Today's Weather

Good grief this weather 🌡️ is up and down, just getting over a cold and bug. The change in the temperature is crazy.

At least it's been dry, although it said it would rain. It's going to be 20°C tomorrow. I might have to get the lawnmower out of hibernation as noticed the grass has shot up.

    Good grief this weather 🌡️ is up and down, just getting over a cold and bug. The change in the temperature is crazy.At least it's been dry, although it said it would rain. It's going to be 20°C tomorrow. I might have to get the lawnmower out of hibernation as noticed the grass has shot up.         -@SimCityAT

Yes, it's crazy temperatures these past days.  Today we have 16C, slight breeze and sunset at 18h.  We've only a week of winter time and clocks go forward.  And it's official as the other day, it was officially Spring.

We're chopping the final wood at the MIL's this morning.  I've taken to having Friday's off.  I get up really early, do my daily work, then free up time for other things.  I don't really distinguish between working days and the weekend.

We're going to have to mow the lawn as well.   I've got a list as long as my arm on garden work.  We have to wait until April1st for the rubbish collectors to take away our "bio" waste.  We collect it in bags, put collection stickers on and they take it away.

Our plum (greengage) trees have flowers on them and the cherry tree is now starting up with flowers - it's quite a big tree and is really nice when in flower.  Beautiful time of year.

My bird camera is showing occupants in the main bird box.  We can see the birds have been collecting dog hair from the garden.  The birds occupy the box during the night.   No eggs yet.

Everything is starting to burst out now.  Growth spurts everywhere.  I put in a willow tree growing from an offcut and it's going great guns.   Even our berry bushes are putting some effort in.   Our peach and apple trees have never been that keen to get on with it.  But maybe this is the year.

This might be the first year that our garden doesn't look entirely like a construction site. It's taken us years to get past the construction work.  But there's still construction work to do.  Always seems to be something going on at Fluffy Towers.

Last night was odd, high winds and rain. Temperatures well down, only 6C this morning at 07.40h.   Wind is 2 m/s gusting up to 3 m/s.   Chill factor gives a tad under 4C.   Sunset 18.02h. 

We were lucky yesterday working outside chopping wood. Weather was very acceptable and we were in T-shirts.  Last wood has been collected.  There might be more if other trees come down at the MILs.   People don't trim their trees enough.  They get crazy big and threaten their houses and their neighbours.

Looks like we'll be well down this week on temperatures but I'm seeing we'll be in a mini-heatwave by the Easter weekend with temperatures into the 20s.   

It might be actually warm enough to do something touristy. 

Things are weird weather wise.  Maybe not weird but just rubbish.

Forecast is into the 20s by the weekend. 

Yet today, so far it's been hailstones/ice (0.2mm so far) and it can barely reach double digits at only 9C. Wind gives a chill factor of 6.5C.  It's heavy black clouds with the sun breaking through sometimes.

So much for the dog walking I planned today.

Clocks change Sunday, sunset today is 18.04h. 

8C here today and it's just started to rain; I have my monthly trip to the osteopath this morning, so I shall be a bit soggy.  The rest of the week is forecast for a bit warmer, but frequent rain showers across the UK.

    8C here today and it's just started to rain; I have my monthly trip to the osteopath this morning, so I shall be a bit soggy.  The rest of the week is forecast for a bit warmer, but frequent rain showers across the UK.


I was visiting a chiropractor.  It worked quite well for 30m afterwards but then any results just faded away. I got Mrs Fluffy on the job as it seemed to me it wasn't really making a long term difference paying for someone to pummel me.  Ok, not pummel but kind of lean heavily on me in specific places.  It did help but it wasn't really long lasting.  I could just as easily look it up on YouTube.

It's brightened up.  Maybe dog walking is on for lunch time.

We visited a chiropractor here in the 7th district a couple years ago. My husbands back was hurting him.

The guy barely did an adjustment but told us both to take more magnesium. 1,000 mg a day for him and 500 for me.

We notice a difference if we skip taking it.

Visited my first chiro after a car accident when I was 23.

It can get addictive.

My sister even dated a chiropractor for awhile, just for the free adjustments.

As a hairdresser in New Mexico , the shop owners son was a chiropractor. He would adjust us for only $10. a visit.

I went about once a week.

As a games dealer I also went about once a week in Vegas.

That doc showed my husband a safe adjustment he can do for me if my knee  goes wonky.

I asked my old doc how he adjusts his own back. They have their ways, yoga helps with these tight back issues but it take longer sometimes then a quick adjustment does.

We think the guy living upstairs from us does adjustments, or just deep massages on people as his income.

I thought about finding out exactly what he does but do not want anyone living so close to us to know our business that much.

It is always good though to know of a chiropractor just in case, a fall or slip can be helped with a visit to one.

Mr. Fluffy, if you know of one in Budapest, please share their info,thanks.

The guy we saw in the 7th was a bit of a quack, his office was not real, did adjustemtns in his living room with his dog running all over, he also grabbed me and pulled me close to kiss me on the cheeck as we left his place??! Weird, I did not even get an adjustment from him, my husband did.

    We visited a chiropractor here in the 7th district a couple years ago. My husbands back was hurting him.
The guy barely did an adjustment but told us both to take more magnesium. 1,000 mg a day for him and 500 for me.
We notice a difference if we skip taking it.
Visited my first chiro after a car accident when I was 23.
It can get addictive.
My sister even dated a chiropractor for awhile, just for the free adjustments.
As a hairdresser in New Mexico , the shop owners son was a chiropractor. He would adjust us for only $10. a visit.
I went about once a week.
As a games dealer I also went about once a week in Vegas.
That doc showed my husband a safe adjustment he can do for me if my knee  goes wonky.
I asked my old doc how he adjusts his own back. They have their ways, yoga helps with these tight back issues but it take longer sometimes then a quick adjustment does.
We think the guy living upstairs from us does adjustments, or just deep massages on people as his income.
I thought about finding out exactly what he does but do not want anyone living so close to us to know our business that much.

It is always good though to know of a chiropractor just in case, a fall or slip can be helped with a visit to one.

Mr. Fluffy, if you know of one in Budapest, please share their info,thanks.
The guy we saw in the 7th was a bit of a quack, his office was not real, did adjustemtns in his living room with his dog running all over, he also grabbed me and pulled me close to kiss me on the cheeck as we left his place??! Weird, I did not even get an adjustment from him, my husband did.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I was walking the dog and there was hail.  It was really cold.  When I got back to the car, it was all sunny.   Now, it's all grey and only 9C.  It's pathetic. I had plans to do some work on the garden. I was planning work on my wood store.

As an alternative, Mrs F is thinking of going to Ikea - albeit reluctantly.  I'm thinking of going along as we could go to Obi as well.

I visited a chiropractor in the UK.  She was Canadian and very slightly built. I don't think she was heavy enough to really get me in the pressure points.  But she was very nice and laughed (ultra politely) at my stupid "Dad" jokes. 

I keep thinking I should go to one of these places where a slight person walks barefoot up and down your back, massaging you at the pressure points with their toes.

Years ago, I tried to get the kids to do it but they weren't really interested.  If they did it now, I'd be squashed flat.

        8C here today and it's just started to rain; I have my monthly trip to the osteopath this morning, so I shall be a bit soggy.  The rest of the week is forecast for a bit warmer, but frequent rain showers across the UK.        -@CynicI was visiting a chiropractor.  It worked quite well for 30m afterwards but then any results just faded away. I got Mrs Fluffy on the job as it seemed to me it wasn't really making a long term difference paying for someone to pummel me.  Ok, not pummel but kind of lean heavily on me in specific places.  It did help but it wasn't really long lasting.  I could just as easily look it up on YouTube.It's brightened up.  Maybe dog walking is on for lunch time.        -@fluffy2560

I had to check the difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor, here's a link if anyone is interested.

I had acupuncture this time, see how it goes.  I did ask how I could stop it hurting in the first place.  Don't do physical activities that you have not prepared for, so training, fitness, and exceeding your physical capabilities.

Oh, it's still raining!!

        8C here today and it's just started to rain; I have my monthly trip to the osteopath this morning, so I shall be a bit soggy.  The rest of the week is forecast for a bit warmer, but frequent rain showers across the UK.        -@CynicI was visiting a chiropractor.  It worked quite well for 30m afterwards but then any results just faded away. I got Mrs Fluffy on the job as it seemed to me it wasn't really making a long term difference paying for someone to pummel me.  Ok, not pummel but kind of lean heavily on me in specific places.  It did help but it wasn't really long lasting.  I could just as easily look it up on YouTube.It's brightened up.  Maybe dog walking is on for lunch time.        -@fluffy2560
I had to check the difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor, here's a link if anyone is interested.

I had acupuncture this time, see how it goes.  I did ask how I could stop it hurting in the first place.  Don't do physical activities that you have not prepared for, so training, fitness, and exceeding your physical capabilities.

Oh, it's still raining!!


Yes, good to know the difference.  But it does seem a bit marginal.  Maybe I need an osteopath for my back.

I notice if I don't do physical work, it doesn't hurt as much and if I'm away working elsewhere, it also goes away as I'm not lifting as much stuff.

All I can think of is to say "D'oh".  If it hurts, don't keep do it!

Sunny now but going towards dusk.  Be dark at 18h approx.

Yesterday (Thursday 28th) we came back from our day out and I've never seen such continuously bad driving weather as last night.  It was windy, raining and generally yuck.  The highway/autopalya/motorway M1 (Vienna-Budapest) was dreadful.  Very high spray, heavy rain and so many accidents.   We saw one with 5 or 6 cars piled up.  That was at the Tatabanya exit, km marker 61. I reckon someone died. Yet when we got past the crash, everyone was driving like maniacs (again).

Yet, here we are on Good Friday and it's been quite pleasant, now showing 19C with sunny bursts.  We've walked the doggy for 1.5h on what we call The Last Kingdom walk (it's where they did the exteriors for the TV show, The Last Kingdom, it's Korda Studios).  It's near Paty.  I reckon a new TV show is going to be made there as someone has staked out a kind of village layout with tape and posts. But what and when will be built there?  Who knows!

Sunset 18.09h, wind 3 m/s from SSW, pressure steady.

Clocks forward +1h

18C at 09.50h, wind 0 m/s, UV 1.9, Sunset 19.12h

8C and overcast here right now, forecasting a high of 12C; it was blue skies an hour ago when I took Boris out, but then the clouds zoomed in.

Most important thing for me is the air quality, forecasting 2 today, which is good news and I'd like to think one of the reasons we chose to live where we do. Off to my grandsons Easter Egg hunt in a minute, then brunch at my daughters.

My weather app (nothing special), tells me that our temps are currently trending 2C higher than the regional average for this time of year.  Our heating has gone into Eco mode, which means it doesn't think its cold enough to have the heating on, so has shut down.

    8C and overcast here right now, forecasting a high of 12C; it was blue skies an hour ago when I took Boris out, but then the clouds zoomed in.Most important thing for me is the air quality, forecasting 2 today, which is good news and I'd like to think one of the reasons we chose to live where we do. Off to my grandsons Easter Egg hunt in a minute, then brunch at my daughters.My weather app (nothing special), tells me that our temps are currently trending 2C higher than the regional average for this time of year.  Our heating has gone into Eco mode, which means it doesn't think its cold enough to have the heating on, so has shut down.        -@Cynic

We're expecting 25C or higher today.  That's a bit unusual like your temperatures. 

It's like everyone was wearing coats last week and this long weekend, everyone has T-shirts and shorts on! 

Moreover our garden has gone into overdrive. Suddenly everything is coming up and in bloom.  We're going to have trouble keeping on top of it - no surprise there.  I hope our fruit trees and berry bushes get a move on.   Greengage (plum) has finished blooming, cherry is out (looks nice), just seeing some blooms on the apple tree and even the peach tree is looking quite flowery.   Our of all of them, the greengage is really pulling out the stops.  It's so prolific, we're taking cuttings to the MIL's garden.

My exotic grass collection looks quite poor.  Two of my grasses (purplely ones) did not survive the winter. I keep looking for shoots but I think it's not going to come back. 

One thing here which is very typical is to have these large temperature variations.  We can have 25C in the day and 15C at night.   It's a bit of a range.  Some of our plants don't like that.

We're trying to hire the landscape gardeners and metalworkers again to finish our patio, do some paving so we can have a wooden shed for the garden tools.   Means removing our substantial chicken house and our material store.   I've been thinking of a temporary shipping container so we can renovate our brick built outbuilding - needs to be stripped right back - new roof, guttering, windows and doors, floor leveling and revamp of electricity (I'll do all the rewiring), connection of waste pipes and water, even a wood burner.  Shipping container we need as alternate storage area all our bikes, car parts, wheels and tools. 

Now the weather is changing, all the workers seem quite busy.   We should have started thinking and arranging this in January. 

I liked seeing on the UK news the UK was going to be warmer than parts of Spain this weekend, Oh really. Then again parts have had snow and rain. I don't think they can get it really right in the UK.  We have had 23°C this weekend, but have strong winds. Tomorrow it will be 25°C with us.

    I liked seeing on the UK news the UK was going to be warmer than parts of Spain this weekend, Oh really. Then again parts have had snow and rain. I don't think they can get it really right in the UK.  We have had 23°C this weekend, but have strong winds. Tomorrow it will be 25°C with us.


All I've read about there is queues at Dover.  Heaven knows what it will be like in October with the EES border system coming into service.  Those of us with RPs will not be spared either.  We won't be able to be fast tracked I suppose.  Another Brexit benefit.

We have a bit of a breeze now but it's 23C outside so it's just kind of nice - not sunny but brighter than of late.  We've been doing stuff outside these past days. And we'll have more light of course now in the evenings. It's "green" waste tomorrow, so I've just stacked up the garden clippings in bags for the rubbish people. I find it  odd they work on public holidays but then again, they are private businesses.

I've changed the times on my watches and clocks. I just have to do the car clocks now.  They should really just change on their own.  It's not like they aren't receiving signals from satellite (satnav) and radio (RDS).  Strange thing in Hungary, there's no DAB or DAB+ radio.  Very peculiar - everywhere else seems to have it.

Ment to have some bad weather but nothing yet.



7C and light rain at the moment; clearing later this morning, high of 11C.

Off to Screwfix later to get some White Spirit,  nothing else planned.

    7C and light rain at the moment; clearing later this morning, high of 11C.
Off to Screwfix later to get some White Spirit,  nothing else planned.


(White) Spirit in the Sky - could be a great cover track.   

I sometimes to Screwfix to get stuff not available here. Toolstation is also OK and they are always co-located for some odd reason.  Safety gear isn't bad as in the UK, there's no VAT on it.  Unlike here.

I need to get a new face guard for my chainsawing, grinding and cutting etc.  My current one has a hard hat and ear defenders.  I've now got Bluetooth ear defenders instead. I don't really need the hard hat to chop logs that are not attached to the tree, just the face guard in case of kickback on the chainsaw - never happened yet as I am ultra cautious with any dangerous tools like that.    Protection urgent as no sawing required right now though.

Still quite warm here at 09.30h. 19C, windy 4 m/s, sunset 19.14h.

Very cloudy and quite windy.  Not that warm at 15C, wind 2.4 m/s, partially sunny expected, sunset 19.18h.

It could rain so I brought the drying laundry.  It would be annoying to put the tumble dryer on.  Wind dried laundry always seems fresher.

I'm waiting for the kids to emerge. It's half term so they stay up late playing music and on their computers shooting stuff up. I want to do some cutting, grinding and welding and they'll be complaining I suppose if I do that.  I am making some trellis for our new grapevine saplings (?) babies? cuttings? I dunno, grape plants anyway.

I should be taking the quiet time to do some work but I'm always having trouble applying myself these days.  Everything else is more interesting.  There's always tomorrow (not really, deadlines, deadlines).

We had rain this morning and it cleared up around noon. Weekend is going to be nice, 30°C while parts of the UK has snow.

    We had rain this morning and it cleared up around noon. Weekend is going to be nice, 30°C while parts of the UK has snow.


Snow! If I was there (and I will be), I'd want my money back!

It's heavy looking clouds at the moment.    I've got a weather camera on my roof overlooking the Buda hills. I can see the clouds scudding by.  But there's sunny patches in between.   Good word, scudding.

I was in the  garden and it was quite warm, almost 17C as I type this. It's warm inside, I've had to put the ceiling fan on and open the windows.  We have big windows so it's like a greenhouse a lot of the time.  Not putting the airco on, we're nowhere near that level yet.


Currently, 9C here in North Yorkshire, but the sun has broken through, so should go up a bit now; forecasting 17C tomorrow and 20C for the weekend; then it's back to normal (15C) next week, no snow around here, i think it only snowed hear once winter just passed. … y-13107677 … y-13107677-@SimCityAT

Thankfully, nowhere near us. … y-13107677-@SimCityAT

I hope it's over by Sunday as I'm travelling there.  If I get delayed, they'll owe me money.  I'm not in a hurry so they can cough up. 

A few months, I was on a plane from Vienna going East and we got to the area of Bucharest and suddenly the captain said we had to go back due to a technical issue.  We ended up sleeping at the airport.   They had to cough up compensation.   They didn't even argue. I wasn't in a hurry then either and I was quite happy to take the cash but I would have preferred for the airline to provide a hotel.

Surprising weather.

Quite a lot of rain overnight (3.5mm) and at 09.15h already 17C and very sunny. 

Birds are in full tweet.

Sunset 19.19h. 

Weekend is almost upon us.  Good job the weather is improving.  I've got some welding to do.

When you in Blighty Mr Fluffy? I see snow has fallen in Scotland, and there are now flood warning ⚠️ in place dotted around the UK.

Back on the mainland here, the nights have been warmer 13°C and highs of 22°C today. It has dropped tomorrow only high of 27°C.

I really do need to cut the lawn, I hope we don't have a surprise rain shower tomorrow. I guess I could today, but my mind is doing overtime after my course, so trying to relax over a glass of wine at the local wine tavern.

    When you in Blighty Mr Fluffy? I see snow has fallen in Scotland, and there are now flood warning ⚠️ in place dotted around the UK.Back on the mainland here, the nights have been warmer 13°C and highs of 22°C today. It has dropped tomorrow only high of 27°C.I really do need to cut the lawn, I hope we don't have a surprise rain shower tomorrow. I guess I could today, but my mind is doing overtime after my course, so trying to relax over a glass of wine at the local wine tavern.        -@SimCityAT

Sunday I will fly out to London. I don't go further North than Manchester and only on rare occasions.  I looked at the weather and it's all good.  Not as good as here or in AT but good enough for T-shirts and maybe shorts I suppose. 

We were on the patio here ("deck" as we live on a hill) and it's pretty hot there so I had to come in as it was a bit much.  We'd been gardening and as the sun moves around, it can get quite brutal in the sun.   

We've been growing some plants in pots and now we can put them in the ground so there's a lot of that been going on.

It seems the more we cut the grass, the more it will grow.   It's like someone throws a switch here plant wise. Suddenly everything as burst into life and is growing at 100mph.  Our cherry tree has beautiful flowers on it.   Looks really nice.  Even the apple tree is waking up with a display.  The peach tree is not showing  a lot of life.  Roses and Butterfly Bush are getting going. 

Others bushes/flowers are getting ready to "strut" their stuff.   It's pleasant to look at but probably needs at least 2  or 3h a week to keep on top of it. 

Very warm....

It's going to be 27C today. It's nearly 11am and is already 23C.  I ain't complain' !

Tomorrow will be good as well, 25C.  But I'm seeing forecasts of temperatures as low as 2C at night in about a week.  I mean come on, 2C?!  Heavy'ish rain for 3 days during the week. 

Rain is good for the garden but not my outside plans.

I'm making several things from welding together the former owner's metal fence poles.  These are wood storage platforms. I've made one and have to make another one.  Then clean it up and paint it with anti-rust and then black metal paint.   I also have to repair a metal garden bench and I'm going to make a trellis for the grapevines out of some more of the many fencing panels.  And i need to work under my hobby car.

My latest project is a bird bath from inherited limestone wall blocks from my MIL's garden.  We have an old granite sink or bowl which was also laying in my MIL's garden.   It must weigh 80kg and needs 4 people to lift it.  Stone around here is all limestone (hence very hard water but aquifers everywhere).  But it's so crumbly but you can cut it with a grinder/stone disk or even with just a saw.   Acid rain just dissolves it.

We're discussing installing a bird bath camera. We've already got a bird box camera - there are 11 blue tit eggs in there right now.

Only 13C here, that's fine for me.  AQI today is 3, that will be because of the increase in Pollen levels around here as the trees start to blossom; it's normally 1>2 around here.  3 is fair for most people, but COPD sufferers are advised to watch out.

I think the Weather Chanel system has had a system fart, it's clear skies here atm, but I just got a rain warning.

    Only 13C here, that's fine for me.  AQI today is 3, that will be because of the increase in Pollen levels around here as the trees start to blossom; it's normally 1>2 around here.  3 is fair for most people, but COPD sufferers are advised to watch out.
I think the Weather Chanel system has had a system fart, it's clear skies here atm, but I just got a rain warning.


I'm using the Weather Underground mainly for automatic updates but I also use the Norwegian Weather Service.  Their interface is really nice and no adverts.  But it really only gets sufficiently accurate the day before. It almost seems like they are guessing.

Weather Underground (WU) is a bit annoying. It always first shows F then updates itself immediately to C.   It's a bit pathetic as a design but I mainly see it on the PWS (Personal Weather Station) and it updates WU itself.  All the videos embedded are North American which isn't so useful.  WU is run by IBM which is hardly "underground" non-mainstream.   

We don't see AQI on the PWS.  It does have UV. It's 3 today.   

Temperature here right now. 26.5C (sensor is on the roof).

AQI link

    AQI link-@Cynic

Hmmm.....very good and useful to know.   

Now I am thinking about getting an AQI monitor to add to my monitoring PWS set up.

When I got my PWS (Explore Scientific) I didn't think about an AQI sensor.  I should have done!

Heavy rain today - almost 10mm since midnight.  Only 7C.  This is not Spring, it's Winter.

Wind, 3 m/s from the West.  Sunset 19.35h.

Apparently this rainy patch will last 2 weeks.

    Heavy rain today - almost 10mm since midnight.  Only 7C.  This is not Spring, it's Winter. Wind, 3 m/s from the West.  Sunset 19.35h. Apparently this rainy patch will last 2 weeks.         -@fluffy2560

Sorry, it is all my fault.

I washed my windows, inside and out.

At least we did not wash the car, that would mean a month of rain.

I think this is pretty much typical weather for Hungary this time of year.

Usually the month of June is not even all that hot but July and August are the real summer months here.

Last week we were thinking of going to the spa, to get a early season base tan but it looks like we ill have to hold off on that for a bit.

Going to make a pot of chicken soup instead.

        Heavy rain today - almost 10mm since midnight.  Only 7C.  This is not Spring, it's Winter. Wind, 3 m/s from the West.  Sunset 19.35h. Apparently this rainy patch will last 2 weeks.         -@fluffy2560Sorry, it is all my fault.I washed my windows, inside and out.At least we did not wash the car, that would mean a month of rain.I think this is pretty much typical weather for Hungary this time of year.Usually the month of June is not even all that hot but July and August are the real summer months here.Last week we were thinking of going to the spa, to get a early season base tan but it looks like we ill have to hold off on that for a bit.Going to make a pot of chicken soup instead.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I think your window washing has definitely caused this cold spell. It's hardly reached double digits.  And the unpredictable rain has stopped me doing so many things outside.  And now it's cold AND windy.  It's very frustrating.

I want to do some spray painting outside of some wood. But of course, that's daft as the wind will blow the paint away and our car will get a speckled look. I suppose I could move it but bah, humbug.  I also have quite a bit of welding to do - my hobby car needs a special tool to remove part and I think I'll have to try and make this tool myself.  If I was in the USA, I could get one mail order for $18.

Right now, 9,9C (feels like 7.5C), wind 3.1 m/s from ENE, UV 3.8 (surprising). Sunset 19.45h. 

We had snow this morning with a bit of rain at 12:40 pm its 4°C, let's hope its the end of the coldness they say it will warm up to 22°C by the weekend.

A friend of mine who lives in Paderborn (D) was telling me that they had snow over the weekend, when they had planned a family barbecue for his birthday!