Today's Weather

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

The problem we have with summer's in Hungary is they are far too short and the weather can change on a dime.

The real problem this year is the weather seems to be trying to make change on a penny. Seems impossible, but it is doing it... That is how crazy the weather has been so far, and it does not look to be getting better yet.

Today's weather changes....  that is a given. It is simply not very predictable at the moment.  :(

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I don't think you are going to spend much time in the lake.  The flashing warning lights will be on.  !


Currently, from my front porch view of the lake over the small expanse of the lake that I have, I see three flashing storm warning lights since afternoon rains started.....

And the barometer is falling.....

It's just horrible.  It's torrential rain forecast for Monday.  It says it will be more than an inch of rain during the day - 32mm just in the evening.  It looks just continuous for weeks.

I saw some video of flooding - click here and here.

I live on a hill so I know it's not going to flood me much but I pity the folks downstream.  Usually all the little stones get washed down the street and the drains at the bottom of the street might get a bit overwhelmed.

About an hour after my post yesterday, the rain and hail arrived.
All good, loved it actually since we were safe indoors. Once this happened in Budapest and we were out for the day with not even an umbrella with us. We ran to the downtown post office in the 5th and sat for over an hour. It was actually fun to me.
Finally the rain stopped and we were able to get home without taking a bath.

My husband ran outside yesterday  to collect some "ice balls" of hail for our window garden, soft water.
The next decent day in the forecast we are gone out to the lake, no matter what.
I used to swim even during thunder on Maui, sort of dangerous but it was so pretty and peaceful too.
The forecast seems wet until at least the end of the week.
We had such nice weather during the lockdown, figures now it is bad...

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

About an hour after my post yesterday, the rain and hail arrived.
All good, loved it actually since we were safe indoors. Once this happened in Budapest and we were out for the day with not even an umbrella with us. We ran to the downtown post office in the 5th and sat for over an hour. It was actually fun to me.
Finally the rain stopped and we were able to get home without taking a bath.

My husband ran outside yesterday  to collect some "ice balls" of hail for our window garden, soft water.
The next decent day in the forecast we are gone out to the lake, no matter what.
I used to swim even during thunder on Maui, sort of dangerous but it was so pretty and peaceful too.
The forecast seems wet until at least the end of the week.
We had such nice weather during the lockdown, figures now it is bad...

The forecast is now completely different to what I posted before.   As I said, might as well just randomly look out the window.   

It's currently brightening up slightly and about 22 C outside.  If I go outside and do some gardening, no doubt the Gods will deliver a rainy rebuke. It's like washing and polishing your car - you know it's going to rain immediately you've started polishing it. 

No-one wants to be in the water when the lightning or violent weather hits.  I was alone once in a canoe on Balaton when a violent storm arrived. I was paddling like hell back to the jetty when it turned into an apocalyptic hail storm with lightning, high winds and tree branches falling.   My BIL appeared and he and I grabbed the canoe and dragged it out into a nearby park while being pelted by lumps of ice.   We turned the canoe upside down to act as a shield.  I've never seen anything like it!  I didn't realise how quickly it arrived.  And it disappeared equally quickly.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I was alone once in a canoe on Balaton when a violent storm arrived. I was paddling like hell back to the jetty when it turned into an apocalyptic hail storm with lightning, high winds and tree branches falling.   My BIL appeared and he and I grabbed the canoe and dragged it out into a nearby park while being pelted by lumps of ice.   We turned the canoe upside down to act as a shield.  I've never seen anything like it!  I didn't realise how quickly it arrived.  And it disappeared equally quickly.

Once or twice each summer sudden storms can happen like that at the lake Balaton. Almost without much warning, and almost always the same way:

A warm, very sunny and calm day. I am working outside, and I suddenly feel a breeze start. And I look to the North West and see something like this coming**:

I know I need to get indoors.... fast.

** Actual photo from my house for such an approaching storm front.

klsallee wrote:

Once or twice each summer sudden storms can happen like that at the lake Balaton. Almost without much warning, and almost always the same way:

A warm, very sunny and calm day. I am working outside, and I suddenly feel a breeze start. And I look to the North West and see something like this coming**:

[img align=c][/url]

I know I need to get indoors.... fast.

** Actual photo from my house for such an approaching storm front.

That's some front there in the picture.  That'll make people ill or at least have something to blame for whatever ails them.  Cool photo.

That storm I described had very little warning. I was quite some way from shore on the south side and further down the lake.   It was strange because it was like from nowhere. I could see it forming up but I only had about 15 minutes to get back.  I don't recall the lights flashing.   I didn't make it but I did get to the park to try find shelter out of the water and it just happened my BIL was there.  A large willow tree in the park was split during the high winds.  It was apocalyptic.

Got togged up for garden work as really rather nice warm weather but not sunny. 

I was just getting outside and wham, a massively heavy rain shower.   As I live on a building site, once again it will be a mud bath outside.

This is just becoming insane.  I have  been waiting to fix under my car for days.  Mrs Fluffy has now suggested I buy tent, tarp or gazebo to put over the car to try and keep the rain off.

Showing 28 C but dull, overcast and not really looking good for anything outside this week.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Mrs Fluffy has now suggested I buy tent, tarp or gazebo to put over the car to try and keep the rain off.

I think she has a good idea. :)

It said we were in for a downpour so I gave the garden a miss. We had a couple of drops and that was it. What a waste of a day.

SimCityAT wrote:

It said we were in for a downpour so I gave the garden a miss. We had a couple of drops and that was it. What a waste of a day.

Oh tell me about it.   I had two alternatives - risk taking the dog for a walk or actually doing some paid work.  Now the dog is tired.

After the downpour, it's incredibly humid and sunny in patches.  The barometer is showing rain.  No surprise. it's normal now.

Update:  The barometer wasn't wrong, the heavens opened and we've had a torrential downpour which is just tailing off now with the crashing and banging moving off with quite possibly clearer weather behind it.  The road was a river as usual.  My downpipes were overflowing. I think there might be blockage somewhere.

So they said it was to rain today and the next few days. How that has changed now it clear sky and good weather for the coming days. Getting really fed up with this weather. Just wish it would make up its mind :D

SimCityAT wrote:

So they said it was to rain today and the next few days. How that has changed now it clear sky and good weather for the coming days. Getting really fed up with this weather. Just wish it would make up its mind :D

I think it's petulant weather front behaving like a spoilt kid or ego driven politician.

18 C,  barometer falling, high winds, very cloudy but tinge of blue in the high level distance.  Looks like it could rain any second.

fluffy2560 wrote:

18 C,  barometer falling, high winds, very cloudy but tinge of blue in the high level distance.  Looks like it could rain any second.

Yes, very high winds past two days, and more today, a little less maybe tomorrow but still windy.

Walking the dog today got hit by a few drops of rain, but so far no real rain here yet today.

The high winds have broken tree branches here, and one gust was so strong it bend down a walnut tree branch when I was walking by, and a nut hit me in the face. The nuts are small, but pretty hard, and when on the end of a flexible branch they apparently are like a flail -- so it was not an unpainful experience.

After many days of very high winds (I was in the garden two days ago, and a sudden gust created a huge creaking and snapping sound as a nearby walnut tree got on large branch broken off), today was actually a very nice day. Nice temperature. Not too much wind. A nice respite and a nice day.

klsallee wrote:

After many days of very high winds (I was in the garden two days ago, and a sudden gust created a huge creaking and snapping sound as a nearby walnut tree got on large branch broken off), today was actually a very nice day. Nice temperature. Not too much wind. A nice respite and a nice day.

Same here. Been excellent.  Nice breeze here and good temperature.  The ground is actually drying out. The opportunities are endless. Yay!   I could actually lay on the ground without getting muddy.

BTW, you're not the only one getting your nuts flailed, Mrs Fluffy's parents garden has had three largish trees go over  in the past month or so including a nut tree.  They seem to have split or broken at the bottom but they are old trees. 

Looks like we're having a chainsaw party soon and some substantial logs drying out on the wood pile.

As usual, preparing to go outside and do stuff and yup, nobbled by a thunderstorm and torrential downpour. Now tropical rainforest humidity with some sunshine. 

Currently 28 C with more rain predicted with falling pressure indicated.

Yesterday 35°C.

Today, started hot (32°C by late morning), but now cooling with thunderstorm coming in. Rain just started. Of course it rained. I spent the morning watering the garden, which is my equivalent of washing the car....

Today's weather really is "today's weather" as it seem to be changing each day (and within days)....

klsallee wrote:

Yesterday 35°C.

Today, started hot (32°C by late morning), but now cooling with thunderstorm coming in. Rain just started. Of course it rained. I spent the morning watering the garden, which is my equivalent of washing the car....

Today's weather really is "today's weather" as it seem to be changing each day (and within days)....

I was looking on the TV and there are torrential floods in Serbia.  It's all over the place. Yesterday was really warm - too warm - and now it's dropped back to 25 C but damp, humid and cloudy and very windy/stormy.  Mrs Fluffy washed the car yesterday so I can only assume that's the equivalent of a rain dance in these parts. This is just weird stuff. 

Hopefully we can have a decent breeze and say, 26 C tomorrow with no rain.  Not too much sun as we're off to a funeral.  It would be dire all that standing about in 30+ C and blazing heat.

A bit over 37°C at 16:00 in the afternoon today. That is about 99°F.

Rain predicted for tomorrow. So I should spray my vineyards to guard against fungus, but that that temp, some types of spray can actually harm the vines.... A conundrum.....

I planned to be outside today doing some garden light cabling and car repairs but I was in the sun and it's impossible.  It's about 40C there and brutal and I can see storm clouds forming ready for a downpour. Humidity is very high.   Just perfect for thunder and lightning.  I am now looking for a cheap tent type pergola.

Weather reports say a large storm is coming. Very high winds predicted and lots of rain.

If this will happen, or if it will be a dud (predictions this year from online sources have been not always very accurate) we will know tomorrow.

Meanwhile, my barometer is falling. Not a lot yet, but it is falling.

klsallee wrote:

Weather reports say a large storm is coming. Very high winds predicted and lots of rain.

If this will happen, or if it will be a dud (predictions this year from online sources have been not always very accurate) we will know tomorrow.

Meanwhile, my barometer is falling. Not a lot yet, but it is falling.

I'm seeing falling pressure as well.   My thermometer is showing 33 C in the shade.  That's got to be thunder and lightning territory.  Some heavy looking clouds are forming up and I can see them merging perhaps forming up for a downpour, perhaps overnight.

The storm was not as bad as predicted. Wind, but not a high as predicted. Rain, but less than predicted (only 6 mm).

Cool and windy today. Good for outdoor work, if one likes cool fairly strong winds.

klsallee wrote:

The storm was not as bad as predicted. Wind, but not a high as predicted. Rain, but less than predicted (only 6 mm).

Cool and windy today. Good for outdoor work, if one likes cool fairly strong winds.

It was indeed good for outdoor work.  Rained overnight.  By 14h, just about all dried out again. Saved watering the plants.

Friday is supposed to be 32 C!!

34°C (92°F) at 14:00 today.

A bit warm. :)

klsallee wrote:

34°C (92°F) at 14:00 today.

A bit warm. :)

It's brutal in the sun.  33C here in the shade. Barometer is showing rain though.

42 C in the sun, 30 C in the shade.  Blue skies with not a whiff of a cloud.  Should be excellent down at the lake.

Clouds coming in. Winds picking up. Barometer actually rising... That is interesting.

klsallee wrote:

Clouds coming in. Winds picking up. Barometer actually rising... That is interesting.

Got the same now - clouds forming up, winds coming, barometer falling here.

Looked at the web cams for Siofok and it shows heavy rain showers on the Northern side of the lake.  OMSZ radar shows heavy showers in the same place.

fluffy2560 wrote:

OMSZ radar shows heavy showers in the same place.

Looked at the radar. Seems that area is a bit of an abortion so far at the Lake. Localized rain there only at this time.

No rain Western Balaton yet. High winds. Partially cloudy only.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

OMSZ radar shows heavy showers in the same place.

Looked at the radar. Seems that area is a bit of an abortion so far at the Lake. Localized rain there only at this time.

No rain Western Balaton yet. High winds. Partially cloudy only.

Got very stormy, big black clouds, high winds, look like a downpour was on the way and then suddenly temperature dropped 7-8 C suddenly but no rain.  Now cloudy with wind but some sun breaking through here and there.

High winds and 7mm rain last night. Walked the dog this morning and immediately regretted not wearing a jacket -- very cold wind. Reports indicate it will be 10°C colder today than yesterday here. Pretty inconsistent weather this year.

klsallee wrote:

High winds and 7mm rain last night. Walked the dog this morning and immediately regretted not wearing a jacket -- very cold wind. Reports indicate it will be 10°C colder today than yesterday here. Pretty inconsistent weather this year.

Yesterday it was 32 C here and now 21 C.  You can see on OMSZ the temperature plummets as the wind direction changes to bring cold down from the North.  This week looks like a mixed bag.

Cold last night in Balaton but really very pleasantly warm in the sun.  Water is a little cold.  Wednesday is supposed to be nice but rain expected.  Next week is forecast to be really hot.

Balaton: Below 20 C, Lake must be about 22 C, fairly heavy rain last night preceded by high winds and now cloudy, slight breeze.  Wet  and sad looking dog.  Might be a very slight hint of brighter weather on the way.


Rainy and a bit stormy with showers, maybe 23 C.

Unusual lake conditions earlier on, flat as a pancake with potentially an algal bloom.  Strange green slick on the surface quite some way out.  Some dead fish here and there.  Not very good and not very attractive.   Wasn't like that the day before.  Someone has possibly dumped something in the lake.

Perfect outdoor weather today for outdoor tasks. Spent the day weeding and gardening. Mostly sunny. Not too hot. No wind,  Summer at its finest.

Lovely warm sunny weather today. But now a large storm front moving in.. Dark clouds. Thunder. Flashes of lightning happening. Rain just started. The big large drops of rain. Summer rain. Not the gentle spring rain. But summer rain....

Same here....heavy swirling clouds after heavily humid 30+ C day.  Some flashes - unsurprising really. Cold front is coming this way.   It was really hot today so no garden work until it started to get darker and then, rain arrived.  Bad planning.