jordanian men would not let their wife go out alone but that's the previous generation, the newer ones have more open mind and I'm proud they do because it's the woman's right to have friends and go out and wear what she likes, of course it's still weird for most Jordanians to see a woman wearing a short skirt or something and some young men still would beat up their sisters or wives if they attempt to wear such thing (of course that all depend where the guy come from "family wise"), well in general, Jordan still probably need many many years to open up to the freedom of women but I hope they will do one day, but be sure that some of us are indeed open minded, maybe this is one of the reasons of why I can't blend well with people in here, so much that I hardly have friends and I don't see any of my relatives because I pretty much keep running away from them because I simply have a very different mind-set, I like to drink alcohol sometimes, I like nature views and appreciate it's beauty, I like to party and to be in relationships without having to marry the woman just because I feel sexually attracted to her, which is why I'm moving to Turkey in a year or so hopefully (maybe Russia) not sure yet, now what I can say about Jordan is that it depends on your mind-set, some people love it here and some hate it like myself and for the lady who asked the question since it's been there for years I don't know how it worked out for her but I hope it was for the best, I wish you all the best of luck!
vwbug wrote:What I meant by low income equals lack of education, travel, experience, closed minded and being cultured. Most low income people have no idea about the world and in most cases take a very narrow view of life. It's hard to be very independent when uneducated men in the family think women have half the brain power of men. Just saying.....
I'm sorry but you are the one who have a very narrow view of things! since when money started to decide what kind of a person you are? I myself have had a very difficult life (income wise) and I'm completely open minded and I know about the world's lifestyle more than you can imagine and I never look at things in a narrowish way, I understand life well and I support women's freedom and independence regardless what your "income" standards are.
Hi, My mother married the prince of Affganistan in 1950. Zalmay Mahmude was a graduate of Harvard also the ambassador to Paris. You would think that an educated man would be able to rise above the circumstances of his culture and birth given the opportunity. She divorced him after one year because he was so jealous that she could not even go to the store to get groceries without him giving her the 3rd degree. Are you planning on going to Jordan? If so good luck and don't forget to keep your head. Sincerley Lawrence
marta1001 wrote:dont marry jordanian man ! ever ! i married 1 in australia then he return to jordan and married again ! now its a lots of truble to get divorce
This is plain stupid thing to say lol, just because one man turned out to be a dickhead, doesn't mean we all are just the same! please when you give an advise to someone try to be more fair and smart with that advise because some of us Jordanian men are open minded and not different than your men in Canada or anywhere else, I have never been closed--minded in any of the relationships I had before, I'm atheist and I like to live my life the way I want and I believe that women have the very same right so again, please do not make judgement based on one or few people you knew, I don't care if you even knew a 1000 Jordanian, that still doesn't give you the right to make a "dickhead closed-minded" out of all of us as a whole.
lawrence2 wrote:Hi, My mother married the prince of Affganistan in 1950. Zalmay Mahmude was a graduate of Harvard also the ambassador to Paris. You would think that an educated man would be able to rise above the circumstances of his culture and birth given the opportunity. She divorced him after one year because he was so jealous that she could not even go to the store to get groceries without him giving her the 3rd degree. Are you planning on going to Jordan? If so good luck and don't forget to keep your head. Sincerley Lawrence
I'm sorry but this is so off-topic, that prince of Affaganistan has nothing to do with the discussion about Jordan.
Hello all,
Please concentrate the discussions on the initial topic.
Thanks & best regards
Expat.com Team
FreeDomAboveAll wrote:vwbug wrote:What I meant by low income equals lack of education, travel, experience, closed minded and being cultured. Most low income people have no idea about the world and in most cases take a very narrow view of life. It's hard to be very independent when uneducated men in the family think women have half the brain power of men. Just saying.....
I'm sorry but you are the one who have a very narrow view of things! since when money started to decide what kind of a person you are? I myself have had a very difficult life (income wise) and I'm completely open minded and I know about the world's lifestyle more than you can imagine and I never look at things in a narrowish way, I understand life well and I support women's freedom and independence regardless what your "income" standards are.
Really? That's awesome but just your use of the word narrow-ish tells me you are lacking. You are very naive to think money does not make you who you are. I seriously doubt you are as free thinking as you'd like us to believe.
Expat.com team,
May i suggest blocking any further discussion on this topic. I have been receiving an endless number of threads on the topic over the past two years and everybody is speaking about the negative image of Jordanian men. Topic is now too much exausted by now. Jordanian men are just like any other men in the world.
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