Today's Weather

FWS shows almost 20 C, 2.1 m/s wind, pressure stable and high UV index of 6.     It's not that warm but it's very nice in the sun. 

I think today it's going to be a short bike ride day and gardening day.   Not a dog day. 

We were out with La Doggia yesterday and the forest was mobbed with people.   Always a dodgy dog walk when lots of kids around.  Dog loves people and really likes food even more.  When a monster Fluffball runs up for kisses and hugs, it can scare people and particularly little kids. Dog walking during the week so avoiding the chances of unexpected dog interactions.

I just checked, Monday and Tuesday it's going to be 30°C. Happy Days

SimCityAT wrote:

I just checked, Monday and Tuesday it's going to be 30°C. Happy Days

Yes, same thing here.   Dog will be panting a lot.   

BTW, we're having a plague of ticks on the dog.  She's got an anti-tick collar on and all the jabs but we usually find one after every walk.

So much for the nice weather 2 hot days and now a weather warning in place with rain and hail,compress&w=558

The weeds and grass are going to love this, I would have a goat but they would eat the flowers :D

SimCityAT wrote:

So much for the nice weather 2 hot days and now a weather warning in place with rain and hail

[img align=C],compress&w=558[/url]

The weeds and grass are going to love this, I would have a goat but they would eat the flowers :D

Nice picture. 

The FWS shows falling pressure, cloud and rain but the temperatures are holding up at about 23 C.  Mrs Fluffy and I were at industrial warehouse this morning to buy some welding gear.  In the distance I could see this band of darkening skies very neatly defined by an incoming front.  I'm thinking to take the Dogmeisterin now before the heavens open.

BTW, you could always get a dog (Bedlington Terrier) that looks like a goat (or a lamb). Seen these around the area.


Dog travels postponed.   Heavens have opened and steady downpour.   Temperatures reduced to about 20 C.  Steady wind from West - gusts up to  3 m/s.

Dog looks glum - she was looking forward to it.  I'm glum too as it's messed up my routine.   

Can't be bothered to do any work....let's see what's on Netflix........

Yay looks like we have rain for the next week. Still warm enough, just means jobs outside will be put on hold.

SimCityAT wrote:

Yay looks like we have rain for the next week. Still warm enough, just means jobs outside will be put on hold.

Is it really "yay"?

I'd like to get on with all that stuff I need to do.

Big jobbies shouldn't to speak...

Was being sarcastic

SimCityAT wrote:

Was being sarcastic

I could see some bad weather being an advantage for some.  Means I have to stay inside.   My neighbours complain to my Missus if I'm making too much noise with my metalworking gear.  We're a really noisy bunch.   Rain will do the garden some good.   Rain also meant I had to make the lunch - smokey ham, leek and potato soup.

wtf is this, no rain at night, and now pissing it down?

SimCityAT wrote:

wtf is this, no rain at night, and now pissing it down?

Tell me about it.  I had plans to work on garden stuff this week.   

Tomorrow we're supposed to be doing gardening and maintenance down at Balaton.   I really thought we were into summer but now it's like Autumn.

FWS shows 10 C,  3m//s from WSW, 0.5mm rain so far today, pressure is steady but low, marginal UV at just under 1.   Upside is sunrise at 0500h and sunset 2015h.   So at least the days are getting longer.

Might have to do shopping instead of actually getting on with real jobs.   

Rain stops play and therefore looks  like I'm doing the lunch again.

Today absolute horrible in a way (so much rain), however also good, for me better that a few inches of rain on one day rather than drizzle for many. Lets see what happens, clearly no outdoor activities today, home delivery from Smokey Burger is planned (we do not have a green card yet (for indoor lunching). Our animals are sad, but tomatoes, and others I suppose are not too sad (I really do not know if there can be an overdose of rain).  I had some worries on the pond we have (we do have a pump) but with this type of rain it fills up quickly and I imagine out goldfishes are happy (frogs I do not care, but I think them as well)

cdw057 wrote:

Today absolute horrible in a way (so much rain), however also good, for me better that a few inches of rain on one day rather than drizzle for many. Lets see what happens, clearly no outdoor activities today, home delivery from Smokey Burger is planned (we do not have a green card yet (for indoor lunching). Our animals are sad, but tomatoes, and others I suppose are not too sad (I really do not know if there can be an overdose of rain).  I had some worries on the pond we have (we do have a pump) but with this type of rain it fills up quickly and I imagine out goldfishes are happy (frogs I do not care, but I think them as well)

Today would have been a dog walking day but no way I'm going out in this rain and suffering wet dog in the hallway for a few days.   So inside jobs only.

It's quite early and since midnight the FWS is showing 8mm of rain.  Fairly breezy too with gusts up to 5 m/s wind from the SW.  Only about 12 C.    Since I started typing this post another 1mm of rain has fallen.

I looked at the radar about 0630h and it was a blanket of cloud and rain moving slowly. 

It'll take days to dry out in the garden ready for work.

Another day of downpours.  1.7 mm of rain so far today and only 14C.

Pressure is increasing  slowly and the sun is showing on the barometer and some low end UV from sunny patches.

This week looks like a write off for outside work.

Its dry today here, but we have a down or forecast for the next couple of days. Strong winds but can do enough work in the garden to keep me busy.

The biblical rain continues - FWS shows 21mm rain since midnight! 

The barometer is showing partial cloud and steady pressure.    Only about 10 C.   Bit of wind 1 m/s from NNW.

This is not normal weather for HU at all.   Best not put away those raincoats, boots and cardigans yet.

Depressing weather indeed, tomorrow seems to be not too bad, weekend again not good  but if I have to believe weather predications Monday and Tuesday will not be too bad. Tomorrow I will take the opportunity to walk, go to Pharmacy and Lidl.
Big plus our pond is filling up quickly, tomatos and other vegs I think are feeling sad though.

As a PS it is said that Walnut trees this year again will not have a good chance, can you confirm?

cdw057 wrote:

Depressing weather indeed, tomorrow seems to be not too bad, weekend again not good  but if I have to believe weather predications Monday and Tuesday will not be too bad. Tomorrow I will take the opportunity to walk, go to Pharmacy and Lidl.
Big plus our pond is filling up quickly, tomatos and other vegs I think are feeling sad though.

As a PS it is said that Walnut trees this year again will not have a good chance, can you confirm?

I think if it continues to be so damp and rainy I can see the walnuts not doing so well.  Our walnut tree gave up over winter.  It went all black and the leaves fell off!  It was clearly dead.   Now it's just a lump of wood which I'd burn if I could.  I think its demise was caused by some kind of virus or fungus probably caused by the weather being so rubbish.  Ideal conditions to kill it off.

Today should be a dog walking day but with wet weather the dog always comes back muddy and too smelly.   Not sure why wet dogs smell so bad. 

It's supposed to brighten up this afternoon.

Rubbish weather again today - heavy drizzle expected most of the day.  Only 13 C,  9mm rain since midnight, pressure is low and minor wind from the North.   

Dog walking postponed.

And to think yesterday while we were gardening at Balaton, it was all T-shirts.

I was the same yesterday sat at my Local having a beer in a T-shirt and today pissing it down, 10°C. Will be like this most of the week.

Another day at the poor weather grindstone...

Unbelievably rubbish temperatures for May - only 15 C now. 

Been raining during the night -  0.2mm since midnight.

Fair breeze, bit of UV and steady pressure.

How things change, they say it will be dry for the next 3 days with a high of 20°C and a low of 9°C. So finally I will be able to get some work done outside.

SimCityAT wrote:

How things change, they say it will be dry for the next 3 days with a high of 20°C and a low of 9°C. So finally I will be able to get some work done outside.

Yes, looking good out there.  Very bright.  Makes things more optimistic to see the sun again.   The ground is very damp after all that rain.   Be a few days for it to dry out.   Plants are very green and leafy. The grass is going mad.  That'll need another hoovering.

I also feel a dog  walking session coming on later today.

One of those weekends I guess.....

What I faced with HERE

A lot of rain was predicted, but just a few drops, we intended to go for a walk just the skies looked horrible.
Sunday does not look to good as well, but might very well be with just the occassional drop, I do not know what to make of weather predictions.
Still of course nothing to complain, but preconditions do influence our agenda a bit

SimCityAT wrote:

One of those weekends I guess.....

What I faced with HERE

That's not that great.   At least the weather could try to be nice with COVID around.

Been nice in the sun today.  Been outside most of the time - DIY, cleaning up, car repairs and maintenance. The temperature now is about 17 C, bit of a breeze, pressure up and no sign of any serious rain clouds.  If this could hold until next week, we might get into the mid-20s.

cdw057 wrote:

A lot of rain was predicted, but just a few drops, we intended to go for a walk just the skies looked horrible.
Sunday does not look to good as well, but might very well be with just the occassional drop, I do not know what to make of weather predictions.
Still of course nothing to complain, but preconditions do influence our agenda a bit

Taking the dog on the walk?   

I use an app on my Android phone called HUMap.  It has all the footpaths around the country and the best bit is that it's free.   I use it to plan my dog walks and mountain bike rides.  We found some really nice walks one wouldn't know about.   I usually walk in a circle so I don't cover the same ground. 

Weather predictions more than about 48h ahead are incredibly unreliable.  Might as well just look out of the window.

Is it time to give up? Here?

SimCityAT wrote:

Is it time to give up? Here?

Might be a bit misleading.  It's not raining here. 

There are dark heavy clouds with intermittent sunny spots.  I don't think it will rain today or if it does, it'll be a shower.  I think possibly there could be thunder as some of the cloud tops are very high and turbulent looking. 

The FWS is not showing rain - UV moderate, pressure steady, relatively low humidity and 17 C.   

If the sun could really laser in on those clouds, they could get burnt off and the sun might show itself properly.

Update:  heavy showers at 16h ....maybe it was raining somewhere.  Looks like dog walking cancelled. Mrs F is predicting rainbows.  Yes, right, over O1G's dead body.

Todays weather is excellent (of course there is always something to complain though), right in the sun it is a bit too warm (not more than 30 minutes), in the shadow it is too cold :( .
Still me and my wife are happy and so are our animals.

We have switched off gas 1st May (retro-actively too early) but now we consider to keep doors and windows shut to prevent warmth entering (probably end of this week)
Coming days look to be great, still no mosquitoes, very few bees and wasps (I am a bit struggling with the latter two as there can also be pluses but they can also be annoying (our dog though like to eat them :((( )
From what I understand, strawberries, apples, cherries, garlic are doing great in the garden walnuts remain a concern and so are blackberries and cabbage. (No clue why some are doing better than others but I am an amateur in this area).

Best weather ever? Just over 20, good sun, no overdose of wasps/bees/other nasty insects.

cdw057 wrote:

Best weather ever? Just over 20, good sun, no overdose of wasps/bees/other nasty insects.

Almanac shows temperatures are well below normal.  10 years ago mid-afternoon it was 28 C and even 3 years ago it was 26 C. We are way down on good weather - we're being short changed again after 2020's crappy summer.

FWS shows only 18 C, 1.3 m/s wind from South East, high UV, low humidity and steady pressure but some clouds and sunny spells.

Bees are good!  We need more nice bees!   They are so vital to agriculture/food production.  We've had infestations of bees but we didn't kill them, we just left them and they disappeared.   Wasps one can be less keen on but they still do a job.   

Interestingly enough when I'm walking in the forest with the dog, I see a lot of dead beetles.  But I see a lot of things - saw a mole the other day (which is really strange to see), an eagle/hawk hunting and weirdly two albino looking deer who seemed completely disinterested in me!   Haven't seen a wild pig yet.

Please do not get me wrong, I like bees in a way (an overdose (2 years ago) is not to our liking though). The bees are there and so are the wasps but no huge traffic.

cdw057 wrote:

Please do not get me wrong, I like bees in a way (an overdose (2 years ago) is not to our liking though). The bees are there and so are the wasps but no huge traffic.

Most big bees one sees are ground, mining or solitary bees.  They live in holes in the ground or holes in walls.  They are completely harmless generally.   

Honey bees are quite small and very busy.   There's a problem with angry bees (Africanised) who have turned up in the US but  European bees are not aggressive.

Wasps are horrible of course but even worse are hornets.   I'd run away if I saw hornets - all angry and buzzing.

My father was an apiarist (bee keeper) and I used to help him sometimes. My Dad used to transport his hives  to farmer's fields.   He'd do that for free and obviously collect the honey at the end of the season.  He also used to get called by the police sometimes to go and collect swarming bees that were on people's walls or on their cars or wherever!  Bee keepers like to get new bees.

I wouldn't mind keeping some bees myself but I cannot eat the honey (sugar is bad for me).  But I like the idea.  There's a place near here where someone parks a large truck trailer full of bee hives to pollinate all the nearby fields.   The air is thick with bees buzzing.  Surprisingly loud.

Today has been great, dry and warm 22°C but I think it was warmer then again they are tarmacking the pavement so the heat from that could have made it feel warmer than it really was. It will hit 30°C in a couple of days.

SimCityAT wrote:

Today has been great, dry and warm 22°C but I think it was warmer then again they are tarmacking the pavement so the heat from that could have made it feel warmer than it really was. It will hit 30°C in a couple of days.

Boys from the Black Stuff hard at work

Summer is here!

Very nice 25 C, slight breeze 3 m/s from the SSW, steady and higher pressure, high UV index over 7, low humidity 40%.

All that technical data but just eyeballing will show it's really nice outside.   

Good time to enjoy the great outdoors!

Yes, it was warm outdoors today.
I am, "offically" done if it continues to stay warm with my walk abouts.
I don't do hot and swaety very well.Weird since I grew up in the US  SW , desert.
Desert is different then humid and sweaty.
From now on it's either going to the water or staying put for me.
Not a fan of smelling ,"others'"on the transportatin system during the warmer months.
I'm done, for now.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Yes, it was warm outdoors today.
I am, "offically" done if it continues to stay warm with my walk abouts.
I don't do hot and swaety very well.Weird since I grew up in the US  SW , desert.
Desert is different then humid and sweaty.
From now on it's either going to the water or staying put for me.
Not a fan of smelling ,"others'"on the transportatin system during the warmer months.
I'm done, for now.

Starting to warm up at night now.  0030h and still 19 C outside.  I think it was raining a bit as the humidity has shot up from earlier.  Mrs F said she heard rumbling of thunder.  Wouldn't surprise me but I think it'd have to be a lot drier to create some static.  That said, we're in for rain next week.

Best to keep away from public transport.  I used to travel all over the world.  Those were the days.
Now the furthest I go is Balaton and places like OBI.   And we always go by car. 

I've never really used the trains in Hungary - I did do Belgrade-Budapest once and also Gyor-Kelenfold.    The modern trains back from Gyor were quite good and the journey was smooth.  Pre-COVID of course.