Today's Weather

Tomorrow is "Siebenschläfer Day". It is said that the weathe rof tomorrow you will have for the next 7 weeks. We arrived yesterday in massive rain. I am still Xing fingers that we will have a few nice days before going back to Portugal.

Tomorrow is "Siebenschläfer Day". It is said that the weathe rof tomorrow you will have for the next 7 weeks. We arrived yesterday in massive rain. I am still Xing fingers that we will have a few nice days before going back to Portugal.

Interesting! Never heard that one before. "Seven Sleepers". Wow!

Actually the same one here is called Saint Medarus Day. More or less the same as Saint Swithin's Day in the UK.

The wiki pages are quite amusing on the tradition around Saint Medarus:

Every year at Salency (Medardus' birthplace) near Noyon, France (and certain other villages) "the most virtuous young girl of the year" of the commune is elected the Rosière. The custom is said to have been started by Medardus himself, and the first Rosière is said to have been his sister, Médrine.Clothed in a long white dress, the Rosière is escorted to Mass by 12 young girls dressed in white and 12 young boys. After vespers, accompanied by two godmothers, she is crowned with a crown of 12 roses, decorated with a blue ribbon and a silver ring, at the chapel of St Médard. Then she goes to receive a bouquet of roses from the mayor, who also presents her with two arrows, two tennis balls and a whistle. She blows the whistle three times and throws nuts to the assembled crowd. The procession is followed by a fair with rides, stalls and fireworks

Any tradition that includes roses, two arrows, two tennis balls and a whistle and involves distributing nuts is a tradition that is worth savouring. 

I am not sure about most virtuous young girl part though. Not very PC. Should be most virtuous person. If you can find one.

It's The Feast of Corpus Christi tomorrow with us, so that means we have another bank holiday, I just hope we hqv good weather because its rained all night and this morning, at least its nice now with temps of 22°C.

Tomorrow is "Siebenschläfer Day". It is said that the weathe rof tomorrow you will have for the next 7 weeks. We arrived yesterday in massive rain. I am still Xing fingers that we will have a few nice days before going back to Portugal.

Interesting! Never heard that one before. "Seven Sleepers". Wow!

Actually the same one here is called Saint Medarus Day. More or less the same as Saint Swithin's Day in the UK.

The wiki pages are quite amusing on the tradition around Saint Medarus:

Every year at Salency (Medardus' birthplace) near Noyon, France (and certain other villages) "the most virtuous young girl of the year" of the commune is elected the Rosière. The custom is said to have been started by Medardus himself, and the first Rosière is said to have been his sister, Médrine.Clothed in a long white dress, the Rosière is escorted to Mass by 12 young girls dressed in white and 12 young boys. After vespers, accompanied by two godmothers, she is crowned with a crown of 12 roses, decorated with a blue ribbon and a silver ring, at the chapel of St Médard. Then she goes to receive a bouquet of roses from the mayor, who also presents her with two arrows, two tennis balls and a whistle. She blows the whistle three times and throws nuts to the assembled crowd. The procession is followed by a fair with rides, stalls and fireworks

Any tradition that includes roses, two arrows, two tennis balls and a whistle and involves distributing nuts is a tradition that is worth savouring.

I am not sure about most virtuous young girl part though. Not very PC. Should be most virtuous person. If you can find one.

Most virtuous young girl.

Has there been such a girl in the last 50 -60

years or longer?

At least in the west?

Just this morning my husband was once again time trippin' and told me of his first so called,"Conquest". Actually the way he told it it seems more like he was a virtuous young man taken advantage of.

Man alive, I have no idea WTH was happening in the 60's in communist Hungary.

Sounds to me like with everyones parents out working that the teens were seriously on the make.No supervision at all.

He was barely 15 and the girls were all over him in Budapest. His first love interest was only 14!!

IDK but at age 75 it seems like for the times these Hungarians were on steroids!

They way he tells it he had to actually hide from many girls who were after him.

Call me a nerd, proud to be one ,no interst in boys for many more years beyond age 14.

My God, my mother would of clobbered boys who even dared to call the house.

West vs East?

Makes one rethink the propoganda about the west being so decadent.

Oh yes, the weather is nice enough today..


It's The Feast of Corpus Christi tomorrow with us, so that means we have another bank holiday, I just hope we hqv good weather because its rained all night and this morning, at least its nice now with temps of 22°C.

Reminds me of when I worked in Germany.

We had so many public holidays in May and June, it was like weeks of 4 day weeks. And if it was a Thursday (as they usually were), we also got the Friday.  We'd work a 40h week with 38h as our expected hours.  The 2h extra earned per week would be credit for bridging days. Everyone was happy with it. 

I haven't had a job like that for many years.  Nothing is 9 to 5 nowadays. I cannot believe people go home at 5pm and have nothing work related to do!   

It's become really sticky here.  The dog is supposed to be walked. It'll be a mud bath in the forest. But it should be reasonably cool.  Showing 21 C on the weather station with light breeze.  Quite humid post-rain.

Reminds me of when I worked in Germany.

We had so many public holidays in May and June, it was like weeks of 4 day weeks. And if it was a Thursday (as they usually were), we also got the Friday. We'd work a 40h week with 38h as our expected hours. The 2h extra earned per week would be credit for bridging days. Everyone was happy with it.


Germany is quite special. In my first job in the mid 1980s I immediately had 6 weeks of annual leave. Plus we had flexible work hours allowing us to take 1 day overtime off every months (= additional 12 days per year). Still the company made good money and the employees were happy.

Germany is quite special. In my first job in the mid 1980s I immediately had 6 weeks of annual leave. Plus we had flexible work hours allowing us to take 1 day overtime off every months (= additional 12 days per year). Still the company made good money and the employees were happy.

When I looked for my first job, I had an offer from around the Black Forest Germany, an offer from Ottawa, Canada and a middle England UK offer . 

Out of all of them, Germany was by far the best working conditions, Canada the worst working conditions (holidays pathetic) and the UK was middling.

The technical subject matter of the UK offer won me over. It could have all turned out so differently!  Looking back on it Germany should have been top, Canada second and UK third.

It's not that warm outside but really humid. 20C, 76% relative humidity, pressure rising 100 hPa, sunrise 04.47h and sunset 20.38h. Despite all that, the dog insisted she needed a muddy bath in a large puddle. She has no sense of decorum. Now temporarily banished to the garden.

Hello! Im looking for americans who moved to Hungary :) Would anyone be able to share their experience ?

Hello! Im looking for americans who moved to Hungary smile.png Would anyone be able to share their experience ?
-@Roy Douglas

This isn't the place to post that request.

Go here to introduce yourself

@fluffy2560 where should i post it ? looks like nothings happening here anyways xD

@fluffy2560 where should i post it ? looks like nothings happening here anyways xD
-@Roy Douglas

Maybe start a new topic? Asking in a topic about Weather isn't going to get you noticed much is it?

@fluffy2560 where should i post it ? looks like nothings happening here anyways xD
-@Roy Douglas

Maybe start a new topic? Asking in a topic about Weather isn't going to get you noticed much is it?

Unless interested in the weather.

By some standards, Hungary is a busy forum,

But it's just a few of us.

OP should introduce himself first or complete his profile, then post his request in a new thread.


Thank you for clarification you have a great sense of humor

Today we have rain and terrible cold it is freezing temperature of 27 Centigrade!

We went to the spa for hot sauna wo warm up but the pool water was cold...

Heard a rumor about climate weather changing due to excessive polar ice melting

and the cold  drives water down toward equator but the hot equator drives water

up into clouds creating more rain forecasts... Do not lnow if this is facts or noise...

About our GOOGLE EARTH walking down Raday street attached are some photos


By some standards, Hungary is a busy forum,
But it's just a few of us.

That is very true. The Portugal forum is muc busier, but still not so much going on.

As usual I am enjoying my time in Györ. The weather could be better, but I am amazed how lush the green is. Plant are growing everywhere. Beautiful. I guess together with the ever so slightly increased CO2 in the atmosphere the planet will become so much greener. Maybe one day we will have to punish buyers of electric cars because they inhibit plant growth. But I guess they will argue that all the electricity they used for charging was actually coming from coal fired power plants. 1f602.svg

As much as we are tied to Hungary (in a way), I am still uncertain wehther I would want to live here in the long run. However, on enever knows what life will bring.

By some standards, Hungary is a busy forum,
But it's just a few of us.
That is very true. The Portugal forum is muc busier, but still not so much going on.

As usual I am enjoying my time in Györ. The weather could be better, but I am amazed how lush the green is. Plant are growing everywhere. Beautiful. I guess together with the ever so slightly increased CO2 in the atmosphere the planet will become so much greener. Maybe one day we will have to punish buyers of electric cars because they inhibit plant growth. But I guess they will argue that all the electricity they used for charging was actually coming from coal fired power plants. 1f602.svg

As much as we are tied to Hungary (in a way), I am still uncertain wehther I would want to live here in the long run. However, on enever knows what life will bring.

The plants are all green because it's raining all the time.  It's really not normal.

There aren't that many native English speakers in Hungary - just a few thousand.  But of course, there are many thousands with English as a second or third language.  But not many of them come here.  The long term contributors here are usually foreigners with Hungarian partners.  Like Tom Jones said, "It's not unusual".

Electricity for electric cars became more expensive than fossil fuels.  At least in the UK. It became uneconomic to continue to drive them.  So people have begun swapping back to fossil fuel.  It kind of reminds me about government encouraging diesel cars but now has reversed the position and want to ban them.   They've lowered the value of perfectly good diesel cars that could be retrofitted with a particle filter.

I couldn't suggest anyone should choose Györ.  Bit of a nothing place. Like so many places in Hungary.   Budapest is far more the centre of the action but that's all there is really for action in Hungary.

I couldn't suggest anyone should choose Györ. Bit of a nothing place. Like so many places in Hungary.  Budapest is far more the centre of the action but that's all there is really for action in Hungary.

Well, wife's late dad was professor at Györ University and mum wouldn't want to move at over 80. I like Györ because in 2 hours we are at Keleti and in 1:19h we are at Vienna Hbf. The town centre is actually quite nice (we can walk there). But, I fully understand your point. I wouldn't choose to move to Györ unless for a good job at Audi or so. Györ is not as nice a Pecs, but Pecs and other larger towns are really away from everything.

I couldn't suggest anyone should choose Györ. Bit of a nothing place. Like so many places in Hungary. Budapest is far more the centre of the action but that's all there is really for action in Hungary.
Well, wife's late dad was professor at Györ University and mum wouldn't want to move at over 80. I like Györ because in 2 hours we are at Keleti and in 1:19h we are at Vienna Hbf. The town centre is actually quite nice (we can walk there). But, I fully understand your point. I wouldn't choose to move to Györ unless for a good job at Audi or so. Györ is not as nice a Pecs, but Pecs and other larger towns are really away from everything.

We did consider Sopron as it was Hungary and Vienna Airport was close.  It seemed easier than the others.  I mean Szombathely is next to the border but there's nothing there.  Airports are really important to me.

A lot of people bought houses in Pecs as it has an airport but I don't think any airline flies there now.  There's the Balaton-Heviz airport but only seasonal there, if it's still working.   Györ has an airport but no scheduled services. There are a few airports like that in Spain. All built but no flights.  UK had one of those too - ex-RAF base called Manston.  They tried to convert it to cargo but it didn't work and now it's used as truck parking for the Brexit queues at Dover. 

I've been on that train from Györ to Kelenfold (this is an interchange for us). It was fast, comfy and OK.  Only took an hour or so as you say.

One of my kids is in Györ today on a school trip.  Apparently it's raining.  It will be raining everywhere today.  Another day lost on my garden work.  Ground is just soaking wet.  Radar just shows rain, rain, rain. Boring!

Hello! Im looking for americans who moved to Hungary smile.png Would anyone be able to share their experience ?
-@Roy Douglas

Hi there,

You should open up a new post about details of living in Hungary.

It's a different experience depending on your situation .

Life style, age,if you know the language etc.

We had thought about the spa this week but the weather seems agaginst it.

Summers are so short here that if a warmer climate is impotant to you then Hungary wouldn't be the place.

My husband was born and raised in Budapest but with 40 years living in the US under his belt, he actually ikes the US lifestyle better then here.

We had our reasons for moving here but now am considering  a big change.

Weather being one factor.

Summers are so short here that if a warmer climate is impotant to you then Hungary wouldn't be the place.
My husband was born and raised in Budapest but with 40 years living in the US under his belt, he actually ikes the US lifestyle better then here.
We had our reasons for moving here but now am considering a big change.
Weather being one factor.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I can fully understand you. Our compromise was moving to Portugal and not to Hungary. This way we have pretty good weather and can still visit MIL three times a year. Weather is a huge factor. And by now we like to be close (but not too close) to the ocean. I just hope that the prices for flights stay as they are or even go down again. We never fly in the high season and do book in advance.

Good luck with your move to the US.

Hello! Im looking for americans who moved to Hungary smile.png Would anyone be able to share their experience ?
-@Roy Douglas
Hi there,
You should open up a new post about details of living in Hungary.
It's a different experience depending on your situation .
Life style, age,if you know the language etc.

We had thought about the spa this week but the weather seems agaginst it.
Summers are so short here that if a warmer climate is impotant to you then Hungary wouldn't be the place.
My husband was born and raised in Budapest but with 40 years living in the US under his belt, he actually ikes the US lifestyle better then here.
We had our reasons for moving here but now am considering a big change.
Weather being one factor.
-@Marilyn Tassy

The weather is an important factor to consider.    That and the horrible politics here. It's far too cold in the winter. I liked the crispiness at first but now it's worn a bit thin. 


hello and weather update  it is still raining here...

red is heat from t pacific water raising to formulate more rain clouds

interesting the photo icon image appeared here then disappeared from here so

Please bear with me i am learning what admin is doing to image uploads

testing image insert with photo icon

testing image insert with link chain icon

hello and weather update it is still raining here...
red is heat from t pacific water raising to formulate more rain clouds
interesting the photo icon image appeared here then disappeared from here so
Please bear with me i am learning what admin is doing to image uploads

testing image insert with photo icon

testing image insert with link chain icon

Looks like cyclone season further East.  Not unusual.  Typhoons 2 x year is normal in that region.

El Nino is going to appear this year. It will be even stranger weather.

El Nino is going to appear this year. It will be even stranger weather.

I read that. We had one when we were living in New Zealand. I have come to the conclusion that the climate has a habit of changing over time. And it can do that completely without human help. So we try to adjust accordingly. It is actually harder to adjust to human made energy prices than to natural climate change.

aonther rainy day and dak sky  here so spending time to understand why our web hosted

photo linked files are not displayed here ?

The web hosted photo link from your weather station does show a picture as was embedded above. So we went to your weather station supplier and saved one of their

web photo as  2.jpg file. Then we uploaded 2.jpg to our own web hosting server and

then used our own web server address inserted here using the photo picture icon

below tool selection... Ok this is our test only of your weather station photo we try

to display uploaded to our hosting server as 2.jpg



Have no idea why this weather photo is not here displayed

the picture uploaded to 000webhost the same technique as the picture of the above

weather station so losy in space here...   they are both jpg but are different i,age size

and larger than the GIF moving photo cartoon uploaded earlier title it is raining...

Any way best wishes to all we have continued cloudy sky here chance of drizzle but

always warm climate... We go to steam and sauna and swim today...   cheers

Have no idea why this weather photo is not here displayed

the picture uploaded to 000webhost the same technique as the picture of the above
weather station so losy in space here...  they are both jpg but are different i,age size
and larger than the GIF moving photo cartoon uploaded earlier title it is raining...

Any way best wishes to all we have continued cloudy sky here chance of drizzle but
always warm climate... We go to steam and sauna and swim today...  cheers

I can see an image embedded.  You won't see it until the page is rendered after you press the submit button.

It's a nice day today, quite warm but the usual problem is the variations.  This morning I was taking one of our kids to school and it was quite chilly. Like 16-17 C in the early morning, 24C at night. It's not really how June should be.  Hasn't stopped the plants growing.  Now I have to cut the grass.


Hello thanks for update yes can see the image so now it is possible to post photo

for important visual data

changing the subject about your back pain it is suggested you try one week inside

a very hot jacuzzi massage... It is incredible but true that the heat helps to relax

expand and adjust pulled bent twisted muscles and linagemt..  The atheleted have

used the hot jacuzzi therapy after active damage and also used T.E.N.S. electronic

nerve stimulators to reset adjust muscles....

Summers are so short here that if a warmer climate is impotant to you then Hungary wouldn't be the place.
My husband was born and raised in Budapest but with 40 years living in the US under his belt, he actually ikes the US lifestyle better then here.
We had our reasons for moving here but now am considering a big change.
Weather being one factor.
-@Marilyn Tassy
I can fully understand you. Our compromise was moving to Portugal and not to Hungary. This way we have pretty good weather and can still visit MIL three times a year. Weather is a huge factor. And by now we like to be close (but not too close) to the ocean. I just hope that the prices for flights stay as they are or even go down again. We never fly in the high season and do book in advance.

Good luck with your move to the US.

Not planning on moving home anytime too soon if ever.

I was considering it but for now no plans.

I never would be living in HUngary if my MIL didn't have us stay so long with her years ago. She was 80 ish and we used to come every 6 months and help her around her little farm/ ranch subbruban home. Not sure what to call a place the size of 2 lots with a garden and chickens, used to have a pig too.

Erd, what a city. Reminds me too much of where I grew up in Ca. Not part of greater LA but  not far enough away to be called country. Erd just close enough to Budapest but still out in the boonies.

Looks like it's slowly warming up this week.

I was ready to swim a few days back but the wind put me off.

My guess is hot weather is coming very soon.

@fluffy2560   Hello ,,,   this old couple is a bit confused here following and entering reply,,,

The two test photo above here that was inserted as a test using the photo link and the file chain link

are not displayed above as was intended....   Tried it again and you have also replied the second time was displayed but again it was inserted using exact same as the first time... Do not undrstand the protocal

of why the first attemp failed but the second attempt worked and using exact same upload steps../..

Soebody once stated couriosity killed the cat that has nine lives.. so for the next confusion here we posted a reply to Maryln right after her comment with streaming and using test edit copy and paste

etc,,,  the message has disapeared and then Maryln has replied here with a relocation topic not related

to her computer problem...

Perhaps you fluffy2560 can help Maryln get up to speed using her computer...   The message was

simple to upgrade the old 1700USD box she purchased... becaue only the mother board needs to be

replaced with under 100 USD HDMI 4GB Dram memory and a 30USD SSD 480GB disk,,,  These are

prices quoted today and can be lower because to use internet TV global streaming there is no need

for Hollywood advanced super computer hardware,,,  The suggestion was also to replace Windows

with the free Ubuntu Linux operating system that is free automated  looks like the old Windows

easy to use,,,   You fluffy2560 mentioned using python and a Rasberry subjects that show you have the

knowledge to make  Maryln  computer  operate more   simple better faster and at low upgrade costs

The target of your help with upgrade is the ability to use your voice to type and use your voice to

command the computer put the key board aside with mouse as the back up...    There is no better

proof then our example that we use on a Android mobile phone as is also available on Ubuntu Linux

test to voice and voice to text and voice to command using the microphone of the machine...

We use Microsoft Translator from Google Play Store... Download and to install use the three dot uper right icon to select global language download,,,  You have options to talk in any language and hear it translated and view the translation... It also translated text or as is a sign with foreign language

characters if and when you take a photo and click translate it,,,  Great tool for traveling and two

way translation but it does need internet data mobile or data wifi connections on the road

fluffy2560 the last article address to you was a reply about your back pain working in the garden... It was advised to use a hot jacuzzi massage for at leat a week and also investigate the TENS medical device

an electronic muscle nerve stimulator used by athletes to recover from injury....

Hope ytou can sort this all  out do not know why we are blocked and then scatered and then deleted

entering text trying to reply to this forum....     

Have a good day and so not raining today at our location off we go to the  spa


Yes, looks like spa time is just about here.

We don't enjoy going when it's even slightly windy.

I'm so underweight ATM that I don't dare chance a cold.

A few years back at the lake it was windy, we spent most of the day covered from head to toe trying to warm up after swimming. Wind burnt faces...

Yes, I have TENS machine, got it post knee surgery 9 years ago.

They used it on my knee at PT .I just bought one for home use. It was the same quailty as the professionals used here.

T me it is a bit ,"rinky-dink" but it does send a powerful electric charge if you turn it up high.

It'sd called,"Tensel" here in Hungary and we bought it at a small medical supply shop.

The shop has since moved but they are all over the city, they must all carry this machine.

We paid abut $50. 9 years ago for it.

@fluffy2560  Hello ,,,  this old couple is a bit confused here following and entering reply,,,
The two test photo above here that was inserted as a test using the photo link and the file chain link
are not displayed above as was intended....  Tried it again and you have also replied the second time was displayed but again it was inserted using exact same as the first time... Do not undrstand the protocal
of why the first attemp failed but the second attempt worked and using exact same upload steps../..
Perhaps you fluffy2560 can help Maryln get up to speed using her computer...  The message was
simple to upgrade the old 1700USD box she purchased... becaue only the mother board needs to be
replaced with under 100 USD HDMI 4GB Dram memory and a 30USD SSD 480GB disk,,, These are
prices quoted today and can be lower because to use internet TV global streaming there is no need
for Hollywood advanced super computer hardware,,, The suggestion was also to replace Windows
with the free Ubuntu Linux operating system that is free automated looks like the old Windows
easy to use,,,  You fluffy2560 mentioned using python and a Rasberry subjects that show you have the
knowledge to make Maryln computer operate more  simple better faster and at low upgrade costs

The target of your help with upgrade is the ability to use your voice to type and use your voice to
command the computer put the key board aside with mouse as the back up...  There is no better
proof then our example that we use on a Android mobile phone as is also available on Ubuntu Linux
test to voice and voice to text and voice to command using the microphone of the machine...

We use Microsoft Translator from Google Play Store... Download and to install use the three dot uper right icon to select global language download,,, You have options to talk in any language and hear it translated and view the translation... It also translated text or as is a sign with foreign language
characters if and when you take a photo and click translate it,,, Great tool for traveling and two
way translation but it does need internet data mobile or data wifi connections on the road


All that Ubuntu is too complicated for most users. I wouldn't advise anyone to use it except in a corporate or hobbyist environment.

It's uneconomic in many circumstances to upgrade. Easy wins are memory and an SSD if there's compatibility (usually possible in laptops). But even now the SSDs are changing format from 2.5" to various M2 formats.  It can be easier just to build another PC using another motherboard in the same box.  I hardly bother with that sort of rebuild now. I don't have time for it. It's easy to install a new SSD using a free disk cloner. Some of them work better than others.  What annoys me  is Microsoft's default layout  of partitions. It's nonsensical if you are swapping up to a larger capacity.  The partitions for recovery need to be at the beginning of the disk, not the end.  If it was the case, it's easier to extend the volume to full capacity.   Just a whinge.

I use Google Translate to deal with my garden builders. It's easily good enough for simple stuff. I have my own personal translators (Mrs Fluffy and the teenage Fluffyettes) but they have to be here and in the case of the teenagers, not in teenage funk mode.

When you press the submit button, the page is rendered and you see the image embedded in the post. If you use the link, it's just embedded in the page (so you can give a hyperlink reference). It works as expected. I wish the bullet pointed list had an option for numbers.

We should discuss these things at Absolutely Anything Else

Nice day today.  Already 23 C at 12 noon.  Slight breeze. Sunset 20.43h and sunrise 4.46h. We're not far away from the summer solstice. Our days can only get shorter.


Today the weather is cloudy but warm steady 28C... We just got home from sauna after a huge suprise experience... 

A short bald man opened the sauna door and entered holding a huge long towel.  Towel looked like

a python snake as the man started swinging the towel.   as a Indiana Jones  wip over his head, all the

smiling at all the  ladies inside the sauna...   This was a schoking experience because the short  bald man  looked like the Italian actor Danny Devito

Yes we are heading way off weather information  moving computers infor to your suggestion to answer

Maryln TENS and computer upgrades


Today the weather is cloudy but warm steady 28C... We just got home from sauna after a huge suprise experience...
A short bald man opened the sauna door and entered holding a huge long towel. Towel looked like
a python snake as the man started swinging the towel.  as a Indiana Jones wip over his head, all the
smiling at all the ladies inside the sauna...  This was a schoking experience because the short bald man looked like the Italian actor Danny Devito
Yes we are heading way off weather information moving computers infor to your suggestion to answer
Maryln TENS and computer upgrades

That is  hysteridcal!  I do hope you were not exposed to a free floor show!!

Yesterday we went to the spa, Had a blast as I usually do.

I swam so much my legs are weak today and I fell asleep really early last night.

Wore myself out.

I saw some silly women yesterday walk into the sauna with her infant! Not exactly the best thing for a tiny heart.

She was very ,"silly" before that, she had been dipping her baby in it's pamers diaper into the thermal bath which isn't for anyone under age 12 or so.

A few old ldaies yelled at her and she finally realized no one wanted a babies bottom being soaked where we were bathing.

The weather is heating up fast now.

When the lake water gets a bit warmer we will check it out too.

The spa wasn't overly busy but still had a crowd towards the afternoon.

It was great to go barefoot in the grass , enjoy the sun and get natural vitamin D.

All that Ubuntu is too complicated for most users. I wouldn't advise anyone to use it except in a corporate or hobbyist environment.


I wouldn't go that far. It really depends on what your needs are. If you only need software that is available for Linux then the change should be quite easy. Otherwise, forget it.

I have been working with Linux for many years (parallel with MS). One issue I have with MS is that W11 needs very new hardware, but my laptop (really top end over 10 years ago) is still good for my needs. So I am still using W7 and if that one day doesn't work anymore I might switch to Linux.

Really off topic I think, but we lived close to Heviz as permanend residents you can get a pass at a very low price. (I am sure these type of things are applicable in other locations as well, but of course Heviz has a good reputation and I have to say that is justified (even I hate swimming and I went 2x in 7 years, my wife with the pass went 2 or 3 x per week)

Even if we left Hungary, the Heviz Lake and other infra-structrue is excellent (this includes (for my wife) a Russian Church. Shops are not very polite, so we went to Keszthely for cigarettes and alcohol (easy to order 300 packages of Marlbore and lighters on top, Whisky easy to order (24 bottles at the time for a good price (and before you get a wrong impression for a few months), my wife went to Zalaegerszeg for shoes and clothes. My chess was in Keszthely, concerts and performances the same (Heviz is TOO commercial).

Within Heviz are no good restaurants (just my view), far too much focussed on tourists. Just outside there are some very good ones (you need a car or taxi though)

If interested you can ask.

Wine and meat through websites (home delivery), unfortunately most of the restaurants do not deliver (or bad, bad quality). Having said that SmokeyBurger (Kestzhely and Heviz) has good prices AND good quality.

Enough for now, for the moderator I have no commercial interests at all, but I give my 7 year experience for many topics.

All that Ubuntu is too complicated for most users. I wouldn't advise anyone to use it except in a corporate or hobbyist environment.

I wouldn't go that far. It really depends on what your needs are. If you only need software that is available for Linux then the change should be quite easy. Otherwise, forget it.

I have been working with Linux for many years (parallel with MS). One issue I have with MS is that W11 needs very new hardware, but my laptop (really top end over 10 years ago) is still good for my needs. So I am still using W7 and if that one day doesn't work anymore I might switch to Linux.

Linux needs the support of professionals in the field. One isn't going to leave it up to corporate users to decide how it's configured - security, user access control etc. Less risk etc. All needs configuring but with fewer tools than MS environments.   Kind of rules for Windows users are harder in Linux.  Individual home users with an interest will be OK as they'll accept its idiosyncrasies. Windows is pretty much universal as it will be on every home user's laptop - what they are familiar with etc.  Linux file sharing will be OK but MS is moving everyone and everything online. 

BTW, you can upgrade to W10 easily enough (and for free from W7). Then at least you'd get the latest updates and not be at EOL (End of Life).

In theory, there's a W11 workaround for non-compliant machines but I tried it and I couldn't get it to work. I didn't try very hard.  I just wanted to see if it was workable without too much faffing around.

I have one machine on W11 and I cannot recommend it.  W11 dumbs everything down so much, and pushes all onto social media, it's like they expect users to have only one brain cell.

And here in the south of Italy, it's blistering hot. Like 30C and brutal in the sun. You need a hat, sunglasses and SPF 50+. Only mad dogs, Englishmen and the Fluffy family go out in the midday sun.

I was ready for walking the dog and suddenly it's started raining and the temperature has dropped from mid-20s to only 20C and cloudy.  It's good for the plants but not good for the dog or me.

It must be global warming.

We're down at Balaton and it's been brutally hot these past days.  Well into the mid-30s and the water really warm. 

We had a very violent thunderstorm last night and bits of trees fell off and the rain was torrential.   

Today it's gone back a bit to the mid-20s.  It should climb back up to the early 30s by the weekend. 

The dog really was suffering so we took her to the dog beach to cool off.  She had other plans involving doggy friends rather than swimming.

I hear weather has been even more brutal elsewhere in Europe with  over 48C in Sicily.   

I can remember those hot summers at the Balaton in those times when there was no AC (not even in my car). Piping hot waiting for the ferry at Tihany. Those were the days.

I can remember those hot summers at the Balaton in those times when there was no AC (not even in my car). Piping hot waiting for the ferry at Tihany. Those were the days.

It's been really hot.  We don't have airco in the house here, just fans.  It's an old place so quite cool where the sun doesn't reach - thick stone walls.   

You could probably walk across to Tihany some years. But the water is reasonably high this year. 

There was a year a while back where there was hardly any water - to get depth you had to walk about 1km out. Some political moron had limited the inflows.

Mrs F was telling me the hotels are all empty.  OVs friends have overdeveloped the lake in places with building work. But with people short of money, there are far fewer people than there usually are.  I think there's perhaps 50-60% fewer people than the same time last year.  The cafes are empty and we see signs for holiday rentals up in a few places.