Today's Weather

klsallee wrote:

Was 15°C today at 14:00. But felt colder due to chilly wind. Web sites said only 10°C today. The difference real local knowledge makes.... :)

That's the real problem.  It looks great but that wind bites horribly.   It's saying 15 C Wednesday and Thursday.

Really nice out there, around 16-17 C and very sunny.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Really nice out there, around 16-17 C and very sunny.

It is Irony. A joke. A sarcastic trap being played on us by Mother Nature (or an artifact of human contributions to climate change).

So.... Single digit day temps and and over night below freezing expected next week.....  ;)

Bit of a bother. Disrupts my garden planting planning a bit.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Really nice out there, around 16-17 C and very sunny.

It is Irony. A joke. A sarcastic trap being played on us by Mother Nature (or an artifact of human contributions to climate change).

So.... Single digit day temps and and over night below freezing expected next week.....  ;)

Bit of a bother. Disrupts my garden planting planning a bit.

Yes, I agree.

I was discussing with Mrs Fluffy if we should turn off the outside tap (we put it on temporarily) and she says winter is over so leave it on.

I'm not so sure as she is but I can see how today's nice weather might be lulling us all into a false sense of security.

1.5 C, occasional drizzle, wet and cold, overcast with no sign of the sun.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I was discussing with Mrs Fluffy if we should turn off the outside tap (we put it on temporarily) and she says winter is over so leave it on.

Freezing overnight temps for this week expected. Turning off my outside tap later today.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I was discussing with Mrs Fluffy if we should turn off the outside tap (we put it on temporarily) and she says winter is over so leave it on.

Freezing overnight temps for this week expected. Turning off my outside tap later today.

Strange to see some snow falling this morning. 

Started as just a tiny bit but very odd as the sun is breaking out in the distance and now it's clouded over is really snowing substantially and worse,  it's sticking.

About 4 C showing on the outside sensor but could be lower.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Strange to see some snow falling this morning.

Weather happens. Have been in the US in places, where is snowed in June. In Nevada, for example.  Which many people think of as a desert state.  :cool:

Also by 14:00 had some snow flakes here too (near Balaton Hungary, not Nevada). Currently -1°C.

Yes, outside water shut off. :)

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Strange to see some snow falling this morning.

Weather happens. Have been in the US in places, where is snowed in June. In Nevada, for example.  Which many people think of as a desert state.  :cool:

Also by 14:00 had some snow flakes here too (near Balaton Hungary, not Nevada). Currently -1°C.

Yes, outside water shut off. :)

We had a forecast of -7 C so I dashed out and insulated the tap and turned it off on the inside valve.

Snow is looking a bit slushy now but it's still actually lightly snowing.

Usually April 15 is the date where you can be assured of no snow (actually the date of no winter tyres).   

I've been to Nevada but it certainly wasn't snowy.   It was baking hot.  But it reminds me of the first Gulf War. Troops were caught out in "summer" gear and didn't have any "winter" gear for nights in the desert  which were often below freezing.

Woke up to a light covering of snow on the ground this morning.

Garden seems okay. Most plants are still under a layer of fleece.

klsallee wrote:

Woke up to a light covering of snow on the ground this morning.

Garden seems okay. Most plants are still under a layer of fleece.

All melted here now.  Been sunny but unusually cold.

Clouds coming in now so warming up towards 17 C or something later this week.

Cold 5 C and trying to snow again.   Might be 12 C by the weekend.

Cold 5 C and trying to snow again.   Might be 12 C by the weekend.

0°C here and its trying to snow, well that put the boot into work in the garden. A day infront of the box me thinks.

Snowing when I got up this morning (7:00 AM) with snow on the ground, and snowing all morning non-stop. A light snow, but still.... snowing.....

Glad I bought 100 meters of garden fleece this month, and put it on my starters in the garden.*

Even the weather dog only went for an unprecedented very short (doing-his-business) walk on his own volition: gave me a look after only about 100 meters (did his business), and turned back for home. Lost his winter coat, and just too cold and wet for him I guess.

*Even still, some darn deer ate some of my uncovered lettuce last night.  :mad:

SimCityAT wrote:

0°C here and its trying to snow, well that put the boot into work in the garden. A day infront of the box me thinks.

I find it a bit absurd they're reducing the streaming resolution  Europe wide to avoid overloading the network.  I think it's got plenty of capacity.   I'm considering doubling my speed!   

I'd go out and do stuff outside but it's just too cold.  We were out with the dog in an open area yesterday and there was a very bitter wind blowing.  Kids refused to go further. Dog was happy though.

Still snowing. Been snowing all day lightly. Sometimes with large flakes. Sometimes with tiny flakes. But still snowing.

Very sunny, maybe about 16 C at 0840h. 

Yesterday was excellent.  We were outside doing outside stuff -  changing the oil in the car plus some other car maintenance plus bit of gardening. We're working through getting rid of some waste woody plant materials.   

In this weather outside is the place to be.

25°C yesterday, I had to come inside to cool down :D

SimCityAT wrote:

25°C yesterday, I had to come inside to cool down :D

Just been out in the sun to get something and it's about 26 C here.

This is more like it!

Rain showers forecast for tomorrow and a drop back to the teens.

This year, Today's Weather has been very unpredictable.

Online sources, which have been historically pretty good, I have found in the past 6 months to be unreliable.

They predict rain in the morning, then everything changes 30 minutes later.

I do not blame them. The issue is the weather is becoming unpredictable for reasons obvious to all but the brain dead (cough -- human caused climate change).

Personally, I am more and more relying on my barometer. In this modern, digital world, regarding local weather, analog may prove to be more accurate. We shall see.....  ;)

Last year, this year with the weather, now the Virus I give up.  I was quite happy in the garden weather said fine, but a dark cloud came over and the forecast said rain.

Fair enough pack up tools. Come indoors, yes it did rain but at 23:00!!

SimCityAT wrote:

Last year, this year with the weather, now the Virus I give up.  I was quite happy in the garden weather said fine, but a dark cloud came over and the forecast said rain.

Fair enough pack up tools. Come indoors, yes it did rain but at 23:00!!

We were predicted rain so worked indoors on real office work and domestic stuff like unblocking the hoover and messing about doing nothing and window shopping for tools on the internet.  So no rain we went outside and did garden based work.  I feel we wasted the entire morning waiting for the rain to come and go. 

I often hear retired people have too much to do to go to work. I am thinking coronavirus lockdown must be a bit like being retired or a bit like training to be retired.  All gardening and DIY jobs.

Strange change today - yesterday was very warm (23-24 C) and cloudy and today it's really cold (like 8-10C) and cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. 

Reports from Germany (Thuringia) say that snow has returned at places over 700m.

Strange change today - yesterday was very warm (23-24 C) and cloudy and today it's really cold (like 8-10C) and cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. 

Reports from Germany (Thuringia) say that snow has returned at places over 700m.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Strange change today - yesterday was very warm (23-24 C) and cloudy and today it's really cold (like 8-10C) and cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. 

Reports from Germany (Thuringia) say that snow has returned at places over 700m.

If there is anything I have learned.... is that May in Europe is unpredictable. … mer-blues/

Or simply 2014 all over again... … ght-later/

fluffy2560 wrote:

Strange change today - yesterday was very warm (23-24 C) and cloudy and today it's really cold (like 8-10C) and cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. 

Reports from Germany (Thuringia) say that snow has returned at places over 700m.

The same hitting 28°C and now 13°C, with rainstorms in between. But its dry now. so can garden a bit.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Strange change today - yesterday was very warm (23-24 C) and cloudy and today it's really cold (like 8-10C) and cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. 

Reports from Germany (Thuringia) say that snow has returned at places over 700m.

The same hitting 28°C and now 13°C, with rainstorms in between. But its dry now. so can garden a bit.

I looked at webcams in Germany. Definitely snow there. I even saw it was -1 C around Leipzig.

Well it's now mid-afternoon and suddenly the sun has come out and it's all warm and sunny again. 

We didn't even have the luxury of rain so have to water the plants (again).   

It's gone from about 8 C this morning to maybe 16-18 C this afternoon.  It's all very inconsistent. 

Now we'll have to do some gardening as I believe later this week will be raining but the weekend will be nice again and in the early 20s by Friday.

In gardening news, I've discovered two grape plants in the building rubble. I've managed to save one to a pot and the other one is on the periphery of a fence post but might just miss it.   Question is how to identify the variety?

We also moved a walnut tree as it's in the way of a fence and amazingly it's survived despite brutal chopping at its roots with an axe and shifting across the other side of the garden. It's turning incredibly bushy.  No-one said it would work but it  seems to be a walnut tree with cat-like nine lives.   We moved another tree - possibly a non-edible apple tree but it's looking awfully dead.

fluffy2560 wrote:

In gardening news, I've discovered two grape plants in the building rubble. I've managed to save one to a pot and the other one is on the periphery of a fence post but might just miss it.   Question is how to identify the variety?

Answer moved to gardening topic: … =2#4873659

I have "heard" this is the driest May in years.
Got 1 cm a day or so ago. A  few sprinkles today. But not much rain here this month so far. Been watering the garden more than I normally would this time of year.

klsallee wrote:

I have "heard" this is the driest May in years.
Got 1 cm a day or so ago. A  few sprinkles today. But not much rain here this month so far. Been watering the garden more than I normally would this time of year.

Very warm today, looks like 27 C but overcast. I think it's going to rain heavily. It's that sort of calm before a storm type weather.  Definitely we need more rain.

Raining (again), 17 C.  Dull and overcast. Very few breaks in the cloud. Less windy than before.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Raining (again), 17 C.  Dull and overcast. Very few breaks in the cloud. Less windy than before.

Very much the same here, nice one day, then rain the next. Can't complain, save me watering the garden :D

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Raining (again), 17 C.  Dull and overcast. Very few breaks in the cloud. Less windy than before.

Very much the same here, nice one day, then rain the next. Can't complain, save me watering the garden :D

Not so good here, I had garden plans!

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Raining (again), 17 C.  Dull and overcast. Very few breaks in the cloud. Less windy than before.

Very much the same here, nice one day, then rain the next. Can't complain, save me watering the garden :D

Not so good here, I had garden plans!

I agree, but when it the ground is wet its not so good to work in. Need time to dry so with on and off rain. Its not much fun :D

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Very much the same here, nice one day, then rain the next. Can't complain, save me watering the garden :D

Not so good here, I had garden plans!

I agree, but when it the ground is wet its not so good to work in. Need time to dry so with on and off rain. Its not much fun :D

Yes, it's a bit rubbish  It's not exactly cold but in my garden it gets a bit muddy.  I have to move a large pile of wood and it'll be just yucky doing it in the rain.  This is just not the right kind of weather for this time of the year.   I am not sure who to blame.

Another day of garden sabotage.....thunderstorms, heavy rain, cloud and not that warm, only 18 C.   I hope this gets better soon.

Cold and windy morning... Again. Looks like this is the sort term forecast for the next week.   :(

klsallee wrote:

Cold and windy morning... Again. Looks like this is the sort term forecast for the next week.   :(

Yes, totally. The new normal is to go outside in the afternoon to do stuff in the garden and shed and then immediately I start doing something requiring dry weather, it'll start to rain.  My theory is that April has been delayed until June.  Very unseasonable weather.

Mrs Fluffy has a trip with older relatives down towards the bottom right hand corner of HU and we checked the weather and it's only 13 C on Sunday!   That's very unexpected.  We should be on 25 C.

Cold, rainy, windy, 13 C and generally yucky.

What is going on?