
Today's Weather


Skiing weather and snow near Veszprem:

Epleny Valley Webcam

(not sure if the snow is generated via snow cannons)


We went to Öreg-tó (Tata) and looking at the 50,000 geese there.   Surprisingly interesting little town with sights to see of a castle, lake and so on.

10 C and with a very strong and cold wind.   

If you have stuff outside, be prepared to see it move.


11 C expected on Thursday 21st. 

Snow will be gone soon - get your sledging in quickly!



Cold, overnight, our cats and dog typically drink water during day and night out of the pond, but now frozen, whereas the dog likes to "eat" snow, the cats do not so we try to provide sufficient water, dog (GSD) with a lot of hair tends to sleep outside, cats have entrance to home (and they like this (still water is needed). With snow I have to say garden looks beautiful.
I hope the cold weather will get rid of some of the african "stinking bugs" and perhaps (but not too much hope) of those insects which destroy walnuts over the last few years


cdw057 wrote:

Cold, overnight, our cats and dog typically drink water during day and night out of the pond, but now frozen, whereas the dog likes to "eat" snow, the cats do not so we try to provide sufficient water, dog (GSD) with a lot of hair tends to sleep outside, cats have entrance to home (and they like this (still water is needed). With snow I have to say garden looks beautiful.
I hope the cold weather will get rid of some of the african "stinking bugs" and perhaps (but not too much hope) of those insects which destroy walnuts over the last few years

Our dog sleeps in the hallway during the winter and outside in summer.  She's got a really nice kennel but just lays on the steps or curls up the garden. She likes it near our compost heap as the ground there is probably warm from the compost.   Only seen her in the kennel once. 

We deliberately have her in the hallway because if there's anyone in the garden she can see through the window.  She barks like crazy if people are passing.  If there was anything wrong, I hope she'd bark and wake us up.   She has done that before at like 3am pre-COVID. 

Our chickens suffer from frozen water.  I should put a couple of drops of glycerin in the water but keep forgetting.  Chickens are really very stupid animals so probably won't think to eat some snow.   

It's only a week or so until the end of the month.  Maybe it'll get a lot warmer and I can get on with some DIY things when the cold has stopped.  January has always been a real grind of a month.  We might get some snowdrops soon. I see some signs of bulbs coming up.

I'm looking at my weather station and it says it's -4 C, almost no wind and steady pressure.  Sunrise was 0724h this morning and it was sunset at 1624h.  Half moon.  Forecast is cloudy with snow flurries (really?) and some bright patches.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Chickens are really very stupid animals so probably won't think to eat some snow.

Eating enough snow to stay hydrated could significantly lower core body temperature, which can actually increase dehydration. So smart humans and smart chickens do not eat snow in winter. … -chickens/ … g-cold.htm

Marilyn Tassy

Taltos167 wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Chickens are really very stupid animals so probably won't think to eat some snow.

Eating enough snow to stay hydrated could significantly lower core body temperature, which can actually increase dehydration. So smart humans and smart chickens do not eat snow in winter. … -chickens/ … g-cold.htm

Take some advice from Frank Zappa, "Don't eat the yellow snow".
It's true it takes more energy to process the temp. of the snow then it's worth, Have to melt it first if needed in an emergency.


Taltos167 wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Chickens are really very stupid animals so probably won't think to eat some snow.

Eating enough snow to stay hydrated could significantly lower core body temperature, which can actually increase dehydration. So smart humans and smart chickens do not eat snow in winter. … -chickens/ … g-cold.htm

Didn't read the links but noted.  Chickens are not smart.  They are really stupid.  And I have eggamined the evidence over years.  I know of no chickens that have won Nobel prizes.  Of course I am yolking.

Chickens have mega thick feathers at the moment so very cosy in there I surmise.  I think they could eat snow.  They have enough dumbness to try and eat the insulation off my house so snow is a short step. 

Anyways, Mrs Fluffy went out and put hot water on their iceberg drinking water and the chickens were smiling happy and clucking contentedly and producing the goods so I reckon job done.


Marilyn Tassy wrote:
Taltos167 wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Chickens are really very stupid animals so probably won't think to eat some snow.

Eating enough snow to stay hydrated could significantly lower core body temperature, which can actually increase dehydration. So smart humans and smart chickens do not eat snow in winter. … -chickens/ … g-cold.htm

Take some advice from Frank Zappa, "Don't eat the yellow snow".
It's true it takes more energy to process the temp. of the snow then it's worth, Have to melt it first if needed in an emergency.

Frank Zappa was a strange man. I am not sure we should be taking advice from a guy who  called his kids Moon, Dweezil, Ahmet, and Diva?   

But yellow snow advice is good. 

Not the first and not the last with the strange names -  David Bowie's kid Zowie uses the name Duncan Jones now and is an accomplished film director.  Made the enjoyable film Moon. Well worth a look.

I am not sure about Elon Musk and Grimes (who?) and their kid X Æ A-12 but I believe the kid is now X AE A-XII with X as the first name and the rest as a middle name.   

So that's cleared that up then.

BTW, our chickens are called Pink Chicken and the other One after their leg rings.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Didn't read the links but noted.  Chickens are not smart.  They are really stupid.

That is you may think chickens are stupid because they do not eat snow, but maybe the chickens think you are stupid for not giving them fresh water. Perspective matters. Before calling someone (or a chicken) stupid, maybe first try to consider it from their side.

fluffy2560 wrote:

And I have eggamined the evidence over years.

Recent, peer reviewed analysis? … 016-1064-4

You may not read that either. A pity. Because then you may remain ignorant.

You have a lot of things too say, 7000+ post fluffy2560, and you get a lot correct. But the problem with talking so much is you also often seem to get into topics which you do not know what you are talking about. And when you call someone, some institution or even some chickens "stupid" (or similar) that is a dead give away you are most likely wrong. And then seem unable to be humble enough to clearly admit error when you do get it wrong. A pity.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I know of no chickens that have won Nobel prizes.  Of course I am yolking.

Is that your way of obliquely admitting error without having to clearly admit error, and instead defaulting to some linguistic attempts at humor?  A non-admission admission?


Taltos167 wrote:

That is you may think chickens are stupid because they do not eat snow, but maybe the chickens think you are stupid for not giving them fresh water. Perspective matters. Before calling someone (or a chicken) stupid, maybe first try to consider it from their side.


As Alice said, Curious and Curiouser. 

No, didn't read the links but might do sometime. 

Anyway, I'm just not taking myself or anyone else here seriously most of the time. Oh, I have my literary purpose to fulfil too.  Being here should be a cosy fireside chat don't you think? Maybe a glass of Hungarian vino to accompany it eh?

As for the chickens, they haven't filled in a complaint form yet or complained to their line manager. They must be some of the oldest chickens on the planet because they are so very well looked after. 

But even we cannot control the weather overnight and the dump of snow these past days that precipitated an iceberg in their drinking water.  We fixed it this morning and it's all melting so moot point. They have plenty to drink now.   But right now, they need to be locked up for the night in their Hilton Hen House palace.

I'm looking forward to subtropical Thursday, 11 C, wow!


Rubbish weather - cold and rainy.   

Dog walking at Nagy-Hárs-hegy was an exercise in mud management and drizzle/fog protection. 

Forecast for the coming days shows -13 C in about a week and much of the forthcoming week at well below 0 C.



I wish it would make up its mind up.


Maybe expanding's horizons.....

Earth Weather near Budapest:

Continuous rain, 1 C, 96% humidity, 5.5mm rain  on the weather station, pressure reducing.  Upside is sunset at 1658h showing 2 mins longer per day.

Mars Weather (Curiosity Station) near Gale Crater:

Feb. 6, 2021    - Sol 3023,  high of -15°C, low of -74°C, pressure 818, sunrise 06:41, sunset 18:41, days lengthening by about 2 minutes a week.

Forecast is for a busy week on Mars - three missions arrive in February, from UAE, China and


Apparently next week serious minus, we have a "home" policy go leave our (old) GSD outside during the night but if temperatures go below -10C we take her inside.
This scenario of -10C seems to become reality within a week.
Our cats have an entrance to home anyhow, water and food provided so they are fine, our dog is far too big for the cat-flap.
Lets see what happens, whereas I agree to leave the dog outside (on her own terrace) and I even believe that she will be fine even with -20C, better to be safe and admittedly even for Hungary -10C is a special event.

In the current world situation worrying about cats and dogs seem to be almost insignificant, still for us important (more important than politics in the US/UK/Russia and China)
In a way good to live outside the countries mentioned above.

We are an elderly couple and have to learn to live in a detached way.

Anyhow I wish a good week (with good heating)


By the way currently it is just a lot of rain in Heviz. all the snow of last week has disappeared, lets see if I have to do physical exercises,
By the way we do not live in Heviz itself, Heviz was (and is) a rich city, BUT … asi-rendje

money is running out.


cdw057 wrote:

By the way currently it is just a lot of rain in Heviz. all the snow of last week has disappeared, lets see if I have to do physical exercises,
By the way we do not live in Heviz itself, Heviz was (and is) a rich city, BUT … asi-rendje

money is running out.

Doesn't seem unreasonable for the householder to tidy up outside.    At the Mrs Fluffy Balaton house,  they've always cleaned up outside - mowed the grass, trimmed the bushes and so on.  No-one is there in the winter so no snow clearing.

We have to clean up outside at our house here but we don't do any maintenance at the front because our fences will be replaced, preferably it'd be right now if we could find someone.   

But I continue to be surprised what kind of a**holes walk past dropping their rubbish outside our gate.  It's not a common event but even so the amount of effort it would take to put it in the bin at home is minimal.


cdw057 wrote:

Apparently next week serious minus, we have a "home" policy go leave our (old) GSD outside during the night but if temperatures go below -10C we take her inside.
This scenario of -10C seems to become reality within a week.
Our cats have an entrance to home anyhow, water and food provided so they are fine, our dog is far too big for the cat-flap.
Lets see what happens, whereas I agree to leave the dog outside (on her own terrace) and I even believe that she will be fine even with -20C, better to be safe and admittedly even for Hungary -10C is a special event.

In the current world situation worrying about cats and dogs seem to be almost insignificant, still for us important (more important than politics in the US/UK/Russia and China)
In a way good to live outside the countries mentioned above.

We are an elderly couple and have to learn to live in a detached way.

Anyhow I wish a good week (with good heating)

GSD must be German Shepherd Dog.    We bring our GR (Golden Retriever) inside at night during the winter.  Sleeps in the hallway.  But during the summer she stays outside nearly all the time on our porch. She ignores her "super luxury" kennel I put in considerable amount of effort to make. 

BTW, how old is elderly?  Interested to know!  I'm 60 and I do not think of myself as elderly really. I think just a bit older but not elderly.  If I look at people in their early 50s, I still think we're of the same kind of age.  I asked my Dad who is almost 97 what he felt like being nearly 100 and he said he always thought of himself as being about 35 and only really notices how old he is when something physical doesn't work as well as it did or he looks in the mirror.  Sounds like a pretty good attitude!   

I mentioned Mars weather is because it's looking increasingly like Elon Musk might actually establish a long term presence on Mars within say 30 years and certainly one on the Moon within 20 years (or earlier).  I think the USA Mars lander Perseverance is perhaps the most amazing piece of technology nearing Mars right now.  The landing system is a superb achievement.  Maybe Elon Musk will join - Moon and Mars editions.


We went to Balaton yesterday as it was so sunny.  In the sun, it's quite nice and the birds are tweeting for Spring but in the shadows, bitterly cold.   Car reported about -3C.

Up to about 100m from the shore, it's all ice with mini pressure ridges.  One interesting thing is that winds had blown freezing water onto objects close to the shoreline and some things like benches and fences were encased in ice.   The lake ice definitely wasn't thick enough to walk on.  Plenty of people trying though! Surprisingly busy for a mid-winter kind of a day.


Probably a bit outdated, but today Monday 15/02/2021 weather was absolutely wonderful, cold, but a lot of sunshine. Playing with our dog on our frozen pond was a nice change.
Our cats do not like cold weather but feel comfortable at home.

I might be considered as cruel, but our dog (GSD with thick hairs) stays outside during night (only if temperatures go below -8C she goes inside, but honestly even with -15C I think she would be fine.



cdw057 wrote:

Probably a bit outdated, but today Monday 15/02/2021 weather was absolutely wonderful, cold, but a lot of sunshine. Playing with our dog on our frozen pond was a nice change.
Our cats do not like cold weather but feel comfortable at home.

I might be considered as cruel, but our dog (GSD with thick hairs) stays outside during night (only if temperatures go below -8C she goes inside, but honestly even with -15C I think she would be fine.


We were out walking with our dog (a goldie) yesterday and definitely there's an air of Spring around.   I like the optimism that Spring brings.  Birds tweeting and some birds are inspecting our bird boxes.   We've been successful with baby birds in the bird boxes these past few years. 25+ years ago, about this time of year, Mrs Fluffy and I were out cycling in T-shirts and it was over 20C.  Must have been a one off but has entered Fluffy folklore.  Only 2 weeks and it'll be March!   We saw winter crops growing in the fields  and some deer when we went to Balaton (we also saw one hit by a car on the main road to Budapest).  Spring is really here when I can see a  green sheen  or tone on the trees across the hills visible from my office window.  Many of the trees have buds on them and some have even started sprouting leaves.   

I think our dog would be OK until maybe 0 degrees C if in a sheltered, not wet and non-windy position.   She's got a super posh insulated mobile kennel but I can never get her to go in it.  Only seen her in it once.  I'm slowly trying to convince her to go in there using bribery.  If she was in there, she'd be very comfy.     

Today it's creeping up to just north of 4C but it's very sunny.   It's really pleasant in the sunshine as there's hardly any wind.   The short days are a PITA.  Sunset today is about 17.10h.


This season is madness, just the other day it was 12°C, now we are in the minuses with snow, AGAIN. Although we have a firm that clears our outside pavement, we have to clear our own patch.


SimCityAT wrote:

This season is madness, just the other day it was 12°C, now we are in the minuses with snow, AGAIN. Although we have a firm that clears our outside pavement, we have to clear our own patch.

It's -3 C here this morning and dull overcast.  The weather station shows cloud and snow.   

Forecast is for 15 C in about a week which is more like it.   I've noticed these big variations more recently.   It could be 20 C up and down during the summer.  I didn't seem to notice it before.  About this time last year, we were on highs of 12C.   Quite a cold snap. 

I really want it to be warmer as I have some minor under the car repairs to do and I don't to lie on the ground in freezing weather. 

All the snow has gone here in the streets and it's quite dry looking in the garden.  But I expect in the forest, the snow is still hanging around in the shadows.  Ideal for the dog to get itself muddy.


Today is 13 C in the burbs of BUD.  Really sunny. 

It's warm enough to be outside in a T-shirt in the sun albeit with a slightly chilling breeze.   

Wednesday is supposed to be 17 C. 

Looks ideal for dog walking, car washing and tidying the garden.

Things are looking up - Spring, vaccinations, life might start again.


We here locally are hitting temps of 19°C this week. But only 2 days ago close to the German border it was 21°C.

I just checked now and its dropped in the forecast, so who knows.... :/


SimCityAT wrote:

We here locally are hitting temps of 19°C this week. But only 2 days ago close to the German border it was 21°C.

I just checked now and its dropped in the forecast, so who knows.... :/

Germany is one of my fave countries, especially around Munich. 

When I worked there we had the "Föhn" and it brought surprisingly nice weather at odd times.

Hereabouts we should be getting some sand on our cars at some point I expect.

I'm using the YR Norwegian government weather service for Budapest as there are no adverts.

Marilyn Tassy

I haven't been able to wear my ,"Ushanka" all winter long!
Way too warm, guess Texas got out weather this year.
I really wished for some snow this year, it is so pretty to see it falling on the window sill.


Great weather here close to Heviz, we spent over 2 hours on the terrace with wine with company of dog (and on and off cats) really enjoying the sun.

Most of us might have experienced the invasion of stinking bugs from Africa last year, I can tell you somehow they are still alive (in any case some of them). Personally I hope there will be another serious minus somewhere in March.

Other animals birds (wide variety I have to say), dogs, cats seem to do very well in these times (so do mice and rats (but then again we have active cats (even if I do not like them bringing prey to home)))


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I haven't been able to wear my ,"Ushanka" all winter long!
Way too warm, guess Texas got out weather this year.
I really wished for some snow this year, it is so pretty to see it falling on the window sill.

Snow, rather not, unless it's proper snow, 1m deep and it disappears immediately when the weather changes.

Wow, I never knew what those hats were called.  Mrs Fluffy knew all about it but has kept it to herself all this time.  One of those secret Hungarian things outsiders never know about.   I just called it the Russian hat.  I had to look it up on Wikipedia. 

The Norwegian word for it is rather risque but entertaining - "bjørnefitte". 

Already the lawsuits are starting in Texas and who can blame them.  Someone really screwed up there.   Amongst all that chaos, I was heartened to read that someone sent a mariachi band to Ted Cruz's house.


cdw057 wrote:

Great weather here close to Heviz, we spent over 2 hours on the terrace with wine with company of dog (and on and off cats) really enjoying the sun.

Most of us might have experienced the invasion of stinking bugs from Africa last year, I can tell you somehow they are still alive (in any case some of them). Personally I hope there will be another serious minus somewhere in March.

Other animals birds (wide variety I have to say), dogs, cats seem to do very well in these times (so do mice and rats (but then again we have active cats (even if I do not like them bringing prey to home)))

I was out with the dog on a route I use often and I wore a reasonable coat and I was a bit hot and a bit sweaty.  Definitely time for lighter wear if in the sun.   

One upside of walking was in the space of about 1h, I heard 4 languages being spoken between walkers  including Dutch, German, Hungarian and English.   I thought that was pretty good.  The dog is super friendly so always a chance to engage in dog based conversation with dog friends' owners.

We've not seen any stink bugs here at all.  All gone.


I thought we were out of winter, Its bloody snowing. Yesterday we had hail.


SimCityAT wrote:

I thought we were out of winter, Its bloody snowing. Yesterday we had hail.

Not snowing here but not the weather we were expecting.  Only 5 C here and rather cold.   This is just out of order.   

I was thinking of some maniacal rain dancing to Odin might be required but no one is up for it.

Have to make do with some vegetables sacrificing themselves for leek, potato and ham soup for lunch.


4°C here now, but the snow has stopped and there is a blue sky now. But a bit further away I see grey and a misty skyline. Oh well :(


SimCityAT wrote:

4°C here now, but the snow has stopped and there is a blue sky now. But a bit further away I see grey and a misty skyline. Oh well :(

I wrote my earlier reply, looked out of the window after submitting it and it was snowing. Touch of blue in the distance.

No dog walking if it's going to rain.


We're having a blizzard.  It's 4 C, the wind is blowing and snow is really coming down.  Doesn't seem to be sticking.  Dog walking is cancelled.


We had a load of snow during the night, but it is slowly melting now. 1°C, but they say we might have some more.


Strong wind today around Heviz, today is garbage day and our garbage can already fell over a few times,. Very nice sun, a bit cold, but the wind really forces (gusts) you to stay inside (60 km/h +)
Our cats also do not like the strong wind and stayed inside during night as well as during daytime.


We've got full cloud cover and it's only about 6 deg C.   It's not very windy and coming from North East so Russia and cold cold cold.  Next Tuesday is forecast to be 18 C.  Maybe it'll be the end of this cold spell.


All our snow has gone, and it's quite warm at 6°C compared to the other day when it was -6°C. Sitting in my man cave, it roasting. Had to turn off the heating.

Marilyn Tassy

We took a nice peaceful walk around Budapest to run errands today.
Sort of chilly but I wore my winter coat instead of a lighter leather jacket.
A wee bit  odd with most shops on the Blvds. being closed.
I actually like the cooler weather as long as we are "prisoners'.
This BS has to end before summer or they will see some "sh** hit the fan".