About employment visa

My employment visa is in process. It has been approved and also cleared LMRA - CIO-NPRA on 24th July and now its back to the employer for the payment. Asper the update given to me by the employer they said now they have 30days to pay for it and issue visa officially and I know they will pay it. But I am worried because my GAMCA medical reports expiry is on 4th of August so it is like if the employer pays after 4th August there are chances of visa rejection because after 4th August reports won't be visible on the website or there is no reason to worry?

Attached photo link- https://ibb.co/e1A6W8


It doesn't matter.  The visa approval required GAMCA reports and it has been approved.  The expiry doesn't matter now. 

If they pay within the deadline, the visa will be issued and you will come here and do the medical again.

Only if they don't pay within time; a new application has to be submitted and that is when the GAMCA expiry date will matter.

Ok great! Thanks a lot, XTang

Dear sir or madam
    My company applied my visa i dont contact my company because iam new entry in bahrain any body help for me i cheack my passport number in lmra web site it shows legal status employment visa is in progress i show this 1 week monthly fees paid and medical status b my all updates uploaded but the legal status no change the progress how long time going on sir please any one reply me

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