
Today's Weather


Warmer weather (in the low 20°C) predicted later this week. That would be nice. Crossing fingers. :)

Marilyn Tassy

klsallee wrote:

Warmer weather (in the low 20°C) predicted later this week. That would be nice. Crossing fingers. :)

Yes, it is a bit of a shock to the system to see the weather turning cold so fast.
Today was a bit windy but I loved it.
Hat season now... Not my thing really to give myself a "hat head" look.
OH well, I try to wear fun hats if I have to wear one.
Actually the weather today was an average "cold" day innS. Ca. in the dead of winter.


Marilyn Tassy wrote:
klsallee wrote:

Warmer weather (in the low 20°C) predicted later this week. That would be nice. Crossing fingers. :)

Yes, it is a bit of a shock to the system to see the weather turning cold so fast.
Today was a bit windy but I loved it.
Hat season now... Not my thing really to give myself a "hat head" look.
OH well, I try to wear fun hats if I have to wear one.
Actually the weather today was an average "cold" day innS. Ca. in the dead of winter.

We had frost on metal things outside during Monday night.   

Looking good though for the weekend.


It has been a lovely Indian Summer for the past week, and this weekend. Forecasts suggest it will continue till the middle of the coming week, when seasonal Autumn weather should return.

If you did not get out and about today, do suggest doing so on Sunday. Put a little bit more sun and warmth into your hump before the Winter freeze. :)


klsallee wrote:

It has been a lovely Indian Summer for the past week, and this weekend. Forecasts suggest it will continue till the middle of the coming week, when seasonal Autumn weather should return.

If you did not get out and about today, do suggest doing so on Sunday. Put a little bit more sun and warmth into your hump before the Winter freeze. :)

We must not forget the clocks change next weekend and therefore it will be colder in the evenings (the sun will go down "later").

Marilyn Tassy

It has been really nice outdoors.
We had a great time walking in the sun, without sunglasses on so we could soak up some Vitamin D through our eyes as it should be.
Looks like it will be around 75 F. tomorrow.
Have to put off some house=apt./flat projects as it is impossible to stay indoors.


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

It has been really nice outdoors.
We had a great time walking in the sun, without sunglasses on so we could soak up some Vitamin D through our eyes as it should be.
Looks like it will be around 75 F. tomorrow.
Have to put off some house=apt./flat projects as it is impossible to stay indoors.

Yes, don't waste time inside - plenty of darkness and rain and snow and cold to come.  But we might get lucky and have no real winter!  Wasn't bad last year and we didn't really get that cold.  We have a wood burner as well as other heating options and we only used the wood twice between about November and February last year.  So much for that giant pile of firewood we bought 2 years ago.

BTW, Vitamin D is made through sunlight stimulating the skin not through your peepers.  That's why it's important to kids to play outside and not get stuck in dark rooms playing crappy games on the computer (yes, kids you know who you are).  If you lived at the North Pole, it'd be a problem during the winter.

Apart from that the other upside of warm (not hot) sun on you is a nice feeling.  We really are part of the planet.


fluffy2560 wrote:

But we might get lucky and have no real winter!

From a farmer's perspective, I hope we have a really hard winter.

Last winter was not hard enough, so too many insect pests survived the winter, and plagued my garden, orchards and vineyards.... Not good.  :|


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

But we might get lucky and have no real winter!

From a farmer's perspective, I hope we have a really hard winter.

Last winter was not hard enough, so too many insect pests survived the winter, and plagued my garden, orchards and vineyards.... Not good.  :|

Good point.

I was thinking about my landscaping.  Workers can only come in November and I'm hoping I can get my fence in before it all gets horribly wet and soggy.  Putting in posts where there's soggy ground isn't a good thing.  Chew up the area with a digger and mess up so much.  The digger is required to remove the foundations of the existing fence.

One thing I've seen is the wasps are still very active.  Perhaps looking for somewhere to overwinter.  Flies seem to be around as well.  Not keen on either of those here in the burbs.

On a more positive note, our pillangó bokor (buddleia - butterfly bush) is very popular still even  this late in the year.

Marilyn Tassy

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

It has been really nice outdoors.
We had a great time walking in the sun, without sunglasses on so we could soak up some Vitamin D through our eyes as it should be.
Looks like it will be around 75 F. tomorrow.
Have to put off some house=apt./flat projects as it is impossible to stay indoors.

Yes, don't waste time inside - plenty of darkness and rain and snow and cold to come.  But we might get lucky and have no real winter!  Wasn't bad last year and we didn't really get that cold.  We have a wood burner as well as other heating options and we only used the wood twice between about November and February last year.  So much for that giant pile of firewood we bought 2 years ago.

BTW, Vitamin D is made through sunlight stimulating the skin not through your peepers.  That's why it's important to kids to play outside and not get stuck in dark rooms playing crappy games on the computer (yes, kids you know who you are).  If you lived at the North Pole, it'd be a problem during the winter.

Apart from that the other upside of warm (not hot) sun on you is a nice feeling.  We really are part of the planet.

Eyes and skin, if you wear sunglasses your brain thinks it is dark and doesn't produce the melatonin to protect the skin from UV rays as well as if you had no glasses on. Even contact lenses can be bad to wear, also your eyes get no air and over time the blood vessels get larger in the eyes to try to give them some oxygen.I am not a doctor at all but this is a few things I have started to be aware of.
I need glasses, needed them for a couple of years now but have put away my sunshades and although my eyes are still bad I no longer need readers to see  up close. Probably need a few more years to try to correct my vision by getting more sun and not wearing shades. Too bad I invested a ton in shades. One day I will have an E Bay sale on many itmes...
Missed the winter here last year, my husband wants to miss this one as well but I think every other year getting away is best. He says life is short and he doesn't want to spend what's left of his indoors freezing and sitting in the dark. He has a point, might be time to start looking into travel destinations, palms trees and a cold beer on the beach does sound good after all.
I am sort of waiting for our son to have his fill of Japan and perhaps we could holiday all together in Asia.Opps, this topic is about weather, should stop while I am ahead here.
77 F, today, hope to spend most of the day outdoors....


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

[if you wear sunglasses your brain thinks it is dark and doesn't produce the melatonin

You have it backwards. Melatonin, from retinal stimulation on the pineal gland, is produced in darkness, not light.

Skin may have some extrapineal melatonin synthesis capacities, but that has nothing to do with wearing sun glasses, or not.


klsallee wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

[if you wear sunglasses your brain thinks it is dark and doesn't produce the melatonin

You have it backwards. Melatonin, from retinal stimulation on the pineal gland, is produced in darkness, not light.

Skin may have some extrapineal melatonin synthesis capacities, but that has nothing to do with wearing sun glasses, or not.

Taking melatonin supplements is something promoted for jet lag/timezone changes. 

Never tried it myself but some people have told me it works.  I don't think I believe them.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Taking melatonin supplements

The melatonin discussion is fun.

And since sunlight on skin does affect melatonin synthesis it may indeed be a today's weather related topic (as would be UV exposure, skin cancer etc), since how much sun one gets each day is of course related to today's weather.

But let's not get into pill popping supplements. As that as nothing to do with today's weather.  :)


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Taking melatonin supplements

The melatonin discussion is fun.

And since sunlight on skin does affect melatonin synthesis it may indeed be a today's weather related topic (as would be UV exposure, skin cancer etc), since how much sun one gets each day is of course related to today's weather.

But let's not get into pill popping supplements. As that as nothing to do with today's weather.  :)

Hmmm....we could throw in SAD as well which is relevant to "Today's Weather" (in the future).


fluffy2560 wrote:

Hmmm....we could throw in SAD as well which is relevant to "Today's Weather" (in the future).

Absolutely. If I, as the OP of this topic, and supreme power*, allow it. (Insert evil laugh here : Muh-ha-ha!)

* All dictators, the rich and famous, to the lowest security guard who holds a gun, easily forget that power is transitory. ~ F. Sionil Jose


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Hmmm....we could throw in SAD as well which is relevant to "Today's Weather" (in the future).

Absolutely. If I, as the OP of this topic, and supreme power*, allow it. (Insert evil laugh here : Muh-ha-ha!)

* All dictators, the rich and famous, to the lowest security guard who holds a gun, easily forget that power is transitory. ~ F. Sionil Jose

I dunno, what about an organisation as supreme power.   We all know Smersh used to control the weather. Now it's Spectre

Here's a picture of their base:

And here's their satellite control system:


fluffy2560 wrote:

I dunno, what about an organisation as supreme power.   We all know Smersh used to control the weather. Now it's Spectre.

Funny. But everyone knows that Ian Flemming's 007 is just fiction.

Everyone knows it is really NASA, the CIA and in general the US Government causing weather by cemtrails....

Oh, no. Wait. Cemtrails are also BS and fantasy. So despite the fun comical diversion, lets get back to realty and "today's weather". :)

And today's weather was again, a lovely Indian summer day. Still just wearing a t-shirt after about 10:00 when the morning chill wears off. :)

Such a warm autumn, I took a 50km, 6 hour bike ride yesterday. It was great.


klsallee wrote:


Everyone knows it is really NASA, the CIA and in general the US Government causing weather by chemtrails....


Now you're just being silly.



Looks like autumn has finally begun. Fog all morning. Colder. Weather forecast for rain and even colder weather starting tomorrow. Time to get out the Wellingtons (gumboots to Americans).


klsallee wrote:

Looks like autumn has finally begun. Fog all morning. Colder. Weather forecast for rain and even colder weather starting tomorrow. Time to get out the Wellingtons (gumboots to Americans).

Indeed, it is time to dress like Paddington Bear. 

It's predicted to be 0 C on Thursday PM so it's time to make sure the outside taps are insulated.


Was 27°C here today. Get a weather report on phone for next day saying its going to be 11°C cooler tomorrow. 16°C is still not to bad but Autumn is on its way.

Marilyn Tassy

I'm sort of looking forward to seeing some cold weather. Not a fan of gloomy days but cold weather is fun. I want to see some snow here this year and not that sludge we often get in the city.
My husband is talking about getting out of Dodge and going to Hawaii to  finish out our days...
Been there, done that, not always the green pastures people talk about.
I am going to head to lake Balaton this winter and finally try my hand at ice skating. I would hope there is plenty of space there so that those youngin's don't knock me over.
If I don't try it this winter I probably never will.


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My husband is talking about getting out of Dodge and going to Hawaii to  finish out our days...
Been there, done that, not always the green pastures people talk about.

Reply moved to: … 20#4719489


Looks like November is holding up to is local tendency as not only one of the wettest months of the year, but the most unpredictable. Especially after such a dry, warm October, I think November thinks it has to (over)compensate.....

All weather sites/sources are giving conflicting and different opinions even for tomorrow's weather in my area (including if it will rain or not, or when, or how muc).

I guess I will have to default either to my hydrometer or the weather dog.


klsallee wrote:


All weather sites/sources are giving conflicting and different opinions even for tomorrow's weather in my area (including if it will rain or not, or when, or how much).

I guess I will have to default either to my hydrometer or the weather dog.

I shall be using the Mk I eyeball.

Strangely springy during the day - had a high of 15 C.


klsallee wrote:

I guess I will have to default either to my hydrometer or the weather dog.

Um... er... I meant barometer, not hydrometer..... One measures atmospheric pressure, the other density of liquid. One is used to predict weather, the other in wine making. I guess doing too much wine sampling this week to be making rational posts.... haha...   :D


klsallee wrote:
klsallee wrote:

I guess I will have to default either to my hydrometer or the weather dog.

Um... er... I meant barometer, not hydrometer..... One measures atmospheric pressure, the other density of liquid. One is used to predict weather, the other in wine making. I guess doing too much wine sampling this week to be making rational posts.... haha...   :D

Maybe measuring the density of your wine? 

When I was a student we used to make beer and we measured the specific gravity to show the alcohol content using hydrometers.

After drinking the beer, we usually didn't care too much about the weather!


Today's weather: Rain.


As it has been all for the month of November this year....  :|


Been a pall of drizzle all day with temps around 9-10C. 

I was in the town (Budapest) and it was dull grey with wet streets.  The shine from the road due to the street lights is distracting while driving.  But looks photogenic in some ways.


Looks like freezing nights coming this weekend, were I live, and same all next week.

Might we have a white Christmas?


We have had a few mornings of -1°C but soon gets to 10°C.

They are saying we will have snow on Monday, we will see.


SimCityAT wrote:

We have had a few mornings of -1°C but soon gets to 10°C.

They are saying we will have snow on Monday, we will see.

Forecasts are showing a low of -5 C for this weekend - at least it won't be muddy but crispy.

The roads could be pretty icy especially in the shadows. 

Looking like snow is a distinct possibility. 

I've also got a cold, bunged up nose, blocked ears and a headache.  'tis the season to be jolly....tra-la-la-la-....etc etc. Not.


fluffy2560 wrote:

The roads could be pretty icy especially in the shadows.

Yes, this is a good warning.

Lived in Switzerland for many years, and traversed the Donner pass many, many times in winter with more snow than I ever saw in the Alps (Truckee is one of the coldest places in the US, where no month goes by without freezing temps).

But only in Hungary have I hit black ice that actually sent my car off the road. Sideways....

Be safe. Be alert.


Snowing today. First snow of the year.  ❄️ ❄️ 🎅🏼 ❄️ ❄️


klsallee wrote:

Snowing today. First snow of the year.  ❄️ ❄️ 🎅🏼 ❄️ ❄️

Yup, maybe 3-5 cm out there now.  Lots of traffic queues. 

Outside work postponed. 

Now might be gone by next week.


They said snow here and I'm still waiting for it :D Maybe we get it tonight? Who knows  :/


SimCityAT wrote:

They said snow here and I'm still waiting for it :D Maybe we get it tonight? Who knows  :/

Be careful what you wish for.     

Took Mrs Fluffy 1 hour to do a 20 min journey this morning.

Here's the official weather site for HU.


fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

They said snow here and I'm still waiting for it :D Maybe we get it tonight? Who knows  :/

Be careful what you wish for.     

Took Mrs Fluffy 1 hour to do a 20 min journey this morning.

Here's the official weather site for HU.

Wow you have got it... the whole country. Some areas around here have it but totally missed us.


SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

They said snow here and I'm still waiting for it :D Maybe we get it tonight? Who knows  :/

Be careful what you wish for.     

Took Mrs Fluffy 1 hour to do a 20 min journey this morning.

Here's the official weather site for HU.

Wow you have got it... the whole country. Some areas around here have it but totally missed us.

[img align=C][/url]

One forecast I saw said -8C tonight.  Not excessive but pretty cold.  Might be an excuse to put the wood burner on.  We stopped the outside water and drained the outside taps last week. I also topped up the cars with non-freeze window washer stuff.  All in anticipation.

Next week snow might all disappear. 

Kids usually go sledging if there's snow but it's exams this week for one of them and getting home when it's almost twilight.


fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Be careful what you wish for.     

Took Mrs Fluffy 1 hour to do a 20 min journey this morning.

Here's the official weather site for HU.

Wow you have got it... the whole country. Some areas around here have it but totally missed us.

[img align=C][/url]

One forecast I saw said -8C tonight.  Not excessive but pretty cold.  Might be an excuse to put the wood burner on.  We stopped the outside water and drained the outside taps last week. I also topped up the cars with non-freeze window washer stuff.  All in anticipation.

Next week snow might all disappear. 

Kids usually go sledging if there's snow but it's exams this week for one of them and getting home when it's almost twilight.

Yeah did the outside water the other too, bugger, I had better check the car. I'm pretty sure its OK, no harm in checking.