What Banks Seem Favorable to North Americans
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Good idea on that smoked salmon if I can find it. I´ll visit the Marine and Navy commissary in San Diego if they have one. I usually buy a good single malt whisky at a military base since there´s no tax on federal land.
I just remembered to can corned beef since brisket is cheap in Brazil. I already got the pot so just the ingredients and some more bottles to put them in. I´ll bring in a very nice multi-purpose air fryer from Amazon. I got a 2,000watt transformer so I should be ok. The instant Pot is another option...

The "consorcio" is a good way to finance a house and/or a car. You are formed as a group in which all of you contribute to the fund. No interest to be paid, just the administrative fees. There´s a drawing every month and who gets selected get the letter of credit to pay the house or car. If you don´t want to wait, you can bid to give a down payment. Whoever gives the highest downpayment will be given the letter of credit with the amount you selected during enrollment...

Dr.robal, thanks for the info.
I think I got it on the consortium thingy. Thanks it now makes cents...lol...
Now to get "Selected or Rejected"...smh...
Costco( maybe on line) has the smoked salmon or Wally Mart found in the Tourist section.
Also you can order some out of Alaska most of the houses up there ship with FedEx or UPS and even the USPS for there is no reason to freeze or chill and all should have factory seal with the UPC so it should be no problem clearing customs.
I bought a small kettle barbeque back on the last trip and smoked some of the Chilean salmon, it was okay yet love the wild especially the Sockeye
My friends slaughter the Salmon in Summer and vacuum seal, yet I know with out the factory logo and UPC it's a tasty snack for customs (kkk)
I will work on the consortium or go conventional with the bid process and weigh the pros and cons...not a lot of money in my town so just maybe....
I'm headed NE to Ohio for 3 weeks and may take a NW Alaska trip for a few days...
I need to stock up on spices usally @ the Dollar store or Wallys and the stuff I bought back 2 years ago is gone.
I usally do the Duty-free for my libations and less chance of breakage, need Bookers and Sappire. ..once again thanks...
Main focus arrive back Brasil in 24 hours so the "Krispy Kreme" will be a day old....rotflmbo...
KK doughnuts never make it back with me. Those "fat pills" go down better than a single malt or cold Coors.
"Hot out of oven " sign is lit!!!
I too brought back a smoker 3 trips ago but it was electric and not the same. Found a Charbroil gas grill in BR and had it shipped here and JD mesquite chips. Everyone can not believe it. (Even want to touch it when going. duh!) Really cut down the cerveja bill though. Cooks too fast than churrasco!

Usally TSA try to confiscate the KK and I fall in with my PSA "You are not the Police" and then the fight starts ding,ding, "And buy your own coffee"...smh
I was thinking gas grill for the charcoal here is hot and eats the metal on a Weber...lol...
I may go custom on a grill for I find the ones to deep and a waste yet most of the time it's just me and 2 friends and I love to cook outside nothing like char.
Kinda like gas with the chips, thanks for the reminder, more stuff for the suitcases
Need some Season All and some Louisiana spices.

robal wrote:Alascana,
The "consorcio" is a good way to finance a house and/or a car. You are formed as a group in which all of you contribute to the fund. No interest to be paid, just the administrative fees. There´s a drawing every month and who gets selected get the letter of credit to pay the house or car. If you don´t want to wait, you can bid to give a down payment. Whoever gives the highest downpayment will be given the letter of credit with the amount you selected during enrollment...
So the Consortium is formed monthly and only 1 person selected? As well as the car consortium?
Is the Selection process of enrollment the amount of the house and car desired within a price range?
Each month one must pay the fees and hope?
And enter a newly formed consortium?
I am in no rush , yet to live here I may as well fall in....the only plans for the USA is Shopping..... 4
Yep have ZATARAIN'S Jambalaya, red beans and rice, Shrimp boil and Gumbo on the list.
Big hit when people come by. I think everyone here goes to Mickey's house or NYC, never to NOLA. Keep telling them if you want some good food stay a couple days them to Mikey & Minne's
Will go to NOLA , Houston and Vegas this trip. Can feel the extra charge for baggage now!
Have no idea what this has to do with subject, but good info.

Your group will keep contributing to a common fund and one is selected by drawing every month. You can be drawm on the first month
If you're lucky. Your group will also hold a "lance" or a bid for a down payment. The highest bid wins. Your group will keep drawing until all receives the credit letter with the amount, duration and the monthly installment. You set whatever is convenient to you during the enrollment process. No interest rate charged, just the administration fee. Usually It's payable for approx. 15 years. You will stay with the same group till it's complete. Same procedure for the car. You can do consorcio on projects like a wedding, big purchases, buying
a motorcycle etc...

Thanks robal, I now have the memo. .beautiful explantion...

So I go to the bank today and I was told to come with my income verification about a week ago, I arrive to the bank and then directed to another office WTFace, why did they not tell me about the other office till today, that shold have been explained with the request for inome . I went there and some lame excuse was given as to why I was not able to talk to some one , my translator person has not given me a anwser and that could take a life time, the most I got from the translator is my account is a Savings account , now after talking to all the heads on Expat, I KNOW FRICKN WELL I ASKED FOR A dayuuum CHECKING Account....WTHeck....Bonita Banking Brazil.....
That's my story of the day and I am sticking to it....bureaucracy at it height of insanity...lol
Oh boy. There is a big difference in checking and savings. BR income from interest!
Happen to get a call from bank today also. Said they needed all information on me again, no problem, went in with all the items I gave before with the copies given by the other "rep" and they said they were sorry, but said they did need utility bill to verify (which I had) I am still living in the same address every year.
So now they want income verification and address every year. (They said it was a directive. From whom, they did not say) Signed about 5 pages with new date and went home. Now I have to do this in April instead March.
Funny, they asked what I redacted (marked out). I said we do not give out SS #'s in US or account #'s. They understood.

Big Tex, I am going GIGO with the person who input the data of checking and savings and took a swag (smh) i sat at the "Checking Account Desk"with the "Checking Account Person" .
I think they just like to see the NAG (North American Gringo) and ruffle my feathers.
The "Simulation Person" leaves the office I went to today at 1pm so I was late or misinformed from the gitgo on the differance in office process.
I will hit the correct office up in the morning after the gym and go in smelling like a Alaska Wild Rose (kkk)/lol or Musk Ox..they have a choice....
I only have the letter of Residence that I presented to open the account, the bank k should not want anymore for the account is maybe a month old now.
I really wish I could make this Stuff up....it seems counterproductive yet I have landed in the "What can I do to not help you,only hinder you" banking arena. ....
That's just crazy: next they'll want you to take a blood test, just so they can overcharge for their services every month. Great idea to go in right after the gym!

abthree wrote:That's just crazy: next they'll want you to take a blood test, just so they can overcharge for their services every month. Great idea to go in right after the gym!
Yup they want the "Funk"...lol....I have no blood left....I think the Wizard gave me a Train oh I meant Brain....stay tuned for the next episode of "Soap @Da Bank"...it should be a "Thriller"....

Today's Adventure....11 April 2019 year of my Lord and Savior....
So I go to the Banks other office to inquire car and house, I met the noa entendi Lady, so I followed noa entendi (kkk) I took my translator with the pre-note of business expectations this date...the lady begin to ramble and I followed with ramble with noa entendi and she followed with noa entendi, the lady began to rattle in Portugese and I rattled back in Americano and she soon got my message of if you noa entendi, I noa entendi.(rotflmbo).
I was just trying to tell her listen for a moment and you will entendo as will, what's with this automatic "Noa Entendi", hell I know my portugese is bad, yet is it really that bad?
I think the reply Noa entendi is a birthright. ....for it a easy scapegoat out of answering anything...it's like the Americano "You Know What I am Saying" or "My Bad" etc...
We reached a common ground for the lady had a cell phone and no translator(imagine that) yet she could Whatsapp and Facebook (imagine that) lol).
We found common ground she could not do a simulation for a Savings Account only for Checking (Lordy Be) the lady then directed me back to the Main Office to Open a Checking Account. (Working Hard at Nothing and Going in Circles)lol/kkk
I pulled the old man card and was seen about 30 minutes later.
Once I spoke with the new lady, she requested the documents I opened the Savings Account with (by now was like you have the originals in a file here at this office).
I took the High Road and produced the documents to help the old gurl out, the lady then asked for my CPF and I was like you have my records on the Computer on your desk on the screen (lmao) I produced CPF and PR cards,the lady then asked for proof of income, yup yo boy had that to, the lady disappeared and reappeared to state she would be happy to open a Checking Account as soon as the Bank can Verify my Income.
Hope they send the Verification Letter in "Americano"......
Today was a good day a few poops and grins....smh
I may have a Checking Account by June or July 4th....lmbo
If the "she" sounds sexist I am not trying to be, I just don't know what to call bank employees????
I could think of some names yet I am a guest here in Beautiful Banking Brasil.....

Texanbrazil wrote:I vote.....Alaska Wild Rose
Big Tex, I went with Essence of Polar Bear (after a Walrus Liver Sammich) and Ode PoleCat....ouch...lol, the Skunk left...
I was asked to return to the bank another day and to bring a guardian...smh..
AB3 never made it to the gym today, I wore yesterday's gym wear.....I did change one thingy...lmbo....and yes I showered after....lol/kkkkkkkkk,kkkkkkkkkkkķkkkkkkkk

Alascana wrote:Texanbrazil wrote:I vote.....Alaska Wild Rose
Big Tex, I went with Essence of Polar Bear (after a Walrus Liver Sammich) and Ode PoleCat....ouch...lol, the Skunk left...
I was asked to return to the bank another day and to bring a guardian...smh..
AB3 never made it to the gym today, I wore yesterday's gym wear.....I did change one thingy...lmbo....and yes I showered after....lol/kkkkkkkkk,kkkkkkkkkkkķkkkkkkkk
It looks like you should bring flash cards in Portuguese with you to express what you want!
You use Google Tradutor from English to Portuguese and write them down on 'em cards.
Then you should come in with a 5day used gym socks . Take of your shoes as you´re in front of that lady to dissipate the "chulé."
If you really want to ruffle her feathers, call her madame (pronounced
as "madam-eh." It´s an insult here in Brazil.

"Não entendí" is a very common expression used daily to let the other explain further
a statement or action or to just escape from the present situation or to simply IGNORE
Others which is almost automatic to let someone know they are not interested are words like:
não sei, vamos ver, caiu afora, não estou nem aí, quem sábe, se Deus quiser etc.

robal....are we playing "Jeopardy " I take the 2nd ......
"a statement or action or to just escape from the present situation or to simply IGNORE
That's my point, totally, the others are mute....entendo amigo....lol...kkk...

At least she was not rude to you. Other women that I´ve had an experience with from the supermarkets to the Correios were very disrespectful and rude when you express your dissatisfaction with their competence, lack of know how and lack of discipline to do their
job as they´re being paid.
You´ll develop immunity as time pass. Don´t be sorry as you become one while you stay
more in Brazil...
Alascana wrote:Texanbrazil wrote:I vote.....Alaska Wild Rose
AB3 never made it to the gym today, I wore yesterday's gym wear.....I did change one thingy...lmbo....and yes I showered after....lol/kkkkkkkkk,kkkkkkkkkkkķkkkkkkkk
We will change no gym gear before its time!
We will smell no gym gear before it's time.
Ode of Ox may have taken her back.
I am lucky, all's good at banks. Now what is the deal with employees following you in the stores when you say "apenas olhando"? Feel untrusted.

We will smell no gym gear nor change before it´s time! A good harvest for your bank...

robal, I'm good ...a friend told me when one turns 55 , one quits taking koko and starts giving back koko....lol....I'm 63 so I've given 8 years of koko flinging back..
I think I have entered my 2nd childhood and I'm on the playground with future banker, I yell ante up and he thinks I say camisinha up and that's when the fight starts so I whip the snot out him or her, I'm a equal opportunity guy (lol) I meet him or her later in life and secure the monies.
I don't call the people out, I just expect them to do there job.
I think there mesmerized for I am maybe the first NAG the person has met and I won't be the rude gringo, just be right as the gringo....point is " I pay the person's salary as a member or being provided a service and I expect service"..my hide is tuff for I see the only return to the states is in a tiny box if customs will let the ashes through (kkk/lol)
Brasil is my home now and I assimilate well... my prior training was in Belem and what a frickn Zoo..
Just waiting on my approval....

Texanbrazil wrote:We will smell no gym gear before it's time.
Ode of Ox may have taken her back.
I am lucky, all's good at banks. Now what is the deal with employees following you in the stores when you say "apenas olhando"? Feel untrusted.
I just start speaking Americano and they Run far,far away....it also gets rid of beggars and Propoganda folks...works like a charm....so I follow up with good morning ,how are you and I get the noa entendi glare and I finally let the person off the hook with the proper bom dia, como vc and the obligatory Thank you and exit stage left....lol
Might as well have some fun with the Happy Brasileiro's.....smh...the Bank will be fine in time, I will wear them down....and Conquer the ?????,,
Man Alaska is bigger. Even use words like "assimilate"! Can you picture Texan saying that word in public? It sure would be come out like I said something nasty!
Awh your just an big ole Kodiak bear cub,
I get "That's just the way we do it". I say it only takes one to begin a small change, stop speaking loud, I can still hear,
Boa sorte Bear Cub

One of these days, Kodiak bear cub would purport how he deals with his own vicissitudes
In Brazil. That would be the time when I quit
Brazil and go to Timbuktu! LOL!

robal wrote:One of these days, Kodiak bear cub would purport how he deals with his own vicissitudes
In Brazil. That would be the time when I quit
Brazil and go to Timbuktu! LOL!
Okay let me brake it down to you (kkk)...lmbo
Its a "Wild West Show" featuring a unannounced "Rider"..smh..have you thought of Borneo.....or Anartica....I mean John Carey was there....lol,kkk
Now What is a "Line Of Credit" .........
I take 25mg of Vitamin V, eat something and take the other 25mg to vasilate....rotflmbo..
Line of credit is a loan with high interest rate. Normally not a large amount at first. I see it in my account but never explored such.
The V vitamin seems not to last that long in the system. It is a fast form of vicissitudes.

Got the memo, interest is a joke in my "Economic Studies" at 63 years of age, I just buy the "Death Rider/"...lol.
So I'm on my way to Las Vegas one day to check on a corralled Philly , so the guy sitting next to me was a "Pfizer Rep " he shares all vitamin "V""C" and "L" keeps for 36 hours,in the body, just w8n for time to be asked to work and no his name was not "Bob"...smh....he takes it to lift weights , buffed guy he was, said he was going to a "Vassislating" party whatever that is...rotflmbo. ..he slipped me a 100mg and Los Wages was a giddyup moments....jus braggin....kkk=lol
Not worried about the interest for I pay all off early, I'm a principal guy, every spare penny "Pay Principle".....
I'm about "Dat Money" : Live today Pay 2morrow: ...
Oh and the Rep said it all has the same side effects, backache,headache, heartache and neckache. I love aches with no pain...
...I guess those are the aches, all I know is the way I smoke,drink,like fried foods,easy on the salt, it keeps the heart pumping and the pipes clean....smh..
I was thinking at cremation burn the money with me...smh
"I was thinking at cremation burn the money with me...smh"
I am sure they will burn the money with you and not even think of keeping such.
Did you take your vitamin before going to bank? May have help with service!

Texanbrazil wrote:"I was thinking at cremation burn the money with me...smh"
I am sure they will burn the money with you and not even think of keeping such.
Did you take your vitamin before going to bank? May have help with service!
My thingy is "as needed" the old scrip read "Once a day 100mg" so I cut back to 50 every other day..lol.... iit killed my faith in physicians. Renewed my faith in Womankind. ....
My Lady.👄says she'll make sure the money gets burned, God Bless Brasilaria's...rotflmbo
I treat it like banking if I need cash I go to the bank...smh
The way the people dress @ the bank no reason for vitamins, I am not sure if I am at the bank or a Victoria Secret Closet warehouse, and another thingy it's cold as a well diggers arse and everyone is with the look at my tattoo, and wearing mini dresses and yoga workout gear..and heels stilettos. God Bless Brasil and her Banks....I thank God for Spandex.....
I be like Heavens to Mergatrod....with a 36 hour life I am allways at the bank unspent of course.
I do remind them I am there to either deposit or withdraw, so after my surgery withdrawals became antiquated and with my card I withdraw, I go inside to make deposits. .....
I am going to recommend a "Dress Code".....I'll make a deposit in the suggestion box...
I was thinking of paying cash for the land and custom building the house that's why I asked about the "Line of Credit" the bank lends for land also, yet not for construction materials....gotta tweak that thought..

"I was thinking of paying cash for the land and custom building the house that's why I asked about the "Line of Credit" the bank lends for land also, yet not for construction materials....gotta tweak that thought"..
What? If you opt for a high "consorcio credit" you should be able to cover the land and construction. Some consorcio at some establishments even let you utilize 30% of your
consorcio´s credit amount for the downpayment if you make a "lance" or bid. Are you sure your bank does not finance construction materials? Only the land or an already
constructed house or apartment?

robal wrote:"I was thinking of paying cash for the land and custom building the house that's why I asked about the "Line of Credit" the bank lends for land also, yet not for construction materials....gotta tweak that thought"..
What? If you opt for a high "consorcio credit" you should be able to cover the land and construction. Some consorcio at some establishments even let you utilize 30% of your
consorcio´s credit amount for the downpayment if you make a "lance" or bid. Are you sure your bank does not finance construction materials? Only the land or an already
constructed house or apartment?
Okay I think I got it (talvez/maybe) I will look at the one simulation I got from Bradesco....
Okay the Horse is not dead.....I am still feeding and watering the dangone thingy.
Does Anyone have a "Direct Deposit or Allotment " from the USA to a bank in Brasil?
Does the Bank Convert the US Deposit or Allotment to Reals?
My Pension comes from OPM and SSI , anyone know of Problems with either agency direct depositing funds to a Brazilian Account or Bank...
I am not talking about "Wire" I am talking about "Swift"...
Thanks in Advance...I only want to send a portion of my monthly monies as I choose to keep my account in Alaska open ..
My money comes through SWIFT - I don't think anything really comes by "wire" anymore. ( If I've used that term before, it's cuz I'm, you know, OLD.) Yes, it all is converted to reais: I don't think you can have a Brazilian bank account in foreign currency.
SSA will definitely deposit your check in a Brazilian bank, if you want it to. Not familiar with the other organization you mention.
Like you, I don't want my whole income to come here and be in reais, so I have a set amount transferred every month by my US bank.

SWIFT is just a code used by the member banks to transmit financial transactions. Each bank has their own code.
Alascana, OPM (Office of Personnel Management) does not direct deposit pensions to foreign banks (YET) whether SSRS or FERS annuity. SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
also does not because you cannot live overseas if you receive that.
Better to keep your accounts in the US and just let your bank automatically send a portion of your monies to your bank in Brazil...

AB3, that ride scores 10...Thank you very much, muito obrigado. ...kkk/lol
The Primo (Cousin) of SSI is the "Office of Personnel Management " ...I did read today that they can do allotments....
Now if only I can get the Banks to Cooperate. ...I know I'll talk to the lady in the stilettos and mini skirt.....omgawd...
And "Teflon Don" is no feliz with OPM (not happy/ see I can assimilate /smh) The President is changing the Director....that's the New Side Show....lol

robal, I get it , so my bank will cut the allotment or wire using the SWIFT?....

Exactly. You should set up with them a monthly amount that they will send automatically....
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