Today's Weather

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

We took a nice peaceful walk around Budapest to run errands today.
Sort of chilly but I wore my winter coat instead of a lighter leather jacket.
A wee bit  odd with most shops on the Blvds. being closed.
I actually like the cooler weather as long as we are "prisoners'.
This BS has to end before summer or they will see some "sh** hit the fan".

We had a few flakes of snow earlier on.   

Seems really cold too me.  Seems much colder that the thermometer is indicating.

This whole lock down thing is ridiculous now.   The economy must be taking a massive hit.

......and it's trying to snow now.

Lovely day. 

Fluffy weather station shows 16 C outside with a slight breeze. 

Plenty of sunshine, daffodils are out (seems late to me), the birds tweeting, T-shirts possible for short periods.  Seen some birds looking at our bird boxes.  Some bumble bees flying about.  What's not to like about the optimism of Spring?

Ideal weather to get out and do things.

Clocks change 0200h!

As you described a gorgeous day, just to make others jealous no breeze at all here in the area of Heviz. We will spend some more time outside this afternoon.
Another side note, I think many people have difficult periods these times, our gardener called out of the blue (many things to be done in terms of repairs and he knows many people).
In any case our apple/cherry/peach tree have been prepared for the season.

Most important for me however is the maintenance of smaller items outside, fence, roofs, etc. A lot of interest to do so. I have to admit a bit off topic, still I want to share.
Over the last few months we also got a lot of mailing from companies/people offering their services.

Good period to have things put back in order.

Got good weather all week will reach a high of 21°C which is a blessing as they now dug up our pavements so the last thing we wanted was to have our shoes caked in sand and mud.

What is going on? Snow?????

SimCityAT wrote:

What is going on? Snow?????

Same here.  We had a little blizzard going on around 0400h this morning. 

And now, at 0800h,  the FWS (Fluffy Weather Station) is showing a tad  under 1 deg C with the wind about 5 m/s.  The chill factor is -4 C !!   

That's just nuts. Yesterday, walking the dog it must have been 12-13 deg C with really strong sun and blue skies everywhere.   We were all in T-shirts too.   

Generally not what one expects for this time of year.  On the other hand, officially snow chains still in the car until April 15.

Overnight extremely strong winds (even some damage to property), this morning at 5/6 winds slowed down a bit, but a bit of snow. Horrible weather this early morning.

cdw057 wrote:

Overnight extremely strong winds (even some damage to property), this morning at 5/6 winds slowed down a bit, but a bit of snow. Horrible weather this early morning.

It says on the forecast, 21 C next Monday.   April is fooling with us.

It's snowing heavily and about 2 C. It seems to be sticking too.

Once again my plans for outside work thwarted.

Not good news.

We had snow again today, it did stick but warmed up and soon went. Another day wasted, I need to cut the lawn lol

SimCityAT wrote:

We had snow again today, it did stick but warmed up and soon went. Another day wasted, I need to cut the lawn lol

I'm beginning to think every day in COVID19-land is a wasted day.  I want to trim my cherry tree and I had it planned for Tuesday but of course, freezing cold and now snowy wet means nothing was done.  Just rubbish.

The jobs are mounting up in the garden but with the weather as it is can't do anything. Our lockdown has been extended to the 18th so shops are still closed. Jobs I could be doing in the house will also have to wait.

SimCityAT wrote:

The jobs are mounting up in the garden but with the weather as it is can't do anything. Our lockdown has been extended to the 18th so shops are still closed. Jobs I could be doing in the house will also have to wait.

It's 0730 and it's snowing steadily.   FWS (Fluffy Weather Station) shows about -1 C with a steady breeze of 2 m/s and a chill factor of -2.5 C.  It's actually quite thick snow now on the ground.  We're expecting 8 C later in the day so it should all go away but the ground won't dry out for days.   Tomorrow is supposed to be as high as 13 C and Monday 20C.    Normally I can see the big hills of Budapest but they are obscured in cloud/fog.

Mrs Fluffy says we were oversleeping and now it's Christmas. Must be global warming causing these odd weather patterns or we're in a parallel universe.  I might even think about putting on the wood burner for one last blast.

Also some snow yesterday in the area of Heviz and some minus temperatures (worried about apple, cherry and peach trees). Flowers are also some concern (but not for consumption), this morning -3, yesterday -4 C. A serious storm yesterday night, but little rain and/or snow,
Right now wonderful sun, but cold.

Mrs Fluffy was in Aldi and bought some flowering plants for the window boxes and planters.  A cold snap a few weeks ago killed them off.  She bought some more and started to get them organised and yup, the new snow is killing those ones now too.  Now all garden planting is being postponed until the end of April.  My own garden plans (doing some welding on an outside work bench I use) are cancelled until the snow has gone.

Temperatures are going up now but just a bit, some sun breaking through and I can see the hills vaguely through the cloud/fog.  Weather radar shows a big splodge of (snow bearing) cloud over us.

I just had to put the heating on, its just 1°C here. I just went for a walk up the road and there is a bitter wind, I feel for the poor workmen doing the road.

A bit of snow fall this morning in Budapest. Grey skies but snow has stopped.
Glad we waited to put my aloe vera plants outside on the window sill.
They can't take the cold much.

SimCityAT wrote:

I just had to put the heating on, its just 1°C here. I just went for a walk up the road and there is a bitter wind, I feel for the poor workmen doing the road.

I wouldn't feel sorry for them. If they are doing physical work, they should be quite warm and they'll have decent clobber on provided by their employer. Warm coats, thermal underwear and all that.  They can always sit in their little railway carriage type wheeled work hut drinking coffee, schnapps and playing cards if it gets really bad.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

I just had to put the heating on, its just 1°C here. I just went for a walk up the road and there is a bitter wind, I feel for the poor workmen doing the road.

I wouldn't feel sorry for them. If they are doing physical work, they should be quite warm and they'll have decent clobber on provided by their employer. Warm coats, thermal underwear and all that.  They can always sit in their little railway carriage type wheeled work hut drinking coffee, schnapps and playing cards if it gets really bad.

The ground is frozen and snow blowing into your face can't be much fun lol

SimCityAT wrote:

The ground is frozen and snow blowing into your face can't be much fun lol

It's not going to be Alaskan level permafrost and they've got machines.  They are probably used to working in all conditions and they'll just down tools if it's that bad.  They might be in their element.   

I quite like working outside if it's a bit fresh.

Very sunny with plenty of UV.   Temp was 6.5 C at 10h.  Slight breeze 2.4 m/s with slight chill factor.  Very high clouds and excellent visibility.

Was -5°C this morning when I was awake chatting to some of Admin team on WhatsApp...... Long story

Now it is 4°C. At least we have no snow and it is dry. So lets hope it stays that way.

SimCityAT wrote:

Was -5°C this morning when I was awake chatting to some of Admin team on WhatsApp...... Long story

Now it is 4°C. At least we have no snow and it is dry. So lets hope it stays that way.

Suppse to be warming up this weekend.
I know yesterday I had to pull out my winter coat again to run errands.
Thought it was packed up for the season.
We walked t the 6th district and rode and walked to Tesco in Arena Plaza. Came home to pick up our car for shopping but didn't want to lose our good parking spot. Decided to take the trolly over and walk a bit. Went from Snowy, to rainy to sunny all in 10 mins.
Today we are chillin' indoors but plan on ging out on Sat.
I really don't mind the cold as long as I'm dressed for it.

Lovely weekend weather and could stuff outside. Looking at the forecast for next week, rain and snow. I keep on asking myself what month are we in?

SimCityAT wrote:

Lovely weekend weather and could stuff outside. Looking at the forecast for next week, rain and snow. I keep on asking myself what month are we in?

Very dull here but 15 C, FWS (Fluffy Weather Station) says 2.9 m/s wind and a UV index of 0.8.   Sunrise 0600 and sunset 1930.  Pressure steady.   Humidity 43%.

I was working in an old dilapidated Mrs Fluffy family house this morning doing some clearing up and it was shocking how cold it was inside.  Warmer outside.  Occasional spots of rain  but not really getting started.    Trying to be a little April showers obviously.  Hopefully it'll hold off until today's dog walking is over.

One thing I can forecast is wall-to-wall Prince Philip on April 17th.  I think it's becoming a bit ridiculous the amount of coverage it's getting.  The pandemic is more important.

fluffy2560 wrote:

One thing I can forecast is wall-to-wall Prince Philip on April 17th.  I think it's becoming a bit ridiculous the amount of coverage it's getting.  The pandemic is more important.

Off topic, but it was crazy in the UK on Friday. BBC1, BBC2, BBC News 24 all showed the same coverage of the life of Prince Philip.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

One thing I can forecast is wall-to-wall Prince Philip on April 17th.  I think it's becoming a bit ridiculous the amount of coverage it's getting.  The pandemic is more important.

Off topic, but it was crazy in the UK on Friday. BBC1, BBC2, BBC News 24 all showed the same coverage of the life of Prince Philip.

Tell me about it.  I am genuinely sorry to hear of his passing.  On the other hand, it was another age. One of my elder kids told me it was "light relief" from the pandemic - makes a change etc.  I think the sentiment is that it's all remote to anyone under about 50.   

If I hear his life story one more time I'm feeling like I'm going to start thinking about becoming a republican.   I think they should just go back to normal programming until the funeral. I almost feel like it's the solemn music they used to play on Russian radio when someone high up in the Politburo died.  Days of dirges.    I read people are complaining about Celebrity Bake Off being cancelled or something like that.   Strange times.

I saw a documentary about Old Phillip awhile ago. It was funny to see his mom in her Nun's gear in the photo.
I guess he is having one heck of a "hot time " in the old town with his buddies,Jimmy Savile , Epstien and Mountbatton.
Not a fan of his here, obviously...
In any case he had an easy 70 plus years of life even if it started out a bit shakey with his years in private school and his mom being in the nut farm and them having to run away from Greece in his childhood.
Sort of sad when his sister and her Nazi husband died in that plane crash , saw him in the news reel of the day in Germany for the funerals.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I saw a documentary about Old Phillip awhile ago. It was funny to see his mom in her Nun's gear in the photo.
I guess he is having one heck of a "hot time " in the old town with his buddies,Jimmy Savile , Epstien and Mountbatton.
Not a fan of his here, obviously...
In any case he had an easy 70 plus years of life even if it started out a bit shakey with his years in private school and his mom being in the nut farm and them having to run away from Greece in his childhood.
Sort of sad when his sister and her Nazi husband died in that plane crash , saw him in the news reel of the day in Germany for the funerals.

Hmmm....looks like fake news again.

There were never any allegations (ever) against Phil or Mountbatten in same vein as Saville or Epstein. Mountbatten was considered an excellent military leader in WW2 and Phil wasn't doing too bad himself back then.  He sure had wacky family relations but he didn't turn out too bad for us - his devotion to the Queen "as a job" was remarkable really. 

As for the Queen herself, she's completely unassailable.

Really are getting off topic, lets continue Absolutely Anything Else

SimCityAT wrote:

Really are getting off topic, lets continue Absolutely Anything Else

Taken to … 47#5086125

Another Monday rolls around in COVID-town and another day of drizzle and non-existent Spring with only 7C.    I should feel right at home on such a cloudy soggy day - totally British weather.   The FWS (Fluffy Weather Station) shows we've already had 2.2mm of rain as of 0930 this morning.  At least the plants will be happy.

They predicted thunderstorms, true, but a downpour like we experience now I did not expect, the roof of our terrace is up for repair , right now completely flooded, animals and humans alike flee to "safer" places. I have to admit that our GSD tried to scare the thunder away by barking, but she gave up after 15 minutes or so (she means well though :))

cdw057 wrote:

...I have to admit that our GSD tried to scare the thunder away by barking, but she gave up after 15 minutes or so (she means well though :))

I love the smell of sorry.....wet dog in the morning.  Wet dog is a very peculiar smell.  I don't really like it.  She has to stay outside if she's wet.

The rain has messed up my dog walking plans.    Luckily we didn't tell the dog it was dog walking day so she's none the wiser and unlikely to bear a grudge.  One thing about dogs, they always forgive you.

We also have some cats and with bad weather they do not even think to go outside eg if it is cold or raining, our dog also does not like it, but dogs are much more loyal to us as humans , cats love their home although they also express appreciation from time to time. (I am still sad that our other dog passed away)

What happened?  It was really nice for a few days - T-shirts when walking in the forest and lovely and warm.   Yesterday evening was heavy rain, now it's 10C, cold again, rain potential and higher winds. It's going to stop outside work (using electric tools).   

The FWS (Fluffy Weather Station) is showing increasing pressure and sun breaking through here and there. Pressure is increasing so we could have nice weekend weather.

BTW, our dog loves running through the forest but now there are ticks everywhere.   Nasty little things. Usually she has one when she comes back from walking around so now we have an inspection after each trip.  We have a flea/tick collar on her but she's still getting them.

Far too windy to go outside if not needed to do so today.
Allergy time!
It's probably something to do with the ariel spraying f the skies or weather control...Or mother nature is having a bad season.

Weather can have pluses and minuses, yesterday horrendous rain, almost all day. But being philosophical, the rain tested the roof made on our terrace quite seriously and happily it passed the first test. Apart from that our pond was replenished a bit.
Today the weather is beautiful (albeit a bit cold but in the sun ..) tomorrow and the day after will even be better.

We have had pretty good weather lately, we did have 1 day of strong winds. But touch wood let's hope the nice weather stays.