Today's Weather

    33°C here, will hit 35°C on Friday, then Saturday night rain into Sunday but still hot with highs of 30°C on Sunday.
to hot to cut the grass now, so I will have to do that at 6pm when the sun has moved.


It gets quite chilly at night by comparison.  It's 21.40h and 21C outside.  Mrs F says 38C at the weekend.  We've got a plague of mosquitos.  I'm going to have to check for any standing water, like flower pots etc.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have to put up some large sunshades if I plan to work on my DIY jobs - painting a metal trellis I made is the main job.

I've put my car in the lee of the house so it'll be in the shade in the morning.  I have to fix that too.  It'll be brutal in the sun to try and fix that. If I start working on it by 08h, I might be OK.

        33°C here, will hit 35°C on Friday, then Saturday night rain into Sunday but still hot with highs of 30°C on Sunday. to hot to cut the grass now, so I will have to do that at 6pm when the sun has moved.        -@SimCityAT

It gets quite chilly at night by comparison.  It's 21.40h and 21C outside.  Mrs F says 38C at the weekend.  We've got a plague of mosquitos.  I'm going to have to check for any standing water, like flower pots etc.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have to put up some large sunshades if I plan to work on my DIY jobs - painting a metal trellis I made is the main job.

I've put my car in the lee of the house so it'll be in the shade in the morning.  I have to fix that too.  It'll be brutal in the sun to try and fix that. If I start working on it by 08h, I might be OK.


You are a brave man to work outside in this heat.

I make it a habit of avoiding being outside in the heat unless it is at the water.

We both are getting over a head colds but fingers crossed next week we will hit the water.

I would go now but my sensible husband will not allow it until I am not coughing any longer.

My friend in AZ seems to have no mercy on her poor 75 year old husband.

She is having him paint their home in the high desert, sets the clock for 4 am so he can work a few hours before the paint starts to melt.

Yesterday she wrote saying he had to hang upside down on the roof to reach some spots.

Poor guy.. what  ahead rush.

You are a brave man to work outside in this heat.
I make it a habit of avoiding being outside in the heat unless it is at the water.
We both are getting over a head colds but fingers crossed next week we will hit the water.
I would go now but my sensible husband will not allow it until I am not coughing any longer.
My friend in AZ seems to have no mercy on her poor 75 year old husband.
She is having him paint their home in the high desert, sets the clock for 4 am so he can work a few hours before the paint starts to melt.
Yesterday she wrote saying he had to hang upside down on the roof to reach some spots.
Poor guy.. what  ahead rush.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I managed to do most of what I needed to do in todays heat.   I was repairing the ABS system on my hobby car.   The warning light was on.  This is not the first time I've done that and for the same fix.  If I'd taken it to a mechanic, it would have been $1500 as they'd want to swap out the part for a new one.  I just buy replacements on Ebay.   But luckily I had a spare ABS pump in my stock of spares so I made a new one from that and the one in the car.  And it works OK now - ABS warning light is off.   I last made this fix about 2018 - I write on the parts when I installed them.

I don't have the special tool to bleed the brakes but I do have a diagnostic tool which can test them and cycle the pump etc.  I can then use traditional methods to get the air out.   I didn't finish the brake bleeding. I just ran out of energy doing it.  I don't HAVE to fix it but I like everything to be working properly.    It has to go for its test next month so I want to make sure it's 100% OK to pass.  And besides, one cannot mess about with brakes - life and death.

I do find when I spend time doing these things I have to have a day off from these kinds of jobs the next day.  Previously I would have found it easy to jump into the next job. I do wish the Fluffy family would contribute by painting my creations like the trellis.  They are all glued to their phones.

I wouldn't want to be painting outside in the desert.  You could only do that at night for sure.  We're bound to get a massive thunderstorm if this heat continues.

Summer is not the time of year to be working outside.

I am worried a bit about my friends 75 year old husband painting house house and 3 car garage all by himself.

My friend is wheelchair bound so not able to paint a stick really.

She is lucky to have such an attentive husband who does all the jobs she has in her mind around their home.

She got him to paint their last house, fix many outdoor projects, clean their pool and do whatever pops in her head.

I think most people would of ran away a long time ago...

Her house is perfect, I wash afraid to even wash my hands in her bathroom because I was afraid of any water spots...

I guess they were made for each other, one loves doing things and the other loves giving orders.

The tricks I have to pull to get my husband to take the trash out!

He pulls the, I am retired card out too often.

Read at least 550 people died doing their Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

Terrible, last thing they did was pray and die.

It was over 50C.

Suppose it was a dry heat though... Hate that expression, heat is heat, wet or dry.

Received this:

"Hungary: Authorities issue Red-level heat warnings on 21-22 June

As of 21 June 2024 authorities have issued Red-level heat warnings in southern areas. On 21 June, warnings are in effect in Bacs-Kiskun and Csongrad-Csanad counties, including Szeged city. On 22 June, warnings are in place in Bekes and Csongrad-Csanad counties. Temperatures in some areas may reach highs of 97 F (36 C) over the impacted days. Individuals should take appropriate weather precautions...."

Beautiful day here in North Yorkshire, currently 21C, looking for a high of 23C later this afternoon.  Just the right weather to get our Dutch football stuff hung outside.  This made me smile:

Yep, we have 36°C today and had the warning at the beginning of the week. But will have thunder ⛈️ ⚡ storms to follow. Will be good just to clear the air.

    Beautiful day here in North Yorkshire, currently 21C, looking for a high of 23C later this afternoon.  Just the right weather to get our Dutch football stuff hung outside.  This made me smile:


    Yep, we have 36°C today and had the warning at the beginning of the week. But will have thunder ⛈️ ⚡ storms to follow. Will be good just to clear the air.         -@SimCityAT

It's bound to end in a massive downpour, thunder and lightning of biblical proportions.

We have to have lightning protection on our electronics.  Good chance here of damage.

I think after the weekend all that weather will happen.

Weather station is showing 52% humidity, drier it is, the more static.  It's 29C on my roof.  Sunset 20.45h - the long days are in decline now.  UV is 4.8.

All dog walking is suspended until evenings.  Gardening stopped.  It's just too brutal.

    Summer is not the time of year to be working outside.I am worried a bit about my friends 75 year old husband painting house house and 3 car garage all by himself.My friend is wheelchair bound so not able to paint a stick really.She is lucky to have such an attentive husband who does all the jobs she has in her mind around their home.She got him to paint their last house, fix many outdoor projects, clean their pool and do whatever pops in her head.I think most people would of ran away a long time ago...Her house is perfect, I wash afraid to even wash my hands in her bathroom because I was afraid of any water spots...I guess they were made for each other, one loves doing things and the other loves giving orders.The tricks I have to pull to get my husband to take the trash out!He pulls the, I am retired card out too often.Read at least 550 people died doing their Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.Terrible, last thing they did was pray and die.It was over 50C.Suppose it was a dry heat though... Hate that expression, heat is heat, wet or dry.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I love working outdoors in good weather but today is just brutal.  I cannot even lie on the ground under the car.  So that's postponed.

So many people are dying of heatstroke all over the world - is it global warming?   I'll be complaining in a few months the weather is not what it was.  We're hiding inside with the airco on.   

The cat is MIA.  The dog isn't allowed out.  Both have fur coats (obviously) and cannot take them off.  The dogs even panting with the airco on. 

It's now 32C on our roof, and 25C inside.

I read about the people dying in Saudi.  It's a failure of the authorities to look after the people who are doing their religious observances. Seems like their obligation.  I suppose they'll get buried fast according to custom and in Saudi so I guess in one way, their aspirations will come true, to be buried near their holy sites. 

We've got to go to a school leaving ceremony this afternoon - last day of school (and the longest day of the year). It's going to be dreadful as they are holding inside a building, presumably without airco.  We're taking lots of water with us and I'm wearing shorts, a hat and sandals. If it gets too hot, I'm going to sit in the car with the airco on or find the nearest shady tree!

Today despite  heat warning, I find it very pleasant outside.

Took a short walk about and headed to the mall. Was not hot at all.

Still working on getting over a cold so perhaps that was it.

Also as  O neg person, we are either overheated or cold

I suppose being in the direct heat would be hard though.

Hoping to be well by next week because the spas are calling our names.

Man, still can not believe how must they have the nerve to charge to enter these overcrowded places.

Sad, just about everything I enjoyed at one time about Hungary has turned into  a crap shoot.

We can afford it still but when will these prices increases ever end?

Might be more practical to just buy a piece of land and put in a swim hole.

    Summer is not the time of year to be working outside.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Summer is fine to work outside, that's why I will often be outside at 6am. Its far better than winter when its cold and in the minus figures.

        Summer is not the time of year to be working outside.    -@Marilyn TassySummer is fine to work outside, that's why I will often be outside at 6am. Its far better than winter when its cold and in the minus figures.        -@SimCityAT

6am is a bit fresh. By 9am it's almost intolerable here. But by 19h it's fresh again. Main thing I do is to keep out of the sun. I've had sunstroke a few times. It's horrible. For me, no sunbathing, hats, long sleeves, and sunscreen. UV shirts when swimming. Drink plenty and often.

I'm at the high school graduation and it's an absolute sauna. Car said 33C on the drive over. I am hiding in a building. Others are outside.  Kids in formal dress slowly being baked.

        Summer is not the time of year to be working outside.    -@Marilyn TassySummer is fine to work outside, that's why I will often be outside at 6am. Its far better than winter when its cold and in the minus figures.        -@SimCityAT

6am is a bit fresh. By 9am it's almost intolerable here. But by 19h it's fresh again. Main thing I do is to keep out of the sun. I've had sunstroke a few times. It's horrible. For me, no sunbathing, hats, long sleeves, and sunscreen. UV shirts when swimming. Drink plenty and often.

I'm at the high school graduation and it's an absolute sauna. Car said 33C on the drive over. I am hiding in a building. Others are outside.  Kids in formal dress slowly being baked.


I don't mind 6/7am it's been 18°C at that time just lately. I'm olives skinned and can take a bit of sun, but not to work in it. I do need shade.

I don't mind 6/7am it's been 18°C at that time just lately. I'm olives skinned and can take a bit of sun, but not to work in it. I do need shade.         -@SimCityAT

Somewhat pasty faced here.

But my kids are dark haired and fair but they go really brown as berries if they get a bit grilled.

its always been a mystery that my Mum was quite dark, almost Pacific Islander when she'd been in the sun. Local family legend is she used to be mistaken sometimes for a local when they lived out there.  They used to ask her which island she came from.

I don't know if she replied Yorkshire, near Leeds.

    Beautiful day here in North Yorkshire, currently 21C, looking for a high of 23C later this afternoon.  Just the right weather to get our Dutch football stuff hung outside.  This made me smile:

It was a bit dull France vs Netherlands at nil all. I didn't know if I was watching rugby sometimes. The disallowed goal was a bit marginal. I would have thought it was in but that's VAR for you.

27 C today and a bit down on yesterday. 

Humidity has gone up after last night's thunderstorm, 63% right now. 

There's a 1.2 m/s wind, sunrise 04.48h and sunset 20.45h.   

Forecast says thunderstorms at 14h this arvo for 2h.

Have to get outside jobs done in the few hours before torrential rain arrives (40% chance).

Got a high of 28°C today, with scattered showers. Quite possibly thunderstorms ⛈️ ⚡? We will see....

Big downpour yesterday complete with banging and lightshow but it made no difference to the temperature, it was 33C again today.   

Humidity is about 70%. Sunset is still 20.45h I am pleased to say.  Sunrise 04.49h.

Mrs F has finally got the pool out for the kids now they are fully and finally finished with school for the summer. 

Wow, it's 16.30h and it's a brutal 34C on our house roof.   UV 3.4, low humidity 42%.  Sunset 20.41h. 

There's a government heat warning for the Great Hungarian Plain.

I planned to do some gardening.  No way I'm going out there to work in the sun.   Yesterday, I changed some gearbox oil in my hobby car and it was like laying on hot stones from a BBQ.

In the words of Ella Fitzgerald, "It's too darn hot".

Hungary: Authorities issue Red-level heat warnings for the Southern Great Plain region on 9-11 July  (issued 8 Jul 24)

Authorities have issued Red-level heat warnings for the Southern Great Plain region effective 9-11 July 2024. Temperatures in some areas may reach highs of 101 F (28 C) over the impacted days.

8pm and it was 31°C here to day, and its hitting 37°C tomorrow.

20c here today and forecast for tomorrow; you guys are on the wrong side of the jet stream,  which they are saying will remain like this till month end.

Forgot to mention,  it's rained all day across the whole country and they just issued a storm warning for tonight.

    20c here today and forecast for tomorrow; you guys are on the wrong side of the jet stream,  which they are saying will remain like this till month end.
Forgot to mention,  it's rained all day across the whole country and they just issued a storm warning for tonight.


I was listening to an interview with someone up North and half the sound was the patter of rain drops.

We're getting close to watering the grass.  We almost never do that.  Our tomato plants are wilting so they can have a drink as it's important. 

But indeed, it seems it will go on for some days.  Then we'll get a giant thunderstorm, it'll rain torrentially, then it'll be fresher but the temperatures will be back up again and it'll be dried out once more.  Feast or famine during Hungarian summers.

It could worse, we could be in Navada......


    It could worse, we could be in Navada......

Oy vay, that's pretty hot.   

Mrs F and I were in Death Valley once.  It was interesting but you'd die without airco or if exposed to the sun for more than a few hours.

In Australia, in the Opal mining areas, people live underground.

Apart from the Opal mining, makes you wonder why people live in those places.

Actually my friend who lives about 90 mins out of Vegas in AZ said yesterday it was closer to 120F! A record last beat in 1930.

It is a dry heat...

I had to wear long sleeve blouses, a casino uniform , long pants and full makeup during the heat. I did not have an AC in my car either .It really was not too bad though. I worked close to home and was at work before 11 am and inside was chilly with the AC going .

Of course on my days off it was pool side most of the time, too hot to be walking on the strip or even out shopping anywhere.

My dog got walks in the wee hours or early evenings just before dark.

We went to the spa yesterday, wish I could go every day but as it is a full day we have other things to do then stay wet.

Considering how hot it was yesterday, the spa was not too overly packed.

Hope to go back in a day or so or check out Balaton.

Summer has never been my fave season, I will take fall anytime.

    Actually my friend who lives about 90 mins out of Vegas in AZ said yesterday it was closer to 120F! A record last beat in 1930.It is a dry heat...I had to wear long sleeve blouses, a casino uniform , long pants and full makeup during the heat. I did not have an AC in my car either .It really was not too bad though. I worked close to home and was at work before 11 am and inside was chilly with the AC going .Of course on my days off it was pool side most of the time, too hot to be walking on the strip or even out shopping anywhere.My dog got walks in the wee hours or early evenings just before dark.We went to the spa yesterday, wish I could go every day but as it is a full day we have other things to do then stay wet.Considering how hot it was yesterday, the spa was not too overly packed.Hope to go back in a day or so or check out Balaton.Summer has never been my fave season, I will take fall anytime.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Car says 39C today.  Hard to imagine (or remember) a car without AC way back.  Or electric windows.  Yet manual window winders useful sometimes.

It's already 17h and it's still 36C on our roof.  I am always planning to do some work in the roof but there's no way I'm going up there to work. I went up to open a window to try and get some air flowing.    It's just brutal out there.  It should drop back to 25C soon as sunset occurs.

I saw my 70+ neighbour digging a trench in his garden.  Why? I don't know!   He must have lost his marbles to work outside doing that kind of thing.

I can see some clouds building up and the barometer is showing falling pressure which means potentially we'll get a thunderstorm and some rain.  However, I looked at the HU weather radar and there's nothing anywhere close to us.

We could have this going on another week or more.

I just went to get my meat from the winery. He smokes his own bacon. Its 34°C now but I'm guessing it was warmer at this was 2 hours ago.

Away I had a spritzer and it was long until it was room temperature. I had a second one and left. Now home they say it's going to rain, they have been saying this for days. We really do need a full blown thunderstorm ⛈️ to clear the air.

Now we have a thunderstorm ⛈️ and the rain is coming good and proper. Thank gawd.

    I just went to get my meat from the winery. He smokes his own bacon. Its 34°C now but I'm guessing it was warmer at this was 2 hours ago.
Away I had a spritzer and it was long until it was room temperature. I had a second one and left. Now home they say it's going to rain, they have been saying this for days. We really do need a full blown thunderstorm ⛈️ to clear the air.


Smoked bacon. Yum!

I saw the temperature drop maybe 16.30h to 34C but now it's gone up again at 18.30h to a touch over 36C.  I wonder if we're under a heat dome or something.

We've got airco here and for years, we never really needed to use it.  It was enough to use ceiling fans, open doors and blinds.   

But this week, wow, it's on a lot.  Our electricity bill is going to be an issue.

        I just went to get my meat from the winery. He smokes his own bacon. Its 34°C now but I'm guessing it was warmer at this was 2 hours ago. Away I had a spritzer and it was long until it was room temperature. I had a second one and left. Now home they say it's going to rain, they have been saying this for days. We really do need a full blown thunderstorm ⛈️ to clear the air.         -@SimCityAT

Smoked bacon. Yum!

I saw the temperature drop maybe 16.30h to 34C but now it's gone up again at 18.30h to a touch over 36C.  I wonder if we're under a heat dome or something.

We've got airco here and for years, we never really needed to use it.  It was enough to use ceiling fans, open doors and blinds.   

But this week, wow, it's on a lot.  Our electricity bill is going to be an issue.


Have you looked into solar panels?

            I just went to get my meat from the winery. He smokes his own bacon. Its 34°C now but I'm guessing it was warmer at this was 2 hours ago. Away I had a spritzer and it was long until it was room temperature. I had a second one and left. Now home they say it's going to rain, they have been saying this for days. We really do need a full blown thunderstorm ⛈️ to clear the air.         -@SimCityATSmoked bacon. Yum!I saw the temperature drop maybe 16.30h to 34C but now it's gone up again at 18.30h to a touch over 36C.  I wonder if we're under a heat dome or something.We've got airco here and for years, we never really needed to use it.  It was enough to use ceiling fans, open doors and blinds.   But this week, wow, it's on a lot.  Our electricity bill is going to be an issue.        -@fluffy2560

Have you looked into solar panels?


Yes, we did check into those but the price is silly and the payback period is really too long.  It might be worthwhile to be independent of the grid.  I could install it all myself. I can buy a kit and put it together but I'd have to connect it to the grid and that will involve someone else.

BTW, when I first looked at the panels they could do like 250W maximum and now, with the same area, they are up to 400W.  It means we could have half the panels or twice the power.  That's in just a few years. 

Tomorrow (Tuesday 16 June 2024), it could be up to 39C, so best to stay inside and if there's airco, put it on.

It's almost 1830h and it's still 33C.    Sunset is 20.37h.

It's a bit cloudy but no sign of a change of temperature or any rain.   If it could come down to 25C, it'd be more tolerable.   

The poor old dog hasn't been for a walk for some time.  Looks like the time to take her is 5am.   And I should do the gardening then as well.

From what I can see on the forecasts, it could be like this until the end of July.   Time to go to Balaton.

Oh we have the same here, I've just done nothing today apart from melt. I just asked Alexa and she said tomorrow it will be 31°C. Most of the time she is wrong, so we will see.

    Oh we have the same here, I've just done nothing today apart from melt. I just asked Alexa and she said tomorrow it will be 31°C. Most of the time she is wrong, so we will see.         -@SimCityAT

I don't know where Alexa gets her information from.  We're looking at the official weather service for Hungary.  In fact, I got an official warning today:

Hungary: Intense heat prompts several warnings for 16 July - Weather warnings have been issued in several regions for 16 July 2024 due to intense heat. Red warnings – the highest on a four-part scale – have been issued for Central Hungary, Central Transdanubia, Northern Great Plain, Southern Great Plain and Southern Transdanubia regions due to anticipated temperatures in excess of 84 F (29 C). Less severe warnings are also in place in some other regions in country.

Its still keeping hot … r-13178948

It's a bit warmer here, currently (8 a.m.) 15C, with a high forecast later this afternoon of 22C; air quality currently 2, which is about the norm for this time of year around here.  Our gazebo has proven to be an excellent investment in keeping our back garden both dry and shaded.

We had rain this morning but it was nothing.  That was around 0330h. You could hardly notice as by the time one got up, it was all hot again and even more humid.   

I'm doing car repairs - new headlight bulb.  Whoever designed that car is an idiot.  I have to take half the front off just to get to the bulb.  It's in such a tight spot, you need Teflon Don sized hands to get in there.  It's a triumph of "aesthetics" over usability.  It's brutal doing it in 34C+ degrees.

Strange incident last night.  The dog usually sleeps downstairs but it came upstairs and was sleeping on the landing.  And despite being taken downstairs, soon, it was back upstairs again.  According to Mrs F's office workers, there was an earthquake at Balaton, magnitude 2.  Some people in the area say they felt it.  Perhaps so the doggy noticed and got worried and was looking for comfort.

I have heard that Hungary gets earthquakes often but they are so small one hardly notices them.

Animals are more in tune with nature and vibrations.

We are so overloaded with distractions we have lost our connection to nature for the most part.

Call me a crazed Hippie chick but as a teenager one of my fave things to do on my own was walk over to our huge quad area at my HS and lay on the hilly grass and just watch the clouds move...No, I was not high!

Hardly see real clouds these days, chem trails manmade ones but not many real ones. We always comment when we see real ones on the odd day they are allowed to form.

Yes, I do believe in grounding oneself by going barefoot on the earth, I wear allot of rubber soled shoes like most people do, would not matter if they were leather bottomed because of everything being paved over.

Hugging a tree once in awhile is also healing.

The heat is still with us, off to the lake very soon, that is also grounding, walking on the bottom of the lake and being in fresh water, if it is still fresh that is...

On the bright side, I have no need to pay to attended a hot yoga class, just had my own at home!