Today's Weather

Mrs F was telling me the hotels are all empty. OVs friends have overdeveloped the lake in places with building work. But with people short of money, there are far fewer people than there usually are. I think there's perhaps 50-60% fewer people than the same time last year. The cafes are empty and we see signs for holiday rentals up in a few places.

The hotels are pretty expensive, I find. OK, summer is expensive everywhere (which is why I don't travel July or August), but I guess the whole Balaton area is pretty steep compared to other places. Surprisingly, the emptiness of the hotels has not done a thing about the prices. Fortunately many Hungarians I know have beautiful holiday homes close to the lake and are not reliant on hotels.

Still, I think holidays at Balaton are relaxing and very nice.

Mrs F was telling me the hotels are all empty. OVs friends have overdeveloped the lake in places with building work. But with people short of money, there are far fewer people than there usually are. I think there's perhaps 50-60% fewer people than the same time last year. The cafes are empty and we see signs for holiday rentals up in a few places.
The hotels are pretty expensive, I find. OK, summer is expensive everywhere (which is why I don't travel July or August), but I guess the whole Balaton area is pretty steep compared to other places. Surprisingly, the emptiness of the hotels has not done a thing about the prices. Fortunately many Hungarians I know have beautiful holiday homes close to the lake and are not reliant on hotels.

Still, I think holidays at Balaton are relaxing and very nice.

There are some large out of character developments in Balaton now, including a large luxury apartment complex next to the Zantod-Tihany ferry terminal. There are several of these and I'd call it over development. It's like something you'd see in Spain on the Costa Brava. They could have made it into a "green resort" instead of a concrete and glass monster putting pressure on local services - power/water/sewage etc.  It wouldn't have got permission to be built without OV cronies. Protected areas are generally no longer protected if OV connected.

We also have a historic holiday home shared with Mrs Fluffy's wider family. I wouldn't call it beautiful - more like glamping in a building and garden. Obviously we don't use hotels but we do use the cafes, ice cream shops and rarely restaurants. We know some of these owners of businesses and they say business is down (we're not seeing so many people - as I said, maybe 1/2 of the expected numbers). It will be having knock on effects in the local economy. Apparently the bureaucracy is increasing as the authorities try and make the pips squeak some more. People wonder if it's worth continuing.

We'll be back for a 2nd week in August. Maybe it'll be busier then.

Just in...

An Opinio survey commissioned by Euronews revealed that 41% of Hungarians are not planning a holiday this year. Others are finding alternative solutions to avoid rising costs.

I wasn't far off saying it was 50% or so down.  I was judging by the numbers in the lake splashing around.  We were walking the dog to the ice cream shop and it was a lot busier tonight (so maybe the weekend will be more normal).

We went to Lake Lupa yesterday.

Thought it would be packed on a Sat. as hot as it has been.

No, hardly anyone. We arrived at just before 10 am and perhaps 4 people in the water.

Had our pick of shadey spots to sit.

By 4:30 it was starting to get busier but they had a half marathon happening.

Who in their right minds would wish to run in a heat wave?

We always go to the ,"cheap seats" the other half of the lake has prices I believe are 6,000 per head to enter.

The reasonable priced beach is fine with us, just a nice place to chill out and swim my brains out.

My husband walked around after he swam across the lake to the far side. A vendor was selling hamburgers for 3,500! I wonder if they charged extra for a side of mayo?

It smelled good with the grill smoke in the air but I never eat lunch these days.

No temptation to blow the budget on a couple of burgers.

They seem to be pricing themsevles out of businesss.Most people I saw had brought their own lunch with them.

At the spa/pool the lines are very short for food and drinks.

In the old days the lines were a mile long when people could afford to treat themselves.

The spa seems to attract allot of tourits who think Hungary is a bargin still. Those are probably the few standing in line for food and drinks.

Years ago an old childhod friend of my husband's had interest in the food vendors at Lake Velence.

He built a couple of stores there, has a building material yard and a bar with small grocery store. Had those busineeses there for decades now.

We haven't spoken with him in years but it would be interesting to know how things went last year when the lake was so low and closed in many areas. Or was that the year beforehand?

All I know is it was so low and mucky that we have decided to not bother going there again.

I'd bet some of the vendors were driven away for good with just one or two bad seasons.

The spa prices to enter have gotten higher this year as well.

I figured out if we go 2 or 3 times per week by August it could add up to several hundred dollars just to take a dip in some water.

Makes me miss Las Vegas with a pool in every complex and a beautiful 17 lane lap pool, in a comunnity center, kiddie pool with water slide outdoors, showers and more lifeguards then one could count all for the price of $1. per day! $25. for a 3 month pass!

I have no idea why Hungary doesn't build more pools in districts. There is plenty of ground water.

Comes down too greed is all. I know the casinos in Vegas give back allot to the city. They build hospitals, community centers and have allot of charity centers.

We went to Lake Lupa yesterday.

We always go to the ,"cheap seats" the other half of the lake has prices I believe are 6,000 per head to enter.
The reasonable priced beach is fine with us, just a nice place to chill out and swim my brains out.
My husband walked around after he swam across the lake to the far side. A vendor was selling hamburgers for 3,500! I wonder if they charged extra for a side of mayo?

-@Marilyn Tassy

Those prices for getting access to a little lake are ridiculously high for Hungary. How much does one have to pay for access to the bathes in Buda? That must be even higher. The HUF 3,500 for a hamburger were for a complete meal or just for the burger? If so, then I understand why people take something to eat and drink from home.

We went to Lake Lupa yesterday.
Thought it would be packed on a Sat. as hot as it has been.
No, hardly anyone. We arrived at just before 10 am and perhaps 4 people in the water.
Had our pick of shadey spots to sit.
By 4:30 it was starting to get busier but they had a half marathon happening.
Who in their right minds would wish to run in a heat wave?
We always go to the ,"cheap seats" the other half of the lake has prices I believe are 6,000 per head to enter.
The reasonable priced beach is fine with us, just a nice place to chill out and swim my brains out.
My husband walked around after he swam across the lake to the far side. A vendor was selling hamburgers for 3,500! I wonder if they charged extra for a side of mayo?
It smelled good with the grill smoke in the air but I never eat lunch these days.
No temptation to blow the budget on a couple of burgers.
They seem to be pricing themsevles out of businesss.Most people I saw had brought their own lunch with them.
At the spa/pool the lines are very short for food and drinks.
In the old days the lines were a mile long when people could afford to treat themselves.
The spa seems to attract allot of tourits who think Hungary is a bargin still. Those are probably the few standing in line for food and drinks.
Years ago an old childhod friend of my husband's had interest in the food vendors at Lake Velence.
He built a couple of stores there, has a building material yard and a bar with small grocery store. Had those busineeses there for decades now.
We haven't spoken with him in years but it would be interesting to know how things went last year when the lake was so low and closed in many areas. Or was that the year beforehand?
All I know is it was so low and mucky that we have decided to not bother going there again.
I'd bet some of the vendors were driven away for good with just one or two bad seasons.
The spa prices to enter have gotten higher this year as well.
I figured out if we go 2 or 3 times per week by August it could add up to several hundred dollars just to take a dip in some water.
Makes me miss Las Vegas with a pool in every complex and a beautiful 17 lane lap pool, in a comunnity center, kiddie pool with water slide outdoors, showers and more lifeguards then one could count all for the price of $1. per day! $25. for a 3 month pass!
I have no idea why Hungary doesn't build more pools in districts. There is plenty of ground water.
Comes down too greed is all. I know the casinos in Vegas give back allot to the city. They build hospitals, community centers and have allot of charity centers.
-@Marilyn Tassy

That pricing is a lack of imagination in marketing skills and smacks of desparation.  The small number of customers have to pay more and more so even fewer customers turn up. 6K HUF seems far too much.  Imagine a family of 4 going and paying full price.  No change out of EUR 60.  In these hard times, people prefer something else.   Not only do people  visiting lakes etc take picnics with them and not buy things when they get there, I've seen an upswing in people bring sandwiches to the airport.   I do it myself now.  If they let us take drinks I'd do that too.  Now I take an empty bottle and fill with water at the water fountain (if you can find one - there's only one I know about at T2 airside).

We don't go to Velence any more.  Last time was before COVID.   The quality of the water was terrible then - it was very muddy.  And there was a lot of rubbish on the beach including some dead fish.   Since the pandemic is under control, I expect it's regenerated somewhat as the number of visitors declined and the lake bounced back.  But still no desire to go there.

There's another lake called Szelidi-tó which Mrs F mentioned.  It's rather a long way from Budapest though.  Interesting alternative to Balaton though if you have a car.

We got back from Balaton last night.  The traffic was appalling.  We set off really late thinking we'd miss it but at almost midnight we were stuck in a jam.  It always starts where the North Balaton traffic joins the South Balaton traffic at about km 85, then dissipates around km 65 (Szekesfehervar).  Didn't anyone do any traffic modelling?   If they made an alternative autopalya route up towards Gyor, then it wouldn't be stop-start for all that distance.   Totally overloaded. 

We went to Lake Lupa yesterday.

We always go to the ,"cheap seats" the other half of the lake has prices I believe are 6,000 per head to enter.
The reasonable priced beach is fine with us, just a nice place to chill out and swim my brains out.
My husband walked around after he swam across the lake to the far side. A vendor was selling hamburgers for 3,500! I wonder if they charged extra for a side of mayo?

-@Marilyn Tassy
Those prices for getting access to a little lake are ridiculously high for Hungary. How much does one have to pay for access to the bathes in Buda? That must be even higher. The HUF 3,500 for a hamburger were for a complete meal or just for the burger? If so, then I understand why people take something to eat and drink from home.

The last I checked online ,Szechenyi in the city park was 39 Euros a person!

Last time I was there was 4 years ago when my cousin from the US and his wife visited us.

Was about $25. a person then and super crowded where it wasn't much fun to me.

I just like swimming laps, get super bored just sitting in hot water, done enough of that in my lifetime!!

We get a slight, a very slight discount at the spas for being over 65 .

Lake Lupa works for me because it's not a long drive away and not packed with tourists.

Paid only 2,000 per head on the weekend and 1,500 per day for parking. 5,500 for the day.

Still , not exactly $1. per day like in Vegas with well maintaned pools.

I hung at a few casino pools when family came to town.

I couldn't believe how shallow they are, 5 feet or so?

I suppose since the serve drinks in the pools they don't want any drownings.

We know a HU couple here, known them forever since everyone were teenagers. Long tale but the man used to be on the Hungarian water polo team in his youth.

His wife doens't know how to swim and he hates swimming.

I find that odd.

His wife also doesn't know how to drive a car yet she is a strong minded intelligent person.

Strange how he has her under control with the driving issue.

She never drove in Ca. either, not sure how she could stand that in Ca.

We sometimes go to Palintinus spa and pay 7,500 fr the day with senior discount.

Used to go all the time to Paskal spa/pool.

There main pool gets to crowded these days and they close off lanes for swimmclasses which makes it even more crowded in the lap lanes.

The first time we ever went to Paskal was one of the sadest days ever at a pool.

An 8 year old girl drown. She was in a summer camp and somene defo dropped the ball and wasnt watching her.

The lifeguards here in Hungary would last a day in the US, they'd all be fired.

@Marilyn Tassy Thinking about it, the Hungarian tax system (low income tax, high VAT) might make costs look higher than they really are. A bit like I remember Dubai, which was expensive going out and grocery shopping, but we didn't pay Income Tax or VAT.

Reading your posts makes us feel lucky. Our apartment block has a pool and we live 30 minutes by car from the Atlantic with several free beaches. For a coffee at a cafe we still pay 0.7 to 1.2 EUR and a beer is usually below 2 EUR. Yesterday in Lisbon we paid 4 EUR for two coffees and a croissant. Still, we usually take some own food or drinks with us, just to be free and without the need to buy anything.

Sounds sweet.

I feel in my bones that sooner or later we will be back in Hawaii for good.

I'm ready really.

Just a 6 hour flight away from Japan too

Sounds sweet.
I feel in my bnes that soner or later we will be back in Hawaii for good.
I'm ready really.
Just a 6 hour flight away from Japan too
-@Marilyn Tassy

Good for you if you ca afford to do that. It must be very beautiful. I visited other Pacific Islands (French Polynesia, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia) when living in NZ. We really liked the vibe. But with mum living in Hungary, Portugal is good enough and not such a long flight away.

Sounds sweet.
I feel in my bnes that soner or later we will be back in Hawaii for good.
I'm ready really.
Just a 6 hour flight away from Japan too
-@Marilyn Tassy
Good for you if you ca afford to do that. It must be very beautiful. I visited other Pacific Islands (French Polynesia, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia) when living in NZ. We really liked the vibe. But with mum living in Hungary, Portugal is good enough and not such a long flight away.

Well if I believe most people will kick it by the time they are 70 or so, I'm good to go and then some.

No, money never stopped us from doing anything we wanted to do.

There is always a way, even if it's not 5 star.

Moved to Maui when I was 20. 7 months pregnant, my husband still had a broken arm and we had no real income at all.

Just a part-time job he had and a room mate.

In a better situation now, we can always find part-time work or become a burden on the state!

No one has to play victim, there is always a way.

Spent nearly all our cash on hand buying this flat in Budapest years ago after living here n savings for over 18 months.

A bit of hard work and good to go again.

Of curse as one ages one hopes to not work again but then again why not if you need or wish to?

If one is willing to work and make adjustments there is never any real problems.

Having expectations to fit in with others or impress others is the thing that holds most people back.

Trade winds daily and never really hotter then 80F is rather nice but even Hawaii has it's issues and humid days.

In Hawaii I believe it's 180 days of living there and you are considered a Kama aina, a local person of the land.

Our son was born there so he is a Kama ania from birth as far as I know.

That helps allot with social programs like Hawaii health insurnace, different then your mainland health care coverage.

I love Europe but as an American citizen, Europe doesn't love me much.

At least in Hawaii it's the best of all worlds, not like mainland USA and not really like anywhere else either.

I think I'm old enough now to aprreciate the quiet and peace offered there.

We went to Lake Lupa yesterday.

We always go to the ,"cheap seats" the other half of the lake has prices I believe are 6,000 per head to enter.
The reasonable priced beach is fine with us, just a nice place to chill out and swim my brains out.
My husband walked around after he swam across the lake to the far side. A vendor was selling hamburgers for 3,500! I wonder if they charged extra for a side of mayo?

-@Marilyn Tassy
Those prices for getting access to a little lake are ridiculously high for Hungary. How much does one have to pay for access to the bathes in Buda? That must be even higher. The HUF 3,500 for a hamburger were for a complete meal or just for the burger? If so, then I understand why people take something to eat and drink from home.

IDK, think just the burger, defo not a Happy Meal!

It's raining at Fluffy HQ.   We really need it.  The rain will, I hope, fill up my water barrel.  Looks like only about 2mm worth.  We need a solid downpour.

I was trying to get some weeds out of our "lawn" and the ground was so hard it was impossible to dig so I gave up.  The weeds in question are called crabgrass I believe.  Horrible stuff.   The rain might soften things up.

It's a lot cooler, 25C and almost no wind.  More rain is expected at the weekend.

I received a weather warning this morning (yesterday was windy, rain overnight but still 26C this morning at 08h):

Hungary: Authorities issue Red-level Thunderstorm Warnings in southern, eastern areas

As of 25 July 2023 authorities have issued Red-level Thunderstorm Warnings throughout southern and eastern areas. High wind, hail and lightning is forecast to impact the areas and may result in disruptions. Overland travel and utility disruptions are possible due to downed trees. Orange-level Thunderstorm Warnings are in place in all areas elsewhere nationwide.

We were meant to have a thunderstorm last night, had a little rumble and a few drops of rain. It was 37°C. This morning we have a proper Thunderstorm and its now 22°C for the day.

We were meant to have a thunderstorm last night, had a little rumble and a few drops of rain. It was 37°C. This morning we have a proper Thunderstorm and its now 22°C for the day.

Maybe it's on the way here from AT. Since I posted this morning, it's clouded over and gone dark and the temperature has dropped a couple of degrees.  I've just heard some thunder.

Like AT, past couple of days have been brutally hot so we were bound to get hit with stormy weather sometime. Yesterday, it was like 36C showing on the car.

I was planning on weeding the lawn but that'll have to be put off for a bit if the rain arrives. We have new grass from seed but it seems to be infested with a kind of crabgrass. It's the bane of lawns.

We always have power cuts when its stormy.  Then I have to go around resetting the clocks on the domestic appliances and trying to get the Internet back.

The ground was like a rock so hopefully the rain will soften it up for you. We have already had some local fires and BBQs, and smoking banned in public areas. So the rain is very welcomed.

The ground was like a rock so hopefully the rain will soften it up for you. We have already had some local fires and BBQs, and smoking banned in public areas. So the rain is very welcomed.

It was indeed very hard - like concrete.  If it dries out a bit on top, then I can get the digging tools in.

That crabgrass is just such a nuisance. It's prolific and hard to kill.   Apparently the seeds can be used to make flour. thanks, I'll stick to the usual!

Sky is clearing a bit and the dump but the temperature is way down.  Only 19C now.   We had 5.8mm of rain according to the Fluffy Towers rain gauge.  UV is up and there's a bit of a breeze now.  Not got the airco on, just fans. Still very warm inside though.

Balaton (southside, near Balatonfoldvar):

It's very  nice and sunny with a slight breeze.  Not that warm as it has been, maybe 26C. 

The lake water is much colder than it has been. 

Sunday forecasts are for 30C. This might be the last weekend for decent Balaton swimming before it's not warm enough. In any case, the season will be over mostly by the last weekend of August.

Conflict though with England vs Spain cup final at 12h CET.

We went to lake Lupa on Sunday.

The water had really cooled down after those past cooler weeks we had.

Still was nice.

Yesterday we went to a spa.

It was iffy weather in the morning but we went anyways.

Swam for a full hour  ( like a child from lap pool to hot water to adventure pool to having the entire wave pool to myslef for a good 20  mins. )and relaxed waiting for the sun to come out so I could swim some more.

The water is fine but getting out in the wind is hard .

I forgot to bring an extra swim to change into so I wouldn't be chilled.

Waited and waited, husband finally did a few laps then we left around 3:30.

Once we were nearly home it started to rain.

I hope we can have another go or two at the lake and spa before the season is over with.

Been a bit of a strange summer, not as hot as I remember it being.

Don't forget on Sunday 20th, 21h.

Fireworks along the Danube for National Day.

Parking will be atrocious so probably best to use public transport.

We went to lake Lupa on Sunday.
The water had really cooled down after those past cooler weeks we had.
Still was nice.
Yesterday we went to a spa.
It was iffy weather in the orning but we went anyways.
Swam foor a full hour and relaxed waiting for the sun to cme out so I could swim so more.
The watr is fine but getting out in the wind is hard .
I forgot to bring an extra swim to change into s I wojldn't be chilled.
Waited and waited, husband finally did a few laps then we left around 3:30.
Once we were nearly home it started to rain.
I hope we can have another go or two at the lake and spa befre the season is over with.
Been a bit of a strange summer, not as hot as I remember it being.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Have you thought about getting a "surf poncho"?

I think these things are really good for the beach.

Surf poncho here - click (other surf ponchos are available)

We went to lake Lupa on Sunday.
The water had really cooled down after those past cooler weeks we had.
Still was nice.
Yesterday we went to a spa.
It was iffy weather in the orning but we went anyways.
Swam foor a full hour and relaxed waiting for the sun to cme out so I could swim so more.
The watr is fine but getting out in the wind is hard .
I forgot to bring an extra swim to change into s I wojldn't be chilled.
Waited and waited, husband finally did a few laps then we left around 3:30.
Once we were nearly home it started to rain.
I hope we can have another go or two at the lake and spa befre the season is over with.
Been a bit of a strange summer, not as hot as I remember it being.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Have you thought about getting a "surf poncho"?

I think these things are really good for the beach.

Surf poncho here - click (other surf ponchos are available)

Oh, no, that looks to much like a Moo- Moo!

Oh, no, that looks to much like a Moo- Moo!
-@Marilyn Tassy

Mrs F calls mine a Moo-Moo.  I prefer surf poncho!

My eldest daughter put me on to them as she uses hers when she goes diving or kayaking. They are a great idea for little kids. 

Anyway, I got one and  I'm using mine to slum about in Balaton. I don't actually use it at the beach because I'm now wearing a thin surf/wet suit for paddle boarding and swimming.  It reckon it's too cold without it! 

When I come out of the water, I just get on my bike and cycle back. Takes 5m.  No need to hang about.

I may look into a surf ponho for next season.

Today is not exactly a great day for swimming.

Hope tomorrow will warm up like it's reported to do.

Think the lake we like closes after the 20th.

Lots of concerts happening today around the city.

Might check some out even in the rain.

I may look into a surf ponho for next season.
Today is not exactly a great day for swimming.
Hope tomorrow will warm up like it's reported to do.
Think the lake we like closes after the 20th.
Lots of concerts happening today around the city.
Might check some out even in the rain.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Down here at Balaton, it was raining in a drizzle this morning.  Maybe about 23C and cloudy.   Supposedly it will be 30C and sunny this afternoon.  I could do some paddle boarding maybe. Believe it when I see it.  Tomorrow is supposed to be really warm but we're going home as we've got stuff to do.  It's only a week and a bit before school starts again. 

I did manage to do some cycling yesterday on a circuit. It was  20km.   Only my right knee hurting a bit. I always try and do a route which is a circuit so there's changing scenery.  I went from the Mrs F holiday house to Szantod, took the Komp (ferry) to Tihany, cycled to Balatonfured (tad over 20km), then on the boat to Siofok (takes 55 mins), then planned to cycle back to the holiday house.  However on arrival in Siofok, it was absolutely raining, bit of rumbling thunder and I didn't have any worthwhile wet weather clothing.   

So I decided to cut my losses and take the train back.   First time I've ever taken a bike on a HU train.  Very awkward to get the bike onto the train (older style) but manageable with a little help.  If someone was disabled or unable to lift a bike, they'd never be able to get on or off the train.   I noticed some people struggling but other passengers kind enough to assist.

First time I've ever taken a bike on a HU train. Very awkward to get the bike onto the train (older style) but manageable with a little help. If someone was disabled or unable to lift a bike, they'd never be able to get on or off the train.

From the USA. Where ADA (Americans with Disablities Act) was the norm, I was shocked about how incredably inacessible trains were in Europe, in general, for the disabled. Or for people with bikes.... :-)

Side note: My comment has nothing to do with local weather.... :-)

First time I've ever taken a bike on a HU train. Very awkward to get the bike onto the train (older style) but manageable with a little help. If someone was disabled or unable to lift a bike, they'd never be able to get on or off the train.

From the USA. Where ADA (Americans with Disablities Act) was the norm, I was shocked about how incredibly inacessible trains were in Europe, in general, for the disabled. Or for people with bikes.... :-)

Side note: My comment has nothing to do with local weather.... :-)
-@Saint Coemgen

It's hot again.  It's only just pas 9am and already the FWS shows 31C.   

Yes indeed, the ADA is good to have.  Other countries have the same kind of legislation but it seems like Hungary didn't get the memo.  The newer trains have low floors.  On BKK/BKV buses, the timetable is marked with "low floor" bus types so one knows which bus is more accessible.

Of course there are hidden disabilities like deafness or autism or even diabetes etc.  If have a hidden disability and you go to the airports in the UK, and are in need of assistance, they give you a lanyard with sunflowers on it (if I remember correctly).   That's so staff (and others) know that person has a disability. 

p.s. all you need do to make it weather worthy is say how hot/cold/cloudy/windy it is.  But  you know that!

First time I've ever taken a bike on a HU train. Very awkward to get the bike onto the train (older style) but manageable with a little help. If someone was disabled or unable to lift a bike, they'd never be able to get on or off the train.

From the USA. Where ADA (Americans with Disablities Act) was the norm, I was shocked about how incredibly inacessible trains were in Europe, in general, for the disabled. Or for people with bikes.... :-)

Side note: My comment has nothing to do with local weather.... :-)
-@Saint Coemgen

It's hot again. It's only just pas 9am and already the FWS shows 31C. 

Yes indeed, the ADA is good to have. Other countries have the same kind of legislation but it seems like Hungary didn't get the memo. The newer trains have low floors. On BKK/BKV buses, the timetable is marked with "low floor" bus types so one knows which bus is more accessible.

Of course there are hidden disabilities like deafness or autism or even diabetes etc. If have a hidden disability and you go to the airports in the UK, and are in need of assistance, they give you a lanyard with sunflowers on it (if I remember correctly).  That's so staff (and others) know that person has a disability.

p.s. all you need do to make it weather worthy is say how hot/cold/cloudy/windy it is. But you know that!

Disabled people have it hard and even with all they do to try to help them, they still have issues.

My friend in AZ and her husband took a mini-vacation to Flagstaff AZ. She had to meet up with a hand surgeon there so they made a 4 day trip out of it. saw some meter-crater and other things.

Not my thing to drive to see a big hole in the ground but to each their own.

They stayed at a Best Western hotel/motel.

Not cheap considering it was in Flagstaff in the deseert.

$150. per night.

She thought it would be at least 4 star.

No way, she said it was a dump.

Biggest issue she had was using their toilet.

It was too low for a handicapped person although they put in hand rails.

She couldn't understand why they didn't have a riser seat. I think that's a bit of a personal item and wouldn't even think of a hotel providing that.

Seems she isn't ever happy with any facilities they have for handicapped people. She always finds something wrong with them. Ramps are never right, parking isn't ever right.

so many issues that she hates leaving her home.

Handicapped washrooms aren't clean enough, toilet seat too low etc.

I get it, I used crutches several times in my life and it's not easy.

I feel bad for her really.

She paid to see Italy about a decade ago, brought her MIL to help her get by.

Decided to end her vacation in Italy early because it was too difficult to get around in an old city.

The hand doc was a waste of time. He wants to do major surgery on her wrist and play around with tissues in her hand. Fine for a healthy person but she can't do it because she uses a cathader and needs her hand for it. How can she trasfer from wheelchair to bed or WC without use of a hand? Not easy.

So sad, she was super sporty when we were teens.

Yes, the heat is back and then some.

Going to be toasty for a few more days at least.

Brutal weather continues.....

30C on the FWS, very high  UV at 6, moderate humidity, slight breeze NNW 2.4 m/s, sunrise 05.51h sunset 19.41h.

Looks like next week will be much cooler.  Our plants don't look good in this heat.

BTW, we're losing 2 mins of daylight a day.

Disabled people have it hard and even with all they do to try to help them, they still have issues.
My friend in AZ and her husband took a mini-vacation to Flagstaff AZ. She had to meet up with a hand surgeon there so they made a 4 day trip out of it. saw some meter-crater and other things.
Not my thing to drive to see a big hole in the ground but to each their own.
They stayed at a Best Western hotel/motel.
Not cheap considering it was in Flagstaff in the desert.
$150. per night.
She thought it would be at least 4 star.
No way, she said it was a dump.
Biggest issue she had was using their toilet.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I stayed in a Best Western somewhere in the USA (might have been SF) and when we arrived at the room, I idly flushed to toilet to just give it an extra clean and it flooded the room!  Needless to say, we were given another room pronto.  I cannot fault their speed of service but  you'd think they would have tested it during their house cleaning/housekeeping routines.   

I've been in a few hotels over there and generally the rooms have been tacky, "overworked" and not well maintained.  What got me is they didn't vacuum up to the edges of the carpet and there was like a black line around the edges.   I think that was in LV where I noticed it the most.  They really needed a professional carpet cleaner or replace all the flooring with wood or tiles.   

@nz7521137 Balaton can be beautiful to look at, however when coming first to Balaton (for swimming it is dirty (and I still think it is dirty). Yes we like to have a walk (in the Keszthely area), and yes there are beaches (for some you have to pay), but swimming again was not in our mind.

We lived around 8 km away from Balaton lake (and 1.5 from Heviz Lake). East decision I bring my wife to the Heviz Lake (deep enough, clean and open all year around (and cheap (if you are a resident))

Bottom line, surroundings of Balaton is good gor a bit of sightseeing, not for swimming.

Another Orange warning today. 33°C

Tuesday was worse as it felt like 40°C. Was not fun on the train which was one of the old ones they are slowly getting rid of. No A/C.

Another Orange warning today. 33°C
Tuesday was worse as it felt like 40°C. Was not fun on the train which was one of the old ones they are slowly getting rid of. No A/C.

Sounds like the same kind of train I was in with my bike. No AC and all the windows open. You couldn't hear a thing with the wind banging or more specifically that throbbing you get.   

We've got AC at home and we hardly used it until this year.  Now we use it all the time. It'd be impossible to sleep without it. Only thing is we have this "electricity saver" deal with the power company and we cannot use it 0800-1000h and 1600-1800h.  Bit rubbish but in one week and it'll all be over.

I was in the garden earlier and it's just impossible to do anything unless you're in the shade. All our plants are wilting. I had to come in.    Have to wait until 20h to do some gardening.

We're all complaining but we'll miss it when it's gone!

Another day under the heat dome cum grille.  We'll being slowly baked.

It's only 12 lunchtime and it's 30C again.  UV high at 4.4.   Low humidity at about 50-60%. Sunrise 05.55h, sunset is now at 19.35h.  Slight breeze to the SSW.

The dog doesn't like this weather at all.  She's become very clingy but I am wondering if something else is wrong with her.  We've been trying to keep her in the shade, provide plenty of water etc.  The cat seems unaffected.   Might take the dog walkies when the sun starts to go down.

@nz7521137 I just recall that locals (around Balaton) complained (just a few years ago and admittedly in the Corona period) about the rich people of Budapest.

Yes I lived close to Balaton, but I do not like Balaton at all (me and my wife walked there from time to time though (nice birds, nice old buildings (Kesztehly), ..) but only very early morning somewhere between 6.00 and 8.00 AM

Still I love Hungary, people are friendly and also flexible (not so much in shops directly, but indirectly they can). I have GOOD memories

Where I now live is very, very different, other pluses, but also minuses. One thing is for certain (and important for me) cigarettes are much, much cheaper (with three packages per day it makes a difference).

@cdw057 As for weather it is also hot at night, in Hungary it goes down.

@nz7521137 Balaton can be beautiful to look at, however when coming first to Balaton (for swimming it is dirty (and I still think it is dirty). Yes we like to have a walk (in the Keszthely area), and yes there are beaches (for some you have to pay), but swimming again was not in our mind.
We lived around 8 km away from Balaton lake (and 1.5 from Heviz Lake). East decision I bring my wife to the Heviz Lake (deep enough, clean and open all year around (and cheap (if you are a resident))
Bottom line, surroundings of Balaton is good gor a bit of sightseeing, not for swimming.

I do protest.

I will admit I haven't been to Balaton for the past 2 summers .

In the past I've never thought it as being dirty.

In fact the HU gov. did water testing and it was suppose to be safe to drink.

Lake Velence has had issues lately.

Perhaps every sort of source of water is a bit contaminated even the natural pools that form by the ocean.

I know some areas before the volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii had properties with a natural ocean pool.

We used to visit the hot pond there often , that's all gone now...

No matter, I'd swim in Balaton any day.

One thing my husband feels Icky about is sitting in hot thermal water with other people.

All that dead skin floating around, yikes!

The first time I swam in Hevis was very differnt, not like a tourist spot of now days.

I suppose it was sometime in early Oct when my in-laws took us there.

It was already fall time and no one at all was there that we could see.

We had a cabin for our things and for my MIL to hold our 2 year old son for a nap while I got to enjoy the water.

Water lillies floating everywhere, fog on the water( As apposed to smoke on the water!)

I was just cruising around in the middle of the lake when out of the fog a lifeguard appears into view.

He was about 79 years old, wearing a suit and tie rowing a old wooden boat with a red cross painted on the side.

( This was 1978)

He looked more like death then a lifeguard!

Anyways he told us to be careful that the water was 90 meters deep or so.

After that I sort of got creeped out thinking what if...

Tip of the day.... I've heard that the more chlorine one smells the more it's something else...

The chlorine reacts with number uno and produces a strong chemical odor!

Not 100% sure that's true or not but food for thought.

My eldest sister told us when we were very small that if you pee in the pool it will release a blue color in the water.

I think that's a fib but did make us think twice about what what probably 99% of the public does.

It was just a detourant to us kiddies using the pool as a toilet.

What is that one saying, "we don't swim in your toilet, don't pee in our pool."

I avoid the ,"family pool" when I go to the spa just to play it safe.

@cdw057 As for weather it is also hot at night, in Hungary it goes down.

It does go down but it hasn't been going down that much for what seems like a couple of weeks.  Seems to drop down to maybe 24C.  As I type, it's a touch over 32C right now.    We have to water the plants every other day.   

I keep thinking we'll have a massive thunderstorm and then it'll be cooler for a bit and a bit of relief. 

I should not be complaining really as it'll be cold by the end of October and I'll be wishing for warmer weather.

If you don't mind me saying, do try to stop smoking.  It's not healthy. I gave it up years ago and it's difficult to stop at first but it gets easier as time passes.  I'm also alcohol free now and have been for maybe 5 years+.  Also difficult at first but after a time, one just forgets about it.  It's very noticeable how it rules other people's lives. Lost a few kg too as alcohol is useless calories:)

It seems we will get some cooler weather by Tuesday.

It is so strange here in Hungary.

It might cool down and get hot again or it may snow the next day.

I'm pretty sure we can count on it cooling down for the year within the next few weeks if not sooner and stay that way.

It seems as soon as I pull out all the summer clothing the weather turns and it's,"hat season" again.

I judge the weather in colder weather by what sort of hat I must wear.

It ranges from a SW style New Mexican straw to wool beret to a Russina style fur hat with ear flaps.

PS, I agree please,please try to cut down on the smokes.

I know the big C is not an easy way to go and 3 packs a day is really looking for trouble.

Not judging at all, just trying to show some care for a fellow human on this journey. I would suggest at this point that nail chewing is a better activity.